Research Article
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Effect of Irrigation Waters in Different Salinity Levels on Energy Use Efficiency of Broccoli Plant Grown in Greenhouse

Year 2018, , 100 - 108, 06.05.2018


study was carried out in a quonset type plastic covered unheated greenhouse on
the lands of Atatürk Soil Water and Agricultural Meteorology Institute in
Kırklareli. In the study, the effect of different salinity and water levels
which were applied to broccoli plant, irrigated by drip irrigation in
greenhouse, on energy use efficiency was evaluated and the optimum irrigation
application was determined. In the research,
‘Ksonat F1’ type broccoli was grown
as plant material. The trial was carried out on 36 parcels with three
repetitions according to split parcels trial design and four different
irrigation water salinity levels were on main parcels and three irrigation
levels were on sub parcels. According to the results, the best result was
obtained from T1S2 subject in terms of energy use efficiency. Energy
output/input ratio, energy productivity and specific energy were found as 1.00,
0.54 kg/MJ and 1.86 MJ/kg from T1S2 subject, respectively. The salinity level
was 0.38 ds/m on T1 subject and it was concluded that the optimum method should
be on low salinity level and the irrigation water application should be on the
level in order to bring the current moisture level to the field capacity


  • Anonim, 2015. TR63 Bölgesi Seracılık (Örtü Altı Bitki Yetiştiriciliği) Sektör Raporu. DOĞAKA. T.C. Doğu Akdeniz Kalkınma Ajansı.
  • Anonim, 2017a. (erişim tarihi: 15.08.2017).
  • Anonim, 2017b. (erişim tarihi: 15.11.2017)
  • Baran, M.F., Gökdoğan, O. ve Oğuz, H.İ. 2016. Determining the energy usage efficiency of walnut (Juglans Regia L.) cultivation in Turkey. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 59(1): 77-82, DOI: 10.1007/s10341-016-0301-y.
  • Bilgili, E. 2012. Limon üretiminde enerji kullanım etkinliğinin belirlenmesi: Adana ili örneği. Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi, 8(2): 199-203.
  • Çanakçı, M., Akıncı, I. 2006. Energy use pattern analyses of greenhouse vegetable production. Energy, 31: 1243-1256.
  • Darijani, F., Veisi, H., Khoshbakht, K., Liaghati, H., Alipour, A. 2012. An input-output energy analysis in intensive agro-ecosystems: a case study of greenhouse cucumber production in Varamin county of Tehran province, Iran. Environmental Sciences, 10(1): 79-90.
  • De, D., Singh, S., Chandra, H. 2001. Technological impact on energy consumption in rain fed soybean cultivation in Madhya Pradesh. Applied Energy, 70: 193-213.
  • Ekinci, K., Akbolat, D., Demircan, V., Ekinci, Ç. 2005. Isparta ili elma üretiminde enerji kullanım etkinliğinin belirlenmesi. 3. Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları Sempozyumu, 19-21 Ekim, Mersin.
  • Ibrahim, H.Y. 2011. Energy use pattern in vegetable production under fadama in north central Nigeria. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems,14(2011): 1019-1024.
  • Jadidi, M.R., Sabuni, M.S., Homayounifar, M., Mohammadi, A. 2012. Assessment of energy use pattern for tomato production in Iran: A case study from the Marand region. Res. Agr. Eng., 58(2): 50-56.
  • Kuswardhani, N., Soni, P., Shivakoti, G.P. 2013. Comparative energy inputeoutput and financial analyses of greenhouse and open field vegetables production in West Java, Indonesia. Energy, 53(2013): 83-92.
  • Mandal, K.G., Saha, K.P., Gosh, P.L., Hati, K.M., Bandyopadhyay, K.K. 2002. Bioenergy and economic analyses of soybean based crop production systems in central India. Biomass & Bioenergy, 23: 337-345.
  • Mihov, M., Antonova, G. 2009. Energy assessment of monoculture and intercropping growing systems of broccoli. Proceedings of International Conference “Soil tillage and ecology”, 1-5 September 2009, Albena, Bulgaria, pp. 190-195.
  • Mihov, M., Tringovska, I. 2010. Energy efficiency improvement of greenhouse tomato production by applying new biofertilizers. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 16(4): 454-458.
  • Mihov, M., Antonova, G., Mihov, K. 2013. Energy assessment of new broccoli variety. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19(5): 1056-1060.
  • Mirasi, A., Samadi, M., Rabiee, A.H. 2015. An analytical method to survey the energy input-output and emissions of greenhouse gases from wheat and tomato farms in Iran. Biological Forum, 7(1): 52-58.
  • Monjezi, N., Sheikhdavoodi, M.J., Taki, M. 2011. Energy use pattern and optimization of energy consumption for greenhouse cucumber production in Iran using data envelopment analysis (DEA). Modern Applied Science, 5(6): 139-151.
  • Ozkan, B., Kurklu, A., Akcaoz, H. 2004. An input–output energy analysis in greenhouse vegetable production:a case study for Antalya region of Turkey. Biomass and Bioenergy, 26(2004): 88-95.
  • Pahlavan, R., Omid, M., Akram, A. 2011. Modeling and sensivity analysis of energy inputs for greenhouse cucumber production. Journal of Agricultural Technology, 7(6): 1509-1521.
  • Rafiee, S., Seyed, H., Mousavi, A., Ali, M. 2010. Modeling and sensivity analysis of energy inputs for apple production in Iran. Energy, 35: 3301-3306.
  • Razavinia, B., Fallah, H., Niknejad, Y. 2015. Energy efficiency and economic analysis of winter caltivation (lettuce, bersim clover, broad bean) in Mazandaran province of Iran. Biological Forum, 7(1): 1452-1460.
  • Rezvani Moghaddam, P., Feizi, H., Mondani, F. 2011. Evaluation of tomato production systems in terms of energy use efficiency and economical analysis in Iran. Nor Sci Biol, 3(4): 58-65.
  • Singh, J.M. 2002. On farm energy use pattern in different cropping systems in Haryana, India. International Institute of Management University of Flensburg. Sustainable Energy Systems and Management. Master of Science, Germany.
  • Taki, M., Ajabshirchi, Y., Mobtaker, H.G., Abdi, R. 2012. Energy consumption, input-output relationship and cost analysis for greenhouse productions in Esfahan province of Iran. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2(3): 485-501.
  • TÜİK, 2013. İstatistik Göstergeler. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Ankara.
  • Yaldız, O., Öztürk, H.H., Zeren, Y., Başçetinçelik, A. 1993. Energy usage in production of field crops in Turkey. 5th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture. Kuşadası, 11-14 Ekim, s: 527-536.
  • Yurtseven, E., Öztürk, H., Demir, K. ve Kasım, M.U. 2001. Sulama suyu tuzluluğunun tınlı toprakta profil tuzluluğuna etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(3): 1-8.

Farklı Tuzluluk Düzeyindeki Sulama Sularının Örtü Altında Yetiştirilen Brokoli Bitkisinin Enerji Kullanım Etkinliği Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2018, , 100 - 108, 06.05.2018


Bu çalışma, Kırklareli ilinde Atatürk Toprak Su
ve Tarımsal Meteoroloji Araştırma Enstitüsü arazisine kurulan plastik örtülü,
yay çatılı sera tesisinde yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada, örtü altında yetiştirilen
ve damla sulama yöntemiyle sulanan brokoli bitkisine uygulanan farklı tuzluluk
ve su düzeylerinin enerji kullanım etkinliği üzerine etkisi değerlendirilmiş ve
en uygun sulama uygulaması belirlenmiştir.
Araştırmada bitki materyali olarak ‘Ksonat F1’
brokoli yetiştirilmiştir. Deneme, dört farklı sulama suyu tuzluluğu ana
parsellerde ve üç sulama düzeyi alt parsellerde olmak üzere üç tekerrürlü
olarak bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre toplam 36 adet parselde
Elde edilen sonuçlara
göre, enerji kullanım etkinliği yönünden en iyi sonuç T1S2 konusundan elde
edilmiştir. E
nerji çıktı/girdi oranı T1S2 konusunda 1.00,
enerji verimliliği 0.54kg/MJ, spesifik enerji 1.86 MJ/kg olarak bulunmuştur.
T1 konusunda tuzluluk seviyesi 0.38 ds/m olup, düşük
tuzluluk seviyesinde, p
mevcut nem düzeyini tarla kapasitesine getirecek düzeyde sulama suyu
uygulamasının en uygun yöntem olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Anonim, 2015. TR63 Bölgesi Seracılık (Örtü Altı Bitki Yetiştiriciliği) Sektör Raporu. DOĞAKA. T.C. Doğu Akdeniz Kalkınma Ajansı.
  • Anonim, 2017a. (erişim tarihi: 15.08.2017).
  • Anonim, 2017b. (erişim tarihi: 15.11.2017)
  • Baran, M.F., Gökdoğan, O. ve Oğuz, H.İ. 2016. Determining the energy usage efficiency of walnut (Juglans Regia L.) cultivation in Turkey. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 59(1): 77-82, DOI: 10.1007/s10341-016-0301-y.
  • Bilgili, E. 2012. Limon üretiminde enerji kullanım etkinliğinin belirlenmesi: Adana ili örneği. Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi, 8(2): 199-203.
  • Çanakçı, M., Akıncı, I. 2006. Energy use pattern analyses of greenhouse vegetable production. Energy, 31: 1243-1256.
  • Darijani, F., Veisi, H., Khoshbakht, K., Liaghati, H., Alipour, A. 2012. An input-output energy analysis in intensive agro-ecosystems: a case study of greenhouse cucumber production in Varamin county of Tehran province, Iran. Environmental Sciences, 10(1): 79-90.
  • De, D., Singh, S., Chandra, H. 2001. Technological impact on energy consumption in rain fed soybean cultivation in Madhya Pradesh. Applied Energy, 70: 193-213.
  • Ekinci, K., Akbolat, D., Demircan, V., Ekinci, Ç. 2005. Isparta ili elma üretiminde enerji kullanım etkinliğinin belirlenmesi. 3. Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları Sempozyumu, 19-21 Ekim, Mersin.
  • Ibrahim, H.Y. 2011. Energy use pattern in vegetable production under fadama in north central Nigeria. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems,14(2011): 1019-1024.
  • Jadidi, M.R., Sabuni, M.S., Homayounifar, M., Mohammadi, A. 2012. Assessment of energy use pattern for tomato production in Iran: A case study from the Marand region. Res. Agr. Eng., 58(2): 50-56.
  • Kuswardhani, N., Soni, P., Shivakoti, G.P. 2013. Comparative energy inputeoutput and financial analyses of greenhouse and open field vegetables production in West Java, Indonesia. Energy, 53(2013): 83-92.
  • Mandal, K.G., Saha, K.P., Gosh, P.L., Hati, K.M., Bandyopadhyay, K.K. 2002. Bioenergy and economic analyses of soybean based crop production systems in central India. Biomass & Bioenergy, 23: 337-345.
  • Mihov, M., Antonova, G. 2009. Energy assessment of monoculture and intercropping growing systems of broccoli. Proceedings of International Conference “Soil tillage and ecology”, 1-5 September 2009, Albena, Bulgaria, pp. 190-195.
  • Mihov, M., Tringovska, I. 2010. Energy efficiency improvement of greenhouse tomato production by applying new biofertilizers. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 16(4): 454-458.
  • Mihov, M., Antonova, G., Mihov, K. 2013. Energy assessment of new broccoli variety. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19(5): 1056-1060.
  • Mirasi, A., Samadi, M., Rabiee, A.H. 2015. An analytical method to survey the energy input-output and emissions of greenhouse gases from wheat and tomato farms in Iran. Biological Forum, 7(1): 52-58.
  • Monjezi, N., Sheikhdavoodi, M.J., Taki, M. 2011. Energy use pattern and optimization of energy consumption for greenhouse cucumber production in Iran using data envelopment analysis (DEA). Modern Applied Science, 5(6): 139-151.
  • Ozkan, B., Kurklu, A., Akcaoz, H. 2004. An input–output energy analysis in greenhouse vegetable production:a case study for Antalya region of Turkey. Biomass and Bioenergy, 26(2004): 88-95.
  • Pahlavan, R., Omid, M., Akram, A. 2011. Modeling and sensivity analysis of energy inputs for greenhouse cucumber production. Journal of Agricultural Technology, 7(6): 1509-1521.
  • Rafiee, S., Seyed, H., Mousavi, A., Ali, M. 2010. Modeling and sensivity analysis of energy inputs for apple production in Iran. Energy, 35: 3301-3306.
  • Razavinia, B., Fallah, H., Niknejad, Y. 2015. Energy efficiency and economic analysis of winter caltivation (lettuce, bersim clover, broad bean) in Mazandaran province of Iran. Biological Forum, 7(1): 1452-1460.
  • Rezvani Moghaddam, P., Feizi, H., Mondani, F. 2011. Evaluation of tomato production systems in terms of energy use efficiency and economical analysis in Iran. Nor Sci Biol, 3(4): 58-65.
  • Singh, J.M. 2002. On farm energy use pattern in different cropping systems in Haryana, India. International Institute of Management University of Flensburg. Sustainable Energy Systems and Management. Master of Science, Germany.
  • Taki, M., Ajabshirchi, Y., Mobtaker, H.G., Abdi, R. 2012. Energy consumption, input-output relationship and cost analysis for greenhouse productions in Esfahan province of Iran. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 2(3): 485-501.
  • TÜİK, 2013. İstatistik Göstergeler. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Ankara.
  • Yaldız, O., Öztürk, H.H., Zeren, Y., Başçetinçelik, A. 1993. Energy usage in production of field crops in Turkey. 5th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture. Kuşadası, 11-14 Ekim, s: 527-536.
  • Yurtseven, E., Öztürk, H., Demir, K. ve Kasım, M.U. 2001. Sulama suyu tuzluluğunun tınlı toprakta profil tuzluluğuna etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(3): 1-8.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Ulviye Kamburoğlu Çebi

Başak Aydın This is me

Selçuk Özer This is me

Süreyya Altıntaş This is me

Ozan Öztürk This is me

Publication Date May 6, 2018
Submission Date November 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Kamburoğlu Çebi, U., Aydın, B., Özer, S., Altıntaş, S., et al. (2018). Farklı Tuzluluk Düzeyindeki Sulama Sularının Örtü Altında Yetiştirilen Brokoli Bitkisinin Enerji Kullanım Etkinliği Üzerine Etkisi. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 5(2), 100-108.