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Günlük Bıldırcın Civcivlerinde Maternal Hipoksiyanın Uyardığı Çift Yönlü Morfolojik Özelliklerin Gelişme Stabilitesi ve Civciv Gelişimi Üzerine İn Ovo Enjeksiyon Aracılığı ile Antioksidanların Etkileri

Year 2018, , 285 - 290, 26.07.2018


çalışma, yüksek rakımda yumurtlayan damızlık bıldırcınlara ait kuluçkalanan
yumurtaların farklı embriyonik keselere, maternal etkilere dayalı
uygulamalardan biri olan in ovo (IO) aracılığı ile enjekte edilen
antioksidanların civciv gelişimi ve çift yönlü morfolojik özelliklerin gelişim
stabilitesi üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmayı amaçlamıştır. Yüksek rakımda
(1720 m) 120 günlük yaştaki 40 damızlık bıldırcından 7 gün boyunca elde edilen
toplam 180 adet kuluçkalık yumurta rasgele
(KONT), IO alfa tokoferol (
α-TO) ve IO askorbik asid (AA) olacak şekilde 3 gruba ayrılmıştır.
Kontrol grubu için 60 adet yumurtaya enjeksiyon işlemi uygulanmamıştır.
Enjeksiyon gruplarına aktarılan 120 yumurtanın ilk 60 adedine kuluçkanın 120.
saatinde yumurta başına
3.75 mg α-TO
olacak şekilde
µl vitamin E içeren bir solüsyon sarı keseye; geriye kalan 60 adet yumurtaya
kuluçkanın 360. saatinde yumurta başına 2.5 mg AA
olacak şekilde 25 µl AA içeren bir solüsyon embriyonun amniyon kesesine enjekte
edilmiştir. Çıkışta, civciv ağırlığı, organ ağırlıkları ile civciv uzunluğu,
sağ ve sol olacak şekilde yüz, orta parmak ve incik uzunlukları ölçülmüştür. Bu
çift yanlı özelliklere ait oransal asimetri (OA) değerleri hesaplanmıştır. IO
uygulamanın civciv, yüz ve orta parmak uzunluğu ve civciv ağırlığı, oransal
karaciğer, kalp ve beyin ağırlıkları üzerine etkisi önemsiz saptanmıştır. İncik
uzunluğu AA grupta artarken, α-TO grupta azalmıştır.
KONT gruba göre orta parmak uzunluğunun OA değeri AA grupta yüksek, α-TO
grupta düşük bulunmuştur.  İncik
uzunluğunun OA değeri AA grupta diğer gruplardan farklı olarak en yüksek
düzeyde elde edilmiştir. İncelenen uzunlukların ortalama OA değeri AA grupta
KONT’den daha yüksek, α-TO grupta daha düşük saptanmıştır. Sarı kese ağırlığı AA
gruba göre KONT ve α-TO
gruplarda önemli düzeyde düşük saptanmıştır.
+ taşlık ağırlığı AA grupta düşük, α-TO
grupta daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Günlük yaştaki
bıldırcın civcivlerinin bazı gelişim özellikleri ile birlikte çift yanlı
morfolojik özelliklerin gelişim stabilitesi üzerine hipoksiyaya bağlı stresin
olumsuz etkilerini ortadan kaldırmak için bir yöntem olarak kullanılan embriyonik
keselere antioksidanların enjeksiyonu antioksidanın çeşidine bağlı olarak
etkiler ortaya koyabilmektedir. 


  • Babacanoğlu, E., Güler, H.C. 2018. High temperature and oxygen supplementation can mitigate the effects of hypoxia on developmental stability of bilateral traits during incubation of broiler breeder eggs. Animal, Doi: 10.1017/S1751731118000344. 1-10.
  • Babacanoğlu, E., Karageçili, M.R., Karadaş, F. 2018. Effects of egg weight and in ovo injection of α-tocopherol on chick development, hatching performance, and lipid-soluble antioxidant concentrations in quail chick tissues. Archiv Fuer Tierzucht, 61(2): 179.
  • Babacanoğlu, E., Özelçam, H.Ö. 2013. Kanatlılarda maternal antioksidanların embriyo gelişimi için önemi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(1): 36-42.
  • Babacanoğlu, E., Yalçın, S. 2014. Hormone-mediated maternal stress affects embryonic development during incubation without adverse effect on chick weight and body composition. British Poultry Science, 55: 186-193.
  • Babacanoğlu, E., Yalçın, S. 2015. Effect of maternal stress on relative asymmetry and fear behaviour of broilers reared under harsh environmental conditions. Proceedings of the 3th International Poultry Meat Congress, 22-26 Nisan 2015, Antalya, Turkey, 386-390.
  • Beall, C.M. 2006. Andean, Tibetan, and Ethiopian patterns of adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia. Integr. Comp. Biol., 46(1): 18-24. doi: 10.1093/icb/icj004 [PubMed].
  • Bottje, W G., Wideman, R.F. 1995. Potential role of free radicals in the pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension syndrome. Poultry and Avian Biology Reviews, 6, 211-231.
  • Carr, A., Frei, B. 1999. Does vitamin C act as a pro-oxidant under physiological conditions? The FASEB Journal, 13(9): 1007-1024. Cotelle, P., Cotelle, N., Teissier, E., Vezin, H. 2003. Synthesis and antioxidant properties of a new lipophilic ascorbic acid analogue. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 11(6): 1087-1093.
  • Dzialowski, E.M.D, Von Plettenberg Elmonoufy, N.A., Burggren, W.W. 2002. Chronic hypoxia alters the physiological and morphological trajectories of developing chicken embryos. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, 131: 713-724.
  • Giordano, F.J. 2005. Oxygen, oxidative stress, hypoxia, and heart failure. The Journal of clinical investigation, 115(3): 500-508.
  • Giussani, D.A., Salinas, C. E., Villena, M., Blanco, C.E. 2007. The role of oxygen in pre hatch growth: studies in the chick embryo. J. Physiol. 585(3): 911-917.
  • Halliwell, B., Gutteridge, J. 1999. Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine (3rd ed., Oxford science publications). Oxford: New York: Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press 192-194.
  • Halliwell, B. 1994. Free radicals and antioxidants: a personal view. Nutr. Rev., 52: 253-265.
  • Hill, D. 2001. Chick length uniformity profiles as a field measurement of chick quality. Avian Poult. Biol. Rev. 12: 188.
  • Hossain, S.M., Barreto, S.L., Bertechini, A.G., Rios, A.M., Silva, C.G. 1998. Influence of dietary Vitamin E level on egg production of broiler breeders, and on the growth and immune response of progeny in comparison with the progeny from eggs injected with Vitamin E. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 73: 307-317.
  • Khajali, F., Wideman, R.F. 2016. Nutritional approaches to ameliorate pulmonary hypertension in broiler chickens. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 100(1): 3-14.
  • Knierim, U., Van Dongen, S., Forkman, B., Tuyttens, F.A.M., Špinka, M., Campo, J.L., Weissengruber, G.E. 2007. Fluctuating asymmetry as an animal welfare indicator—A review of methodology and validity. Physiology & Behavior, 92(3): 398-421.
  • Lourens, A., Van den Brand, H., Heetkamp, M.J.W., Meijerhof, R., Kemp, B. 2007. Effects of eggshell temperature and oxygen concentration on embryo growth and metabolism during incubation. Poultry Science, 86: 2194-2199.
  • Sas, Institute Inc. 2007. SAS for Windows Release, 8, NC, USA.
  • Surai, P.F., Noble, R.C., Speake, B.K. 1996. Tissue-specific differences in antioxidant distribution and susceptibility to lipid peroxidation during development of the chick embryo. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Lipids and Lipid Metabolism, 1304: 1-10.
  • Surai, P.F. 1999. Tissue-specific changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes during the development of the chicken embryo. British Poultry Science, 40: 397-405.
  • Surai, P.F. 2002. Natural Antioxidants in Avian Nutrition and Reproduction. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK. Uni, Z., Ferket, P.R., Tako, E., Kedar, O. 2005. In ovo feeding improves energy status of late-term Chicken Embryos. Poultry Science, 84: 764-770.
  • Wideman, R. F., Rhoads, D. D., Erf, G. F. and Anthony, N. B. 2013. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH, ascites syndrome) in broilers: a review. Poultry Science, 92:64–83.
  • Yang, A., Dunnington, E.A., Siegel, P.B. 1997. Developmental stability in stocks of White Leghorn chickens. Poultry Science, 76: 1632-1636.
  • Yew, M.S. 1985. Biosynthesis of ascorbic acid in chick embryos. Experientia, 41: 943-944.
  • Zhang, H., Elliott, K.E.C., Durojaye, O.A., Fatemi, S.A., Peebles, E.D. 2018. Effects of in ovo administration of L-ascorbic acid on broiler hatchability and its influence on the effects of pre-placement holding time on broiler quality characteristics. Poultry Science, 97(6): 1941-1947.

Effects of Antioxidants Via In Ovo Injection on Chick Development and Developmental Stability of Bilateral Morphological Traits Induced Maternal Hypoxia in Daily Hatched Quail Chicks

Year 2018, , 285 - 290, 26.07.2018


The study aimed to investigate
of antioxidants via in ovo (IO) injection, one of the applications based on maternal effects,
to different sacs of embryonated eggs obtained from quail breeders laid at high
altitude on chick development and developmental stability of bilateral
morphological characteristics.
A total of 180 incubating eggs obtained for 7 days
from 40 females at 120 days-old at a 1720 m-altitude were randomly divided into
3 groups as control (CONT), IO alpha tocopherol (
α-TO) and IO ascorbic
acid (AA). Sixty eggs of the
was non- injection. The rest of
120 eggs
(60 eggs/group)
assigned to injection groups were injected
into yolk sac a 25 µl vitamin E solution
containing 3.75 mg α-TO by 120th hour of incubation, and amniotic sac a 25 μl solution containing 2.5 mg AA by 360th
hour of incubation.
At hatch,
chick weight, organ weights, and chick length, bilaterally lengths of face,
middle toe and shank were measured. Relative asymmetry (RA) of these traits
were calculated. The effect of IO
administration is insignificant on the lengths of chick, face and middle toe
and weights of chick, and relative liver, heart and brain. Whereas the s
hank length increased in the AA group, it decreased in the
α-TO group. The RA of
middle toe length was higher in the AA group and was lower in the α-TO group
than CONT.
The RA shank
length was found the highest in the AA group differently from other groups.

The mean RA of examined l
engths was the highest in
the AA group
and was the lowest in the α-TO group. The yolk sac weight was significantly
lower in the CONT and α-TO groups than AA group.
Proventriculus + gizzard
weight was the lowest in
AA group and was the highest in the α-TO group. Injected
antioxidants to embryonic sacs as a tool to eliminate the adverse effects of
on several
developmental traits and developmental stabiliy of bilateral morphological
traits can be resulted in antioxidant-specific in day-old quail chicks.


  • Babacanoğlu, E., Güler, H.C. 2018. High temperature and oxygen supplementation can mitigate the effects of hypoxia on developmental stability of bilateral traits during incubation of broiler breeder eggs. Animal, Doi: 10.1017/S1751731118000344. 1-10.
  • Babacanoğlu, E., Karageçili, M.R., Karadaş, F. 2018. Effects of egg weight and in ovo injection of α-tocopherol on chick development, hatching performance, and lipid-soluble antioxidant concentrations in quail chick tissues. Archiv Fuer Tierzucht, 61(2): 179.
  • Babacanoğlu, E., Özelçam, H.Ö. 2013. Kanatlılarda maternal antioksidanların embriyo gelişimi için önemi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(1): 36-42.
  • Babacanoğlu, E., Yalçın, S. 2014. Hormone-mediated maternal stress affects embryonic development during incubation without adverse effect on chick weight and body composition. British Poultry Science, 55: 186-193.
  • Babacanoğlu, E., Yalçın, S. 2015. Effect of maternal stress on relative asymmetry and fear behaviour of broilers reared under harsh environmental conditions. Proceedings of the 3th International Poultry Meat Congress, 22-26 Nisan 2015, Antalya, Turkey, 386-390.
  • Beall, C.M. 2006. Andean, Tibetan, and Ethiopian patterns of adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia. Integr. Comp. Biol., 46(1): 18-24. doi: 10.1093/icb/icj004 [PubMed].
  • Bottje, W G., Wideman, R.F. 1995. Potential role of free radicals in the pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension syndrome. Poultry and Avian Biology Reviews, 6, 211-231.
  • Carr, A., Frei, B. 1999. Does vitamin C act as a pro-oxidant under physiological conditions? The FASEB Journal, 13(9): 1007-1024. Cotelle, P., Cotelle, N., Teissier, E., Vezin, H. 2003. Synthesis and antioxidant properties of a new lipophilic ascorbic acid analogue. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 11(6): 1087-1093.
  • Dzialowski, E.M.D, Von Plettenberg Elmonoufy, N.A., Burggren, W.W. 2002. Chronic hypoxia alters the physiological and morphological trajectories of developing chicken embryos. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A, 131: 713-724.
  • Giordano, F.J. 2005. Oxygen, oxidative stress, hypoxia, and heart failure. The Journal of clinical investigation, 115(3): 500-508.
  • Giussani, D.A., Salinas, C. E., Villena, M., Blanco, C.E. 2007. The role of oxygen in pre hatch growth: studies in the chick embryo. J. Physiol. 585(3): 911-917.
  • Halliwell, B., Gutteridge, J. 1999. Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine (3rd ed., Oxford science publications). Oxford: New York: Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press 192-194.
  • Halliwell, B. 1994. Free radicals and antioxidants: a personal view. Nutr. Rev., 52: 253-265.
  • Hill, D. 2001. Chick length uniformity profiles as a field measurement of chick quality. Avian Poult. Biol. Rev. 12: 188.
  • Hossain, S.M., Barreto, S.L., Bertechini, A.G., Rios, A.M., Silva, C.G. 1998. Influence of dietary Vitamin E level on egg production of broiler breeders, and on the growth and immune response of progeny in comparison with the progeny from eggs injected with Vitamin E. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 73: 307-317.
  • Khajali, F., Wideman, R.F. 2016. Nutritional approaches to ameliorate pulmonary hypertension in broiler chickens. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 100(1): 3-14.
  • Knierim, U., Van Dongen, S., Forkman, B., Tuyttens, F.A.M., Špinka, M., Campo, J.L., Weissengruber, G.E. 2007. Fluctuating asymmetry as an animal welfare indicator—A review of methodology and validity. Physiology & Behavior, 92(3): 398-421.
  • Lourens, A., Van den Brand, H., Heetkamp, M.J.W., Meijerhof, R., Kemp, B. 2007. Effects of eggshell temperature and oxygen concentration on embryo growth and metabolism during incubation. Poultry Science, 86: 2194-2199.
  • Sas, Institute Inc. 2007. SAS for Windows Release, 8, NC, USA.
  • Surai, P.F., Noble, R.C., Speake, B.K. 1996. Tissue-specific differences in antioxidant distribution and susceptibility to lipid peroxidation during development of the chick embryo. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Lipids and Lipid Metabolism, 1304: 1-10.
  • Surai, P.F. 1999. Tissue-specific changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes during the development of the chicken embryo. British Poultry Science, 40: 397-405.
  • Surai, P.F. 2002. Natural Antioxidants in Avian Nutrition and Reproduction. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK. Uni, Z., Ferket, P.R., Tako, E., Kedar, O. 2005. In ovo feeding improves energy status of late-term Chicken Embryos. Poultry Science, 84: 764-770.
  • Wideman, R. F., Rhoads, D. D., Erf, G. F. and Anthony, N. B. 2013. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH, ascites syndrome) in broilers: a review. Poultry Science, 92:64–83.
  • Yang, A., Dunnington, E.A., Siegel, P.B. 1997. Developmental stability in stocks of White Leghorn chickens. Poultry Science, 76: 1632-1636.
  • Yew, M.S. 1985. Biosynthesis of ascorbic acid in chick embryos. Experientia, 41: 943-944.
  • Zhang, H., Elliott, K.E.C., Durojaye, O.A., Fatemi, S.A., Peebles, E.D. 2018. Effects of in ovo administration of L-ascorbic acid on broiler hatchability and its influence on the effects of pre-placement holding time on broiler quality characteristics. Poultry Science, 97(6): 1941-1947.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Elif Babacanoğlu

Publication Date July 26, 2018
Submission Date May 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Babacanoğlu, E. (2018). Effects of Antioxidants Via In Ovo Injection on Chick Development and Developmental Stability of Bilateral Morphological Traits Induced Maternal Hypoxia in Daily Hatched Quail Chicks. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 5(3), 285-290.