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Kuluçkalık Etlik Piliç Yumurtalarında Bazı Kalite Özellikleri Arasındaki İlişkiler

Year 2018, , 298 - 302, 26.07.2018


Bu araştırmada yumurta kalitesinin belirlenmesinde
kullanılan bazı özellikler arasındaki ilişkiler araştırılmıştır. Yumurta
ağırlığı (YA), yumurta boyu (YB), yumurta eni (YE) ve şekil indeksi (Şİ) bu
araştırmada incelenen özellikler olmuştur. Araştırmada orta yaşlı (39 hafta)
etlik damızlıklardan elde edilen 1920 yumurta kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın ilk
aşamasında bu yumurtalardaki YA, YB, YG değerleri ölçülmüş ve bu veriler
kullanılarak Şİ değerleri hesaplanmıştır. İkinci aşamada bu özellikler
arasındaki ilişkilerin belirlenmesi için varyasyon katsayıları, aralarındaki
korelasyon katsayıları ile regresyon denklemi hesaplanmıştır. Çalışılan
yumurtalarda YA 64.40 ± 0.04 g, YB 57.35 ± 1.31 mm ve YG 44.81 ± 0.61 mm ve Şİ
78.19 ± 0.10 olmuştur. YA ile YB ve YG arasında önemli (p < 0.05) seviyede
bir korelasyon olduğu belirlenmiştir (sırasıyla r = 0.582 ve 0.734). Buna
karşılık YA ile Şİ arasında yumurta eni ve yumurta boyuna benzer şekilde önemli
ve yüksek seviyede bir ilişki tespit edilmemiştir. Buna göre, yumurta
ağırlığını tahminde yumurta genişliğinin, yumurta boyu ve şekil indeksine göre
daha önemli bir değişken olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, yumurta boyu veya
şekil indeksi değeri yerine yumurta genişliği değeri kullanılarak yumurta
ağırlığının daha yüksek bir doğrulukla tahmin edilebileceği bulunmuştur
(sırasıyla 53.87%, 33.87% ve 0.08%).


  • Abanikannda, O.T.F., Olutogun, O., Leigh, A.O., Ajayi, LA. 2007. Statistical modeling of egg weight and egg dimensions in commerical layers. International Journal of Poultry Science, 6: 59-63.
  • Abiola, S.S., Meshioye, O.O., Oyerinde, B.O., Bamgbose, M.A. 2008. Effect of egg size on hatchability of broiler chicks. Archivos de Zootecnia, 57: 83-86.
  • Alkan, S., Karsli, T., Galic, A., Karabag, K. 2013. Determination of phenotypic correlations between internal and external quality traits of guinea fowl eggs. Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Kafkas University, 19: 861-867.
  • Anderson, K.E., Tharrington, J.B., Curtis, P.A., Jones, F.T. 2004. Shell characteristics of eggs from historic strains of single comb white leghorn chickens and relationship of egg shape to shell strength. International Journal of Poultry Science, 3: 17-19.
  • Aygun, A., Yetisir, R., 2010. The Relationship among egg quality characteristic of different hybrid layers to forced molting programs with and without feed withdrawal. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9: 710-715.
  • Duman, M., Sekeroglu, A., Yildirim, A., Eleroglu, H., Camci, O. 2016. Relation between egg shape index and egg quality characteristics. European Poultry Science, 80: 1-9.
  • Duzgunes, O., Kesici, T., Gurbuz, F. 1983. Statistical Methods. Ankara University Press, Ankara.
  • Elibol, O., Brake, J. 2008. Effect of egg weight and position relative to incubator fan on broiler hatchability and chick quality. Poultry Science, 87: 1913-1918.
  • Elibol, O., Turkoglu, M. 2014:. Embryo Development and Hatchery. Poultry Science (EDs M. Turkoglu and M. Sarica), Bey Ofset, pp. 200-206.
  • Hagger, C., Steiger-Stafl, D., Maguerat, C. 1986. Embryonic mortality in chicken eggs as influenced by egg weight and inbreeding. Poultry Science, 65: 812-814.
  • Huwaida, E.E., Sakin, M.A.I.Y., Elagib, H.A.A., Bakhiet, E., Dousa, B.M., Elamin, K.M. 2015. Effect of egg weight and egg shell thickness on hatchability and embryonic mortality of Cobb broiler breeder eggs. Global Journal of Animal Science Researches, 1: 186-190.
  • Kocabas, Z., Ozkan, M., Baspinar, E., 2013. Basic Biometry. Ankara University Press, Ankara.
  • Kirk, S., Emmans, G.C., Mc Donald, R., Arnot, D. 1980. Factors affecting the hatchability of eggs from broiler breeders. British Poultry Science, 21: 37-53.
  • Kul, S., Seker, I. 2004. Phenotypic correlations between some external and internal egg quality traits in the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). International Journal of Poultry Science, 3: 400-405.
  • Mc Daniel G.R., Roland D.A., Coleman M.A. 1978. The effect of egg shell quality on hatchability embryonic mortality. Poultry Science, 58: 10-13.
  • Meijerhof. R. 2009. The influence of incubation on chick quality and broiler performance. 20th Australia Poultry Science Symposium, 9-11 February, New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
  • Obike, M.O., Azu, K.E. 2012. Phenotypic correlations among body weight, external and internal egg quality traits of pearl and black strains of guinea fowl in a humid tropical environment. Journal of Animal Science Advances, 10: 857-864.
  • Rathert, T.C., Uckardes, F., Narinc, D., Aksoy, T., 2011. Comparison of principal component regression with the least square method in prediction of internal egg quality characteristics in Japanese quails. Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Kafkas University, 17: 687-692.
  • Reddy, P.M., Reddy, V.R., Reddy, C.V., Rap, S.P. 1979. Egg weight, shape index and hatchability in khaki Campbell duck egg. Indian Journal Poultry Science, 14: 26-31.
  • Rosa, P.S., Guidoni, A.L., Lima, I.L., Bersch, F.X.R. 2002. Effect of incubation temperature on hatching results of broiler breeders’ eggs classified by weight and hen age. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 31: 1011-1016.
  • Sarica, M., Erensayin, C. 2014. Poultry Products. Poultry Science (EDs M. Turkoglu and M. Sarica), Bey Ofset, pp. 89-138. SPSS, 2013. SPSS Release 22.0 Statistical packet program, SPSS for Windows. SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA.
  • Turkoglu, M., Sarica, M. 2014. Breeder Management. Poultry Science (EDs M. Turkoglu and M Sarica), Bey Ofset, pp. 344-350. Wilson, H.R. 1991. Interrelationships of egg size, chick size, posthatching growth and hatchability. World's Poultry Science Journal, 47: 5-20.

Relationships among Some Quality Characteristics in Broiler Hatching Eggs

Year 2018, , 298 - 302, 26.07.2018


Relation among some
parameters used for determining egg quality was studied in this research
. Egg weight (EW),
egg length (EL), egg width (EWd) and shape index (SI) was the studied
parameters.  A total of 1920 hatching
eggs which were obtained from middle-aged (39 week) broiler breeders were used.
In the first stage of this study, EW, EL, EWd were measured and SI values were
calculated from these parameters. Average EW was 64.40 ± 0.04 g, EL was 57.35 ±
1.31 mm, EWd was 44.81 ± 0.61 mm and SI was 78.19 ± 0.10 in eggs of this study.
In the second stage, coefficients of variation, correlation coefficients and
regression equations were calculated for determining of relations among these
parameters. Significant (p < 0.05) and significant correlation levels among
EW and EL and EWd were determined (r = 0.582 and 0.734, respectively).
Meanwhile, significant and high coefficient correlation among EW and SI was not
found (p > 0.05) like egg width and egg length. Meanwhile, it was determined
that egg width was more important variable than egg length and shape index for
estimation of egg weight. Also, it was found that egg weight value could be
estimated in higher accuracy by using egg width values instead of egg length
and shape index values.


  • Abanikannda, O.T.F., Olutogun, O., Leigh, A.O., Ajayi, LA. 2007. Statistical modeling of egg weight and egg dimensions in commerical layers. International Journal of Poultry Science, 6: 59-63.
  • Abiola, S.S., Meshioye, O.O., Oyerinde, B.O., Bamgbose, M.A. 2008. Effect of egg size on hatchability of broiler chicks. Archivos de Zootecnia, 57: 83-86.
  • Alkan, S., Karsli, T., Galic, A., Karabag, K. 2013. Determination of phenotypic correlations between internal and external quality traits of guinea fowl eggs. Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Kafkas University, 19: 861-867.
  • Anderson, K.E., Tharrington, J.B., Curtis, P.A., Jones, F.T. 2004. Shell characteristics of eggs from historic strains of single comb white leghorn chickens and relationship of egg shape to shell strength. International Journal of Poultry Science, 3: 17-19.
  • Aygun, A., Yetisir, R., 2010. The Relationship among egg quality characteristic of different hybrid layers to forced molting programs with and without feed withdrawal. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9: 710-715.
  • Duman, M., Sekeroglu, A., Yildirim, A., Eleroglu, H., Camci, O. 2016. Relation between egg shape index and egg quality characteristics. European Poultry Science, 80: 1-9.
  • Duzgunes, O., Kesici, T., Gurbuz, F. 1983. Statistical Methods. Ankara University Press, Ankara.
  • Elibol, O., Brake, J. 2008. Effect of egg weight and position relative to incubator fan on broiler hatchability and chick quality. Poultry Science, 87: 1913-1918.
  • Elibol, O., Turkoglu, M. 2014:. Embryo Development and Hatchery. Poultry Science (EDs M. Turkoglu and M. Sarica), Bey Ofset, pp. 200-206.
  • Hagger, C., Steiger-Stafl, D., Maguerat, C. 1986. Embryonic mortality in chicken eggs as influenced by egg weight and inbreeding. Poultry Science, 65: 812-814.
  • Huwaida, E.E., Sakin, M.A.I.Y., Elagib, H.A.A., Bakhiet, E., Dousa, B.M., Elamin, K.M. 2015. Effect of egg weight and egg shell thickness on hatchability and embryonic mortality of Cobb broiler breeder eggs. Global Journal of Animal Science Researches, 1: 186-190.
  • Kocabas, Z., Ozkan, M., Baspinar, E., 2013. Basic Biometry. Ankara University Press, Ankara.
  • Kirk, S., Emmans, G.C., Mc Donald, R., Arnot, D. 1980. Factors affecting the hatchability of eggs from broiler breeders. British Poultry Science, 21: 37-53.
  • Kul, S., Seker, I. 2004. Phenotypic correlations between some external and internal egg quality traits in the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). International Journal of Poultry Science, 3: 400-405.
  • Mc Daniel G.R., Roland D.A., Coleman M.A. 1978. The effect of egg shell quality on hatchability embryonic mortality. Poultry Science, 58: 10-13.
  • Meijerhof. R. 2009. The influence of incubation on chick quality and broiler performance. 20th Australia Poultry Science Symposium, 9-11 February, New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
  • Obike, M.O., Azu, K.E. 2012. Phenotypic correlations among body weight, external and internal egg quality traits of pearl and black strains of guinea fowl in a humid tropical environment. Journal of Animal Science Advances, 10: 857-864.
  • Rathert, T.C., Uckardes, F., Narinc, D., Aksoy, T., 2011. Comparison of principal component regression with the least square method in prediction of internal egg quality characteristics in Japanese quails. Journal of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Kafkas University, 17: 687-692.
  • Reddy, P.M., Reddy, V.R., Reddy, C.V., Rap, S.P. 1979. Egg weight, shape index and hatchability in khaki Campbell duck egg. Indian Journal Poultry Science, 14: 26-31.
  • Rosa, P.S., Guidoni, A.L., Lima, I.L., Bersch, F.X.R. 2002. Effect of incubation temperature on hatching results of broiler breeders’ eggs classified by weight and hen age. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science 31: 1011-1016.
  • Sarica, M., Erensayin, C. 2014. Poultry Products. Poultry Science (EDs M. Turkoglu and M. Sarica), Bey Ofset, pp. 89-138. SPSS, 2013. SPSS Release 22.0 Statistical packet program, SPSS for Windows. SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA.
  • Turkoglu, M., Sarica, M. 2014. Breeder Management. Poultry Science (EDs M. Turkoglu and M Sarica), Bey Ofset, pp. 344-350. Wilson, H.R. 1991. Interrelationships of egg size, chick size, posthatching growth and hatchability. World's Poultry Science Journal, 47: 5-20.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Nezih Okur

Sabri Arda Eratalar This is me

Ahmet Yaman This is me

Publication Date July 26, 2018
Submission Date November 9, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Okur, N., Eratalar, S. A., & Yaman, A. (2018). Relationships among Some Quality Characteristics in Broiler Hatching Eggs. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 5(3), 298-302.