Research Article
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Investigating Combination and Individual Impact of Phosphorus and Humic Acid on Yield of Wheat and Some Soil Properties

Year 2018, , 492 - 500, 18.10.2018


In order to evaluate the effect of different levels of Phosphorous (P)
alone and in combination with Humic acid (HA) on the yield and P accumulation
by wheat(TriticumaestivumL,
CV Fakhr-e-Sarhad)., a field experiment was carried out at agriculture research
station of Swabi, Pakistan during 2016-2017. A total of eight treatments
replicated four times were arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)
in the field. Two levels of HA including control
(H0: control and H1: 500 g ha-1) and
four levels of P (P2O5) including control as Single Super
Phosphate (SSP)   (P0: control, P1: 60 kg
ha-1, P2: 90 kg ha-1, and P3: 150 kg ha-1)
were utilized.
; Size of each plot was kept to 5x4
m. Addition of different levels of SSP alone and in combination with HA
significantly (P<0.05) improved straw, grain and total wheat yield over
control. HA in combination with 60 and 90 kg P2O5 ha-1
improved the grain yield by 22.4 and 6.5 % respectively as compared to the same
amount of fertilizer applied alone. Total yield (Dry mass + Grains) of 20877 kg
ha-1 was produced by the treatment P2H1 (90 kg P2O5
ha-1 + 500 g ha-1 HA) followed by the treatment P2H0,
which were 78.69 and 75.03 % increases over the control. Significantly highest
1000- grain weight of 47.8 g was recorded in the treatment P2H1 while all other
treatments showed non-significant increase in 1000- grain weight. Unlike soil
pH values, improvement in the Soil Organic Matter content (SOM) was observed
with the application of both HA and chemical fertilizers either applied alone
or in combination. SSP applied either alone or in combination with HA increased
significantly (P<0.05) the post-harvest soil P concentration as well as P
accumulation by wheat plants over control. Results suggest that application 90
kg P2O5 ha-1   reinforced with HA (P2H1) may be considered
as an optimum dosage for achieving optimum yield of wheat crop.


  • Aguirre, E., Leménager, D., Bacaicoa, E., Fuentes M., Baigorr, R.A., Zamarreño, A.M., García-Mina, J.M. 2009. The root application of a purified leonardite humic acid modifies the transcriptional regulation of the main physiological root responses to Fe deficiency in Fe sufficient cucumber plants. Plant Physiology & Biochemisty, 47:215-223.
  • Ahmad, M., Khan, M.J., Muhammad, D. 2013. Response of maize to different phosphorus levels under calcareous soil conditions. Sarhad J. Agric., 29(1): 43-48.
  • Inamullah, N., Ali. 2014. Assessment of various humic acid and sulfur levels for higher yields in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 30(1): 47-52.
  • Ali M., Mindari W. 2016. Effect of humic acid on soil chemical and physical characteristics of embankment. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 58). EDP Sciences.
  • Anwar, A., Yousaf, M. 2000. effect of farm yard manure and chemical fertilizers on wheat under rainfed conditions. Soil Sci. Soc. of Pak.
  • Brunetti, G., Senesi, N., Plaza, C. 2007. Effects of amendment with treated and untreated olive oil mill wastewaters on soil properties, soil humic substances and wheat yield. Geoderma, 138(1-2): 144-152.
  • Canellas, L., Olivares, F., Olofrokovha-Facanha, A., Facanha, A. 2002. Humic acids isolated from earthworm compost enhance root elongation, lateral root emergence, and plasma membrane H+ ATPase activity in maize roots. Plant Physiology 130: 1951-1957.
  • Chen, Y., Nobili, M.D.E., Aviad, T.2004. In stimulatory effects of humic substances on plant growth. soil organic matter in sustainable agriculture, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida p.103-129.
  • Cheryl, M., Grossl, P., Bugbee, B. 2001. Beneficial effects of humic acid on micronutrient availability to wheat. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J., 65: 1744-1750.
  • Çimrin, K.M., Türkmen, Ö., Turan, M., Tuncer, B. 2010. Phosphorus and humic acid application alleviate salinity stress of pepper seedling. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9(36).
  • Delgado, A., Madrid, A., Kassem, S., Andreu, L., Del Campillo, M.D.C. 2002. Phosphorus fertilizer recovery from calcareous soils amended with humic and fulvic acids. Plant and Soil, 245(2): 277-286.
  • Ezzat, A.S., Saif, U.M., Eldeen Abdul-Hameed, A.M. 2009. Effect of irrigation water quantity, anti-transparent and humic acid on growth, yield, nutrients content and water use efficiency of potato (Solanum tuberosumL.). J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 34: 11585-11603.
  • Julie, C., Bugbee, B. 2006. The use of humic acid to ameliorate iron deficiency stress. Biol. Biochem., 2: 67-71.
  • Karakurt Y., Unlu H., Padem H., 2009. The influence of foliar and soil fertilization of humic acid on yield and quality of pepper. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B, Soil and Plant Science, 59: 233-237.
  • Khaled, H., Fawy, H.A., 2011. Effect of different levels of humic acids on the nutrient content, plant growth, and soil properties under conditions of salinity. Soil and Water Research, 6(1): 21-29.
  • Khattak, R.A., Muhammad, D. 2008. Increasing crop production through humic acid in salt affected soils in Kohat Division (NWFP). Pak-Us Collaborative Research Endeavor, ALP Project, PARC, Islamabad.
  • Khan, R.U., Rashid, A., Khan, M.S., Ozturk, E. 2010. Impact of humic acid and chemical fertilizer application on growth and grain yield of rainfed wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 23.
  • Latif, A., Iqbal, Z., Ali, S., Iqbal, M. 2003. Improvement in phosphorous fertilizer efficiency by fertilization in some winter vegetables. Pakistan J. Soil Sci., 22(3): 82-83.
  • Li. S., Li. J., Li. G., Li. Y., Yuan. J., Li. D. 2017. effect of different organic fertilizers application on soil organic matter properties. Compost Science & Utilization, 25(1): 31-36.
  • Mahmoudi, A.R., Hafez, M.M. 2010. Increasing productivity of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum, L.) by using potassium fertilizer and humic acid application. Int. J. Acad. Res., 2: 83-88.
  • Manzoor A., Khattak RA., Dost M., 2014. Humic acid and micronutrient effects on wheat yield and nutrients uptake in salt affected soils. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 16(5): 991-995.
  • MINFA, 2011. Govt. of Pakistan, Ministry of Food and Agric., Econ. Wing, Islamabad.
  • Naseer, M., Muhammad, D., 2014. Direct and residual effect of hazara rock phosphate (HRP) on wheat and succeeding maize in alkaline calcareous soils. Pak. J. Bot., 46(5): 1755-1761.
  • Nelson DW, Sommers LE. 1982. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. In: Methods of Soil Analysis. (Eds.): A.L. Page. Part 2 .2nd edt. AM. Soc. Agron. Inc. Madison WI. USA.
  • Quan-Xian, H.U.A., Jian-Yun, L.I., Jian-Min, Z.H.O.U., Huo-Yan, W., Chang-Wen, D.U., Xiao-Qin, C. 2008. Enhancement of phosphorus solubility by humic substances in Ferrosols1. Pedosphere, 18(4): 533-538.
  • Richards LA., 1954. Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. USDA Handbook 60. Washington DC.
  • Satisha, G., Devarajan, L., 2005. Humic substances and their complexation with phosphorus and calcium during composting of pressmud and other biodegradables. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 36: 805-818.
  • Selim, E.M., El-Neklawy, A.S., El-Ashry, S.M., 2009. Beneficial effects of humic substances fertigation on soil fertility to potato grown on sandy soil. Aust. J. Basic Appl. Sci., 3:4351-4358.
  • Sharif, M., Khattak, R.A., Sarir, M.S., 2002. Wheat yield and nutrients accumulation as affected by humic acid and chemical Fertilizers. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 18: 323-329.
  • Soltanpour, P.N. 1985. Use of AB-DTPA soil test to evaluate elemental variability and toxicity. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 16: 323-338.
  • Steel, R.G., Torrie, J.H. 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics. A biometrical approach. McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • Stott, D.E., Martin, J.P. 1990. Synthesis and degradation of natural and synthetic humic materials in soils. Humic Substances in Soil and Crop Sciences: Selected Readings. ASA and SSSA, Madison, WI., 37-63.
  • Sutton, R., Sposito, G. 2005. Molecular structure in soil humic substances: The New View, Environ. Sci. Technol., 39: 9009-9015.
  • Ulukan H. 2008. Effect of soil applied humic acid at different sowing times on some yield components in wheat (Triticum spp.) hybrids. Int. J. Bot., 4(2): 164-175.
  • Walsh, L.M., Beaton, J.D. 1973. Soil Testing and Plant Analysis.
  • Wang, Z.H., Miao, Y.F., Li, S.X. 2015. Effect of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen fertilizers on wheat yield in relation to accumulated nitrate at different depths of soil in drylands of China. Field Crops Research, 183: 211-224.

Investigating Combination and Individual Impact of Phosphorus and Humic Acid on Yield of Wheat and Some Soil Properties

Year 2018, , 492 - 500, 18.10.2018


In order to evaluate the effect of different levels of Phosphorous (P)
alone and in combination with Humic acid (HA) on the yield and P accumulation
by wheat(TriticumaestivumL,
CV Fakhr-e-Sarhad)., a field experiment was carried out at agriculture research
station of Swabi, Pakistan during 2016-2017. A total of eight treatments
replicated four times were arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)
in the field. Two levels of HA including control
(H0: control and H1: 500 g ha-1) and
four levels of P (P2O5) including control as Single Super
Phosphate (SSP)   (P0: control, P1: 60 kg
ha-1, P2: 90 kg ha-1, and P3: 150 kg ha-1)
were utilized.
; Size of each plot was kept to 5x4
m. Addition of different levels of SSP alone and in combination with HA
significantly (P<0.05) improved straw, grain and total wheat yield over
control. HA in combination with 60 and 90 kg P2O5 ha-1
improved the grain yield by 22.4 and 6.5 % respectively as compared to the same
amount of fertilizer applied alone. Total yield (Dry mass + Grains) of 20877 kg
ha-1 was produced by the treatment P2H1 (90 kg P2O5
ha-1 + 500 g ha-1 HA) followed by the treatment P2H0,
which were 78.69 and 75.03 % increases over the control. Significantly highest
1000- grain weight of 47.8 g was recorded in the treatment P2H1 while all other
treatments showed non-significant increase in 1000- grain weight. Unlike soil
pH values, improvement in the Soil Organic Matter content (SOM) was observed
with the application of both HA and chemical fertilizers either applied alone
or in combination. SSP applied either alone or in combination with HA increased
significantly (P<0.05) the post-harvest soil P concentration as well as P
accumulation by wheat plants over control. Results suggest that application 90
kg P2O5 ha-1   reinforced with HA (P2H1) may be considered
as an optimum dosage for achieving optimum yield of wheat crop.


  • Aguirre, E., Leménager, D., Bacaicoa, E., Fuentes M., Baigorr, R.A., Zamarreño, A.M., García-Mina, J.M. 2009. The root application of a purified leonardite humic acid modifies the transcriptional regulation of the main physiological root responses to Fe deficiency in Fe sufficient cucumber plants. Plant Physiology & Biochemisty, 47:215-223.
  • Ahmad, M., Khan, M.J., Muhammad, D. 2013. Response of maize to different phosphorus levels under calcareous soil conditions. Sarhad J. Agric., 29(1): 43-48.
  • Inamullah, N., Ali. 2014. Assessment of various humic acid and sulfur levels for higher yields in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 30(1): 47-52.
  • Ali M., Mindari W. 2016. Effect of humic acid on soil chemical and physical characteristics of embankment. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 58). EDP Sciences.
  • Anwar, A., Yousaf, M. 2000. effect of farm yard manure and chemical fertilizers on wheat under rainfed conditions. Soil Sci. Soc. of Pak.
  • Brunetti, G., Senesi, N., Plaza, C. 2007. Effects of amendment with treated and untreated olive oil mill wastewaters on soil properties, soil humic substances and wheat yield. Geoderma, 138(1-2): 144-152.
  • Canellas, L., Olivares, F., Olofrokovha-Facanha, A., Facanha, A. 2002. Humic acids isolated from earthworm compost enhance root elongation, lateral root emergence, and plasma membrane H+ ATPase activity in maize roots. Plant Physiology 130: 1951-1957.
  • Chen, Y., Nobili, M.D.E., Aviad, T.2004. In stimulatory effects of humic substances on plant growth. soil organic matter in sustainable agriculture, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida p.103-129.
  • Cheryl, M., Grossl, P., Bugbee, B. 2001. Beneficial effects of humic acid on micronutrient availability to wheat. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J., 65: 1744-1750.
  • Çimrin, K.M., Türkmen, Ö., Turan, M., Tuncer, B. 2010. Phosphorus and humic acid application alleviate salinity stress of pepper seedling. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9(36).
  • Delgado, A., Madrid, A., Kassem, S., Andreu, L., Del Campillo, M.D.C. 2002. Phosphorus fertilizer recovery from calcareous soils amended with humic and fulvic acids. Plant and Soil, 245(2): 277-286.
  • Ezzat, A.S., Saif, U.M., Eldeen Abdul-Hameed, A.M. 2009. Effect of irrigation water quantity, anti-transparent and humic acid on growth, yield, nutrients content and water use efficiency of potato (Solanum tuberosumL.). J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 34: 11585-11603.
  • Julie, C., Bugbee, B. 2006. The use of humic acid to ameliorate iron deficiency stress. Biol. Biochem., 2: 67-71.
  • Karakurt Y., Unlu H., Padem H., 2009. The influence of foliar and soil fertilization of humic acid on yield and quality of pepper. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B, Soil and Plant Science, 59: 233-237.
  • Khaled, H., Fawy, H.A., 2011. Effect of different levels of humic acids on the nutrient content, plant growth, and soil properties under conditions of salinity. Soil and Water Research, 6(1): 21-29.
  • Khattak, R.A., Muhammad, D. 2008. Increasing crop production through humic acid in salt affected soils in Kohat Division (NWFP). Pak-Us Collaborative Research Endeavor, ALP Project, PARC, Islamabad.
  • Khan, R.U., Rashid, A., Khan, M.S., Ozturk, E. 2010. Impact of humic acid and chemical fertilizer application on growth and grain yield of rainfed wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 23.
  • Latif, A., Iqbal, Z., Ali, S., Iqbal, M. 2003. Improvement in phosphorous fertilizer efficiency by fertilization in some winter vegetables. Pakistan J. Soil Sci., 22(3): 82-83.
  • Li. S., Li. J., Li. G., Li. Y., Yuan. J., Li. D. 2017. effect of different organic fertilizers application on soil organic matter properties. Compost Science & Utilization, 25(1): 31-36.
  • Mahmoudi, A.R., Hafez, M.M. 2010. Increasing productivity of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum, L.) by using potassium fertilizer and humic acid application. Int. J. Acad. Res., 2: 83-88.
  • Manzoor A., Khattak RA., Dost M., 2014. Humic acid and micronutrient effects on wheat yield and nutrients uptake in salt affected soils. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 16(5): 991-995.
  • MINFA, 2011. Govt. of Pakistan, Ministry of Food and Agric., Econ. Wing, Islamabad.
  • Naseer, M., Muhammad, D., 2014. Direct and residual effect of hazara rock phosphate (HRP) on wheat and succeeding maize in alkaline calcareous soils. Pak. J. Bot., 46(5): 1755-1761.
  • Nelson DW, Sommers LE. 1982. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. In: Methods of Soil Analysis. (Eds.): A.L. Page. Part 2 .2nd edt. AM. Soc. Agron. Inc. Madison WI. USA.
  • Quan-Xian, H.U.A., Jian-Yun, L.I., Jian-Min, Z.H.O.U., Huo-Yan, W., Chang-Wen, D.U., Xiao-Qin, C. 2008. Enhancement of phosphorus solubility by humic substances in Ferrosols1. Pedosphere, 18(4): 533-538.
  • Richards LA., 1954. Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. USDA Handbook 60. Washington DC.
  • Satisha, G., Devarajan, L., 2005. Humic substances and their complexation with phosphorus and calcium during composting of pressmud and other biodegradables. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 36: 805-818.
  • Selim, E.M., El-Neklawy, A.S., El-Ashry, S.M., 2009. Beneficial effects of humic substances fertigation on soil fertility to potato grown on sandy soil. Aust. J. Basic Appl. Sci., 3:4351-4358.
  • Sharif, M., Khattak, R.A., Sarir, M.S., 2002. Wheat yield and nutrients accumulation as affected by humic acid and chemical Fertilizers. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 18: 323-329.
  • Soltanpour, P.N. 1985. Use of AB-DTPA soil test to evaluate elemental variability and toxicity. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 16: 323-338.
  • Steel, R.G., Torrie, J.H. 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics. A biometrical approach. McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • Stott, D.E., Martin, J.P. 1990. Synthesis and degradation of natural and synthetic humic materials in soils. Humic Substances in Soil and Crop Sciences: Selected Readings. ASA and SSSA, Madison, WI., 37-63.
  • Sutton, R., Sposito, G. 2005. Molecular structure in soil humic substances: The New View, Environ. Sci. Technol., 39: 9009-9015.
  • Ulukan H. 2008. Effect of soil applied humic acid at different sowing times on some yield components in wheat (Triticum spp.) hybrids. Int. J. Bot., 4(2): 164-175.
  • Walsh, L.M., Beaton, J.D. 1973. Soil Testing and Plant Analysis.
  • Wang, Z.H., Miao, Y.F., Li, S.X. 2015. Effect of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen fertilizers on wheat yield in relation to accumulated nitrate at different depths of soil in drylands of China. Field Crops Research, 183: 211-224.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Aftab Jamal

İqrar Hussaın This is me

Muhammad Sarirullah Sarır This is me

Muhammad Sharıf This is me

Muhammad Fawad This is me

Publication Date October 18, 2018
Submission Date June 2, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Jamal, A., Hussaın, İ., Sarır, M. S., Sharıf, M., et al. (2018). Investigating Combination and Individual Impact of Phosphorus and Humic Acid on Yield of Wheat and Some Soil Properties. Türk Tarım Ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(4), 492-500.