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Etlik Piliçlerde Bazı Civciv Kalite Ölçütlerinin Besi Performansı Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2019, , 648 - 654, 16.10.2019


Bu çalışma, etlik piliç civcivlerinde 4
farklı kalite ölçütünün (civciv ağırlığı, parmak uzunluğu, incik uzunluğu ve
boy uzunluğu) besi dönemi sonundaki canlı ağırlık, yem tüketimi, yemden
yararlanma ve ölüm oranı üzerine etkisini incelemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür.
Denemede toplam 192 adet erkek etlik piliç civcivi kullanılmış olup, her bir kalite
ölçütü için iki farklı grup oluşturulmuştur. Günlük civcivlerde vücut ağırlığı
için ağır ve hafif (≥47.7 ve <47.7 g); parmak uzunluğu (≥2.01 ve <2.01
cm), incik uzunluğu (≥2.9 ve <2.9) ve boy uzunluğu için uzun ve kısa (≥18.3
ve <18.3) olmak üzere ikişer grup oluşturulmuştur. Altı haftalık besi dönemi
sonunda; ağır vücut grubu hafif gruba, kısa parmak grubu uzun parmak grubuna,
kısa boy grubu uzun boy grubuna göre önemli (P<0.01 ve P<0.01) düzeyde
yüksek canlı ağırlığa sahip olmuşlardır. Yem tüketimi bakımından ağır vücut
grubu hafif gruba, kısa incik uzunluğu grubu uzun gruba ve kısa boy grubu ise
uzun boy grubuna oranla daha fazla (P<0.01) yem tüketmiştir. Yemden
yararlanma düzeyleri, kalite ölçütlerinden etkilenmiş olup ağır vücut grubu
hafif gruba, kısa parmak grubu uzun parmak grubuna ve kısa boy grubu uzun boy
grubuna oranla daha iyi yemden yararlanmıştır. Deneme gruplarına ait ölüm
oranları ise, incik uzunluğu grubu dışındaki gruplarda önemli (P<0.05)
düzeyde farklılıklar göstermiştir.


  • Abiola, S.S., Meshioye, O.O., Oyerinde, B.O., Bamgbose, M.A. 2008. Effect of egg size on hatchability of broiler chicks. Archivos de Zootecnia, 57: 83-86.
  • Geidam, Y.A., Ibrahim, U.I., Bukar, M.M., Gambo, H.I., Ojo, O. 2007. Quality Assessment of broiler day-old chicks supplied to Maiduguri, North-Eastern Nigeria. International Journal of Poultry Science, 6(2): 107-110.
  • Hill, D. 2001. Chick length uniformity profiles as a field measurement of chick quality. Avian Poultry Biology Reviews, 12: 188 (Abst.).
  • Hill, D. 2002. Performance losses: Incubation and brooding. International Hatchery Practice, 16(8). İpek, A., Sözcü, A. 2013. Broiler chick quality and scoring methods. U.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(2):131-137.
  • Kamanlı, S., Durmuş, İ., Demir, S. 2010. Hatching characteristics of abnormal eggs. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 5(4): 271-274.
  • Kamanlı, S., Durmuş, İ. 2014. Civciv kalitesi değerlendirme yöntemleri ve civciv kalitesinin iyileştirilmesi konusundaki son yaklaşımlar. Tavukçuluk Araştırma Dergisi, 11(1): 40-44.
  • Ketels, P. 2011. Controlling chick quality. Thesis Project. Livestock Management.
  • Meijerhof, R. 2005. What Count for Chick Quality? Hybro B.V., Boxmeer, the Netherlands.
  • Molenaar, R., Reijrink, I., Meijerhof, R., Brand, H.V.D., 2007. Relationship between chick length and chick weight at hatch and slaughter weight and breast meat yield in broilers. Proc. 3rd Combined Workshop on Fundamental Physiology and Perinatal Development in Poultry, 5-10 October, Berlin.
  • Molenaar, R., Reijrink, I.A.M., Meijerhof, R., Brand, H.V.D., 2008. Relationship between hatchling length and weight on later productive performance in broilers. World's Poultry Science Journal, 64.
  • Ojepado, L.O. 2013. Evaluation of body weight and other linear parameters of Marshall Broiler for repeatability estimates. International Journal of Applied Agriculture and Apiculture Research, 9(1-2): 175-181.
  • Ould-Ali, D., Schulte-Drüggelte, R. 2016. Review of different day-old chick quality parameters in layer type breeds. International Poultry Production, 23: 4.
  • Petek, M., Orman, A., Dikmen, S., Alpay, F. 2008. Relations between day-old chick length and body weight in broiler, quail and layer. Uludağ Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med., 27(1-2): 25-28.
  • Reijrink, I., Molenaar, R. 2006. Chick Length & Organ Development. AVG&id=155&pag=0.
  • Şeremet, Ç. 2012. Civciv kalitesini etkileyen etmenler ve değerlendirme yöntemleri. Hayvansal Üretim 53(1): 38-43.
  • Tona, K., Onagbesan, O., De Ketelaere, B., Bruggeman, V., Decuypere, E. 2005. Interrelationships between chick quality parameters and the effect of individual parameter on broiler relative growth to 7 days of age. Arch. Geflügelkunde, 69(2): 67-72.
  • Yahaya, H.K., Ibrahim, H., Abdulsalam, S. 2012. Correlation between body weight and body conformation of two broiler strains under the same dietary treatment. International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 4(3): 181-183.
  • Wilson, J.L., Weaver, Jr. W.D., Beane, W.L., Chreery, S.A. 1984. Effect of light and feeding space on leg abnormalities in broilers. Poultry Science, 63: 565-567.
  • Wolanski, N.J., Renema, R.A., Robinson, F.E., Carney, V.L., Fancher, B.I. 2006. Relationship between chick conformation and quality measures with early growth traits in males of eight selected pure or commercial broiler breeder strains. Poultry Science, 85(8): 1490-1497.

Effects on Growth Performance of Some Chick Quality Measurements in Broilers

Year 2019, , 648 - 654, 16.10.2019


This study was conducted to
examine the effect of 4 different quality criteria (chick weight, toe length,
shank length and chick length) on live weight, feed consumption, feed
conversion ratio and mortality in broiler chicks at the end of the fattening
period. A total of 192 male broiler chicks were used in the experiment, and two
separate groups were formed for each quality criterion. In 1 day-old chicks, a
heavy group and a light group (≥47.7 g and <47.7 g) were created for chick
weight; and a tall group and a short group were created for each of the toe
length (≥2.01 cm and <2.01 cm), shank length (≥2.9 cm and <2.9 cm) and
chick length (≥18.3 cm and <18.3 cm) criteria. At the end of the six-week
fattening period, the live weight was significantly higher in the heavy group
compared to the light group; in the short toe group compared to the tall toe
group; and in the short chick length group compared to the tall chick length
group (P<0.01 and P<0.01). In terms of feed consumption, more feed was
consumed in the heavy group compared to the light group; in the short shank
group compared to the tall shank group; and in the short chick length group
compared to the tall chick length group (P<0.01). The feed conversion ratios
were influenced by the quality criteria, and the feed efficiency was better in
the heavy group compared to the light group; in the short toe group compared to
the tall toe group; and in the short chick length group compared to the tall
chick length group. The mortality of the experimental groups showed significant
differences in the groups other than the shank length group (P<0.05).


  • Abiola, S.S., Meshioye, O.O., Oyerinde, B.O., Bamgbose, M.A. 2008. Effect of egg size on hatchability of broiler chicks. Archivos de Zootecnia, 57: 83-86.
  • Geidam, Y.A., Ibrahim, U.I., Bukar, M.M., Gambo, H.I., Ojo, O. 2007. Quality Assessment of broiler day-old chicks supplied to Maiduguri, North-Eastern Nigeria. International Journal of Poultry Science, 6(2): 107-110.
  • Hill, D. 2001. Chick length uniformity profiles as a field measurement of chick quality. Avian Poultry Biology Reviews, 12: 188 (Abst.).
  • Hill, D. 2002. Performance losses: Incubation and brooding. International Hatchery Practice, 16(8). İpek, A., Sözcü, A. 2013. Broiler chick quality and scoring methods. U.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(2):131-137.
  • Kamanlı, S., Durmuş, İ., Demir, S. 2010. Hatching characteristics of abnormal eggs. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 5(4): 271-274.
  • Kamanlı, S., Durmuş, İ. 2014. Civciv kalitesi değerlendirme yöntemleri ve civciv kalitesinin iyileştirilmesi konusundaki son yaklaşımlar. Tavukçuluk Araştırma Dergisi, 11(1): 40-44.
  • Ketels, P. 2011. Controlling chick quality. Thesis Project. Livestock Management.
  • Meijerhof, R. 2005. What Count for Chick Quality? Hybro B.V., Boxmeer, the Netherlands.
  • Molenaar, R., Reijrink, I., Meijerhof, R., Brand, H.V.D., 2007. Relationship between chick length and chick weight at hatch and slaughter weight and breast meat yield in broilers. Proc. 3rd Combined Workshop on Fundamental Physiology and Perinatal Development in Poultry, 5-10 October, Berlin.
  • Molenaar, R., Reijrink, I.A.M., Meijerhof, R., Brand, H.V.D., 2008. Relationship between hatchling length and weight on later productive performance in broilers. World's Poultry Science Journal, 64.
  • Ojepado, L.O. 2013. Evaluation of body weight and other linear parameters of Marshall Broiler for repeatability estimates. International Journal of Applied Agriculture and Apiculture Research, 9(1-2): 175-181.
  • Ould-Ali, D., Schulte-Drüggelte, R. 2016. Review of different day-old chick quality parameters in layer type breeds. International Poultry Production, 23: 4.
  • Petek, M., Orman, A., Dikmen, S., Alpay, F. 2008. Relations between day-old chick length and body weight in broiler, quail and layer. Uludağ Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med., 27(1-2): 25-28.
  • Reijrink, I., Molenaar, R. 2006. Chick Length & Organ Development. AVG&id=155&pag=0.
  • Şeremet, Ç. 2012. Civciv kalitesini etkileyen etmenler ve değerlendirme yöntemleri. Hayvansal Üretim 53(1): 38-43.
  • Tona, K., Onagbesan, O., De Ketelaere, B., Bruggeman, V., Decuypere, E. 2005. Interrelationships between chick quality parameters and the effect of individual parameter on broiler relative growth to 7 days of age. Arch. Geflügelkunde, 69(2): 67-72.
  • Yahaya, H.K., Ibrahim, H., Abdulsalam, S. 2012. Correlation between body weight and body conformation of two broiler strains under the same dietary treatment. International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 4(3): 181-183.
  • Wilson, J.L., Weaver, Jr. W.D., Beane, W.L., Chreery, S.A. 1984. Effect of light and feeding space on leg abnormalities in broilers. Poultry Science, 63: 565-567.
  • Wolanski, N.J., Renema, R.A., Robinson, F.E., Carney, V.L., Fancher, B.I. 2006. Relationship between chick conformation and quality measures with early growth traits in males of eight selected pure or commercial broiler breeder strains. Poultry Science, 85(8): 1490-1497.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Turgay Şengül

Mustafa Erükçü This is me

Publication Date October 16, 2019
Submission Date April 25, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Şengül, T., & Erükçü, M. (2019). Effects on Growth Performance of Some Chick Quality Measurements in Broilers. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 6(4), 648-654.