Research Article
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Rangeland Health, Condition and Biodiversity in Kırşehir Province

Year 2019, , 737 - 744, 16.10.2019


Rangeland improvement and management have recently become more important that many new projects have been also initiated and conducted throughout Turkey. There is a great responsible for the provinces in the Central Anatolia Region on those implementation projects. In this framework, this study was designed that could contain vegetation surveys in representative sites for rangelands of Kırşehir province in 2008 year, at the same time their assessment, and conclusion were also performed too. The 36 rangeland sites were surveyed with the modified-loop method. The results of vegetation surveys were analyzed and determined rangeland condition and health classes for each sites. The vegetation cover was measured as 65.35%. The rates of decreasers and increasers cover were 11.54% and 35.26%, respectively. The studied sites numbers were one, 30 and 5 for good, fair, and poor conditions, respectively. The 35 sites of total sites were identified as fair and poor in condition based on the rangeland condition classes. On the other hand, 8 sites were found at healthy, 20 sites at risky and 8 sites at unhealthy in rangeland health categories. Total site numbers of the last two classes were 28. Rangeland biodiversity were calculated as 0.229 by Simpson’s index. Survey results showed that rangelands have been overgrazed and seemed degradation. Firstly this trend should be stopped and secondly urgent measures should be implemented for restoration.


This field vegetation survey was fulfilled in the framework of National Rangeland Management and Use Project. It was supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK- (KAMAG Project No: 106G017), General Directories of Plant Production and Food and Control of Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock.


  • Anonymous, 2008a. The Climatic Data of Kırşehir Province. The General Director of State Meteorological Service, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Anonymous, 2008b. Soil Analysis Results of Studied Sites of Kırşehir Province. Central Soil, Fertilizer and Water Resources Research Institute, Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 2009. The Challenge of the Rangelands in Turkey (Towards a Sustainable Rangeland Economy). Government to government project G2G07/TR/9/3 Turkey – The Netherlands, Final report of the G2G project: sustainable rangeland management in Turkey, 2008 and 2009, 57 p.
  • Anonymous, 2012. The Result Report of National Rangeland Use and Management Project, project no: 106G017. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Support Programme for Research and Improvement Projects of Public Institutions (1007 Programme), Public Research Grant Committee, (Unpublished Report).
  • Bakir, O., 1970. A Rangeland Vegetation Survey in the Field of Middle-East Technical University. Ankara University, Agricultural Faculty Presses, 382 p., Ankara.
  • De Bello, F., Lepsˇ, J., Sebastia`, M.T. 2006. Variations in species and functional plant diversity along climatic and grazing gradients. Ecography, 29: 801-810.
  • Canals, R.M., Sebastia, M.T. 2000. Analyzing mechanisms regulating diversity in rangelands through comparative studies: A case in the South-Western Pyrennes. Biodiversity and Conservation, 9: 964-984.1
  • Koc, A., Gokkus, A., Altin, M. 2003. Comparison of commonly used determination methods of rangeland condition in the world and a suggestion for Turkey. Turkey V. Field Crops Congress, 13-17 October, Diyarbakir, pp. 36-42.
  • Koc, A., Cakal, S. 2004. Comparison of some rangeland canopy coverage methods. Int. Soil Cong. On Natural Resource Manage, for Sust. Develop., June 7-10, 2004, Erzurum, Turkey, D7, pp. 41-45.
  • Mermer, A., Özaydın, K.A., Ünal, S., Avağ, A, Mutlu, Z., Yıldız, H., Aydoğdu, M., Ünal, E., Urla, Ö., Şahin, B., Torunlar, H., Dedeoğlu, F., Tuğaç, M.G., Aydoğmuş, O. 2010. Kırşehir İlinde Mera Vejetasyonunun Değerlendirilmesi. Çölleşme ile mücadele sempozyumu, 16-17 Haziran 2010, Çorum. Ozmen, T. 1977. The Trials on the Vegetation of the Rangeland in Konya Province. Ph.D thesis (not printed), Rangeland-Meadow and Livestock Research Institute, Ankara.
  • PAED, 2008. Agricultural Data of Kırşehir Province. The Provincial Agriculture Extension Directorates, Kirşehir, Turkey.
  • Seydoşoğlu, S., Kökten, K., Sevilmiş, U. 2018. Basic vegetation characteristics of village pastures connected to Mardin province and its provinces. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Science, 5(4): 406-413.
  • Seydoşoğlu, S., Çaçan, E., Sevilmiş, U. 2019. Determination of botanical composition, yield and pasture quality ratings of infertile pastures in Kozluk district of Batman province of Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28(4A)p: 3388-3394.
  • Seydoşoğlu, S., Kökten, K. 2019. Some characters of rangeland vegetation in Batman province. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science, 23(1): 60-68.
  • Simpson, E.H. 1949. Measurement of diversity. Nature, 163: (4148): 688 doi:10.1038/163688a0. Tokluoglu, M. 1979. Studies on Morphological, Biological and Agronomical Important Characters of Some Rangeland Plants. Ankara University, Agricultural Faculty Press no: 728, Ankara.
  • TUİK, 2008. Agriculture – Crop Production Statistics. Turkish Statistical Institute.
  • Uluocak, N. 1977. Rangelands and Rangelands in the Forest. The Ministry of Food- Agricultural and Livestock, the General Directorate of the Agricultural Affairs, 6.
  • Unal S., Dedebali, M., Ocal, M.B., 2010. Ecological Interpretations of rangeland condition of some villages in Kirikkale province of Turkey. Turkish J. of Field Crops, 15(1): 43-49.
  • Unal, S., Karabudak, E., Ocal, M.B. 2011. Interpretations of vegetation changes of some villages rangelands in Cankiri province of Turkey. Turkish J. of Field Crops, 16(1): 39-47.
  • Unal, S., Mutlu, Z., Mermer, A., Oztekin, U., Unal, E. M. Aydogdu, F. Dedeoglu, K.A. Ozaydin, A., Avag, O. Aydogmus, B. Sahin, and S. Aslan, 2012a. A study on assessment of rangelands in Ankara province. J. of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 2 (21): 41-49.
  • Unal, S., Mutlu, Z., Mermer, A. Oztekin, U., Unal, E., Ozaydin, K.A., Avag, H., Yildiz, O., Aydogmus, B., Sahin, S., Aslan, S. 2012b. A study on determination of condition and health of rangelands in Cankiri province. Tabad-Research J. of Agricultural Sciences, 5(2):131-135.
  • Ünal, S., Mutlu, Z., Urla, Ö., Yıldız, H., Y., Şahin, B. 2013. Evaluation and determination of rangeland vegetation in Kayseri province. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 22(2): 86-95.
  • Ünal, S., Mutlu, Z., Urla, Ö., Yıldız, H., Aydoğdu, M., Şahin, B., Aslan, S. 2014. Improvement possibilities and effects of vegetation subjected to long-term heavy grazing in the steppe rangelands of Sivas. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 23(1): 22-30.

Kırşehir İlinde Mera Sağlığı, Durumu ve Biyoçeşitlilik

Year 2019, , 737 - 744, 16.10.2019


Son yıllarda mera ıslah ve yönetimi çalışmaları oldukça önem kazanmış olup ülkemizde bu alanda birçok yeni proje yürütülmektedir. Bölgemizde yer alan iller bu konuda çok sayıda projeye öncülük etmektedir. Bu çalışma Kırşehir ilinde 2008 yılında yapılan mera vejetasyon sörveylerini içermektedir. Çalışmada toplam 36 mera durağına gidilmiş ve modifiye edilmiş tekerlekli lup yöntemine göre mera vejetasyonu ölçülmüştür. Yapılan vejetasyon etüdlerine dayanarak mera durum ve sağlık sınıfları belirlenmiştir. Bitki ile kaplı alan oranı %65.35 olarak hesaplanmış, azalıcı ve çoğalıcı türlerin oranı sırasıyla %11.54 ve %35.26 olarak bulunmuştur. Çalışılan duraklardan 1 tanesi iyi, 30 tanesi orta ve 5 tanesi zayıf mera durum sınıfında yer almıştır. Mera durum sınıfları temel alındığında toplam durakların 35 âdeti orta ve zayıf sınıfa girmiştir. Öte yandan mera sağlık sınıfına baktığımızda; duraklardan 8 tanesi sağlıklı, 20 tanesi riskli ve 8 tanesi sağlıksız sınıfa girmiştir. Toplam durakların 28 âdeti son iki sınıfta yer almıştır. Mera vejetasyonunun biyolojik çeşitliliğini değerlendirmek için hesaplanan Simpson indeks değeri 0,229 olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonuçları meraların aşırı otlatıldığını ve mera vejetasyonunda bozulma olduğunu göstermiştir. İlk olarak il meralarındaki bu aşırı otlatma ve bozulma durdurulmalı, daha sonra meraların rehabilitasyonu için acil önlemler devreye sokulmalıdır.


  • Anonymous, 2008a. The Climatic Data of Kırşehir Province. The General Director of State Meteorological Service, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Anonymous, 2008b. Soil Analysis Results of Studied Sites of Kırşehir Province. Central Soil, Fertilizer and Water Resources Research Institute, Ankara.
  • Anonymous, 2009. The Challenge of the Rangelands in Turkey (Towards a Sustainable Rangeland Economy). Government to government project G2G07/TR/9/3 Turkey – The Netherlands, Final report of the G2G project: sustainable rangeland management in Turkey, 2008 and 2009, 57 p.
  • Anonymous, 2012. The Result Report of National Rangeland Use and Management Project, project no: 106G017. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Support Programme for Research and Improvement Projects of Public Institutions (1007 Programme), Public Research Grant Committee, (Unpublished Report).
  • Bakir, O., 1970. A Rangeland Vegetation Survey in the Field of Middle-East Technical University. Ankara University, Agricultural Faculty Presses, 382 p., Ankara.
  • De Bello, F., Lepsˇ, J., Sebastia`, M.T. 2006. Variations in species and functional plant diversity along climatic and grazing gradients. Ecography, 29: 801-810.
  • Canals, R.M., Sebastia, M.T. 2000. Analyzing mechanisms regulating diversity in rangelands through comparative studies: A case in the South-Western Pyrennes. Biodiversity and Conservation, 9: 964-984.1
  • Koc, A., Gokkus, A., Altin, M. 2003. Comparison of commonly used determination methods of rangeland condition in the world and a suggestion for Turkey. Turkey V. Field Crops Congress, 13-17 October, Diyarbakir, pp. 36-42.
  • Koc, A., Cakal, S. 2004. Comparison of some rangeland canopy coverage methods. Int. Soil Cong. On Natural Resource Manage, for Sust. Develop., June 7-10, 2004, Erzurum, Turkey, D7, pp. 41-45.
  • Mermer, A., Özaydın, K.A., Ünal, S., Avağ, A, Mutlu, Z., Yıldız, H., Aydoğdu, M., Ünal, E., Urla, Ö., Şahin, B., Torunlar, H., Dedeoğlu, F., Tuğaç, M.G., Aydoğmuş, O. 2010. Kırşehir İlinde Mera Vejetasyonunun Değerlendirilmesi. Çölleşme ile mücadele sempozyumu, 16-17 Haziran 2010, Çorum. Ozmen, T. 1977. The Trials on the Vegetation of the Rangeland in Konya Province. Ph.D thesis (not printed), Rangeland-Meadow and Livestock Research Institute, Ankara.
  • PAED, 2008. Agricultural Data of Kırşehir Province. The Provincial Agriculture Extension Directorates, Kirşehir, Turkey.
  • Seydoşoğlu, S., Kökten, K., Sevilmiş, U. 2018. Basic vegetation characteristics of village pastures connected to Mardin province and its provinces. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Science, 5(4): 406-413.
  • Seydoşoğlu, S., Çaçan, E., Sevilmiş, U. 2019. Determination of botanical composition, yield and pasture quality ratings of infertile pastures in Kozluk district of Batman province of Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28(4A)p: 3388-3394.
  • Seydoşoğlu, S., Kökten, K. 2019. Some characters of rangeland vegetation in Batman province. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science, 23(1): 60-68.
  • Simpson, E.H. 1949. Measurement of diversity. Nature, 163: (4148): 688 doi:10.1038/163688a0. Tokluoglu, M. 1979. Studies on Morphological, Biological and Agronomical Important Characters of Some Rangeland Plants. Ankara University, Agricultural Faculty Press no: 728, Ankara.
  • TUİK, 2008. Agriculture – Crop Production Statistics. Turkish Statistical Institute.
  • Uluocak, N. 1977. Rangelands and Rangelands in the Forest. The Ministry of Food- Agricultural and Livestock, the General Directorate of the Agricultural Affairs, 6.
  • Unal S., Dedebali, M., Ocal, M.B., 2010. Ecological Interpretations of rangeland condition of some villages in Kirikkale province of Turkey. Turkish J. of Field Crops, 15(1): 43-49.
  • Unal, S., Karabudak, E., Ocal, M.B. 2011. Interpretations of vegetation changes of some villages rangelands in Cankiri province of Turkey. Turkish J. of Field Crops, 16(1): 39-47.
  • Unal, S., Mutlu, Z., Mermer, A., Oztekin, U., Unal, E. M. Aydogdu, F. Dedeoglu, K.A. Ozaydin, A., Avag, O. Aydogmus, B. Sahin, and S. Aslan, 2012a. A study on assessment of rangelands in Ankara province. J. of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 2 (21): 41-49.
  • Unal, S., Mutlu, Z., Mermer, A. Oztekin, U., Unal, E., Ozaydin, K.A., Avag, H., Yildiz, O., Aydogmus, B., Sahin, S., Aslan, S. 2012b. A study on determination of condition and health of rangelands in Cankiri province. Tabad-Research J. of Agricultural Sciences, 5(2):131-135.
  • Ünal, S., Mutlu, Z., Urla, Ö., Yıldız, H., Y., Şahin, B. 2013. Evaluation and determination of rangeland vegetation in Kayseri province. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 22(2): 86-95.
  • Ünal, S., Mutlu, Z., Urla, Ö., Yıldız, H., Aydoğdu, M., Şahin, B., Aslan, S. 2014. Improvement possibilities and effects of vegetation subjected to long-term heavy grazing in the steppe rangelands of Sivas. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 23(1): 22-30.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Ziya Mutlu

Sabahaddin Ünal This is me

Ali Mermer This is me

Öztekin Urla This is me

Bilal Şahin This is me

Serdar Aslan This is me

Publication Date October 16, 2019
Submission Date May 8, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Mutlu, Z., Ünal, S., Mermer, A., Urla, Ö., et al. (2019). Rangeland Health, Condition and Biodiversity in Kırşehir Province. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 6(4), 737-744.