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Pazarlama Dışı Olan Karpuzlardan (Citrullus lanatus) Hayvan Beslemede Kullanılabilecek Yan Ürünlerin Elde Edilmesi, Depolanması, Bazı Besin Madde ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2019, , 835 - 844, 16.10.2019


Çalışmada, pazar
dışı kalma durumunda olan karpuzların kabuk, çekirdek ve etli kısımlarının
tamamından katma değerli ve dayanıklı karpuz ürünlerini üretilmesi
amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada hasatı üzerinden 15 gün geçmiş karpuzlardan karpuz
suyu, karpuz püresi ve karpuz posası olmak üzere üç farklı ürün üretilmiştir.
Bu ürünlerin hiçbir muamele yapılmamış olana taze grup, buhar basınçlı ısıl
işlem uygulanmış olana asitsiz grup ve buhar basınçlı ısıl işlem + sitrik asit
ilavesi uygulanmış olana da asitli grup adı verilmiştir. Çalışmada taze örneklerde, konserve
işlemlerinden hemen sonra alınan örneklerde, 0., 30., 90. ve 180. gün depolanan
örneklerde kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik analizler yapılmıştır. Karpuzlardan elde
edilen ürünler posa, püre ve su olarak tanımlanmıştır. Konserve
işlemlerinden hemen sonra alınan örneklerin (asitli ve asitsiz) sonuçlarına göre her iki
muamelede de mikrobiyolojik açıdan pastörizasyon sağlanmıştır.  Depolamanın 0., 30., 90. ve 180. günlerinde
açılan konserve ürünlerinden alınan örneklerde mikroorganizma üreme durumları
incelenmiştir. Asitli gruba göre asitsiz grupta daha yüksek toplam mezofilik
aerobik bakteri (p<0.01) ve toplam Clostridia (p<0.01) ürediği
tespit edilmiştir. 0. gün depolamaya göre; 30. ve 90. günlük depolamalarda her iki
bakteri sayısı artmış ancak 180. günde alınan örneklerde ise bakteri sayıları
azalmıştır. Çalışmada, pazarlama dışı kalmış karpuzlardan hayvan beslemede
kullanılabilecek karpuz suyu, karpuz püresi ve karpuz posası üretilebileceği
belirlenmiştir. Diğer uygulamalara göre, asit katkısı + ısıl işlem
uygulamasının daha uygun olduğu görülmüştür.


&Bu çalışma TÜBİTAK tarafından 214O722 proje numarası ile desteklenmiştir. Bu makale Pazarlanma Şansı Azalan Karpuzlardan Hayvan Beslemede Kullanılabilecek Dayanıklı ve Katma Değerli Ürünler Üretme Olanaklarının Araştırılması” adlı doktora tezinden üretilmiştir.


  • Acar, J. 1978. Meyve Konservelerinde ve sularında bozulmalara neden olan küf mantarları. Gıda, 3(1): 23-26.
  • Acar, J. 1982. Kutu konservelerinde mikrobiyolojik kalite kontrolü. Gıda, 7(3): 139-144.
  • Acar, R., Özcan, M.M., Kanbur, G., Dursun N. 2012. Some physico-chemical properties of edible and forage watermelon seeds. Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 31(4): 41-47.
  • Anonim, 2006. International Standard (ISO) 4832:2006 (E). Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-Horizontal method for the enumeration on coliforms-Colony-count technique.
  • AOAC, 1990. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Official Method of Analysis. 15th.ed. Washington, DC. USA.
  • Aran, N. 1986. Konserve gıdaların mikrobiyolojik kontrolleri üzerinde bir derleme. Gıda, 11(2): 75-77.
  • Artık, N. 1988. Isıl işlemin meyvelerde neden olduğu değişiklikler. Gıda, 13(4): 245-252.
  • Bangera, H.J. 1997. Investigation of a Watermelon Pulp Fruit and Juice Extraction Device. Master, Mumbai, India: Bachelor of Engineering Mumbai University.
  • Colla, G., Roupahel, Y., Cardarelli, M. 2006. Effect of salinity on yield, fruit quality, leaf gas exchange and mineral composition of grafted watermelon plants. Hortic. Sci., 41: 622-627.
  • Collins, J.K., Perkins-Veazie, P., Roberts, W. 2006. Lycopene: from plants to humans. Hortscience, 41(5): 1135-1144.
  • Conto, L.C., Gragnani, M.A.L., Maus, D., Ambiel, H.C.I., Chiu, M.C., Grimaldi, R., Gonçalves, L.A.G. 2011. Characterization of crude watermelon seed oil by two different extractions methods. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 88: 1709-1714.
  • Dane, F., Liu, J. 2007. Diversity and origin of cultivated and citron type watermelon (Citrtullus lanatus). Genet Resource Crop Evolution, 54: 1255-1265.
  • Eke Ejiofor, J. 2016. Microbial population and shelf life study of spiced water melon juice. European Journal of Food Science and Technology, 4(4): 1-11.
  • Erukainure, O.L., Oke, O.V., Daramola, A.O., Adenekan, S.O., Umanhonlen, E.E. 2010. Improvement of the biochemical properties of watermelon rinds subjected to saccharomyces cerevisiae solid media fermentation. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 9(8): 806-809.
  • FDA, 2001. Bacteriological Analytical Manual. Edition 8, January 2001.
  • Fish, W.W., Bruton, B.D., Russo, V.M. 2009. Watermelon juice: a promising feedstock supplement, diluent, and nitrogen supplement for ethanol biofuel production. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2: 18.
  • Gökmen, V., Öztan, A. 1995. Gıdaların raf ömrünü etkileyen faktörler ve raf ömrünün belirlenmesi. Gıda, 20(5): 265-271.
  • Hayoğlu, İ.A., Fenercioğlu, H. 1990. A research on the possibility of using watermelon in the fruit juice industry. Gıda, 15(6): 329-332.
  • Hirsch, A., Grinsted, E. 1954. Methods for the growth and enumeration of anaerobic spore formers from cheese, with observations on the effect of nişin. Journal of Dairy Research, 21(1): 101-110.
  • Ijah, U.J.J., Ayodele, H.S., Aransiola, S.A. 2015. Microbiological and some sensory attributes of water melon juice and watermelon-orange juice mix. Journal of Food Resource Science, 4(3): 49-61.
  • Johnson, J.T., Lennox, J.A., Ujong, U.P., Odey, M.O., Fila, W.O., Edem, P.N., Dasofunjo, K. 2013. Comparative vitamins content of pulp, seed and rind of fresh and dried watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). International Journal of Science and Technology, 2(1): 99-103.
  • Kamel, B.S., Dawson, H., Kakuda, Y. 1985. Characteristics and composition of melon and grape seed oils and cakes. J Am Oil Chem Soc, 62: 881-883.
  • Karagöz, H. 2009. Türkiye ve Konya’da Hayvancılık Sektörü, Sektörün Sorunları ve Çözüm Önerileri. Konya Ticaret Odası, Konya.
  • Lambert, R.J.W. 2003. A model for the thermal inactivation of micro-organisms. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 95: 500-507.
  • Mann, A., Kiefer, M., Leuenberger, H. 2001. Thermal sterilization of heat-sensitive products using high-temperature short-time sterilization. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 90: 275–287.
  • Naz, A., Butt, M.S., Pasha, I., Nawaz, H. 2013. Antioxidant indices of watermelon juice and lycopene extract. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 12(3): 255-260.
  • Oberoi, D.P.S., Sogi, D.S. 2015. Drying kinetics, moisture diffusivity and lycopene retention of watermelon pomace in different dryers. J. Food Sci. Technol., 52(11): 7377-7384.
  • Sa’id, M.A. 2014. A Study in the variability of some nutrient contents of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) before and after ripening consumed within Kano Metropolis, Nigeria. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 3(5): 1365-1368.
  • Sabahelkhier, M.K., Ishag, K.E.A., Sabir Ali, A.K. 2011. Fatty acid profile, ash composition and oil characteristics of seeds of watermelon grown in Sudan. British Journal of Science, 1(2): 76-80.
  • TSE, 2019. TS 1132 Karpuz. ( (Erişim tarihi: 10.01.2019).
  • TUİK, 2019. Sebze Ürünleri Üretim Miktarları. 2001-2018. ( (Erişim tarihi: 19.08.2019).
  • USDA, 2019. National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 26 Full Report (All Nutrients) 09326, Watermelon, raw. “Nutrient values and weights are for edible portion”, (Erişim tarihi: 10.01.2019).
  • Van Soest, P.J., Robertson, J.B., Lewis, BA. 1991. Method for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and no starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J. Dairy Sci., 74: 3583-3597.
  • Wani, A.A., Sogi, D.S., Grover Land Saxena, D.C. 2006. Effect of temperature, alkali concentration, mixing time and meal/solvent ratioon the extraction of watermelon seed proteins - a response surface approach. Biosyst. Eng., 94: 67-73.
  • Wani, A.A., Sogi, D.S., Singh, P., Wania, I.A., Shivhared, U.S. 2011. Characterization and functional properties of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) seed proteins. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 91: 113-121.
  • Yaralı, E. 2019. Meyve ve Sebze Teknolojisi II. ( (Erişim tarihi: 18.01.2019).
  • Zanoni, B., Pagliarini, E., Giovanelli, G., Lavelli, V. 2003. Modelling the effects of thermal sterilization on the quality of tomato puree. Journal of Food Engineering, 56: 203-206.
  • Zohary, D., Hopf, M. 2019. Domestication of plants in the old world. 2000. 3rd Edn, New York: Oxford University Press, 316 p., ( (Erişim tarihi: 08.01.2019).

Obtaining the By-Products That Can Be Used in Animal Nutrition from Non-Marketing Watermelons, Storage of These Products, Researching Some Nutrient and Microbiological Properties

Year 2019, , 835 - 844, 16.10.2019


In the study, it was aimed
to produce value-added and durable watermelon products from the rind, seeds and
fleshy parts of the watermelons which are out of market. In the research, three
different products were produced watermelon juice, watermelon puree and
watermelon pulp from watermelons that were harvested 15 days ago. No treatment
of these products was called fresh group, the steam pressurized heat treated
group was called acid-free group and the steam pressurized heat treated +
citric acid addition was called acidic group. In this study, chemical and
microbiological analyzes were carried out on fresh samples, samples taken
immediately after canning processes, samples stored at 0., 30., 90. and 180.
The products obtained from watermelons are defined as pulp, puree and
water. According to the results of the samples taken immediately after canning
processes (with and without acid), pasteurization was provided microbiologically
in both treatments.
Microbiological reproduction status of the samples
taken from the canned products opened on the 0., 30., 90. and 180. days of
storage were examined. It was determined that total mesophilic aerobic bacteria
(p <0.01) and total Clostridia (p <0.01) were higher in the acid-free
group than the acidic group. According to storage on day 0.; In the 30. and 90.
day storage, both bacteria numbers increased but in the 180. day samples the
number of bacteria decreased.
In the study,
it was determined that watermelon juice, watermelon puree and watermelon pulp
which can be used in animal feeding can be produced from the non-marketing
watermelons. It has been found that acid addition + heat treatment is more
suitable than other applications.


  • Acar, J. 1978. Meyve Konservelerinde ve sularında bozulmalara neden olan küf mantarları. Gıda, 3(1): 23-26.
  • Acar, J. 1982. Kutu konservelerinde mikrobiyolojik kalite kontrolü. Gıda, 7(3): 139-144.
  • Acar, R., Özcan, M.M., Kanbur, G., Dursun N. 2012. Some physico-chemical properties of edible and forage watermelon seeds. Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 31(4): 41-47.
  • Anonim, 2006. International Standard (ISO) 4832:2006 (E). Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs-Horizontal method for the enumeration on coliforms-Colony-count technique.
  • AOAC, 1990. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Official Method of Analysis. 15th.ed. Washington, DC. USA.
  • Aran, N. 1986. Konserve gıdaların mikrobiyolojik kontrolleri üzerinde bir derleme. Gıda, 11(2): 75-77.
  • Artık, N. 1988. Isıl işlemin meyvelerde neden olduğu değişiklikler. Gıda, 13(4): 245-252.
  • Bangera, H.J. 1997. Investigation of a Watermelon Pulp Fruit and Juice Extraction Device. Master, Mumbai, India: Bachelor of Engineering Mumbai University.
  • Colla, G., Roupahel, Y., Cardarelli, M. 2006. Effect of salinity on yield, fruit quality, leaf gas exchange and mineral composition of grafted watermelon plants. Hortic. Sci., 41: 622-627.
  • Collins, J.K., Perkins-Veazie, P., Roberts, W. 2006. Lycopene: from plants to humans. Hortscience, 41(5): 1135-1144.
  • Conto, L.C., Gragnani, M.A.L., Maus, D., Ambiel, H.C.I., Chiu, M.C., Grimaldi, R., Gonçalves, L.A.G. 2011. Characterization of crude watermelon seed oil by two different extractions methods. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 88: 1709-1714.
  • Dane, F., Liu, J. 2007. Diversity and origin of cultivated and citron type watermelon (Citrtullus lanatus). Genet Resource Crop Evolution, 54: 1255-1265.
  • Eke Ejiofor, J. 2016. Microbial population and shelf life study of spiced water melon juice. European Journal of Food Science and Technology, 4(4): 1-11.
  • Erukainure, O.L., Oke, O.V., Daramola, A.O., Adenekan, S.O., Umanhonlen, E.E. 2010. Improvement of the biochemical properties of watermelon rinds subjected to saccharomyces cerevisiae solid media fermentation. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 9(8): 806-809.
  • FDA, 2001. Bacteriological Analytical Manual. Edition 8, January 2001.
  • Fish, W.W., Bruton, B.D., Russo, V.M. 2009. Watermelon juice: a promising feedstock supplement, diluent, and nitrogen supplement for ethanol biofuel production. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2: 18.
  • Gökmen, V., Öztan, A. 1995. Gıdaların raf ömrünü etkileyen faktörler ve raf ömrünün belirlenmesi. Gıda, 20(5): 265-271.
  • Hayoğlu, İ.A., Fenercioğlu, H. 1990. A research on the possibility of using watermelon in the fruit juice industry. Gıda, 15(6): 329-332.
  • Hirsch, A., Grinsted, E. 1954. Methods for the growth and enumeration of anaerobic spore formers from cheese, with observations on the effect of nişin. Journal of Dairy Research, 21(1): 101-110.
  • Ijah, U.J.J., Ayodele, H.S., Aransiola, S.A. 2015. Microbiological and some sensory attributes of water melon juice and watermelon-orange juice mix. Journal of Food Resource Science, 4(3): 49-61.
  • Johnson, J.T., Lennox, J.A., Ujong, U.P., Odey, M.O., Fila, W.O., Edem, P.N., Dasofunjo, K. 2013. Comparative vitamins content of pulp, seed and rind of fresh and dried watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). International Journal of Science and Technology, 2(1): 99-103.
  • Kamel, B.S., Dawson, H., Kakuda, Y. 1985. Characteristics and composition of melon and grape seed oils and cakes. J Am Oil Chem Soc, 62: 881-883.
  • Karagöz, H. 2009. Türkiye ve Konya’da Hayvancılık Sektörü, Sektörün Sorunları ve Çözüm Önerileri. Konya Ticaret Odası, Konya.
  • Lambert, R.J.W. 2003. A model for the thermal inactivation of micro-organisms. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 95: 500-507.
  • Mann, A., Kiefer, M., Leuenberger, H. 2001. Thermal sterilization of heat-sensitive products using high-temperature short-time sterilization. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 90: 275–287.
  • Naz, A., Butt, M.S., Pasha, I., Nawaz, H. 2013. Antioxidant indices of watermelon juice and lycopene extract. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 12(3): 255-260.
  • Oberoi, D.P.S., Sogi, D.S. 2015. Drying kinetics, moisture diffusivity and lycopene retention of watermelon pomace in different dryers. J. Food Sci. Technol., 52(11): 7377-7384.
  • Sa’id, M.A. 2014. A Study in the variability of some nutrient contents of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) before and after ripening consumed within Kano Metropolis, Nigeria. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 3(5): 1365-1368.
  • Sabahelkhier, M.K., Ishag, K.E.A., Sabir Ali, A.K. 2011. Fatty acid profile, ash composition and oil characteristics of seeds of watermelon grown in Sudan. British Journal of Science, 1(2): 76-80.
  • TSE, 2019. TS 1132 Karpuz. ( (Erişim tarihi: 10.01.2019).
  • TUİK, 2019. Sebze Ürünleri Üretim Miktarları. 2001-2018. ( (Erişim tarihi: 19.08.2019).
  • USDA, 2019. National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 26 Full Report (All Nutrients) 09326, Watermelon, raw. “Nutrient values and weights are for edible portion”, (Erişim tarihi: 10.01.2019).
  • Van Soest, P.J., Robertson, J.B., Lewis, BA. 1991. Method for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and no starch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. J. Dairy Sci., 74: 3583-3597.
  • Wani, A.A., Sogi, D.S., Grover Land Saxena, D.C. 2006. Effect of temperature, alkali concentration, mixing time and meal/solvent ratioon the extraction of watermelon seed proteins - a response surface approach. Biosyst. Eng., 94: 67-73.
  • Wani, A.A., Sogi, D.S., Singh, P., Wania, I.A., Shivhared, U.S. 2011. Characterization and functional properties of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) seed proteins. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 91: 113-121.
  • Yaralı, E. 2019. Meyve ve Sebze Teknolojisi II. ( (Erişim tarihi: 18.01.2019).
  • Zanoni, B., Pagliarini, E., Giovanelli, G., Lavelli, V. 2003. Modelling the effects of thermal sterilization on the quality of tomato puree. Journal of Food Engineering, 56: 203-206.
  • Zohary, D., Hopf, M. 2019. Domestication of plants in the old world. 2000. 3rd Edn, New York: Oxford University Press, 316 p., ( (Erişim tarihi: 08.01.2019).
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Fatma Terlemez This is me

İbrahim Halil Çerçi This is me

Publication Date October 16, 2019
Submission Date July 5, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Terlemez, F., & Çerçi, İ. H. (2019). Pazarlama Dışı Olan Karpuzlardan (Citrullus lanatus) Hayvan Beslemede Kullanılabilecek Yan Ürünlerin Elde Edilmesi, Depolanması, Bazı Besin Madde ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 6(4), 835-844.