Research Article
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Evaluation of Soil Quality Index of Karacabey State Farm Using MEDALUS Methodology

Year 2020, , 120 - 131, 25.01.2020


The aim of this study was to determine the soil quality index (SQI) of Karacabey State Farm in Karacabey district of Bursa province. In this study, the Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use (MEDALUS) approach applied by the European Union to determine sensitive areas in Mediterranean countries was used in this study area. In the study, land characteristics (soil texture, drainage, depth, parent material) were obtained from soil survey and mapping report which produced by General Directorate of Agricultural Enterprises. Topographic parameters were obtained from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data that downloaded from NASA (National Aeronautical Space Administration) with 30 m spatial resolution were used. The parameters which belongs to each mapping unit were scored using the score scales predicted in the method. As a result of the analyzes and calculations, 8.28% of the study area was classified as high quality, 49.17% as moderate quality and 42.55% as low quality according to MEDALUS methodology. In this period of global warming and climate change, it is useful to create projections about the degradation sensitivity of the land by using such methods. By this way, both policy-making and generating information about sustainable land management can be provided.


  • Aksoy, B. R. 2016. MEDALUS modeli ile arazi degradasyonu ve çölleşme riskinin belirlenmesi örnek çalışma; İnebolu Havzası, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, FBE, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Bayramin, İ. 2003. Beypazari topraklarinin MEDALUS metoduna göre toprak kalite indekslerinin belirlenmesi. Harran. Üniversitesi. Z.F.Dergisi, 7 (3-4):29-35.
  • Benabderrahmane, M.C., Chenchouni, H. 2010. Assessing environmental sensitivity areas to desertification in Eastern Algeria using Mediterranean desertification and land use “MEDALUS” model. Int J Sustain Water Environ Syst, 1(1), 5-10.
  • Brady, N.C., Weil, R.R. 1999. The nature and properties of soil 12th ed. Mac. Pub. Com. New York, 625-640.
  • Budak, M., Günal, H., Çelik, İ., Yıldız, H., Acir, N., Acar, M. 2018. Environmental sensitivity to desertification in northern Mesopotamia; application of modified MEDALUS by using analytical hierarchy process. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11(17), 481.
  • Contador, J.L., Schnabel, S., Gutiérrez, A.G., Fernández, M.P. 2009. Mapping sensitivity to land degradation in Extremadura. SW Spain. Land Degradation & Development, 20(2), 129-144.
  • De Paola, F., Ducci, D., Giugni, M. 2013. Desertification and erosion sensitivity. A case study in southern Italy: the Tusciano River catchment. Environmental earth sciences, 70(5), 2179-2190.
  • Dengiz, O., Özden, Ş., Başkan, O., Özcan, H. 2004. Determination Of Soil Quality Index Of Bala Statefarm Soils According To The Medalus Methodology, International Soil Congress on Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Development. 7-10 June 2004, Erzurum-Turkey.
  • Everest, T., Tasli, T.C., Akbulak, C., Sungur, A. 2017. Ecological risk assessment for protected areas: case of Troia historical national park, Canakkale–Turkey. FEB-Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26, 7463-7472.
  • Everest, T. 2018. Prioritization of Karamenderes basin's groundwater potential with morphometric analyses (in semi-arid climatic conditions Çanakkale, Turkey). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 27(12), 8253-8263.
  • Kosmas, C., Kirkby, M.J., Geeson, N. (Eds.). 1999. The Medalus Project: Mediterranean desertification and land use: Manual on key indicators of desertification and mapping environmentally sensitive areas to desertification. Directorate-General Science, Research and Development. 88p.
  • Lahlaoi, H., Rhinane, H., Hilali, A., Lahssini, S., Moukrim, S. 2017. Desertification assessment using MEDALUS model in watershed Oued El Maleh, Morocco. Geosciences, 7(3), 50.
  • MGM. 2019. Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Resmi İstatistikler.
  • Salvati, L., Zitti, M. 2005. Land degradation in the Mediterranean basin: Linking biophysical and economic factors into an ecological perspective. Biota International Journal of Biology and Ecology. 5, 67– 77.
  • Sepehr, A., Hassanli, A.M., Ekhtesasi, M.R., Jamali, J.B. 2007. Quantitative assessment of desertification in south of Iran using MEDALUS method. Environmental monitoring and Assessment, 134(1-3), 243.
  • TİGEM. 1988. Karacabey Tarım İşletmesi Topraklarının Etüd ve Haritalaması. 86s.

MEDALUS Yöntemi Kullanılarak Karacabey Tarım İşletmesi Toprak Kalite İndeksinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2020, , 120 - 131, 25.01.2020


Bu çalışma, Bursa ilinin Karacabey ilçesinde bulunan Karacabey Tarım İşletmesi toprak kalite indeksinin (TKİ) belirlenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Akdeniz ülkelerinde çölleşmeye duyarlı arazilerin belirlenmesi ve hassas alanların ortaya konması için Avrupa Birliği tarafından uygulanan Akdeniz Çölleşme ve Arazi Kullanımı (MEDALUS) yaklaşımı çalışma alanı arazileri için uygulanmıştır. Çalışmada arazi karakteristiklerinin ortaya konması için (tekstür, drenaj, derinlik, ana materyal) Tarım İşletmeleri Genel Müdürlüğü (TİGEM) tarafından üretilmiş detaylı toprak etüt ve haritalama raporu ile NASA (National Aeronautical Space Administration-Ulusal Havacılık Dairesi) web sayfasından indirilen 30 m mekânsal çözünürlüğe sahip DEM (Digital Elevation Model-Sayısal Yükseklik Modeli) verisi kullanılmıştır. Her bir haritalama biriminde bulunan parametreler yöntemde öngörülen skor cetvelleri kullanılarak skorlanmıştır. Yapılan analizler ve hesaplamalar sonucunda işletme arazisinin MEDALUS yöntemine göre toprakların çölleşme riski yönünden kalite özellikleri % 8.28’i iyi, % 49.17’si orta ve % 42.55’i zayıf olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Küresel ısınmanın ve iklim değişikliğinin yaşandığı günümüzde bu tür yöntemler kullanılarak arazilerin hassasiyeti ve degradasyona duyarlılık süreçleri hakkında projeksiyonlar oluşturmak hem geliştirilecek politikalar hem de sürdürülebilir bir arazi yönetimi açısından önemli bilgiler sunabilecektir.


  • Aksoy, B. R. 2016. MEDALUS modeli ile arazi degradasyonu ve çölleşme riskinin belirlenmesi örnek çalışma; İnebolu Havzası, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, FBE, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Bayramin, İ. 2003. Beypazari topraklarinin MEDALUS metoduna göre toprak kalite indekslerinin belirlenmesi. Harran. Üniversitesi. Z.F.Dergisi, 7 (3-4):29-35.
  • Benabderrahmane, M.C., Chenchouni, H. 2010. Assessing environmental sensitivity areas to desertification in Eastern Algeria using Mediterranean desertification and land use “MEDALUS” model. Int J Sustain Water Environ Syst, 1(1), 5-10.
  • Brady, N.C., Weil, R.R. 1999. The nature and properties of soil 12th ed. Mac. Pub. Com. New York, 625-640.
  • Budak, M., Günal, H., Çelik, İ., Yıldız, H., Acir, N., Acar, M. 2018. Environmental sensitivity to desertification in northern Mesopotamia; application of modified MEDALUS by using analytical hierarchy process. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11(17), 481.
  • Contador, J.L., Schnabel, S., Gutiérrez, A.G., Fernández, M.P. 2009. Mapping sensitivity to land degradation in Extremadura. SW Spain. Land Degradation & Development, 20(2), 129-144.
  • De Paola, F., Ducci, D., Giugni, M. 2013. Desertification and erosion sensitivity. A case study in southern Italy: the Tusciano River catchment. Environmental earth sciences, 70(5), 2179-2190.
  • Dengiz, O., Özden, Ş., Başkan, O., Özcan, H. 2004. Determination Of Soil Quality Index Of Bala Statefarm Soils According To The Medalus Methodology, International Soil Congress on Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Development. 7-10 June 2004, Erzurum-Turkey.
  • Everest, T., Tasli, T.C., Akbulak, C., Sungur, A. 2017. Ecological risk assessment for protected areas: case of Troia historical national park, Canakkale–Turkey. FEB-Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26, 7463-7472.
  • Everest, T. 2018. Prioritization of Karamenderes basin's groundwater potential with morphometric analyses (in semi-arid climatic conditions Çanakkale, Turkey). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 27(12), 8253-8263.
  • Kosmas, C., Kirkby, M.J., Geeson, N. (Eds.). 1999. The Medalus Project: Mediterranean desertification and land use: Manual on key indicators of desertification and mapping environmentally sensitive areas to desertification. Directorate-General Science, Research and Development. 88p.
  • Lahlaoi, H., Rhinane, H., Hilali, A., Lahssini, S., Moukrim, S. 2017. Desertification assessment using MEDALUS model in watershed Oued El Maleh, Morocco. Geosciences, 7(3), 50.
  • MGM. 2019. Devlet Meteoroloji İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Resmi İstatistikler.
  • Salvati, L., Zitti, M. 2005. Land degradation in the Mediterranean basin: Linking biophysical and economic factors into an ecological perspective. Biota International Journal of Biology and Ecology. 5, 67– 77.
  • Sepehr, A., Hassanli, A.M., Ekhtesasi, M.R., Jamali, J.B. 2007. Quantitative assessment of desertification in south of Iran using MEDALUS method. Environmental monitoring and Assessment, 134(1-3), 243.
  • TİGEM. 1988. Karacabey Tarım İşletmesi Topraklarının Etüd ve Haritalaması. 86s.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Timuçin Everest

Ali Sungur This is me

Hasan Özcan This is me

Publication Date January 25, 2020
Submission Date October 25, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Everest, T., Sungur, A., & Özcan, H. (2020). MEDALUS Yöntemi Kullanılarak Karacabey Tarım İşletmesi Toprak Kalite İndeksinin Değerlendirilmesi. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 7(1), 120-131.