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Response of Field Crops to Ameliorative Phosphorus Fertilization

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-1, 783 - 788, 01.03.2014


Different types of nutritional unbalances, including also low levels of plant available phosphorus (P), are often limiting factor of soil fertility in Croatia and in countries of the region, particularly in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Aim of this study was survey our recent investigations (eight stationary field experiments) of maize, soybean, wheat and barley responses to ameliorative P fertilization up to different levels (depending on the trial up to from 825 to 1580 kg P2O5 ha-1). Either MAP (monammonium phosphate: 12% N + 52% P2O5) or triplephosphate (45% P2O5) were used as source of P. Selection of soil was made based on the previous soil test. In spite of low levels of available P (ammonium lactate method: below 10 mg P2O5 100 g-1 of soil), response of the field crops to applied fertilization in four experiments in Croatia was mainly moderate or without significant differences. However, in B&H by using the rate of 1580 kg P2O5 ha-1 maize yields were increased depending on year in municipality Kozarska Dubica from 16 to 40%, Gradiska from 8 to 38%, and in Laktasi from 6 to 18% Also, by using 975 kg P2O5 ha-1 soybean yield in Odzak municipality was increased for 20%. In general, year effect (weather characteristics) was the most influencing factor of yields in our investigations. We presume that ammonium-lactate method is not suitable as criterion of P supplies in all tested soils. From other side, majority of tested soils have additional soil fertility limitations as low pH or unfavorable physical properties


  • Antunovic M., Rastija M., Sudaric A., Varga I., Jovic J., 2012. Response of soybean to phosphorus fertilization under drought stress conditions. Növénytermelés 61 (Suppl.): 117-120.
  • Borlaug N. E., Dowswell C. R., 1997. The acid lands: one of agriculture,s last frontiers.
  • In: Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH (edited by Moniz A. C. et al.). Brazilian Soil Science Society, Campinas / Vicosa, Brazil. p. 5-15. Egner, H., Riehm, H., Domingo, W.R. ,1960.
  • Untersuchungen uber die chemische Bodenanalyse als Grundlage fur die Beurteilung des Nahrstoffzustandes der Boden Extractionsmethoden zu Phosphor- und Kaliumbestimmung. K. Lantbr. Hogsk. Annlr. W.R. 26, p. 199-215. Chemische Fageria N. K., Baligar V. C., Li Y.,2006.
  • Enchancing phosphorus use efficiency in crop plants grown on Brazilian oxisols. In: Proceedings of 3rd International symposium on Phosphorus Dynamics in the Soil-Plant Continuum, 14-19 May 2006, Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
  • Embrapa Milho e Sorgo Sete Lagoas, MG, Brasil, p. 79-80. Kadar I., Ragalyi P., Loncaric Z., Kovacevic V., 2010.
  • Residual effect of superphosphate on a calcareous chernozem soil In: Proceedings of 45th Croatian and 5th International Symposium of Agriculuture, Opatija 15-19 February 2010
  • (Maric S. and Loncaric Z. Editors), Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, p. 766-770. Jovic J., Rastija M., Kovacevic V., Iljkic D., Markovic M., 20 Response of maize to phosphorus fertilization Proceedings, of the 48th Croatian & 8th International Symposium on Agriculture 17.-22. February 2013 Dubrovnik (Maric S. and Loncaric Z. Editors), Faculty of Agriculture,
  • University J.J. Strosmayer in Osijek (ISBN 978- 953-7871-08-6), p. 494 - 498. Canton. In:
  • Komljenovic I., Markovic M., Djurasinovic G., Kovacevic V. , 2013. Response of maize to liming and ameliorative phoshorus fertilization.
  • Advanced Crop Science 13 (3): 225-232. Komljenovic, I., Markovic, M., Kondic D., 2008.
  • Residual influences of phosphorus fertilization on maize status in Potkozarje area. Cereal Research Communications 36 (Suppl.): 699- (edited by Vera M. C. Alves et al., 70 (May 17 – 21, 2009, Guangzhou, China: Editors:
  • Hong Liao, Xiaolong Yan, Leon Kochian), South China of Guangzhoun, p. 231-232. hydromorphic soil of Bosnian Posavina area. Poljoprivreda 16 (2): 9-13. Komljenovic I., Markovic M., Kovacevic V., Veskovic M. and Custovic H., 2005.
  • Response of maize to phosphorus fertilization in the Potkozarje area. In: Proceedings Symposium International Participation (Kovacevic V. and Jovanovac Sonja Eds.), 15-18
  • February 2005, Opatija, Croatia, p. 449- 4 XL Croatian with
  • Komljenovic I.,Markovic M., Todorovic J., Kovacevic V. phosphorus fertilization on maize yields in Potkozarje area. In: Proceednings, 41 Croatian Symposium Jovanovac and V. Kovacevic Eds.), 13-17. February 2006, Opatija, Croatia, Faculty of
  • Strossmayer in Osijek, p. 415-416. Kovacevic V., Brkic I., Loncaric Z., Rastija M.,20 Impacts of ameliorative fertilization potassium on maize yields. Proceedings 22nd Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry. Sept. 28 – Oct. 1, 2011
  • Sarajevo. Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Faculty of Agriculture Turkey. p. 116-119. and International Scientific-Expert Ege University, Izmir, Kovacevic V., Brkic I., Simic D., Kadar I., 2010.
  • Potassium effects on field crop yields on an acid soil in northwestern part of Croatia. In: Soil Management and Potash Fertilizer Uses in West Asia and North Africa Region (Kirkby E. A. Editor) - Proceeding of the International Symposium of Potash Institute in cooperation with Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Bornova, Izmir Turkey, Antalya, Turkey 22-25 Nov. 2010.
  • International Potash Institute Horgen, Switzerland, p.455-462. Kovacevic V., Kadar I., Jolankai M., Rastija M., 2009a. fertilization with P and K on field crop yields and soil status. In: Plant-Soil
  • Interactions at Low pH: A nutriomic Approach Proc. – of the 7th Technology Press Kovacevic V., Rastija M., Simic B., Andric L., Kaucic D., 200 Phosphorus and potassium fertilization impacts on yield and nutritional status of maize. Cereal Research Communications 36 (Supplement):43-46. Kovacevic V., Seput M., Andric L., Sostaric J., 2007.
  • Response of maize and soybeans to fertilization with phosphorus and potassium on acid soil. Cereal Research Communications, 35 (2): 645-648. Kovacevic V., Stojic B., Rastija M., Brkic I., Drezner G., 2009b. Response of maize, wheat and barley to phosphorus and potassium fertilization. Cereal (Supplement): 129-132. 37
  • Loncaric Z., Kovacevic V.,Seput Miranda, Simic B., Stojic B., 2005. Influences of fertilization on yield and nutritional status of maize. Cereal
  • Research Communications 33 (1):259-262. Markovic M., Komljenovic I., Delalic Z., Kovacevic V., 200 Phosphorus as a limiting factor of the field crops yield unde conditions of the northern Bosnia. Lucrari Stiintifice. Seria Agronomie. Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara Iasi (1454-7414) 49 (2006), 1; 218-222.
  • Markovic M., Supic D., 2003. Osobine pseudogleja na području Gradiške s prijedlogom meliorativnih mjera (Charactistics of pseudogley of Gradiska area agromeliorative treatments). Agroznanje, IV (1): 142-154. for
  • Matsumoto H., Nanzyo M., Inubushi K., Yamamoto Y., Koyama H., Saigusa M., Osaki M., Sakurai K., 200 Preface to Proceedings of the 6th International Interactions at Low pH, August 1-5, 2004,
  • Sendai, Japan. Japanerse Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Sendai, Japan. Plant-Soil Okiljevic V., Predic T., Lukic R., Markovic M., 1997.
  • Poljoprivredno zemljište Republike Srpske (Agricultural soils of Republic of Srpska). Agroznanje 1 (1):15-23. Omenyo V. S., Okalebo J. R., Othieno C. O., 2010.
  • Effects of lime and phosphorus fertilizers on maize performance in acid soils of western Kenya. In: Research Application Summaries of the Second RUFORUM Biennale Meeting 20-24
  • Sept. 2010, Entebbe, Uganda, p. 703-707.
  • Petosic D., Kovacevic V., Josipovic M., 2003.
  • Phosphorus availability in hydromorphic soils oh Eastern Croatia. Plant, Soil and International symposium at low pH Rastija M., Jovic J., Iljkic D., Kovacevic V., Environment 49(9):394-401. Rastija D., 2014. Response of winter wheat to ameliorative phosphorus fertilization, In: Proceedings of the 49th Croatian and Symposium on Agriculture, February 16-21, Dubrovnik (Maric S. and Loncaric
  • Z. editors), Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, p. 412 – 415. International ameliorative fertilization on soil nutritional status in Bjelovar-Bilogora County. Cereal Research Communications 36 (Suppl.):1315- 13
  • Stojic B., Kovacevic V., Seput M., Kaucic D., Mikoc V., 2012, Maize yields variation among years as function of weather regimes and fertilization. Növénytermelés 61: 85-88.

Response of Field Crops to Ameliorative Phosphorus Fertilization

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-1, 783 - 788, 01.03.2014



  • Antunovic M., Rastija M., Sudaric A., Varga I., Jovic J., 2012. Response of soybean to phosphorus fertilization under drought stress conditions. Növénytermelés 61 (Suppl.): 117-120.
  • Borlaug N. E., Dowswell C. R., 1997. The acid lands: one of agriculture,s last frontiers.
  • In: Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH (edited by Moniz A. C. et al.). Brazilian Soil Science Society, Campinas / Vicosa, Brazil. p. 5-15. Egner, H., Riehm, H., Domingo, W.R. ,1960.
  • Untersuchungen uber die chemische Bodenanalyse als Grundlage fur die Beurteilung des Nahrstoffzustandes der Boden Extractionsmethoden zu Phosphor- und Kaliumbestimmung. K. Lantbr. Hogsk. Annlr. W.R. 26, p. 199-215. Chemische Fageria N. K., Baligar V. C., Li Y.,2006.
  • Enchancing phosphorus use efficiency in crop plants grown on Brazilian oxisols. In: Proceedings of 3rd International symposium on Phosphorus Dynamics in the Soil-Plant Continuum, 14-19 May 2006, Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
  • Embrapa Milho e Sorgo Sete Lagoas, MG, Brasil, p. 79-80. Kadar I., Ragalyi P., Loncaric Z., Kovacevic V., 2010.
  • Residual effect of superphosphate on a calcareous chernozem soil In: Proceedings of 45th Croatian and 5th International Symposium of Agriculuture, Opatija 15-19 February 2010
  • (Maric S. and Loncaric Z. Editors), Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, p. 766-770. Jovic J., Rastija M., Kovacevic V., Iljkic D., Markovic M., 20 Response of maize to phosphorus fertilization Proceedings, of the 48th Croatian & 8th International Symposium on Agriculture 17.-22. February 2013 Dubrovnik (Maric S. and Loncaric Z. Editors), Faculty of Agriculture,
  • University J.J. Strosmayer in Osijek (ISBN 978- 953-7871-08-6), p. 494 - 498. Canton. In:
  • Komljenovic I., Markovic M., Djurasinovic G., Kovacevic V. , 2013. Response of maize to liming and ameliorative phoshorus fertilization.
  • Advanced Crop Science 13 (3): 225-232. Komljenovic, I., Markovic, M., Kondic D., 2008.
  • Residual influences of phosphorus fertilization on maize status in Potkozarje area. Cereal Research Communications 36 (Suppl.): 699- (edited by Vera M. C. Alves et al., 70 (May 17 – 21, 2009, Guangzhou, China: Editors:
  • Hong Liao, Xiaolong Yan, Leon Kochian), South China of Guangzhoun, p. 231-232. hydromorphic soil of Bosnian Posavina area. Poljoprivreda 16 (2): 9-13. Komljenovic I., Markovic M., Kovacevic V., Veskovic M. and Custovic H., 2005.
  • Response of maize to phosphorus fertilization in the Potkozarje area. In: Proceedings Symposium International Participation (Kovacevic V. and Jovanovac Sonja Eds.), 15-18
  • February 2005, Opatija, Croatia, p. 449- 4 XL Croatian with
  • Komljenovic I.,Markovic M., Todorovic J., Kovacevic V. phosphorus fertilization on maize yields in Potkozarje area. In: Proceednings, 41 Croatian Symposium Jovanovac and V. Kovacevic Eds.), 13-17. February 2006, Opatija, Croatia, Faculty of
  • Strossmayer in Osijek, p. 415-416. Kovacevic V., Brkic I., Loncaric Z., Rastija M.,20 Impacts of ameliorative fertilization potassium on maize yields. Proceedings 22nd Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry. Sept. 28 – Oct. 1, 2011
  • Sarajevo. Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Faculty of Agriculture Turkey. p. 116-119. and International Scientific-Expert Ege University, Izmir, Kovacevic V., Brkic I., Simic D., Kadar I., 2010.
  • Potassium effects on field crop yields on an acid soil in northwestern part of Croatia. In: Soil Management and Potash Fertilizer Uses in West Asia and North Africa Region (Kirkby E. A. Editor) - Proceeding of the International Symposium of Potash Institute in cooperation with Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Bornova, Izmir Turkey, Antalya, Turkey 22-25 Nov. 2010.
  • International Potash Institute Horgen, Switzerland, p.455-462. Kovacevic V., Kadar I., Jolankai M., Rastija M., 2009a. fertilization with P and K on field crop yields and soil status. In: Plant-Soil
  • Interactions at Low pH: A nutriomic Approach Proc. – of the 7th Technology Press Kovacevic V., Rastija M., Simic B., Andric L., Kaucic D., 200 Phosphorus and potassium fertilization impacts on yield and nutritional status of maize. Cereal Research Communications 36 (Supplement):43-46. Kovacevic V., Seput M., Andric L., Sostaric J., 2007.
  • Response of maize and soybeans to fertilization with phosphorus and potassium on acid soil. Cereal Research Communications, 35 (2): 645-648. Kovacevic V., Stojic B., Rastija M., Brkic I., Drezner G., 2009b. Response of maize, wheat and barley to phosphorus and potassium fertilization. Cereal (Supplement): 129-132. 37
  • Loncaric Z., Kovacevic V.,Seput Miranda, Simic B., Stojic B., 2005. Influences of fertilization on yield and nutritional status of maize. Cereal
  • Research Communications 33 (1):259-262. Markovic M., Komljenovic I., Delalic Z., Kovacevic V., 200 Phosphorus as a limiting factor of the field crops yield unde conditions of the northern Bosnia. Lucrari Stiintifice. Seria Agronomie. Universitatea de Stiinte Agricole si Medicina Veterinara Iasi (1454-7414) 49 (2006), 1; 218-222.
  • Markovic M., Supic D., 2003. Osobine pseudogleja na području Gradiške s prijedlogom meliorativnih mjera (Charactistics of pseudogley of Gradiska area agromeliorative treatments). Agroznanje, IV (1): 142-154. for
  • Matsumoto H., Nanzyo M., Inubushi K., Yamamoto Y., Koyama H., Saigusa M., Osaki M., Sakurai K., 200 Preface to Proceedings of the 6th International Interactions at Low pH, August 1-5, 2004,
  • Sendai, Japan. Japanerse Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Sendai, Japan. Plant-Soil Okiljevic V., Predic T., Lukic R., Markovic M., 1997.
  • Poljoprivredno zemljište Republike Srpske (Agricultural soils of Republic of Srpska). Agroznanje 1 (1):15-23. Omenyo V. S., Okalebo J. R., Othieno C. O., 2010.
  • Effects of lime and phosphorus fertilizers on maize performance in acid soils of western Kenya. In: Research Application Summaries of the Second RUFORUM Biennale Meeting 20-24
  • Sept. 2010, Entebbe, Uganda, p. 703-707.
  • Petosic D., Kovacevic V., Josipovic M., 2003.
  • Phosphorus availability in hydromorphic soils oh Eastern Croatia. Plant, Soil and International symposium at low pH Rastija M., Jovic J., Iljkic D., Kovacevic V., Environment 49(9):394-401. Rastija D., 2014. Response of winter wheat to ameliorative phosphorus fertilization, In: Proceedings of the 49th Croatian and Symposium on Agriculture, February 16-21, Dubrovnik (Maric S. and Loncaric
  • Z. editors), Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, p. 412 – 415. International ameliorative fertilization on soil nutritional status in Bjelovar-Bilogora County. Cereal Research Communications 36 (Suppl.):1315- 13
  • Stojic B., Kovacevic V., Seput M., Kaucic D., Mikoc V., 2012, Maize yields variation among years as function of weather regimes and fertilization. Növénytermelés 61: 85-88.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Vlado Kovacevıc This is me

Mirta Rastıja This is me

İlija Komljenovıc This is me

Sabina Begıc This is me

Jurica Jovıc This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2014
Submission Date January 26, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-1


APA Kovacevıc, V., Rastıja, M., Komljenovıc, İ., Begıc, S., et al. (2014). Response of Field Crops to Ameliorative Phosphorus Fertilization. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 1(Özel Sayı-1), 783-788.