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Economic Characteristics of Some Newly-Selected Wine Varieties and Vine Clones in Bulgaria

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-1, 884 - 888, 01.03.2014


During the period 1994-2008, in the Institute of Viticulture and Enology - Pleven, a comparative study of the economic characteristics of newly-selected in Bulgaria wine varieties and vine clones was carried out. It was found that according to the mechanical analysis of the grapes of the studied interspecific varieties, they were typically wine with specific characteristics of the clusters and berries suitable for the production of quality red and white wines. These varieties had high fertility rate and productivity, increased resistance to biotic and abiotic stress and were suitable to be grown on different training systems in all viticultural regions of Bulgaria. The analyzed data of many years from the grapes physico-chemical analysis of the studied clones of wine varieties showed that they were superior compared to the population of the respective variety mainly in the cluster size and mass and not so much in the berry size. The clones had a more intense rate of sugars accumulation in the grapes, while maintaining a good level of titratable acidity. The wine quality produced from the clones was better in comparison to wine from the population of the respective varieties


  • Alleweldt G., J. V. Possingham. 1988. Progress in breeding. grapevine Applied Genetics. Vol. 75, №5, 669-673. and
  • Cosmo I., А. Calo, А. Costacurta. 1975. Choice of wine varieties: (a) origin of the material, selection, hybridization etc.; (b) official intervention: basis and aims, ways and means, results. Rivista di Viticoltura e di Enologia. Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 81-86.
  • Clarke O., M. Rande. 2001. Encyclopedia of grapes, Harcourt books, pp. 320.
  • Hajdu Е., 1997. The clone, the basis of vine growing for quality. Magyar Szőlő- és Borgazdaság. Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 13-17. 2009. Ivanov М. Comparative economic performance of new table interspecies varieties and candidate varieties with increased resistance to stressors, Viticulture and enology, 3, 26-30.
  • Ivanov М. 2011. Chemical composition of grapes from intraspecific and interspecific varieties. Viticulture and enology, 6, 10-15.
  • Katerov K. et al. 1990. Bulgarian Ampelography. Clonal and Sanitary Selection. Publishing of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, pp. 296.
  • Negrul А. М., 1968. Questions of origin and selection of grapes on a genetic basis. Genetics, Vol. ІV, № 3, 84–97. 1967. Nemeth M., Termesztett Mezogazdasari Kiado, Budapest, 135-150 p. 1.
  • Stoev К., 1984. Physiology of grapes and the basis of it`s cultivation. BАS, Sofia, Volume 3, pp. 328.
  • Тroshin L.P., 1998. Viticulture in Cuban: yesterday, today…. and tomorrow Proceedings of the Crimean Academy of Sciences, № 6, 72-74.
  • Тroshin L.P., 1999. Ampelography and selection of the vine - Krasnodar: RITS «Free master», pp. 138.
  • Тroshin L.P., Т. А. Nudga. 2004. Wine grape varieties bred in SKZNIIS in Kuban / Viticulture and enology, № 1, 42-43.
  • Ulanovsky S., Y. Gogorcena, F. Martinez De Toda, J. M. Ortiz. 2002. Use of molecular markers in detection of synonymies and homonymies in grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). Scientia Horticulturae, 92: 241–254.
  • Wagner R., 1958. Uber aspontanen tetraploide von Vitis vinifera L. Vitis, 1-7 р.
  • Valchev V., 1978. Selection and genetic studies by hybridization in creating new wine grape varieties resistant to mildew / Pl. viticola / and cold. Dissertation, Pleven, pp. 183.
  • Valchev V., 1990. Intraspecific and interspecific hybridization of the vine. Habilitation work, Pleven, pp. 272.

Economic Characteristics of Some Newly-Selected Wine Varieties and Vine Clones in Bulgaria

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-1, 884 - 888, 01.03.2014



  • Alleweldt G., J. V. Possingham. 1988. Progress in breeding. grapevine Applied Genetics. Vol. 75, №5, 669-673. and
  • Cosmo I., А. Calo, А. Costacurta. 1975. Choice of wine varieties: (a) origin of the material, selection, hybridization etc.; (b) official intervention: basis and aims, ways and means, results. Rivista di Viticoltura e di Enologia. Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 81-86.
  • Clarke O., M. Rande. 2001. Encyclopedia of grapes, Harcourt books, pp. 320.
  • Hajdu Е., 1997. The clone, the basis of vine growing for quality. Magyar Szőlő- és Borgazdaság. Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 13-17. 2009. Ivanov М. Comparative economic performance of new table interspecies varieties and candidate varieties with increased resistance to stressors, Viticulture and enology, 3, 26-30.
  • Ivanov М. 2011. Chemical composition of grapes from intraspecific and interspecific varieties. Viticulture and enology, 6, 10-15.
  • Katerov K. et al. 1990. Bulgarian Ampelography. Clonal and Sanitary Selection. Publishing of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, pp. 296.
  • Negrul А. М., 1968. Questions of origin and selection of grapes on a genetic basis. Genetics, Vol. ІV, № 3, 84–97. 1967. Nemeth M., Termesztett Mezogazdasari Kiado, Budapest, 135-150 p. 1.
  • Stoev К., 1984. Physiology of grapes and the basis of it`s cultivation. BАS, Sofia, Volume 3, pp. 328.
  • Тroshin L.P., 1998. Viticulture in Cuban: yesterday, today…. and tomorrow Proceedings of the Crimean Academy of Sciences, № 6, 72-74.
  • Тroshin L.P., 1999. Ampelography and selection of the vine - Krasnodar: RITS «Free master», pp. 138.
  • Тroshin L.P., Т. А. Nudga. 2004. Wine grape varieties bred in SKZNIIS in Kuban / Viticulture and enology, № 1, 42-43.
  • Ulanovsky S., Y. Gogorcena, F. Martinez De Toda, J. M. Ortiz. 2002. Use of molecular markers in detection of synonymies and homonymies in grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.). Scientia Horticulturae, 92: 241–254.
  • Wagner R., 1958. Uber aspontanen tetraploide von Vitis vinifera L. Vitis, 1-7 р.
  • Valchev V., 1978. Selection and genetic studies by hybridization in creating new wine grape varieties resistant to mildew / Pl. viticola / and cold. Dissertation, Pleven, pp. 183.
  • Valchev V., 1990. Intraspecific and interspecific hybridization of the vine. Habilitation work, Pleven, pp. 272.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Miroslav Ivanov This is me

Zdravko Nakov This is me

Iliyan Sımeonov This is me

Tatyana Yoncheva This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2014
Submission Date January 26, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-1


APA Ivanov, M., Nakov, Z., Sımeonov, I., Yoncheva, T. (2014). Economic Characteristics of Some Newly-Selected Wine Varieties and Vine Clones in Bulgaria. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 1(Özel Sayı-1), 884-888.