The trial was carried out in a specially constructed greenhouse. During the period of investigation (2011 – 2013), the experiment involved 11 common wheat cultivars in 4 replications. The cultivars were grown on Haplic Chernozems under two regimes of water supply – optimal (OWS) and increasing water insufficiency, or water deficit (WD) till the end of the growing season. The water regimes were imitated by watering and maintenance of 80-85 % of MSMA (marginal soil moisture absorption) and by causing of drought at 45-50 % MSMA. Under the optimal water regime, cultivars Bojana, Bolyarka, Rada and Bezostaya 1 formed maximal total shoot biomass. The water insufficiency sharply decreased the productivity of the cultivars with a mean of 35.52 % in comparison to the optimal water regime. Highest total shoot biomass was measured in cultivars Yantur, Bojana and Rada. Under both regimes of water supply, cultivars Bojana, Bolyarka, Lazarka, Rada and Yantur had highest productivity. The increasing water insufficiency during the growing season of the crop caused lower amplitudes in the variation of the investigated indices in cultivar Lazarka as compared to all other cultivars. This cultivar had the highest harvest index under severe drought. The working efficiency of a vegetation mass unit regardless of the water supply was highest in cultivar Bolyarka. Under severe water insufficiency the same was valid for cultivars Lazarka, Neda, Slaveya and Yantur. The water insufficiency contributed to the decrease of the absolute weight of the grain with 28.3 % and caused significant variation of the values depending on the cultivar. Cultivars Bojana, Bezostaya 1, Bolyarka, Dragana and Lazarka were significantly less affected by the severe insufficiency of soil moisture and possessed larger grain than the rest of the cultivars. Under optimal water supply in the course of the growing season, cultivar Bolyarka had the largest grain. This tendency was valid in all three years of the experiment, the differences with the other cultivars being within the range 5 – 19.9 g
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 1, 2014 |
Submission Date | January 26, 2015 |
Published in Issue | Year 2014 Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-1 |