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Effects of Apricot Kernel Flour and Fiber-Rich Fruit Powders on

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-1, 1326 - 1332, 01.03.2014


Reducing fat in diet has become a public health concern for consumers. Several fat replacers have been in use in bakery products. Apricot kernels are rich in lipid. The apricot kernel is generally added to bakery products and also consumed as appetizers. Apricots and apples among the most promising foods with the physiologically important constituents such as dietary fiber. In order to investigate the effects of fruit powders addition on low-fat cookie quality, apple or apricot powder (APLP and APR-P) were used to replace wheat flour in the formulation of cookies at the levels of 10, 20, 30 and 40% (w/w) with 15% apricot kernel flour to replace shortening. Results indicated that there were no significant differences between spread ratio values of the cookies supplemented with different levels of APL-P up to 30% and control and they were all acceptable. However, APR-P supplemented cookies generally had a gradual increase in spread ratio values compared to the APL-P supplemented cookies above 10% level (p<0.01). The hardness values of the cookies generally increased significantly (p<0.01) with increasing APL-P levels. APL-P supplemented cookies generally had lower hardness values than APR-Psupplemented ones. Overall sensory scores of the cookies supplemented with APR-P were not significanly different from those of the control. APL-P supplemented cookies generally had higher L* and lower a* than APR-Psupplemented ones. Total dietary fiber contents of the cookies increased with increasing fruit powder supplementation level. APR-P appeared to be a more suitable replacer than APLPup to 30% level


  • AACC International, 2000. Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, 10th Ed., The Association: St. Paul, MN, USA.
  • Alpaslan, M., Hayta M., 2006. Apricot kernel: Physical Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 83: 469-471. properties.
  • Anonymous, 1988. User’s Guide to MSTAT-C, A Software Program for the Design, Management and Analysis of Agronomic Research Experiments. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA.
  • AOAC, 1998. Official Methods of Analysis of the of Association Chemists, Chemists, Inc., Virginia, USA. Analytical Official Association of
  • Asma, B.M., 2000. Apricot growing, Malatya, Turkey, Evin Publishers (in Turkish).
  • Aydemir, T., Yılmaz, I., Özdemir, I., Arıkan, N., 1993. Kayısı cekirdegi yağının fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Doğa Türk Kimya Dergisi, 17: 56-61.
  • Bath, D.E., Shelke, K., Hoseney, R.C., 1992. Fat replacers in high-ratio layer cakes. Cereal Foods World 37:495-500.
  • Champbell, L.A., Ketelsen, S.M., Antenucci, R.N., 1994. Formulating oatmeal cookies with calorie-sparing ingredients. Food Technology 48:98-105.
  • Durmaz, G., Alpaslan, M., 2007. Antioxidant properties of roasted apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) kernel. Food Chem. 100:1177-1181.
  • El-Adawy, T.A., Rahma, A.H., El-Badawey, A.A., Gomaa, M.A., Lasztity, R., Sarkadi, L., 1994. Biochemical studies of some non- conventional sources of proteins. Part 7. Effect of detoxification treatments on the nutritional quality of apricot kernels. Nahrung, 38, 12-20.
  • FAO, 2002. Production year book.
  • Femenia. A., Rossello, C., Mulet, A., Canellas, J. 1995. Chemical composition of bitter and sweet apricot kernels. Journal of Agric. and Food Chemistry, 43:356-361.
  • Giese, J., 1996. Fats and fat replacers: Balancing the health benefits. Food Technol. 50:76-78.
  • Gorinstein, S., Zachwieja, Z., Folta, M., Barton, H., Piotrowicz, J., Zember, M., Weisz, M., Trakhtenberg, S., Martin-Belloso, O., 2001. Comparative content of dietary fiber, total phenolics, and minerals in persimmons and apples. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49:952-957.
  • Inglett, G.E., Warner, K., Newman, R.K., 1994. Sensory and nutritional evaluations of oatrim. Cereal Foods World 39:755-759.
  • Kamel, B.S., Kakuda, Y., 1992. Characterisation of the seed oil and meal from spricot, cherry, nectarine, peach and plum. J. of Am. Oil Chemists’ Society, 69: 493-494.
  • Köksel, H., Özboy, Ö., 1999. Effects of Sugar on Beet ZuckerIndustrie 124:542-544. Quality.
  • Lazos, E.S., 1991. Composition and oil characteristics of apricot, peach and cherry kernel. Grasas Y Aceites, 42: 127- 131.
  • Leontowicz, M., Gorinstein, S., Leontowicz, H., Krzeminski, R., Lojek, A., Katrich, E., Ciz, M., Martin-Belloso, O., Soliva-Fortuny, R., Haruenkit, R., Trakhtenberg, S., 2003. Apple and pear pell and pulp and their influence antioxidant potentials in rats fed cholesterol-containing diets. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51:5780-5785. lipids and
  • Li, B.W., Cardozo, M.S., 1994. Determination Total Dietary Fiber in Foods and Products with Little or No Starch, Nonenzymatic-Gravimetric Collaborative Study. J. AOAC Int. 77:687- 689. Method,
  • Mongeau, R., Brasard, R., 1982. Insoluble dietary fiber from breakfast cereals and brans: bile salt binding and water- holding capacity in relation to particle size. Cereal Chem. 59:413-417.
  • Michel, F., Thibault, J.F., Barry, J.L., De Baynast, R., characterisation of DF from sugar beet pulp. J. Sci. Food. Agric. 42:77- 85.
  • Özboy, Ö., Köksel, H., 1997. Comparison of the Effects of Two Wheat Cultivars on the Quality of High Fiber Bran Cookies. Gıda. 22:9-14.
  • Özboy-Özbaş, Ö., Şeker, I.T., Gökbulut, I., 2010. Effects of Resistant Starch, Apricot Kernel Flour, and Fiber-rich Fruit Powders on Low-fat Cookie Quality. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 19 (4): 979-986.
  • Özcan, M., 2000. Composition of some apricot (Prunus armenica L.) kernels grown in Turkey. Acta Alimentaria, 29: 289-293.
  • Özkal, S.G., Yener, M.E., Bayindirli, L., 2005. Mass transfer modeling of apricot kernel oil extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 35: 119-127.
  • Öztürk, S., Özboy, Ö., Cavidoglu, I., Köksel, H., 2002. Effects of Brewer’s Spent Grain on the Quality and Dietary Fiber Content of Cookies. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 108:23-27.
  • Painter, N.S., Burkitt, D.P., 1977. A deficiency disease of western civilization. Brit. Med. Journal 2:450-456.
  • Şeker, I.T., Özboy –Özbaş, O., Gökbulut, I., Öztürk, S., Köksel, H., 2009. Effects of fiber-rich apple and apricot powders on cookie quality, Food Sci. Biotechnol. 18 (4): 948-953.
  • Şeker, I.T., Özboy –Özbaş, Ö, Gökbulut, I., Öztürk, S., Köksel, H., 2010. Utilization of apricot kernel flour as fat replacers in cookies, J. of Food Proc. And Preser. 34: 15-26.
  • Trowell, M,. 1972. Crude fiber, dietary fiber and atherosclerosis. Atherol. 16:138-143.
  • Walker, A.R.P., Richardson, B.D., Walker, B.F., Woolford, A., 1973. Appendicitis, fiber intake and bowl behaviour in ethnic groups in South Africa. Postgrad. Med. 49:187-195.

Effects of Apricot Kernel Flour and Fiber-Rich Fruit Powders on

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-1, 1326 - 1332, 01.03.2014


Diyetteki yağ miktarını azaltmak, tüketiciler için halk sağlığı konusu haline gelmiştir. Çeşitli yağ ikame edici madde (fat replacer) fırıncılık ürünlerinde kullanılmaktadır. Kayısı çekirdeği lipitçe zengindir. Kayısı ve elma, fizyolojik olarak önemli olan besinsel lif gibi bileşenler içeren umut verici gıdalar arasındadır. Meyve tozlarının düşük yağlı bisküvi kalitesine etkilerini araştırmak için elma ve kayısı tozu (APL-P ve APR-P) bisküvi formülasyonunda buğday unu ile %10, 20, 30 ve 40 (w/w) oranında yer değiştirerek kullanılmıştır. Bu formülasyonda yağın yerine %15 kayısı çekirdeği unu ilavesi yapılmıştır. Sonuçlar göstermiştir ki, değişik oranlarda APL-P içeren bisküvilere %30 ilave oranına kadar ve kontrol bisküvilerinde yayılma oranı değerleri bakımından önemli bir fark bulunamamıştır ve bütün bisküviler kabul edilebilir niteliktedir. Ancak, APR-P ilave edilen bisküvilerde genellikle yayılma oranı değerlerinde APL-P ilave edilmiş bisküvilere göre %10 ilave oranı üzerinde giderek artan bir yükseliş gözlenmiştir (p<0.01). Genel olarak bisküvilerin sertlik değerleri APL-P arttıkça önemli düzeyde artmıştır (p<0.01). APL-P ilave edilmiş bisküviler genellikle APR-P ilave edilmişlere göre daha düşük sertlik değerleri vermiştir. APR-P ilave edilmiş bisküvilerde toplam duyusal değerler, kontrol örneğinden önemli bir farklılık göstermemiştir. APL-P ilave edilmiş bisküviler, APR-P ilave edilmişlere göre genel olarak daha yüksek L* ve daha düşük a* değeri vermişlerdir. Toplam besinsel lif içerikleri, ilave edilen meyve tozları miktarına bağlı olarak artmıştır. APR-P, %30 ilave oranı değerine kadar APL-P’ a göre daha iyi bir yağ ikame edici olarak görülmüştür


  • AACC International, 2000. Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists, 10th Ed., The Association: St. Paul, MN, USA.
  • Alpaslan, M., Hayta M., 2006. Apricot kernel: Physical Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, 83: 469-471. properties.
  • Anonymous, 1988. User’s Guide to MSTAT-C, A Software Program for the Design, Management and Analysis of Agronomic Research Experiments. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA.
  • AOAC, 1998. Official Methods of Analysis of the of Association Chemists, Chemists, Inc., Virginia, USA. Analytical Official Association of
  • Asma, B.M., 2000. Apricot growing, Malatya, Turkey, Evin Publishers (in Turkish).
  • Aydemir, T., Yılmaz, I., Özdemir, I., Arıkan, N., 1993. Kayısı cekirdegi yağının fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Doğa Türk Kimya Dergisi, 17: 56-61.
  • Bath, D.E., Shelke, K., Hoseney, R.C., 1992. Fat replacers in high-ratio layer cakes. Cereal Foods World 37:495-500.
  • Champbell, L.A., Ketelsen, S.M., Antenucci, R.N., 1994. Formulating oatmeal cookies with calorie-sparing ingredients. Food Technology 48:98-105.
  • Durmaz, G., Alpaslan, M., 2007. Antioxidant properties of roasted apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) kernel. Food Chem. 100:1177-1181.
  • El-Adawy, T.A., Rahma, A.H., El-Badawey, A.A., Gomaa, M.A., Lasztity, R., Sarkadi, L., 1994. Biochemical studies of some non- conventional sources of proteins. Part 7. Effect of detoxification treatments on the nutritional quality of apricot kernels. Nahrung, 38, 12-20.
  • FAO, 2002. Production year book.
  • Femenia. A., Rossello, C., Mulet, A., Canellas, J. 1995. Chemical composition of bitter and sweet apricot kernels. Journal of Agric. and Food Chemistry, 43:356-361.
  • Giese, J., 1996. Fats and fat replacers: Balancing the health benefits. Food Technol. 50:76-78.
  • Gorinstein, S., Zachwieja, Z., Folta, M., Barton, H., Piotrowicz, J., Zember, M., Weisz, M., Trakhtenberg, S., Martin-Belloso, O., 2001. Comparative content of dietary fiber, total phenolics, and minerals in persimmons and apples. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49:952-957.
  • Inglett, G.E., Warner, K., Newman, R.K., 1994. Sensory and nutritional evaluations of oatrim. Cereal Foods World 39:755-759.
  • Kamel, B.S., Kakuda, Y., 1992. Characterisation of the seed oil and meal from spricot, cherry, nectarine, peach and plum. J. of Am. Oil Chemists’ Society, 69: 493-494.
  • Köksel, H., Özboy, Ö., 1999. Effects of Sugar on Beet ZuckerIndustrie 124:542-544. Quality.
  • Lazos, E.S., 1991. Composition and oil characteristics of apricot, peach and cherry kernel. Grasas Y Aceites, 42: 127- 131.
  • Leontowicz, M., Gorinstein, S., Leontowicz, H., Krzeminski, R., Lojek, A., Katrich, E., Ciz, M., Martin-Belloso, O., Soliva-Fortuny, R., Haruenkit, R., Trakhtenberg, S., 2003. Apple and pear pell and pulp and their influence antioxidant potentials in rats fed cholesterol-containing diets. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51:5780-5785. lipids and
  • Li, B.W., Cardozo, M.S., 1994. Determination Total Dietary Fiber in Foods and Products with Little or No Starch, Nonenzymatic-Gravimetric Collaborative Study. J. AOAC Int. 77:687- 689. Method,
  • Mongeau, R., Brasard, R., 1982. Insoluble dietary fiber from breakfast cereals and brans: bile salt binding and water- holding capacity in relation to particle size. Cereal Chem. 59:413-417.
  • Michel, F., Thibault, J.F., Barry, J.L., De Baynast, R., characterisation of DF from sugar beet pulp. J. Sci. Food. Agric. 42:77- 85.
  • Özboy, Ö., Köksel, H., 1997. Comparison of the Effects of Two Wheat Cultivars on the Quality of High Fiber Bran Cookies. Gıda. 22:9-14.
  • Özboy-Özbaş, Ö., Şeker, I.T., Gökbulut, I., 2010. Effects of Resistant Starch, Apricot Kernel Flour, and Fiber-rich Fruit Powders on Low-fat Cookie Quality. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 19 (4): 979-986.
  • Özcan, M., 2000. Composition of some apricot (Prunus armenica L.) kernels grown in Turkey. Acta Alimentaria, 29: 289-293.
  • Özkal, S.G., Yener, M.E., Bayindirli, L., 2005. Mass transfer modeling of apricot kernel oil extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 35: 119-127.
  • Öztürk, S., Özboy, Ö., Cavidoglu, I., Köksel, H., 2002. Effects of Brewer’s Spent Grain on the Quality and Dietary Fiber Content of Cookies. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 108:23-27.
  • Painter, N.S., Burkitt, D.P., 1977. A deficiency disease of western civilization. Brit. Med. Journal 2:450-456.
  • Şeker, I.T., Özboy –Özbaş, O., Gökbulut, I., Öztürk, S., Köksel, H., 2009. Effects of fiber-rich apple and apricot powders on cookie quality, Food Sci. Biotechnol. 18 (4): 948-953.
  • Şeker, I.T., Özboy –Özbaş, Ö, Gökbulut, I., Öztürk, S., Köksel, H., 2010. Utilization of apricot kernel flour as fat replacers in cookies, J. of Food Proc. And Preser. 34: 15-26.
  • Trowell, M,. 1972. Crude fiber, dietary fiber and atherosclerosis. Atherol. 16:138-143.
  • Walker, A.R.P., Richardson, B.D., Walker, B.F., Woolford, A., 1973. Appendicitis, fiber intake and bowl behaviour in ethnic groups in South Africa. Postgrad. Med. 49:187-195.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Özen Özboy Özbaş This is me

İbrahim Tuğkan Şeker

İncilay Gökbulut This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2014
Submission Date January 26, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 1 Issue: Özel Sayı-1


APA Özbaş, Ö. Ö., Şeker, İ. T., & Gökbulut, İ. (2014). Effects of Apricot Kernel Flour and Fiber-Rich Fruit Powders on. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 1(Özel Sayı-1), 1326-1332.