Research Article
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Türkiye’de Bitkisel Ürünlerin Üretici Fiyatı Anomalileri

Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 820 - 829, 13.10.2023


Currently, some studies on food consumer price anomalies are being conducted in Turkey and other countries. However, the research on crop products producer price anomalies is limited. The purpose of this paper is to identify producer price anomalies for selected crop products in Turkey over the last ten years (2013-2022) using quarterly and annual Compound Growth Rates (CGR) of the monthly price level, which allows for price monitoring after accounting for the effects of seasonality and inflation on prices, making it an ideal way to use prices as the basis of an early warning indicator. According to the results, moderately or abnormally high prices were measured in all years except for 2015. Sunflower, sugar beet, potatoes and pistachio were the crop products abnormally high prices were measured more than one year in this period. Abnormally high prices were measured in the years of 2014 and 2021 at most. And, no abnormally high prices were measured in the years of 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2022. When the last three year situations of crop products with moderately or abnormally high producer prices were examined, wheat and maize were the crops with moderately high prices, and sunflower and sugar beet were the crops with abnormally high prices in 2020. In 2021, only the price of wheat was moderately high; cotton, maize, and barley were the crops with abnormally high prices. No abnormally high prices were measured in 2022, and the prices of wheat, cotton, tomatoes, maize, and potatoes were moderately high.


  • Akcelik, F. ve Yucel, C.Y. 2016. Food prices in Turkey: An international comparison, CBT Research Notes in Economics 1623, Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.
  • Anson, M. J. P., Fabozzi, F.J. ve Jones, F.J. 2011. The handbook of traditional and alternative investment vehicles. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
  • Araujo, C., Araujo-Bonjean, C. ve Brunelin, S. 2012. Alert at Maradi: Preventing food crisis by using price signals. World Development, 40(9): 1882-194.
  • Baquedano, F.G. 2015. Developing an indicator of price anomalies as an early warning tool: A compound growth approach, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.
  • Bayramoglu, A.T. ve Yurtkur, A.K. 2015. International Factors on Food and Agricultural Price Determinations in Turkey. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 152), 63-73.
  • Mutlu Çamoğlu, S. 2017. An Analysis of Producers Price Volatility in Turkish Hazelnut Market. Ünye İİBF Journal. 1(2): 54-62.
  • Dawe, D. ve Doroudian, A. 2011. A simple price monitoring tool to assess monthly changes in food prices, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.
  • De V. Cavalcanti, T. V., Mohaddes, K. ve Raissi, M. 2015. Commodity price volatility and the sources of growth. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 30(6), 857-873.
  • Doğan, H. G. ve Onurlubaş, E. 2016. The Examination with the Aid of Almon Approach of Cobweb Theorem to Tomato Production in Turkey. Cankiri Karatekin University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 7(1): 259-272.
  • FAO. 2023. World Food Situation. Available in [10.02.2023].
  • FAOSTAT. 2022. Crop ve livestock products [10.02.2022].
  • FAOSTAT. 2023. Producer prices. Available in [10.03.2023].
  • Gilbert, C.L., Christiaensen, L. and Kaminski, J. 2017. Food price seasonality in Africa: Measurement and extent. Food Policy, 67(2017): 119-132.
  • King, R. 2015. Anomaly or augury? Global food prices since 2007. IDS Bulletin, 46(6), 20-32.
  • Letta, M., Montalbano, P. and Pierre, G. (2022). Weather shocks, traders' expectations, and food prices. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 104(3), 1100-1119.
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF). 2022. Sunflower seed bulletin. Available in [15.02.2022].
  • Official Gazette. 2021. Sugar and Raw Materials Regulation, 5 June 2021. No: 31502.
  • Özbek, 2023. Impact of anomalies on food prices in Türkiye. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 33(2).
  • Selvi, M. S. and Cavlak, N. 2021. Gida Fiyatlarındaki Aşırı Artışların Olası Nedenleri Ve Covid-19’un Etkisi. Gıda, 47(1), 42-54.
  • Timmer, C.P. 2008. “Causes of High Food Prices,” ADB Economics Working Paper Series, No. 128, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila.
  • Traore, F. ve Diop, I. 2021. Measuring food price volatility, AGRODEP technical notes, (0019).
  • TurkStat. 2022. Crop Production Statistics, 2021, Available in [25.02.2022].
  • TurkStat. 2023a. Indicator 2.c.1-Indicator of food price anomalies. Available in [28.01.2023].
  • TurkStat. 2023b. Producer Price Index of Agricultural Products Press Release. Available in [15.03.2023].
  • Ulusoy, A. ve Sahingoz, B. 2020. The Effects of Prices of Food Products on Inflation in Turkey, Research Journal of Public Finance 6(2).
  • UN. 2022. Available in [28.01.2023].
  • WB. 2022. Commodity Markets Outlook October 2022, World Bank Group, Washington, USA.
  • WFP. 2014. Calculation and Use of the Alert for Price Spikes (ALPS) Indicator, World Food Programme, Rome.

Anomalies In Producer Prices Of Crop Products In Türkiye

Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 820 - 829, 13.10.2023


Hâlihazırda, Türkiye'de ve diğer ülkelerde gıda tüketici fiyat anomalilerine yönelik çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Ancak, bitkisel ürünlerin üretici fiyat anomalilerine yönelik çalışmalar sınırlıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de son on yılda (2013-2022) seçilen bitkisel ürünler için üretici fiyat anormalliklerini, mevsimsellik ve enflasyonun fiyatlar üzerindeki etkilerini dikkate alarak fiyatların izlenmesine olanak sağlayan aylık fiyat seviyesinin üç aylık ve yıllık Bileşik Büyüme Oranlarını (CGR) kullanarak belirlemektir. Bu yöntem, fiyatların erken uyarı göstergesi olarak kullanılması için ideal bir yoldur. Sonuçlara göre, on yıllık dönemde 2015 yılı hariç tüm yıllarda orta düzeyde veya anormal yüksek fiyatlar gözlemlendi. Bu dönemde, ayçiçeği, şekerpancarı, patates ve Antep fıstığı ürünleri için anormal yüksek fiyatlar birden fazla yılda görüldü. Anormal yüksek fiyatlar en fazla 2014 ve 2021 yıllarında görülürken, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 ve 2022 yıllarında anormal yüksek fiyat gözlemlenmedi. Üretici fiyatları orta veya anormal yüksek olan bitkisel ürünlerin son üç yıllık durumları incelendiğinde, 2020 yılında buğday ve mısır orta düzeyde yüksek üretici fiyatlarına sahip ürünler olurken, ayçiçeği ve şeker pancarı fiyatları anormal yüksek olan ürünler oldu. 2021 yılında ise sadece buğday üretici fiyatı orta derecede yüksekken, pamuk, mısır ve arpa fiyatları anormal yüksek olarak gerçekleşti. 2022 yılında anormal yüksek fiyatlar gözlemlenmezken, buğday, pamuk, domates, mısır ve patates fiyatları orta derecede yüksek olarak gerçekleşti.


  • Akcelik, F. ve Yucel, C.Y. 2016. Food prices in Turkey: An international comparison, CBT Research Notes in Economics 1623, Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.
  • Anson, M. J. P., Fabozzi, F.J. ve Jones, F.J. 2011. The handbook of traditional and alternative investment vehicles. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
  • Araujo, C., Araujo-Bonjean, C. ve Brunelin, S. 2012. Alert at Maradi: Preventing food crisis by using price signals. World Development, 40(9): 1882-194.
  • Baquedano, F.G. 2015. Developing an indicator of price anomalies as an early warning tool: A compound growth approach, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.
  • Bayramoglu, A.T. ve Yurtkur, A.K. 2015. International Factors on Food and Agricultural Price Determinations in Turkey. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 152), 63-73.
  • Mutlu Çamoğlu, S. 2017. An Analysis of Producers Price Volatility in Turkish Hazelnut Market. Ünye İİBF Journal. 1(2): 54-62.
  • Dawe, D. ve Doroudian, A. 2011. A simple price monitoring tool to assess monthly changes in food prices, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.
  • De V. Cavalcanti, T. V., Mohaddes, K. ve Raissi, M. 2015. Commodity price volatility and the sources of growth. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 30(6), 857-873.
  • Doğan, H. G. ve Onurlubaş, E. 2016. The Examination with the Aid of Almon Approach of Cobweb Theorem to Tomato Production in Turkey. Cankiri Karatekin University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 7(1): 259-272.
  • FAO. 2023. World Food Situation. Available in [10.02.2023].
  • FAOSTAT. 2022. Crop ve livestock products [10.02.2022].
  • FAOSTAT. 2023. Producer prices. Available in [10.03.2023].
  • Gilbert, C.L., Christiaensen, L. and Kaminski, J. 2017. Food price seasonality in Africa: Measurement and extent. Food Policy, 67(2017): 119-132.
  • King, R. 2015. Anomaly or augury? Global food prices since 2007. IDS Bulletin, 46(6), 20-32.
  • Letta, M., Montalbano, P. and Pierre, G. (2022). Weather shocks, traders' expectations, and food prices. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 104(3), 1100-1119.
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF). 2022. Sunflower seed bulletin. Available in [15.02.2022].
  • Official Gazette. 2021. Sugar and Raw Materials Regulation, 5 June 2021. No: 31502.
  • Özbek, 2023. Impact of anomalies on food prices in Türkiye. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 33(2).
  • Selvi, M. S. and Cavlak, N. 2021. Gida Fiyatlarındaki Aşırı Artışların Olası Nedenleri Ve Covid-19’un Etkisi. Gıda, 47(1), 42-54.
  • Timmer, C.P. 2008. “Causes of High Food Prices,” ADB Economics Working Paper Series, No. 128, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila.
  • Traore, F. ve Diop, I. 2021. Measuring food price volatility, AGRODEP technical notes, (0019).
  • TurkStat. 2022. Crop Production Statistics, 2021, Available in [25.02.2022].
  • TurkStat. 2023a. Indicator 2.c.1-Indicator of food price anomalies. Available in [28.01.2023].
  • TurkStat. 2023b. Producer Price Index of Agricultural Products Press Release. Available in [15.03.2023].
  • Ulusoy, A. ve Sahingoz, B. 2020. The Effects of Prices of Food Products on Inflation in Turkey, Research Journal of Public Finance 6(2).
  • UN. 2022. Available in [28.01.2023].
  • WB. 2022. Commodity Markets Outlook October 2022, World Bank Group, Washington, USA.
  • WFP. 2014. Calculation and Use of the Alert for Price Spikes (ALPS) Indicator, World Food Programme, Rome.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Research Article

Fethi Şaban Özbek 0000-0002-7021-0201

Publication Date October 13, 2023
Submission Date April 9, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 10 Issue: 4


APA Özbek, F. Ş. (2023). Türkiye’de Bitkisel Ürünlerin Üretici Fiyatı Anomalileri. Türk Tarım Ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(4), 820-829.