Research Article
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The Effects of Corn Silage and Sunflower Silage and Their Mixtures at Different Levels on the Fattening Performance of Kıvırcık Lambs

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 1091 - 1102, 12.10.2024


Maize silage is widely used in the nutrition of ruminants worldwide. Nevertheless, maize is expensive and difficult to grow in cold and arid climates. To investigate the effects of feeding pure maize silage and different mixtures of maize and sunflower silages on the fattening performance of lambs. In the study, 40 Kıvırcık male lambs aged 2.5-3 months and with an average live weight of 23-25 kg were used as the animal material. The experiment was carried out for 56 days in a semi-open barn. In accordance with the experimental design, animals were divided into 5 different silage groups (100 maize silage, 75 maize silage+25 sunflower silage, 50 maize silage+50 sunflower silage, 25 maize silage+75 sunflower silage, 100% sunflower silage), so that there would be 8 lambs in each group. The lambs were housed in individual compartments during the experiment and fed individually. Silages were given ad libitum, and additional 700, 900, and 1,400 g concentrated feed was given daily between the 0th and 21st, 21st and 42nd, and 42nd and 56th days, respectively. During the fattening period, the values of live weight, daily live weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio were determined. The differences among the live weight values of different silage groups during the trial period were found to be not significant (p>0.05), and the values obtained at the end of 8 weeks varied between 35.94 and 37.44 kg. The silage consumption of lambs fed different silage types showed significant differences (p<0.05) at 0-2 and 6-8 weeks. As a result, it was determined that the substitution of maize silage up to 75% by sunflower silage in the process of lamb fattening did not have any negative effect on fattening performance. Keeping in mind both fattening performance and consumption levels, it can be argued that sunflower silage can be used as a promising alternative to maize silage, especially in regions where winter conditions are harsh, irrigation facilities are limited, there are barren and inefficient lands, or the cost of maize silage production is high.

Project Number



  • Almeida Junior, G. A, Costa, C., Monteiro, A. L. G., Garcia, CA, Munari, D.P. and Neres, M. A. 2004. Live weight gain, carcass traits and economic results on lambs fed with high moisture maize silage in creep feeding. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 33(4): 1048-1059.
  • Anil, L., Park, J. and Phipps R. H. 2000. The potential of forage–maize intercrops in ruminant nutrition. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 86(3-4): 157-164.
  • Azambuja Ribeiro, E. L. A., da Rocha, M. A., Mizubuti, I. Y. and da Silva, L. D. F. 2002. Silages of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.), maize (Zea mays L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) for ewes in feedlot. Produção Animal Ciencia Rural, 32(2): 299-302.
  • Bueno, M. S., Junior, E. F., Possenti, R. A., Bianchini, D., Leinz, F. F. and de Carvalho Rodrigues, C. F. 2004. Performance of sheep fed sunflower silage or maize silage with increasing proportion of commercial concentrate. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 33(6 Sup.2): 1942-1948.
  • De Sousa, V. S., Louvandini. H., Scropfner, E. S., McManus, C., Abdalla, A. L. and Garcia Jose, A. S. 2008. Performance, carcass traits and body components in hair sheep fed with sunflower silage and maize silage. Ciência Animal Brasileira 9(2): 284-291.
  • De Vyver, W. V., Beukes, J. and Meeske, R. 2014. Maize silage as a finisher feed for Merino lambs. South African Journal of Animal Science, 43(5): 116.
  • Filya, İ. 2001. Silage Technology. Uludağ University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Animal Science, Bursa, Türkiye.
  • Filya, İ. 2007. Silage making in our country and ways to improve silage quality. Feed Magazine, 47: 37–44.
  • Fluharty, F. L., Zerby, H. N., Lowe, G. D., Clevenger, D. and Relling, A. E. 2017. Effects of feeding maize silage, pelleted, ensiled, or pelleted and ensiled alfalfa on growth and carcass characteristics of lamb. South African Journal of Animal Science, 47(5): 704-711.
  • Kara, H. and Eroğlu, A. 2018. Capacity planning of intensive livestock enterprise with integer linear programming method: Konya (Ereğli) example. Çukurova Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 33(2): 31-46.
  • Keleş, G., Kocaman, V., Üstündağ, A. O., Zungur, A. and Özdoğan, M. 2018. Growth rate, carcass characteristics and meat quality of growing lambs fed buckwheat or maize silage. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 31(4): 522-528.
  • Kutlu, H. R. (2019). All aspects of silage making and silage feeding. (Accessed Date: 25.02.2022).
  • Küçükersan, M. K. 2015. Sheep feeding principles. Ankara University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Lecture Notes, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Malisetty, V., Yerradoddi, R. R., Devanaboina, N., Mallam, M., Cherala, H. K., Admal, R. R. and Manthani, G. P. 2013 Effect of feeding maize silage supplemented with concentrate and legume hay on growth in Nellore ram lambs. Veterinary World, 6(4): 209-213.
  • Nolan, T. 1974. Fattening of lambs on silage fed alone and with concentrates. Irish Journal of Agricultural Research, 13 (2): 137-146.
  • Özen, N., Kırkpınar, F., Özdoğan, M., Ertürk, M. M. and Yurtman İ. Y. (2016). Animal Feeding. (Accessed Date: 20.02.2022).
  • Stanley, D. 2003. The role of silage in lamb-finishing systems. (Accessed Date: 10.01.2022).
  • Tomich, T. R., Rodrigues, J. A. S., Gonçalves, L. C., Tomich, R. G. P. and Carvalho, A. U. 2003. Forage potential of sunflower cultivars produced in the off-season for silage. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 55(6): 756-762.
  • TSE. 1991. Animal feeds - determination of metabolic (convertible) energy (chemical method) UDK 636.085. TS 9610. Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Van Soest, P. J. and Robertson, J. B. 1980. Systems of Analysis for Evaluating Fibrous Feeds. In: Standardization of Analytical Methodology for Feeds, Eds: Pidgen, W. J., Balch, C.C. and Graham, M., International Development Research Centre, Canada.
  • Velázquez-Martínez, M., Garnica-Monzalvo, L., Vargas-Monter, J., Hernández Martínez, R., Noguez-Estrada, J., Sifuentes-Saucedo, D. M. and Hernández-Guzmán, F. J. (2022). Production of corn and sunf lower fodder, and its preference as silage among ewes in Mineral de la Reforma, Hidalgo. Agro Productividad, 15(7): 213-219.
  • Yaylak, E. and Alçiçek, A. 2003. A cheap source of roughage in cattle breeding: Maize silage. Animal Production, 44(2): 29-36.
  • Yıldız, S. 2017. The effect of using sunflower silage instead of maize silage in the rations of Saanen x Hair goat hybrid (F1) goats on rumen and blood parameters, milk yield and composition. (Ph.D. thesis) Yüzüncü Yıl University, The Institute of Natural Sciences, Van, Türkiye.

Mısır Silajı ve Ayçiçeği Silajı ile Farklı Düzeylerdeki Karışımlarının Kıvırcık Kuzuların Besi Performansına Etkileri

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 1091 - 1102, 12.10.2024


Mısır silajı, dünya genelinde geviş getiren hayvanların beslenmesinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, mısır, soğuk ve kurak iklimlerde pahalı ve yetiştirilmesi zor bir üründür. Mısır silajı ile mısır ve ayçiçeği silajlarının farklı karışımlarının kuzuların besi performansı üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmak amacıyla yapılan çalışmada, hayvan materyali olarak 2,5-3 aylık yaşta ve ortalama canlı ağırlığı 23-25 kg olan 40 adet Kıvırcık erkek kuzu kullanılmıştır. Deney, yarı açık bir ahırda 56 gün boyunca gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deney düzenine göre, hayvanlar 5 farklı silaj grubuna (100 mısır silajı, %75 mısır silajı+%25 ayçiçeği silajı, %50 mısır silajı+%50 ayçiçeği silajı, %25 mısır silajı+%75 ayçiçeği silajı, %100 ayçiçeği silajı) ayrılmıştır ve her grupta 8 kuzu bulunmuştur. Kuzular, deney süresince bireysel bölmelerde barındırılmış ve bireysel olarak beslenmiştir. Silajlar ad libitum verilmiş ve ek olarak 0-21, 21-42 ve 42-56 günleri arasında günlük sırasıyla 700, 900 ve 1400 g konsantre yem verilmiştir. Besi süresince, canlı ağırlık, günlük canlı ağırlık artışı, yem tüketimi ve yem dönüşüm oranı değerleri belirlenmiştir. Deneme süresince farklı silaj gruplarının canlı ağırlık değerleri arasındaki farklılıklar önemli bulunmamıştır (p>0.05) ve 8 hafta sonunda elde edilen değerler 35.94 ile 37.44 kg arasında değişmiştir. Farklı silaj türleriyle beslenen kuzuların silaj tüketimi, 0-2 ve 6-8 haftalarında önemli farklılıklar göstermiştir (p<0.05). Sonuç olarak, kuzu besisinde mısır silajının %100'üne kadar ayçiçeği silajı ile ikame edilmesinin besi performansı üzerinde herhangi bir olumsuz etkisinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Hem besi performansı hem de tüketim seviyeleri göz önünde bulundurularak, ayçiçeği silajının, özellikle kış koşullarının sert olduğu, sulama imkanlarının sınırlı olduğu, verimsiz ve çorak arazilerin bulunduğu veya mısır silajı üretim maliyetlerinin yüksek olduğu bölgelerde, mısır silajına umut verici bir alternatif olarak kullanılabileceği ileri sürülebilir.

Project Number



  • Almeida Junior, G. A, Costa, C., Monteiro, A. L. G., Garcia, CA, Munari, D.P. and Neres, M. A. 2004. Live weight gain, carcass traits and economic results on lambs fed with high moisture maize silage in creep feeding. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 33(4): 1048-1059.
  • Anil, L., Park, J. and Phipps R. H. 2000. The potential of forage–maize intercrops in ruminant nutrition. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 86(3-4): 157-164.
  • Azambuja Ribeiro, E. L. A., da Rocha, M. A., Mizubuti, I. Y. and da Silva, L. D. F. 2002. Silages of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.), maize (Zea mays L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) for ewes in feedlot. Produção Animal Ciencia Rural, 32(2): 299-302.
  • Bueno, M. S., Junior, E. F., Possenti, R. A., Bianchini, D., Leinz, F. F. and de Carvalho Rodrigues, C. F. 2004. Performance of sheep fed sunflower silage or maize silage with increasing proportion of commercial concentrate. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, 33(6 Sup.2): 1942-1948.
  • De Sousa, V. S., Louvandini. H., Scropfner, E. S., McManus, C., Abdalla, A. L. and Garcia Jose, A. S. 2008. Performance, carcass traits and body components in hair sheep fed with sunflower silage and maize silage. Ciência Animal Brasileira 9(2): 284-291.
  • De Vyver, W. V., Beukes, J. and Meeske, R. 2014. Maize silage as a finisher feed for Merino lambs. South African Journal of Animal Science, 43(5): 116.
  • Filya, İ. 2001. Silage Technology. Uludağ University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Animal Science, Bursa, Türkiye.
  • Filya, İ. 2007. Silage making in our country and ways to improve silage quality. Feed Magazine, 47: 37–44.
  • Fluharty, F. L., Zerby, H. N., Lowe, G. D., Clevenger, D. and Relling, A. E. 2017. Effects of feeding maize silage, pelleted, ensiled, or pelleted and ensiled alfalfa on growth and carcass characteristics of lamb. South African Journal of Animal Science, 47(5): 704-711.
  • Kara, H. and Eroğlu, A. 2018. Capacity planning of intensive livestock enterprise with integer linear programming method: Konya (Ereğli) example. Çukurova Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 33(2): 31-46.
  • Keleş, G., Kocaman, V., Üstündağ, A. O., Zungur, A. and Özdoğan, M. 2018. Growth rate, carcass characteristics and meat quality of growing lambs fed buckwheat or maize silage. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 31(4): 522-528.
  • Kutlu, H. R. (2019). All aspects of silage making and silage feeding. (Accessed Date: 25.02.2022).
  • Küçükersan, M. K. 2015. Sheep feeding principles. Ankara University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Lecture Notes, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Malisetty, V., Yerradoddi, R. R., Devanaboina, N., Mallam, M., Cherala, H. K., Admal, R. R. and Manthani, G. P. 2013 Effect of feeding maize silage supplemented with concentrate and legume hay on growth in Nellore ram lambs. Veterinary World, 6(4): 209-213.
  • Nolan, T. 1974. Fattening of lambs on silage fed alone and with concentrates. Irish Journal of Agricultural Research, 13 (2): 137-146.
  • Özen, N., Kırkpınar, F., Özdoğan, M., Ertürk, M. M. and Yurtman İ. Y. (2016). Animal Feeding. (Accessed Date: 20.02.2022).
  • Stanley, D. 2003. The role of silage in lamb-finishing systems. (Accessed Date: 10.01.2022).
  • Tomich, T. R., Rodrigues, J. A. S., Gonçalves, L. C., Tomich, R. G. P. and Carvalho, A. U. 2003. Forage potential of sunflower cultivars produced in the off-season for silage. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 55(6): 756-762.
  • TSE. 1991. Animal feeds - determination of metabolic (convertible) energy (chemical method) UDK 636.085. TS 9610. Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Van Soest, P. J. and Robertson, J. B. 1980. Systems of Analysis for Evaluating Fibrous Feeds. In: Standardization of Analytical Methodology for Feeds, Eds: Pidgen, W. J., Balch, C.C. and Graham, M., International Development Research Centre, Canada.
  • Velázquez-Martínez, M., Garnica-Monzalvo, L., Vargas-Monter, J., Hernández Martínez, R., Noguez-Estrada, J., Sifuentes-Saucedo, D. M. and Hernández-Guzmán, F. J. (2022). Production of corn and sunf lower fodder, and its preference as silage among ewes in Mineral de la Reforma, Hidalgo. Agro Productividad, 15(7): 213-219.
  • Yaylak, E. and Alçiçek, A. 2003. A cheap source of roughage in cattle breeding: Maize silage. Animal Production, 44(2): 29-36.
  • Yıldız, S. 2017. The effect of using sunflower silage instead of maize silage in the rations of Saanen x Hair goat hybrid (F1) goats on rumen and blood parameters, milk yield and composition. (Ph.D. thesis) Yüzüncü Yıl University, The Institute of Natural Sciences, Van, Türkiye.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Animal Feeding
Journal Section Research Article

Ömer Şengül 0000-0001-5078-2002

İbrahim Ak 0000-0003-1691-5996

Project Number DDP(Z)-2020/15
Early Pub Date October 12, 2024
Publication Date October 12, 2024
Submission Date September 5, 2024
Acceptance Date September 23, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 4


APA Şengül, Ö., & Ak, İ. (2024). The Effects of Corn Silage and Sunflower Silage and Their Mixtures at Different Levels on the Fattening Performance of Kıvırcık Lambs. Türk Tarım Ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(4), 1091-1102.