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Pediatrik Ergoterapi Uygulamalarında Bir Literatür İncelemesi

Yıl 2024, , 33 - 52, 28.12.2024


Ergoterapi bireylerin aktivitelerini bağımsız bir şekilde gerçekleştirebilmeleri için bireysel ve bütüncül bir tedavi uygulayan bir meslektir. Pediatri alanında çocukların günlük yaşam, oyun ve topluma katılımlarını destekleyecek müdahale planları oluşturur. Çocukları fiziksel, bilişsel ve duyusal açıdan değerlendirerek gelişimsel olarak destekler. Yıllar içinde değişen mesleki yaklaşımlar ve kanıt temelli müdahaleler ile her geçen gün farklı yöntemler ile kendini güncellemektedir. Teknolojinin ilerlemesi, yaratıcı sanatların gelişmesi, farklı araçların müdahalelerde kullanılarak yeni gelişmelerin elde edilmesiyle gün geçtikçe yeni yöntemler terapötik amaçlı kullanılmaya başlamıştır. Bu müdahaleler; hayvan destekli terapiler, akuaterapi, duyu bütünleme, oyun temelli müdahaleler, drama, tiyatro, müzik gibi sanat müdahaleleri, tele sağlık uygulamaları, teknoloji uygulamalarını içermektedir. Çocukların bireysel ihtiyaçlarına ve özelliklerine göre uygun ortam ve yöntem seçilerek bu müdahaleler uygulanmaktadır. Çeşitli uygulamaların farklı tanı gruplarında kullanılarak sonuçların mevcut literatüre sunulması ergoterapistlerin müdahalelerini yeni yöntemler ile şekillendirmesini sağlamaktadır.


  • Frolek Clark G, Niblock J, Crane Vos T, Lieberman D, Hunter EG. Systematic review of occupational therapy interventions to enhance cognitive development in children 0–5 years: Part 1, identified diagnoses. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention. 2021;14(4):466-85.
  • Smıts‐Engelsman BC, Blank R, Van Der Kaay AC, Mosterd‐Van Der Meıjs R, Vlugt‐Van Den Brand E, Polatajko HJ, et al. Efficacy of interventions to improve motor performance in children with developmental coordination disorder: a combined systematic review and meta‐analysis. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 2013;55(3):229-37.
  • Dehghani S, Mirzakhany N, Dehghani S, Pashmdarfard M. The use of tele-occupational therapy for children and adolescents with different disabilities: Systematic review of RCT articles. Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 2023;37.
  • Capozzoli-Gschwind M. The therapeutic use of music in pediatric occupational therapy: Touro College; 2003.
  • Özdemir M, Topuz R, Bozkurt İ, Çağlayan HS. Engelli çocuklarda ergoterapide oyun. Spor Bilimlerinde Güncel Çalışmalar. 2019;43.
  • Boop C, Cahill SM, Davis C, Dorsey J, Gibbs V, Herr B, et al. Occupational therapy practice framework: Domain and process fourth edition. AJOT: American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2020;74(S2):1-85.
  • Bennett S, Bennett JW. The process of evidence‐based practice in occupational therapy: Informing clinical decisions. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 2000;47(4):171-80.
  • Rodger S, Ziviani J. Occupational therapy with children: understanding children's occupations and enabling participation. (No Title). 2007.
  • Vincent B, Kropp C, Byrne AM. Animal-assisted therapy for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling. 2014;45(3):3-9.
  • Baumgartner E, Cho J-i. Animal-assisted activities for students with disabilities: Obtaining stakeholders' approval and planning strategies for teachers. Childhood Education. 2014;90(4):281-90.
  • Salotto P. Pet assisted therapy: DJ Publications; 2001.
  • Hunt S. Role of small animals in social interactions between strangers. Journal of social Psychology. 1993;133:265-77.
  • Berget B, Ekeberg Ø, Braastad B. Attitudes to animal‐assisted therapy with farm animals among health staff and farmers. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. 2008;15(7):576-81.
  • Velde BP, Cipriani J, Fisher G. Resident and therapist views of animal‐assisted therapy: Implications for occupational therapy practice. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 2005;52(1):43-50.
  • Bruzek CE. Socioemotional Benefits of Animal-Assisted Occupational Therapy with Children: A Review of the Literature and Directions for Future Research. 2014.
  • Gilboa Y, Helmer A. Self-management intervention for attention and executive functions using equine-assisted occupational therapy among children aged 6–14 diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The journal of alternative and complementary medicine. 2020;26(3):239-46.
  • Llambias C, Magill-Evans J, Smith V, Warren S. Equine-assisted occupational therapy: Increasing engagement for children with autism spectrum disorder. The American journal of occupational therapy. 2016;70(6):7006220040p1-p9.
  • Martin R, Graham F, Taylor W, Levack W. Mechanisms of change for children participating in therapeutic horse riding: A grounded theory. Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics. 2018;38(5):510-26.
  • Teske A. Exploring hydrotherapy with autism. 2018.
  • Roostaei M, Baharlouei H, Azadi H, Fragala-Pinkham MA. Effects of aquatic intervention on gross motor skills in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review. Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics. 2017;37(5):496-515.
  • Kucher G, Moore K, Rodia R, Szczech Moser C. Aquatic Therapy for Children: Edited by Christy Szczech Moser, PhD, OTR, FAOTA. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention. 2015;8(4):277-91.
  • Brokaw MM. Aquatic Therapy: An Interprofessional Resource Focusing on Children with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities. 2022.
  • Miller NE. An aquatic occupational therapy program for children with physical, developmental, and psychosocial disabilities. 2005.
  • Fitzpatrick C. The Benefits of Aquatic Occupational Therapy for Children on the Autism Spectrum. 2021.
  • Hansen BW, Erlandsson L-K, Leufstadius C. A concept analysis of creative activities as intervention in occupational therapy. Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy. 2021;28(1):63-77.
  • Edwards BM, Smart E, King G, Curran C, Kingsnorth S. Performance and visual arts-based programs for children with disabilities: a scoping review focusing on psychosocial outcomes. Disability and rehabilitation. 2020;42(4):574-85.
  • Twyford K, Watters S, editors. In the groove: An evaluation to explore a joint music therapy and occupational therapy intervention for children with acquired brain injury. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy; 2016.
  • Cohn J, Kowalski KZ, Swarbrick M. Music as a therapeutic medium for occupational engagement: Implications for occupational therapy. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health. 2017;33(2):168-78.
  • Craig DG. An overview of evidence-based support for the therapeutic use of music in occupational therapy. Occupational Therapy in Health Care. 2008;22(1):73-95.
  • Xia T, Li Z. [Retracted] Behavioral Training of High‐Functioning Autistic Children by Music Education of Occupational Therapy. Occupational Therapy International. 2022;2022(1):6040457.
  • DeBoth KK, Olszewski CA, Roberge N, Owen M. Interprofessional occupational therapy and music therapy piano keyboard intervention for preschoolers with visual impairments: A non-randomized pilot case study. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention. 2021;14(1):39-58.
  • Tucquet B, Leung M. Music therapy services in pediatric oncology: A national clinical practice review. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 2014;31(6):327-38.
  • Kejani M, Raeisi Z. The effect of drama therapy on working memory and its components in primary school children with ADHD. Current Psychology. 2022;41(1):417-26.
  • Maas C. Improvisational theatre and occupational therapy for children with Autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education. 2021;68(1):10-25.
  • Mino‐Roy J, St‐Jean J, Lemus‐Folgar O, Caron K, Constant‐Nolett O, Després J, et al. Effects of music, dance and drama therapies for people with an intellectual disability: A scoping review. Brit J Learn Disabil. 2022 Sep;50(3):385-401.
  • Albin CM. The benefit of movement: Dance/movement therapy and Down syndrome. Journal of Dance Education. 2016;16(2):58-61.
  • Martin M. Moving on the spectrum: Dance/movement therapy as a potential early intervention tool for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The Arts in Psychotherapy. 2014;41(5):545-53.
  • Stasiulienė K, Mingaila S, editors. Impacts of occupational therapy creative method (dance–movement) for preschool children with autism to self-service, social and motor skills. 1st COTEC-ENOTHE congress" Connecting: Education/Practice/Research/Policy": Ireland, Galway, 15-19 June, 2016/National University of Ireland (NUI) Galway: NUI, 2016; 2016.
  • O’Donoghue C, O’Leary J, Lynch H. Occupational therapy services in school‐based practice: A pediatric occupational therapy perspective from Ireland. Occupational Therapy International. 2021;2021(1):6636478.
  • Szturm T, Parmar ST, Mehta K, Shetty DR, Kanitkar A, Eskicioglu R, et al. Game-based dual-task exercise program for children with cerebral palsy: blending balance, visuomotor and cognitive training: feasibility randomized control trial. Sensors. 2022;22(3):761.
  • Surana BK, Ferre CL, Dew AP, Brandao M, Gordon AM, Moreau NG. Effectiveness of lower-extremity functional training (LIFT) in young children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled trial. Neurorehabilitation and neural repair. 2019;33(10):862-72.
  • Ferre CL, Brandão M, Surana B, Dew AP, Moreau NG, Gordon AM. Caregiver‐directed home‐based intensive bimanual training in young children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy: a randomized trial. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 2017;59(5):497-504.
  • Parsons D, Cordier R, Lee H, Falkmer T, Vaz S. A randomised controlled trial of an information communication technology delivered intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder living in regional Australia. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2019;49:569-81.
  • Jamali AR, Alizadeh Zarei M, Sanjari MA, AkbarFahimi M, Saneii SH. Randomized controlled trial of occupation performance coaching for families of children with autism spectrum disorder by means of telerehabilitation. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2022;85(5):308-15.
  • Simone M, Viterbo RG, Margari L, Iaffaldano P. Computer-assisted rehabilitation of attention in pediatric multiple sclerosis and ADHD patients: a pilot trial. BMC neurology. 2018;18:1-11.
  • Jarvis JM, Kaelin VC, Anaby D, Teplicky R, Khetani MA. Electronic participation‐focused care planning support for families: a pilot study. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 2020;62(8):954-61.
  • Jordan KA. Technology, Autism, and Occupational Therapy. Technology and the Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 2016:37-47.
  • Coutinho F, Bosisio M-E, Brown EJ, Rishikof S, Skaf E, Freedin E, et al. Facilitators and barriers to the use of iPads as a therapy tool: a Canadian survey of pediatric occupational therapists. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention. 2017;10(3):266-83.
  • Domínguez-Lucio S, Compañ-Gabucio LM, Torres-Collado L, de la Hera MG. Occupational therapy interventions using new technologies in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: a scoping review. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2023;53(1):332-58.
  • Abd Aziz N, Kadar M, Harun D, Mohd Rasdi HF. Implementation of video modeling in the occupational therapy intervention process for children and adolescents with special needs: A scoping review. Occupational Therapy in Health Care. 2021;35(2):227-44.
  • Iosa M, Verrelli CM, Gentile AE, Ruggieri M, Polizzi A. Gaming technology for pediatric neurorehabilitation: A systematic review. Frontiers in pediatrics. 2022;10:775356.
  • Rahman T, Basante J, Alexander M. Robotics, assistive technology, and occupational therapy management to improve upper limb function in pediatric neuromuscular diseases. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America. 2012;23(3):701-17.
  • Howard A, editor Robots learn to play: Robots emerging role in pediatric therapy. The Twenty-Sixth International FLAIRS Conference; 2013.
  • Chen C-H, Lee I-J, Lin L-Y. Augmented reality-based self-facial modeling to promote the emotional expression and social skills of adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Research in developmental disabilities. 2015;36:396-403.
  • Luna-Oliva L, Ortiz-Gutiérrez RM, Cano-de la Cuerda R, Piédrola RM, Alguacil-Diego IM, Sánchez-Camarero C, et al. Kinect Xbox 360 as a therapeutic modality for children with cerebral palsy in a school environment: a preliminary study. NeuroRehabilitation. 2013;33(4):513-21.
  • Lucisano RV, Pfeifer LI, Santos JLF, Stagnitti K. Construct validity of the Child‐Initiated Pretend Play Assessment—for 3‐year‐old Brazilian children. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 2021;68(1):43-53.
  • Kuhaneck H, Spitzer SL, Bodison SC. A systematic review of interventions to improve the occupation of play in children with autism. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health. 2020;40(2):83-98.
  • Mohammadi A, Mehraban AH, Damavandi SA. Effect of play-based occupational therapy on symptoms of hospitalized children with cancer: A single-subject study. Asia-Pacific journal of oncology nursing. 2017;4(2):168-72.
  • Nestor O, Moser CS. The importance of play. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention. 2018;11(3):247-62.
  • Ringland KE, Zalapa R, Neal M, Escobedo L, Tentori M, Hayes GR, editors. SensoryPaint: a multimodal sensory intervention for children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Proceedings of the 2014 ACM international joint conference on pervasive and ubiquitous computing; 2014.
  • Schoen SA, Lane SJ, Mailloux Z, May‐Benson T, Parham LD, Smith Roley S, et al. A systematic review of ayres sensory integration intervention for children with autism. Autism Research. 2019;12(1):6-19.
  • Watt HM, Cox G, DeHerrera M, Podgorny S, Fortuna J, Cantwell-Jurkovic L. Sensory-Based Interventions in School-Based Occupational Therapy: A Scoping Review. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention. 2023:1-24.
  • Bray L, Skubik-Peplaski C, Ackerman KB. A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions to improve handwriting and spelling in children with specific learning disabilities. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention. 2021;14(4):437-65.
  • Zainol M, Kadar M, Razaob NA, WAN YUNUS F. The Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy Handwriting Intervention for Children with Motor Coordination Issues: A Systematic Review. Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences/Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia. 2022;20(1).

A Literature Review on Pediatric Occupational Therapy Practices

Yıl 2024, , 33 - 52, 28.12.2024


Occupational therapy is a profession that applies an individual and holistic treatment so that individuals can perform their activities independently. Creates intervention plans to support children's participation in daily life, play and society in the field of pediatrics. It supports children developmentally by evaluating them physically, cognitively and emotionally. With the changing professional approaches and evidence-based interventions over the years, it updates itself with different methods every day. With the advancement of technology, the development of creative arts, and the use of different tools in interventions, new methods have begun to be used for therapeutic purposes day by day. These interventions are; animal-assisted therapies, aquatherapy, game-based interventions, art interventions such as drama, theater, music, telehealth practices, technology applications. These interventions are implemented by choosing the appropriate environment and method according to the individual needs and characteristics of the children. It enables occupational therapists to shape their interventions with new methods by applying various applications in different diagnostic groups and presenting the results to the existing literature.


  • Frolek Clark G, Niblock J, Crane Vos T, Lieberman D, Hunter EG. Systematic review of occupational therapy interventions to enhance cognitive development in children 0–5 years: Part 1, identified diagnoses. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention. 2021;14(4):466-85.
  • Smıts‐Engelsman BC, Blank R, Van Der Kaay AC, Mosterd‐Van Der Meıjs R, Vlugt‐Van Den Brand E, Polatajko HJ, et al. Efficacy of interventions to improve motor performance in children with developmental coordination disorder: a combined systematic review and meta‐analysis. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 2013;55(3):229-37.
  • Dehghani S, Mirzakhany N, Dehghani S, Pashmdarfard M. The use of tele-occupational therapy for children and adolescents with different disabilities: Systematic review of RCT articles. Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 2023;37.
  • Capozzoli-Gschwind M. The therapeutic use of music in pediatric occupational therapy: Touro College; 2003.
  • Özdemir M, Topuz R, Bozkurt İ, Çağlayan HS. Engelli çocuklarda ergoterapide oyun. Spor Bilimlerinde Güncel Çalışmalar. 2019;43.
  • Boop C, Cahill SM, Davis C, Dorsey J, Gibbs V, Herr B, et al. Occupational therapy practice framework: Domain and process fourth edition. AJOT: American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2020;74(S2):1-85.
  • Bennett S, Bennett JW. The process of evidence‐based practice in occupational therapy: Informing clinical decisions. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 2000;47(4):171-80.
  • Rodger S, Ziviani J. Occupational therapy with children: understanding children's occupations and enabling participation. (No Title). 2007.
  • Vincent B, Kropp C, Byrne AM. Animal-assisted therapy for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling. 2014;45(3):3-9.
  • Baumgartner E, Cho J-i. Animal-assisted activities for students with disabilities: Obtaining stakeholders' approval and planning strategies for teachers. Childhood Education. 2014;90(4):281-90.
  • Salotto P. Pet assisted therapy: DJ Publications; 2001.
  • Hunt S. Role of small animals in social interactions between strangers. Journal of social Psychology. 1993;133:265-77.
  • Berget B, Ekeberg Ø, Braastad B. Attitudes to animal‐assisted therapy with farm animals among health staff and farmers. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. 2008;15(7):576-81.
  • Velde BP, Cipriani J, Fisher G. Resident and therapist views of animal‐assisted therapy: Implications for occupational therapy practice. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 2005;52(1):43-50.
  • Bruzek CE. Socioemotional Benefits of Animal-Assisted Occupational Therapy with Children: A Review of the Literature and Directions for Future Research. 2014.
  • Gilboa Y, Helmer A. Self-management intervention for attention and executive functions using equine-assisted occupational therapy among children aged 6–14 diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The journal of alternative and complementary medicine. 2020;26(3):239-46.
  • Llambias C, Magill-Evans J, Smith V, Warren S. Equine-assisted occupational therapy: Increasing engagement for children with autism spectrum disorder. The American journal of occupational therapy. 2016;70(6):7006220040p1-p9.
  • Martin R, Graham F, Taylor W, Levack W. Mechanisms of change for children participating in therapeutic horse riding: A grounded theory. Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics. 2018;38(5):510-26.
  • Teske A. Exploring hydrotherapy with autism. 2018.
  • Roostaei M, Baharlouei H, Azadi H, Fragala-Pinkham MA. Effects of aquatic intervention on gross motor skills in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review. Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics. 2017;37(5):496-515.
  • Kucher G, Moore K, Rodia R, Szczech Moser C. Aquatic Therapy for Children: Edited by Christy Szczech Moser, PhD, OTR, FAOTA. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention. 2015;8(4):277-91.
  • Brokaw MM. Aquatic Therapy: An Interprofessional Resource Focusing on Children with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities. 2022.
  • Miller NE. An aquatic occupational therapy program for children with physical, developmental, and psychosocial disabilities. 2005.
  • Fitzpatrick C. The Benefits of Aquatic Occupational Therapy for Children on the Autism Spectrum. 2021.
  • Hansen BW, Erlandsson L-K, Leufstadius C. A concept analysis of creative activities as intervention in occupational therapy. Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy. 2021;28(1):63-77.
  • Edwards BM, Smart E, King G, Curran C, Kingsnorth S. Performance and visual arts-based programs for children with disabilities: a scoping review focusing on psychosocial outcomes. Disability and rehabilitation. 2020;42(4):574-85.
  • Twyford K, Watters S, editors. In the groove: An evaluation to explore a joint music therapy and occupational therapy intervention for children with acquired brain injury. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy; 2016.
  • Cohn J, Kowalski KZ, Swarbrick M. Music as a therapeutic medium for occupational engagement: Implications for occupational therapy. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health. 2017;33(2):168-78.
  • Craig DG. An overview of evidence-based support for the therapeutic use of music in occupational therapy. Occupational Therapy in Health Care. 2008;22(1):73-95.
  • Xia T, Li Z. [Retracted] Behavioral Training of High‐Functioning Autistic Children by Music Education of Occupational Therapy. Occupational Therapy International. 2022;2022(1):6040457.
  • DeBoth KK, Olszewski CA, Roberge N, Owen M. Interprofessional occupational therapy and music therapy piano keyboard intervention for preschoolers with visual impairments: A non-randomized pilot case study. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention. 2021;14(1):39-58.
  • Tucquet B, Leung M. Music therapy services in pediatric oncology: A national clinical practice review. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 2014;31(6):327-38.
  • Kejani M, Raeisi Z. The effect of drama therapy on working memory and its components in primary school children with ADHD. Current Psychology. 2022;41(1):417-26.
  • Maas C. Improvisational theatre and occupational therapy for children with Autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education. 2021;68(1):10-25.
  • Mino‐Roy J, St‐Jean J, Lemus‐Folgar O, Caron K, Constant‐Nolett O, Després J, et al. Effects of music, dance and drama therapies for people with an intellectual disability: A scoping review. Brit J Learn Disabil. 2022 Sep;50(3):385-401.
  • Albin CM. The benefit of movement: Dance/movement therapy and Down syndrome. Journal of Dance Education. 2016;16(2):58-61.
  • Martin M. Moving on the spectrum: Dance/movement therapy as a potential early intervention tool for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The Arts in Psychotherapy. 2014;41(5):545-53.
  • Stasiulienė K, Mingaila S, editors. Impacts of occupational therapy creative method (dance–movement) for preschool children with autism to self-service, social and motor skills. 1st COTEC-ENOTHE congress" Connecting: Education/Practice/Research/Policy": Ireland, Galway, 15-19 June, 2016/National University of Ireland (NUI) Galway: NUI, 2016; 2016.
  • O’Donoghue C, O’Leary J, Lynch H. Occupational therapy services in school‐based practice: A pediatric occupational therapy perspective from Ireland. Occupational Therapy International. 2021;2021(1):6636478.
  • Szturm T, Parmar ST, Mehta K, Shetty DR, Kanitkar A, Eskicioglu R, et al. Game-based dual-task exercise program for children with cerebral palsy: blending balance, visuomotor and cognitive training: feasibility randomized control trial. Sensors. 2022;22(3):761.
  • Surana BK, Ferre CL, Dew AP, Brandao M, Gordon AM, Moreau NG. Effectiveness of lower-extremity functional training (LIFT) in young children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled trial. Neurorehabilitation and neural repair. 2019;33(10):862-72.
  • Ferre CL, Brandão M, Surana B, Dew AP, Moreau NG, Gordon AM. Caregiver‐directed home‐based intensive bimanual training in young children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy: a randomized trial. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 2017;59(5):497-504.
  • Parsons D, Cordier R, Lee H, Falkmer T, Vaz S. A randomised controlled trial of an information communication technology delivered intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder living in regional Australia. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2019;49:569-81.
  • Jamali AR, Alizadeh Zarei M, Sanjari MA, AkbarFahimi M, Saneii SH. Randomized controlled trial of occupation performance coaching for families of children with autism spectrum disorder by means of telerehabilitation. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2022;85(5):308-15.
  • Simone M, Viterbo RG, Margari L, Iaffaldano P. Computer-assisted rehabilitation of attention in pediatric multiple sclerosis and ADHD patients: a pilot trial. BMC neurology. 2018;18:1-11.
  • Jarvis JM, Kaelin VC, Anaby D, Teplicky R, Khetani MA. Electronic participation‐focused care planning support for families: a pilot study. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 2020;62(8):954-61.
  • Jordan KA. Technology, Autism, and Occupational Therapy. Technology and the Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 2016:37-47.
  • Coutinho F, Bosisio M-E, Brown EJ, Rishikof S, Skaf E, Freedin E, et al. Facilitators and barriers to the use of iPads as a therapy tool: a Canadian survey of pediatric occupational therapists. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention. 2017;10(3):266-83.
  • Domínguez-Lucio S, Compañ-Gabucio LM, Torres-Collado L, de la Hera MG. Occupational therapy interventions using new technologies in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: a scoping review. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2023;53(1):332-58.
  • Abd Aziz N, Kadar M, Harun D, Mohd Rasdi HF. Implementation of video modeling in the occupational therapy intervention process for children and adolescents with special needs: A scoping review. Occupational Therapy in Health Care. 2021;35(2):227-44.
  • Iosa M, Verrelli CM, Gentile AE, Ruggieri M, Polizzi A. Gaming technology for pediatric neurorehabilitation: A systematic review. Frontiers in pediatrics. 2022;10:775356.
  • Rahman T, Basante J, Alexander M. Robotics, assistive technology, and occupational therapy management to improve upper limb function in pediatric neuromuscular diseases. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America. 2012;23(3):701-17.
  • Howard A, editor Robots learn to play: Robots emerging role in pediatric therapy. The Twenty-Sixth International FLAIRS Conference; 2013.
  • Chen C-H, Lee I-J, Lin L-Y. Augmented reality-based self-facial modeling to promote the emotional expression and social skills of adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Research in developmental disabilities. 2015;36:396-403.
  • Luna-Oliva L, Ortiz-Gutiérrez RM, Cano-de la Cuerda R, Piédrola RM, Alguacil-Diego IM, Sánchez-Camarero C, et al. Kinect Xbox 360 as a therapeutic modality for children with cerebral palsy in a school environment: a preliminary study. NeuroRehabilitation. 2013;33(4):513-21.
  • Lucisano RV, Pfeifer LI, Santos JLF, Stagnitti K. Construct validity of the Child‐Initiated Pretend Play Assessment—for 3‐year‐old Brazilian children. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 2021;68(1):43-53.
  • Kuhaneck H, Spitzer SL, Bodison SC. A systematic review of interventions to improve the occupation of play in children with autism. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health. 2020;40(2):83-98.
  • Mohammadi A, Mehraban AH, Damavandi SA. Effect of play-based occupational therapy on symptoms of hospitalized children with cancer: A single-subject study. Asia-Pacific journal of oncology nursing. 2017;4(2):168-72.
  • Nestor O, Moser CS. The importance of play. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention. 2018;11(3):247-62.
  • Ringland KE, Zalapa R, Neal M, Escobedo L, Tentori M, Hayes GR, editors. SensoryPaint: a multimodal sensory intervention for children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Proceedings of the 2014 ACM international joint conference on pervasive and ubiquitous computing; 2014.
  • Schoen SA, Lane SJ, Mailloux Z, May‐Benson T, Parham LD, Smith Roley S, et al. A systematic review of ayres sensory integration intervention for children with autism. Autism Research. 2019;12(1):6-19.
  • Watt HM, Cox G, DeHerrera M, Podgorny S, Fortuna J, Cantwell-Jurkovic L. Sensory-Based Interventions in School-Based Occupational Therapy: A Scoping Review. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention. 2023:1-24.
  • Bray L, Skubik-Peplaski C, Ackerman KB. A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions to improve handwriting and spelling in children with specific learning disabilities. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention. 2021;14(4):437-65.
  • Zainol M, Kadar M, Razaob NA, WAN YUNUS F. The Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy Handwriting Intervention for Children with Motor Coordination Issues: A Systematic Review. Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences/Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia. 2022;20(1).
Toplam 64 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Yardımcı Sağlık ve Rehabilitasyon Bilimi (Diğer)
Bölüm Derleme

Zehra Yeniceli

Hatice Abaoğlu

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 18 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Yeniceli, Z., & Abaoğlu, H. (2024). Pediatrik Ergoterapi Uygulamalarında Bir Literatür İncelemesi. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(3), 33-52.
AMA Yeniceli Z, Abaoğlu H. Pediatrik Ergoterapi Uygulamalarında Bir Literatür İncelemesi. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi. Aralık 2024;7(3):33-52. doi:10.51536/tusbad.1442110
Chicago Yeniceli, Zehra, ve Hatice Abaoğlu. “Pediatrik Ergoterapi Uygulamalarında Bir Literatür İncelemesi”. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Araştırmaları Dergisi 7, sy. 3 (Aralık 2024): 33-52.
EndNote Yeniceli Z, Abaoğlu H (01 Aralık 2024) Pediatrik Ergoterapi Uygulamalarında Bir Literatür İncelemesi. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi 7 3 33–52.
IEEE Z. Yeniceli ve H. Abaoğlu, “Pediatrik Ergoterapi Uygulamalarında Bir Literatür İncelemesi”, Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 3, ss. 33–52, 2024, doi: 10.51536/tusbad.1442110.
ISNAD Yeniceli, Zehra - Abaoğlu, Hatice. “Pediatrik Ergoterapi Uygulamalarında Bir Literatür İncelemesi”. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi 7/3 (Aralık 2024), 33-52.
JAMA Yeniceli Z, Abaoğlu H. Pediatrik Ergoterapi Uygulamalarında Bir Literatür İncelemesi. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2024;7:33–52.
MLA Yeniceli, Zehra ve Hatice Abaoğlu. “Pediatrik Ergoterapi Uygulamalarında Bir Literatür İncelemesi”. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 33-52, doi:10.51536/tusbad.1442110.
Vancouver Yeniceli Z, Abaoğlu H. Pediatrik Ergoterapi Uygulamalarında Bir Literatür İncelemesi. Türkiye Sağlık Bilimleri ve Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2024;7(3):33-52.