Research Article
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Year 2015, Volume: 4 Issue: 7, 55 - 80, 15.12.2015


Son yıllarda kentsel dönüşüm projeleri ülkemizde çeşitli yöntem
ve gerekçelerle geniş uygulama alanı bulmaktadır. Plansız ve sağlıksız
olarak dönemin şartlarına göre oluşturulan yaşam alanlarının modern
teknoloji kullanılarak çağdaş standartlara uygun şekilde dönüştürülmesi
günümüzde artık bir gereklilik olarak görülmektedir. En temel insan
ihtiyaçlarından olan barınma ihtiyacının insan onuruna yaraşır şekilde
giderilebilmesi ise sadece nicelik bakımından tatminkâr düzeyde konut
üretmekle karşılanamamaktadır. Ekonomik saiklerle, salt fiziksel değişimi
hedefleyen projelerin sürdürülemez olduğu artık herkesçe bilinen
bir gerçektir. Bu bakımdan, kentsel dönüşüm projelerinin sürdürülebilir
olması ancak sosyal, ekonomik, fiziksel ve ekolojik sürdürülebilirliğin eşgüdüm
içerisinde gerçekleştirilmesine bağlıdır. Çalışmada çeşitli nedenlerden
dolayı göz ardı edilen sürdürülebilirliğin sosyal boyutu ve bunun
kentsel dönüşüm projeleri içerisindeki yeri üzerinde durulmuştur. Alan
çalışması kapsamında ise Adana ili, Çukurova İlçesine bağlı Belediye Evleri
Mahallesi Kentsel Dönüşüm Projesinin sosyal sürdürülebilirliğinin
olup olmadığı belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada derinlemesine görüşme
tekniği uygulanarak elde edilen veriler, betimsel analizlerle sosyal gerçekliğe
yaklaştırılmaya çalışılmış ve projenin sosyal açıdan sürdürülebilir
olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • ATIL, Güneş A., Bahriye Gülgün ve İsmail Yörük (2005). “Sürdürülebilir Kentler ve Peyzaj Mimarlığı”, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, Sayı: 42(2), ss. 215-226. BARBIER, Edward. B. (1987). “The Concept of Sustainable Economic Development”, Environmental Conservation, Sayı: 14, (2), ss. 101-110. BAINES, James; Brown Morgan. (2004), “Sustainability Appraisal: A Social Perspective” In Sustainability Appraisal. A Review of International Experience And Practice, Dalal- Clayton B And Sadler B, (Eds), First Draft of Work in Progress, International Institutefor Environment and Development, London. BEVIR, Mark and R.A.W. Rhodes (2003), Searching For Civil Society: Changing Patterns of Governance In Britain, Public Administration, 81(1), pp. 41–61. BIART, Michel (2002). “Social Sustainability As Part of The Social Agenda of The European Community”, in Ritt, T. (Ed.): Soziale Nachhaltigkeit: Von der Umweltpolitik zur NachhaltigkeitArbeiterkammer Wien, Information enzur Umweltpolitik 149, Wien, ss.5–10. BROMLEY, Rosemary D.F.; Andrew Tallon; Colin J. Thomas. (2005). “City Centre Regeneration through Residential Development: Contributing to Sustainability”, Urban Studies, 42 (13) ss. 2407–2429. BULL, Anna Cento; Bryn Jones. (2006). “Governance And Social Capital in Urban Regeneration: A Comparison Between Bristol And Naples”, Urban Studies, Sayı: (43): 4, ss.767-786. CAPELLO, Roberta; Peter Nijkamp. (2002). “In Search of Sustainable Human Settlements: Prefatory Remarks”.Ecological Economic, Sayı: 40(2), ss.151-155. City of Vancouver. (2005). “A Social Development Plan for the City of Vancouver: Moving Towards Social Sustainability”.Administrative Report A7, Vancouver. COLANTONIO, Andrea ve Tim Dixon. (2011). Urban Regeneration&Social Sustainability: Best Practice from European Cities. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. COLANTONIO, Andrea. (2011).Social Sustainability: A Review And Critique of Traditional Versus Emerging Themes And Assessment Methods, Oxford Brookes University, UK. COLANTONIO, Andrea. (2007). Measuring Social Sustainability: Best Practice from Urban Renewal in the EU 2007/01,: An Exploratory Analysis of its Definition, Assessment Methods, Metrics and Tools, EIBURS Working Paper Series Social Sustainability . COLANTONIO, Andrea. (2009).Social Sustainability: A Review And Critique of Traditional Versus Emerging Themes And Assessment Methods, Oxford Brookes University, UK. CUTHILL, Michael (2010) “Strengthening The ‘Social’ in Sustainable Development: Developing A Conceptual Framework For Social Sustainability in A Rapid Urban Growth Region In Australia”, Sustainable Development, 18, ss. 362-373. CHIU, Rebecca LH. (2003). “Social Sustainability, Sustainable Development and Housing Development: The Experience of Hong Kong” in Forrest R. and Lee J. (Eds), Housing and Social Change: East-West Perspectives, Routledge, London. ÇAHANTİMUR, Arzu; YILDIZ, Halit Turgut. (2008). “Sürdürülebilir Kentsel Gelişmeye Sosyokültürel Bir Yaklaşım: Bursa Örneği”, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Dergisi, 7(2) İstanbul: İTÜ Yayınları, ss.3-13. DARCHEN Sébastien; LADOUCEUR, Emma. (2013). “Social Sustainability in Urban Regeneration Practice: A Case Study Of The Fortitude Valley Renewal Plan in Brisbane”, Australian Planner, s.3. DAVIDSON, Kathryn; WILSON, Lou. (2009). “A Critical Assessment of Urban Social Sustainability”, Adelaide, TheUniversity of South Australia. DEMPSEY, Nichola; BROWN,C.; BRAMLEY,Glen. (2012). “The Key To Sustainable Urban Development in UK Cities? The Influence of Density on Social Sustainability”. Progress in Planning, Sayı: 77(3), ss. 89-141. DEMPSEY, Nichola. (2009). “Are Good-Quality Environments Socially Cohesive? Measuring Quality And Cohesion in Urban Neighbourhoods”.Town Planning Review, Sayı: 80, ss. 315–345. DEMPSEY,Nicola;BRAMLEY,Glen; POWER,Sinéad; BROWN,Caroline.(2006). “What is ‘Social Sustainability’ and How do Our Existing Urban Forms Perform in Nurturing it?”, Paper Presented at the ‘Sustainable Communities and Green Futures’ Conference, Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, London. DFID (1999). Sustainable Livelihoods Guidance Sheets, London Chambers R. ve G. Conway (1992) Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Practical concepts for the century IDS Discussion Paper 296, IDS, Brighton. DRAKAKIS-SMITH, David. (1995). “Third World Cities: Sustainable Urban Development, 1”, Urban Studies, Sayı: 32, ss.4-5. ERTAŞ, Mehmet. (2011). “Kentsel Dönüşüm Çalışmalarında Sosyal Boyutun İncelenmesi, Ankara ve Londra Örnekleri”.Selçuk Üniversitesi Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Teknik-Online Dergi, Sayı: 10(1), ss. 1-18. ES, Muharrem. (2012). “Kentsel Dönüşüm”, Büyüteç, Ankara Sanayi Odası Yayın Organı, Temmuz-Ağustos. ss. 54-90. FORREST, Ray; KEARNS, Ade. (2001). “Social Cohesion, Social Capital And The Neighbourhood”. Urban Studies, Sayı: 38, ss.2125–2143. HEALEY, Patsy. (2007). “Urban Complexity And Spatial Strategies: Towards A Relational Planning For Our Times”.The RTPI Library Series. Routledge: London. HOLDEN, Meg. (2011). “Urban Policy Engagement With Social Sustainability in Metro Vancouver”, Urban Studies, ss. 1-16. JENKS, Mike; DEMPSEY,Nichola. (2007). “Defining The Neighborhood: Challenges For Empirical Research”, Town Planning Review, Sayı:78, ss. 153–177. KELEŞ, Ruşen. (2004). “Kentsel Dönüşümün Tüzel Altyapısı”. Editör: H. B. Tuna. Dosya: Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Katılım. Mimarist Dergisi, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi, Sayı:4(12), ss. 73-75. KONING, Juliette. (2002). Social Sustainability İn A Globalizing World: Context, Theory And Methodology Explored. InMore on MOST: Proceedings of an Expert Meeting, Rinsum HJ van, Ruijter A de, Kazancigil A, Alagh YK, Genov N, Koning J, Siebers H. Unesco Centre: Amsterdam. KOSGEB. (2005).Ekonomik ve Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi Müdürlüğü. Mart, Ankara. LITTIG Beate; GRIESSLER Erich. (2005). “Social Sustainability: a Catchword Between Political Pragmatism And Social Theory”. International Journal of Sustainable Development, Sayı: 8 (1-2), ss. 65-79. McKENZIE, Stephen. (2004). “Social Sustainability: Towards Some Definitions”.Hawke Research Institute Working Paper Series, (27) Hawke University: Australia. OMANN, Ines; SPANGENBERG, Joachim H. (2002). “Assessing Socialn Sustainability. The Social Dimension of Sustainability in a Socio-Economic Scenario”, Paper Presented at the: 7th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economicsin Sousse (Tunisia), March 6-9. ODPM (Office of theDeputy Prime Minister) (2003). Sustainable Communities: Building for the Future. ODPM: London. OECD (2001). Analytic Report on Sustainable Development, SG/SD(2001), OECD, Paris, ss.1-14. PARES, March; SAURIDavid (2007) “Integrating Sustainability in A Context of Economic, Social, And Urban Change”, Krueger, R. ve Gibbs, D. (eds) “The Sustainable Development Paradox. Urban PoliticalEconomy in the United Statesand Europe”,The Guild for Press: New York, ss.160-191. POLAT, Sibel; DOSTOĞLU, Nesrin. (2007). “Kentsel Dönüşüm Kavramı Üzerine: Bursa’da Kükürtlü ve Mudanya Örnekleri”, Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 12 (1), ss. 61-76. POLESE, Mario; STREN,Richard.(2000). “SocialSustainability of Cities: Diversityandthe. Management of Change”. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, ss.3-38. PUNTAM, Robert. (1992). MakingDemocracyWork: CivicTraditionsIn Modern Italy, Princeton UniversityPress. SACHS, Ignacy. (1999). Social Sustainability And Whole Development: Exploring The Dimensions of Sustainable Development. In Sustainability And The Social Sciences: A Cross- Disciplinary Approach to Integrating Environmental Considerations into Theoretical Reorientation, Egon B, Thomas J. (eds). London:ZedBooks. THIN, N., C. Lockhart; G. Yaron. (2002). “Conceptualising Socially Sustainable Development”, A paper prepared for DFID andthe World Bank, DFID. THOMAS, S. (2003). A Glossary of Regeneration and Local Economic Development. Manchester: Local Economic Strategy Center. WCED (1987). Our Common Future. Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development. Oxford:Oxford UniversityPress. YANG, Yan. (2010). Sustainable Urban Transformation Driving Forces, Indicators And Processes, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, M.Sc. Bauhaus-UniversityWeimar, ETH Zurich. Y. MAK, Michael; Clinton J. PEACOCK. (2011).“Social Sustainability: A Comparison of Case Studies in UK, USA and Australia”,17th Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, Gold Coast, 16-19 Jan 2011, s: 3.
Year 2015, Volume: 4 Issue: 7, 55 - 80, 15.12.2015



  • ATIL, Güneş A., Bahriye Gülgün ve İsmail Yörük (2005). “Sürdürülebilir Kentler ve Peyzaj Mimarlığı”, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, Sayı: 42(2), ss. 215-226. BARBIER, Edward. B. (1987). “The Concept of Sustainable Economic Development”, Environmental Conservation, Sayı: 14, (2), ss. 101-110. BAINES, James; Brown Morgan. (2004), “Sustainability Appraisal: A Social Perspective” In Sustainability Appraisal. A Review of International Experience And Practice, Dalal- Clayton B And Sadler B, (Eds), First Draft of Work in Progress, International Institutefor Environment and Development, London. BEVIR, Mark and R.A.W. Rhodes (2003), Searching For Civil Society: Changing Patterns of Governance In Britain, Public Administration, 81(1), pp. 41–61. BIART, Michel (2002). “Social Sustainability As Part of The Social Agenda of The European Community”, in Ritt, T. (Ed.): Soziale Nachhaltigkeit: Von der Umweltpolitik zur NachhaltigkeitArbeiterkammer Wien, Information enzur Umweltpolitik 149, Wien, ss.5–10. BROMLEY, Rosemary D.F.; Andrew Tallon; Colin J. Thomas. (2005). “City Centre Regeneration through Residential Development: Contributing to Sustainability”, Urban Studies, 42 (13) ss. 2407–2429. BULL, Anna Cento; Bryn Jones. (2006). “Governance And Social Capital in Urban Regeneration: A Comparison Between Bristol And Naples”, Urban Studies, Sayı: (43): 4, ss.767-786. CAPELLO, Roberta; Peter Nijkamp. (2002). “In Search of Sustainable Human Settlements: Prefatory Remarks”.Ecological Economic, Sayı: 40(2), ss.151-155. City of Vancouver. (2005). “A Social Development Plan for the City of Vancouver: Moving Towards Social Sustainability”.Administrative Report A7, Vancouver. COLANTONIO, Andrea ve Tim Dixon. (2011). Urban Regeneration&Social Sustainability: Best Practice from European Cities. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. COLANTONIO, Andrea. (2011).Social Sustainability: A Review And Critique of Traditional Versus Emerging Themes And Assessment Methods, Oxford Brookes University, UK. COLANTONIO, Andrea. (2007). Measuring Social Sustainability: Best Practice from Urban Renewal in the EU 2007/01,: An Exploratory Analysis of its Definition, Assessment Methods, Metrics and Tools, EIBURS Working Paper Series Social Sustainability . COLANTONIO, Andrea. (2009).Social Sustainability: A Review And Critique of Traditional Versus Emerging Themes And Assessment Methods, Oxford Brookes University, UK. CUTHILL, Michael (2010) “Strengthening The ‘Social’ in Sustainable Development: Developing A Conceptual Framework For Social Sustainability in A Rapid Urban Growth Region In Australia”, Sustainable Development, 18, ss. 362-373. CHIU, Rebecca LH. (2003). “Social Sustainability, Sustainable Development and Housing Development: The Experience of Hong Kong” in Forrest R. and Lee J. (Eds), Housing and Social Change: East-West Perspectives, Routledge, London. ÇAHANTİMUR, Arzu; YILDIZ, Halit Turgut. (2008). “Sürdürülebilir Kentsel Gelişmeye Sosyokültürel Bir Yaklaşım: Bursa Örneği”, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Dergisi, 7(2) İstanbul: İTÜ Yayınları, ss.3-13. DARCHEN Sébastien; LADOUCEUR, Emma. (2013). “Social Sustainability in Urban Regeneration Practice: A Case Study Of The Fortitude Valley Renewal Plan in Brisbane”, Australian Planner, s.3. DAVIDSON, Kathryn; WILSON, Lou. (2009). “A Critical Assessment of Urban Social Sustainability”, Adelaide, TheUniversity of South Australia. DEMPSEY, Nichola; BROWN,C.; BRAMLEY,Glen. (2012). “The Key To Sustainable Urban Development in UK Cities? The Influence of Density on Social Sustainability”. Progress in Planning, Sayı: 77(3), ss. 89-141. DEMPSEY, Nichola. (2009). “Are Good-Quality Environments Socially Cohesive? Measuring Quality And Cohesion in Urban Neighbourhoods”.Town Planning Review, Sayı: 80, ss. 315–345. DEMPSEY,Nicola;BRAMLEY,Glen; POWER,Sinéad; BROWN,Caroline.(2006). “What is ‘Social Sustainability’ and How do Our Existing Urban Forms Perform in Nurturing it?”, Paper Presented at the ‘Sustainable Communities and Green Futures’ Conference, Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, London. DFID (1999). Sustainable Livelihoods Guidance Sheets, London Chambers R. ve G. Conway (1992) Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Practical concepts for the century IDS Discussion Paper 296, IDS, Brighton. DRAKAKIS-SMITH, David. (1995). “Third World Cities: Sustainable Urban Development, 1”, Urban Studies, Sayı: 32, ss.4-5. ERTAŞ, Mehmet. (2011). “Kentsel Dönüşüm Çalışmalarında Sosyal Boyutun İncelenmesi, Ankara ve Londra Örnekleri”.Selçuk Üniversitesi Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Teknik-Online Dergi, Sayı: 10(1), ss. 1-18. ES, Muharrem. (2012). “Kentsel Dönüşüm”, Büyüteç, Ankara Sanayi Odası Yayın Organı, Temmuz-Ağustos. ss. 54-90. FORREST, Ray; KEARNS, Ade. (2001). “Social Cohesion, Social Capital And The Neighbourhood”. Urban Studies, Sayı: 38, ss.2125–2143. HEALEY, Patsy. (2007). “Urban Complexity And Spatial Strategies: Towards A Relational Planning For Our Times”.The RTPI Library Series. Routledge: London. HOLDEN, Meg. (2011). “Urban Policy Engagement With Social Sustainability in Metro Vancouver”, Urban Studies, ss. 1-16. JENKS, Mike; DEMPSEY,Nichola. (2007). “Defining The Neighborhood: Challenges For Empirical Research”, Town Planning Review, Sayı:78, ss. 153–177. KELEŞ, Ruşen. (2004). “Kentsel Dönüşümün Tüzel Altyapısı”. Editör: H. B. Tuna. Dosya: Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Katılım. Mimarist Dergisi, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi, Sayı:4(12), ss. 73-75. KONING, Juliette. (2002). Social Sustainability İn A Globalizing World: Context, Theory And Methodology Explored. InMore on MOST: Proceedings of an Expert Meeting, Rinsum HJ van, Ruijter A de, Kazancigil A, Alagh YK, Genov N, Koning J, Siebers H. Unesco Centre: Amsterdam. KOSGEB. (2005).Ekonomik ve Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi Müdürlüğü. Mart, Ankara. LITTIG Beate; GRIESSLER Erich. (2005). “Social Sustainability: a Catchword Between Political Pragmatism And Social Theory”. International Journal of Sustainable Development, Sayı: 8 (1-2), ss. 65-79. McKENZIE, Stephen. (2004). “Social Sustainability: Towards Some Definitions”.Hawke Research Institute Working Paper Series, (27) Hawke University: Australia. OMANN, Ines; SPANGENBERG, Joachim H. (2002). “Assessing Socialn Sustainability. The Social Dimension of Sustainability in a Socio-Economic Scenario”, Paper Presented at the: 7th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economicsin Sousse (Tunisia), March 6-9. ODPM (Office of theDeputy Prime Minister) (2003). Sustainable Communities: Building for the Future. ODPM: London. OECD (2001). Analytic Report on Sustainable Development, SG/SD(2001), OECD, Paris, ss.1-14. PARES, March; SAURIDavid (2007) “Integrating Sustainability in A Context of Economic, Social, And Urban Change”, Krueger, R. ve Gibbs, D. (eds) “The Sustainable Development Paradox. Urban PoliticalEconomy in the United Statesand Europe”,The Guild for Press: New York, ss.160-191. POLAT, Sibel; DOSTOĞLU, Nesrin. (2007). “Kentsel Dönüşüm Kavramı Üzerine: Bursa’da Kükürtlü ve Mudanya Örnekleri”, Uludağ Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 12 (1), ss. 61-76. POLESE, Mario; STREN,Richard.(2000). “SocialSustainability of Cities: Diversityandthe. Management of Change”. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, ss.3-38. PUNTAM, Robert. (1992). MakingDemocracyWork: CivicTraditionsIn Modern Italy, Princeton UniversityPress. SACHS, Ignacy. (1999). Social Sustainability And Whole Development: Exploring The Dimensions of Sustainable Development. In Sustainability And The Social Sciences: A Cross- Disciplinary Approach to Integrating Environmental Considerations into Theoretical Reorientation, Egon B, Thomas J. (eds). London:ZedBooks. THIN, N., C. Lockhart; G. Yaron. (2002). “Conceptualising Socially Sustainable Development”, A paper prepared for DFID andthe World Bank, DFID. THOMAS, S. (2003). A Glossary of Regeneration and Local Economic Development. Manchester: Local Economic Strategy Center. WCED (1987). Our Common Future. Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development. Oxford:Oxford UniversityPress. YANG, Yan. (2010). Sustainable Urban Transformation Driving Forces, Indicators And Processes, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, M.Sc. Bauhaus-UniversityWeimar, ETH Zurich. Y. MAK, Michael; Clinton J. PEACOCK. (2011).“Social Sustainability: A Comparison of Case Studies in UK, USA and Australia”,17th Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, Gold Coast, 16-19 Jan 2011, s: 3.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section MAKALELER

Mehmet Akalın This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2015
Submission Date September 16, 2015
Acceptance Date November 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 4 Issue: 7
