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Pliometrik Antrenmanların Üst Ekstremiteye Etkileri

Year 2024, , 116 - 124, 30.12.2024


Günümüzde insanların günlük aktivitelerini yerine getirmek veya atletik performansı geliştirmek için kas gücü ve kas dayanıklılığına ihtiyaçları vardır. Nöromüsküler ve kassal adaptasyonların gelişmesi performansın artması gibi durumları göz önünde bulunduran araştırmacılar birçok antrenman yöntemi üzerine yoğunlaşmışlardır. Bu antrenman programları arasında olan pliometrik antrenman; balistik hareketlerin uygulanmasında maksimal kuvvet ile gücü geliştirmekte etkili bir yöntem olarak kabul edilmektedir. Alt ekstremitenin yanı sıra üst ekstremite ile yapılan antrenmanların üst vücut kuvvetini, gücünü, hareket hızını arttırdığı kanıtlanmıştır. Bu sistematik derleme ise üst ekstremite pliometrik antrenman uygulayan bireylerin ve sporcuların; kuvvet, güç, dayanıklılık, hareket sürati, fırlatma gibi özellikleri üzerindeki etkilerini incelemeyi amaçlamıştır. Literatür taranırken Pub Med, Science Direct, Human Kinetics, Google Akademik, Web of Science veri tabanlarında İngilizce ve Türkçe olarak ‘‘Pliometric Training’’, ‘‘Upper Body Pliometric’’ ve ‘‘Pliometrik Antrenman’’, ‘’Pliometrik Nöromüsküler Adaptasyonlar’’, ‘’Üst Vücut Pliometrik’’olmak üzere anahtar kelimeler taranmıştır. Tarama sonuçları 2005-2024 yılları arasındaki çalışmalarla sınırlandırılmıştır. Sonuçlar üst ekstremite pliometrik antrenmanın fırlatma, vurma, kas kuvveti ve gücü, yapılan hareketin hızı alanlarında atletik performansı arttırdığını göstermektedir. Dolayısıyla üst ekstremite pliometrik antrenmanların sportif performansı arttırmak amacıyla antrenman sürecine dahil edilmesi sporcuların ve rekreatif spor yapan bireylerin fiziksel performansında olumlu yönde gelişim sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.

Ethical Statement

Derleme Çalışması olduğundan etik kurul gerektirmez.

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Hiçbir kurum desteklememektedir


  • Asadi, A., Saez De Villarreal, E ve Arazi H. (2015). The effects of plyometric type neuromuscular training on postural control performance of male team basketball players. Journal strength and conditioning research, 29(7), 1870-1875.
  • Ateş, M. ve Ateşoğlu U. (2007). Pliometrik antrenmanın 16-18 yaş grubu erkek futbolcuların üst ve alt ekstremite kuvvet parametreleri üzerine etkisi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(1), 21-28.
  • Attene, G., Iuliano, E., Cagno, A., Calcagno, G. ve Moalla, W., Aquino, G., Padulo, J. (2014). Improving neuromuscular performance in young basketball players: plyometric vs. technique training. The journal of sports medicine and phyical fitness, 55(1-2).
  • Booth, M. A. ve Orr, R. (2016). Effects of plyometric training on sports performance. Journal strength and condition research, 38(1).
  • Campillo, R.R., Andrade, D.C. ve Izquierdo, M. (2013). Effects of plyometric training volume and training surface on explosive strength. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 27(10), 2714-2722.
  • Campillo, R.R., Burgos, C.H., Olguin, C.H., Andrade, D.C., Martinez. C. ve Alvares. (2015). Effect of unilateral, bilateral, combined plyometric training on explosive and endurance performance of young soccer players. Journal strength and conditioning research, 29(5), 1317-1328.
  • Canlı, U. ve Bayru, M. (2020). Alt ve üst ekstremite pliometrik antrenman programının genç basketbolcuların maksimal kuvvet düzeylerine ve vücut yağ oranlarına etkisi. Niğde üniversitesi beden eğitimi ve spor bilimleri dergisi, 14(3).
  • Chelly, M. S., Ghenem, M.A., Abid, K, Hermassi, S., Tabka, Z. ve Stephard, R. J. (2010). Effects of in-season short-them plyometric training program on leg power, jump-and sprint performance of soccer players. Journal strength and condition research, (10), 2670-2676.
  • Chelly, M. S., Hermassi, S, Aouadi R. ve Shephard R.J. (2014). Effects of 8-week in-season plyometrıc traınıng on upper and lower lımb performance of elıte adolescent handball players. Journal strength and conditioning Research, 28(5), 1401-1410.
  • 1Collins, S. A physio’s guide to plyometrics. Physio Net Work. 2021
  • Ecklund, C. (2021). Plyometrics: Developıng power ın everyday athletes. Nasm.
  • Edelmann, J. A. S., Davies, G. J, Kernozek ve T.W. ve Gerberdink, E. D. (2005). The efffects of plyometric training of the posterıor shoulder and elbow. Journal strength and conditioning research, 19(1), 129-134.
  • Garcia-Carrillo, E., Ramirez-Campillo, R., Thapa, R. K., Afonso, J., Granacher U. ve Izquierdo, M. (2023). Effects of upper-body plyometric training on physical fitness in healthy youth and young adult participants: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Sports Medicine Open, 9(1), 93.
  • Gelen, E., Dede, M, Bingul, B. M., Bulgan, C. ve Aydın, M. (2012). Acute effects of static stretching, dynamic exercises, and high volüme upper extremity plypmetric activity on tennis serve performance. Journal of sports science & medicine, 11(4), 600-605.
  • Hammami, H., Gaamouri, N. Stepard, R. J. ve Chelly, M. S. (2018). Effects of contrast strength vs. plyometric training lower-lımb explosive performance, ability to change dırectıon and neuromuscular adaptatıon in soccer players. Journal strength and conditioning research. 33(8), 2094-2103.
  • Hammami, M., Gaamouri, N., Suzuki, K., Shephard, R. J. ve Chelly, M. S. (2020). Effects of upper and lower limb plyometric training program on components of physical performance in young female handball players. Frontiers in physiology, 11, 566652.
  • Helvacı, N. (2024). Üst ekstremite pliometrik antrenman ile geleneksel kuvvet antrenmanlarının bazı fiziksel uygunluk parametrelerine etkisinin incelenmesi. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hatay.
  • Köse, B. ve Atlı, A. (2020). Genç futbolcularda yüksek şiddetli interval antrenmanın çeviklik sürat ve aerobik performans üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi. Türkiye spor bilimleri dergisi, 4(1), 61-68.
  • Krzysztofik, M. ve Wilk, M. (2020). The effects of plyometric conditioning on post-activation bench press performance. Journal human kinetics, (74), 99-108.
  • Kubo, K., Morimoto, M., Komuro, T., Yata, H., Tsunoda, N., Kanehisa, H. ve Fukunaga, T. (2007). Effects of plyometric and weight training on muscle-tendon complex and jump performance. Medicine & science in sports & exercise, 39(10), 1801-1810.
  • Marcovic, G. ve Mikulic, P. (2010). Neuro- musculaskeletal and performance adaptations to lovoer-extremity plyometric training. Sports medicane 40, (10)
  • Martel, G. F., Harmer, M.L., Logan, M. J. ve Parker, C. B. (2005). Aquatic plyometric training increases vertical jump in female volleyball players. American college of sports medicine.
  • Masso, X. G., Colado, J. C., Gonzalez, L. M., Salva, P., Alves, J., Tella, V. ve Triplett, N. T. (2011). Myoelectrıc actıvatıon and kınetıcs of dıfferent plyometrıc push-up exercıses. Journal strength and conditioning research, 25(7), 2040-2047.
  • Meylan, C. ve Malatesta, D. (2009). Effects of in-season plyometric training wthın soccer practıce on explosive actions of young players. Journal strength conditioning research. 23(9):2605-2613.
  • Mirzaei, B, Norasteh, A. A. ve Asadi, A. (2013). Neuromuscular adaptations to plyometric training: depth jump vs. countermovement jump on sand. Sport science health, (9), 145-149.
  • Moore, L. H., Tankovich, M. J., Riemann, B. L. ve Davies, G.J. (2012). Kinematic analysis of four plyometric push-up variotions. İ. Journal exercise science, 5(4), 334-343.
  • Muhammad, M., Kusnanik, N.W. ve Pramono, B.A. (2023). Effect of 8 weeks of combined plyometric training on increasing lower and upper body muscle power in student volleyball athletes. Physical education theory and methodology, 23(3), 333-338.
  • Nkiru, U. T. ve Nonye, U. A. (2020). Effects of lower and upper body Ppyometric training on electrocardiogram (ECG) parameters of university athletes. Int J Scie & Tech.
  • Ölçücü, B., Erdil, G., Karahan, A.Y., Altınkök ve Kandemir, G. (2011). Pliometrik antrenmanın tenisçilerde omuz iç ve dış rotasyon kuvvetleri üzerine etkisi. Spor hekimliği dergisi. 46,1-9.
  • Pereira, A., Costa, A. M., Santos. P., Figueiredo, T. ve Joao, P.V. Training strategy of explosive strength in young female volleyball players. Medicina. 201(51), 126-131.
  • Singla, D., Hussain, M. E. ve Moiz, J. A. (2018). Effect of upper body plyometric training on physical performance in healthy individuals: A systematic review. Physcal therapy in sport.29:51-60.
  • Slimani, M., Chamari, K., Miarca, B., Del Vecchio, F. B. ve Cheour, F. (2016). Effects of plyometric training on physical fitness in team sport athletes: A systematic review. Journal of Human Kinetics. 53. 231-247.
  • Uzor, T. N. ve Emeahara, G. O. (2020). Effects of lower and upper body plyometric training on cardiovascular variables of athletes. J Nigerian Academy Edu. 15(2).
  • Uzor, T. N., Iwuoha, E. D., Ujuagu, N. A. ve Offodile, H. N. (2023). The effects of upper body plyometric training on serving skill of female university volleyball players. Athena: Physical Education and Sports Journal. 1(2), 68-76.
  • Vassil, K. ve Bazanovk, B. (2012). The effect of plyometric training program on young volleyball players in their usual training period. Journal human sport & exercise. (7), 349.
  • Villarreal, S. E., Kellis, E., Kraemer, W. ve Izquierdo, M. (2009). Determining varıbles of plyometric training for ımprowıng vertıcal jump height performance: A meta-analysıs. Journal strengh and conditioning research, 23(2) /495-506.
  • Villarreal, S. E., Requena, B. ve Cronin, J. B. (2012). The effects of plyometric training on sprint performance: A meta- analysis. Journal strength and conditioning research, 2(2), 575-584.
  • Villarreal, S. E., Requena, B. ve Newton, R.U. (2009). Does plyometric training improve strength performance? A meta- analysis. Journal of science and medicine in sport, (13), 513-522.
  • Walker, O. (2016). Plyometric Training. Science Sport.
  • Wang, Y. C. ve Zhang, N. (2016). Effects of plyometric training on soccer players. Experimental and therapeutic medicine. 12:55-554.

Effects of Plyometric Trainings on The Upper Extremity

Year 2024, , 116 - 124, 30.12.2024


People need to achieve muscular strength and muscle strength to carry out their daily activities or increase athletic performance. Considering events such as the development of the neuromuscular system and muscular adaptations and changes in performance have intensified many training programs. These training programs include plyometric training; It is considered an effective method for patients with ballistic movements and increasing maximum power. With this feature, especially as a plyometric-focused training program, it becomes a natural part of many sports branches. Because this type of training includes jumping, throwing, spreading, throwing, and focusing on speed. However, it has also been proven that plyometric training with the upper extremities increases upper body strength, power, movements and throwing power. Therefore, this systematic review will specifically apply upper extremity plyometric training and athletes will; It is aimed to examine the properties such as strength, power, muscle power, movement speed and throwing. While scanning the literature, ''Plyometric Training'', ''Plyometric Neuromuscular Adaptations'', ''Upper Body Plyometric'' and ''Plyometric Training'' were searched in English and Turkish in PubMed, ScienceDirect, Human Kinetics, Google Scholar, Web of Science databases, ''Plyometric Neuromuscular Adaptations'', ''Upper Body Plyometric'' were scanned. Screening results are limited to studies between 2005 and 2024. The results show that upper extremity plyometric training increases athletic performance in throwing, hitting, muscle strength and power, and speed of movement. In addition, positive improvements were achieved in the athletes' and recreational physical performance, including extremity plyometric training and sports performance training.


  • Asadi, A., Saez De Villarreal, E ve Arazi H. (2015). The effects of plyometric type neuromuscular training on postural control performance of male team basketball players. Journal strength and conditioning research, 29(7), 1870-1875.
  • Ateş, M. ve Ateşoğlu U. (2007). Pliometrik antrenmanın 16-18 yaş grubu erkek futbolcuların üst ve alt ekstremite kuvvet parametreleri üzerine etkisi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(1), 21-28.
  • Attene, G., Iuliano, E., Cagno, A., Calcagno, G. ve Moalla, W., Aquino, G., Padulo, J. (2014). Improving neuromuscular performance in young basketball players: plyometric vs. technique training. The journal of sports medicine and phyical fitness, 55(1-2).
  • Booth, M. A. ve Orr, R. (2016). Effects of plyometric training on sports performance. Journal strength and condition research, 38(1).
  • Campillo, R.R., Andrade, D.C. ve Izquierdo, M. (2013). Effects of plyometric training volume and training surface on explosive strength. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 27(10), 2714-2722.
  • Campillo, R.R., Burgos, C.H., Olguin, C.H., Andrade, D.C., Martinez. C. ve Alvares. (2015). Effect of unilateral, bilateral, combined plyometric training on explosive and endurance performance of young soccer players. Journal strength and conditioning research, 29(5), 1317-1328.
  • Canlı, U. ve Bayru, M. (2020). Alt ve üst ekstremite pliometrik antrenman programının genç basketbolcuların maksimal kuvvet düzeylerine ve vücut yağ oranlarına etkisi. Niğde üniversitesi beden eğitimi ve spor bilimleri dergisi, 14(3).
  • Chelly, M. S., Ghenem, M.A., Abid, K, Hermassi, S., Tabka, Z. ve Stephard, R. J. (2010). Effects of in-season short-them plyometric training program on leg power, jump-and sprint performance of soccer players. Journal strength and condition research, (10), 2670-2676.
  • Chelly, M. S., Hermassi, S, Aouadi R. ve Shephard R.J. (2014). Effects of 8-week in-season plyometrıc traınıng on upper and lower lımb performance of elıte adolescent handball players. Journal strength and conditioning Research, 28(5), 1401-1410.
  • 1Collins, S. A physio’s guide to plyometrics. Physio Net Work. 2021
  • Ecklund, C. (2021). Plyometrics: Developıng power ın everyday athletes. Nasm.
  • Edelmann, J. A. S., Davies, G. J, Kernozek ve T.W. ve Gerberdink, E. D. (2005). The efffects of plyometric training of the posterıor shoulder and elbow. Journal strength and conditioning research, 19(1), 129-134.
  • Garcia-Carrillo, E., Ramirez-Campillo, R., Thapa, R. K., Afonso, J., Granacher U. ve Izquierdo, M. (2023). Effects of upper-body plyometric training on physical fitness in healthy youth and young adult participants: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Sports Medicine Open, 9(1), 93.
  • Gelen, E., Dede, M, Bingul, B. M., Bulgan, C. ve Aydın, M. (2012). Acute effects of static stretching, dynamic exercises, and high volüme upper extremity plypmetric activity on tennis serve performance. Journal of sports science & medicine, 11(4), 600-605.
  • Hammami, H., Gaamouri, N. Stepard, R. J. ve Chelly, M. S. (2018). Effects of contrast strength vs. plyometric training lower-lımb explosive performance, ability to change dırectıon and neuromuscular adaptatıon in soccer players. Journal strength and conditioning research. 33(8), 2094-2103.
  • Hammami, M., Gaamouri, N., Suzuki, K., Shephard, R. J. ve Chelly, M. S. (2020). Effects of upper and lower limb plyometric training program on components of physical performance in young female handball players. Frontiers in physiology, 11, 566652.
  • Helvacı, N. (2024). Üst ekstremite pliometrik antrenman ile geleneksel kuvvet antrenmanlarının bazı fiziksel uygunluk parametrelerine etkisinin incelenmesi. Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hatay.
  • Köse, B. ve Atlı, A. (2020). Genç futbolcularda yüksek şiddetli interval antrenmanın çeviklik sürat ve aerobik performans üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi. Türkiye spor bilimleri dergisi, 4(1), 61-68.
  • Krzysztofik, M. ve Wilk, M. (2020). The effects of plyometric conditioning on post-activation bench press performance. Journal human kinetics, (74), 99-108.
  • Kubo, K., Morimoto, M., Komuro, T., Yata, H., Tsunoda, N., Kanehisa, H. ve Fukunaga, T. (2007). Effects of plyometric and weight training on muscle-tendon complex and jump performance. Medicine & science in sports & exercise, 39(10), 1801-1810.
  • Marcovic, G. ve Mikulic, P. (2010). Neuro- musculaskeletal and performance adaptations to lovoer-extremity plyometric training. Sports medicane 40, (10)
  • Martel, G. F., Harmer, M.L., Logan, M. J. ve Parker, C. B. (2005). Aquatic plyometric training increases vertical jump in female volleyball players. American college of sports medicine.
  • Masso, X. G., Colado, J. C., Gonzalez, L. M., Salva, P., Alves, J., Tella, V. ve Triplett, N. T. (2011). Myoelectrıc actıvatıon and kınetıcs of dıfferent plyometrıc push-up exercıses. Journal strength and conditioning research, 25(7), 2040-2047.
  • Meylan, C. ve Malatesta, D. (2009). Effects of in-season plyometric training wthın soccer practıce on explosive actions of young players. Journal strength conditioning research. 23(9):2605-2613.
  • Mirzaei, B, Norasteh, A. A. ve Asadi, A. (2013). Neuromuscular adaptations to plyometric training: depth jump vs. countermovement jump on sand. Sport science health, (9), 145-149.
  • Moore, L. H., Tankovich, M. J., Riemann, B. L. ve Davies, G.J. (2012). Kinematic analysis of four plyometric push-up variotions. İ. Journal exercise science, 5(4), 334-343.
  • Muhammad, M., Kusnanik, N.W. ve Pramono, B.A. (2023). Effect of 8 weeks of combined plyometric training on increasing lower and upper body muscle power in student volleyball athletes. Physical education theory and methodology, 23(3), 333-338.
  • Nkiru, U. T. ve Nonye, U. A. (2020). Effects of lower and upper body Ppyometric training on electrocardiogram (ECG) parameters of university athletes. Int J Scie & Tech.
  • Ölçücü, B., Erdil, G., Karahan, A.Y., Altınkök ve Kandemir, G. (2011). Pliometrik antrenmanın tenisçilerde omuz iç ve dış rotasyon kuvvetleri üzerine etkisi. Spor hekimliği dergisi. 46,1-9.
  • Pereira, A., Costa, A. M., Santos. P., Figueiredo, T. ve Joao, P.V. Training strategy of explosive strength in young female volleyball players. Medicina. 201(51), 126-131.
  • Singla, D., Hussain, M. E. ve Moiz, J. A. (2018). Effect of upper body plyometric training on physical performance in healthy individuals: A systematic review. Physcal therapy in sport.29:51-60.
  • Slimani, M., Chamari, K., Miarca, B., Del Vecchio, F. B. ve Cheour, F. (2016). Effects of plyometric training on physical fitness in team sport athletes: A systematic review. Journal of Human Kinetics. 53. 231-247.
  • Uzor, T. N. ve Emeahara, G. O. (2020). Effects of lower and upper body plyometric training on cardiovascular variables of athletes. J Nigerian Academy Edu. 15(2).
  • Uzor, T. N., Iwuoha, E. D., Ujuagu, N. A. ve Offodile, H. N. (2023). The effects of upper body plyometric training on serving skill of female university volleyball players. Athena: Physical Education and Sports Journal. 1(2), 68-76.
  • Vassil, K. ve Bazanovk, B. (2012). The effect of plyometric training program on young volleyball players in their usual training period. Journal human sport & exercise. (7), 349.
  • Villarreal, S. E., Kellis, E., Kraemer, W. ve Izquierdo, M. (2009). Determining varıbles of plyometric training for ımprowıng vertıcal jump height performance: A meta-analysıs. Journal strengh and conditioning research, 23(2) /495-506.
  • Villarreal, S. E., Requena, B. ve Cronin, J. B. (2012). The effects of plyometric training on sprint performance: A meta- analysis. Journal strength and conditioning research, 2(2), 575-584.
  • Villarreal, S. E., Requena, B. ve Newton, R.U. (2009). Does plyometric training improve strength performance? A meta- analysis. Journal of science and medicine in sport, (13), 513-522.
  • Walker, O. (2016). Plyometric Training. Science Sport.
  • Wang, Y. C. ve Zhang, N. (2016). Effects of plyometric training on soccer players. Experimental and therapeutic medicine. 12:55-554.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Training
Journal Section Derleme

Bereket Köse 0000-0001-5315-9195

Necla Helvaci 0000-0001-9451-8617

Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date May 23, 2024
Acceptance Date November 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Köse, B., & Helvaci, N. (2024). Pliometrik Antrenmanların Üst Ekstremiteye Etkileri. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(2), 116-124.
AMA Köse B, Helvaci N. Pliometrik Antrenmanların Üst Ekstremiteye Etkileri. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. December 2024;8(2):116-124. doi:10.32706/tusbid.1488646
Chicago Köse, Bereket, and Necla Helvaci. “Pliometrik Antrenmanların Üst Ekstremiteye Etkileri”. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 8, no. 2 (December 2024): 116-24.
EndNote Köse B, Helvaci N (December 1, 2024) Pliometrik Antrenmanların Üst Ekstremiteye Etkileri. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 8 2 116–124.
IEEE B. Köse and N. Helvaci, “Pliometrik Antrenmanların Üst Ekstremiteye Etkileri”, Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 116–124, 2024, doi: 10.32706/tusbid.1488646.
ISNAD Köse, Bereket - Helvaci, Necla. “Pliometrik Antrenmanların Üst Ekstremiteye Etkileri”. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 8/2 (December 2024), 116-124.
JAMA Köse B, Helvaci N. Pliometrik Antrenmanların Üst Ekstremiteye Etkileri. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;8:116–124.
MLA Köse, Bereket and Necla Helvaci. “Pliometrik Antrenmanların Üst Ekstremiteye Etkileri”. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, 2024, pp. 116-24, doi:10.32706/tusbid.1488646.
Vancouver Köse B, Helvaci N. Pliometrik Antrenmanların Üst Ekstremiteye Etkileri. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;8(2):116-24.

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