Research Article
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The Effect of the Kinanthropometric Profile on Leg Strength and Hand Grip Strength in Young Female Swimmers

Year 2021, , 18 - 32, 30.06.2021


Morphological structure and anthropometric values are the most important factors affecting sporting performance and success. Alongside these elements, the relationship between basic motoric characteristics and sporting success should also not be underestimated, and strength is regarded as a precondition for numerous branches of sport. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of the kinanthropometric profile on leg strength and hand grip strength in young female swimmers in order to evaluate the relationship between physical structure and strength.
The swimmers whose anthropometric measurements were obtained were all licensed athletes in our region. The athletes in the study were aged 9-14 years, and measurements were performed in the pool in the presence of their coaches before morning training. After athletes’ height and weight had been measured, a total of 24 anthropometric measurements were performed on all participants, including circumference, diameter, width, and length values, using an anthropometric set. Athletes’ hand grip and leg strength were then measured using hand and foot dynamometry. Data compatibility with normal distribution was assessed using theKolmogorov-Smirnov test (p>0.05).
Levels of relationships between measurement values were determined using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The research findings were expressed as mean plus standard deviation. Analysis revealed positive correlation between all anthropometric measurements and hand grip strength and leg strength.

Supporting Institution

This study was supported by the Ordu University Scientific Research Coordination Office

Project Number



  • Atasoy H. (2018). An investigation of the effects of swimming training on freestyle degrees and some anthropometric and motoric characteristics of performance swimmers aged 8-10. İstanbul Gelişim University Master’s thesis.
  • Akdoğan, I., Özdemir, B.,Hasusta, A.,Akyer, P., Akdoğan, D. and Akdağ, B. (2005). Anthropometric body circumference and upper extremity length measurements in first grade (7 years of age) students in Denizli city center. SDÜ Medical Faculty Journal, 12(4), 14-18.
  • Akyüz, M., Özkan, A., Taş, M., Sevim, O., Akyüz, Ö. and Uslu, S. (2014). Determining and Associating the Strength Profiles of Girl Athletes in the Junior Basketball National Team. International Journal of Science Culture and Sport, 1(3), 39-48.
  • Alp, M., Kılınç, F. and Suna, G. (2015). An investigation of the effects of training applied to handball players in the preparatory season on various anthropometric and biomotor characteristics. sstb International Refereed Academic Journal of Sports, Health &Medical Sciences, 17.
  • Arabacı, R. (2008). The talent selection in sports and guidance project for the Olympics, an examination of the second stage results (Bursa sample).
  • Ayan, V., Kavi, N. (2016). An Examination of Somatotype Structures and Horizontal Jumping Characteristics of Girls Aged 8-14, International Journal Of Science Culture and Sport, 4/1.
  • Ayan, V. & Mülazimoğlu, O. (2009). An examination of the physical characteristics and some performance profiles of 8-10 year-old boys in sports talent selection and orientation to sports (an Ankara sample). FÜ Journal of Health Sciences Medicine, 23(3), 113-118.
  • Baş O., Paktaş, Y., Özen, OA., Songur, A., Üçok, K., Mollaoğlu, H., Toktaş, M. (2006). Some Anthropometric Measurements of the Upper Extremities of Male Volleyball Players. The Medical Journal of Kocatepe. 7: 45-48.
  • Bompa, TO. (1985). Talent identification Sports Periodical on Research and Technology in Sport, 1-11.
  • Bostancı Ö., Ateş A., Yılmaz, A.K., Kabadayı M. (2017) A comparison of the anthropometric characteristics of 12-13 year-old swimmers by gender. İnönü University Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, 4(3), 12-21.
  • Canlı U. (2016). The relationship between secondary school students’ anthropometric, biomotor and physiological characteristics and academic success, Doctoral thesis. Department of Physical Training and Sports Education, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Çıkmaz, S.,Taşkınalp, O.,Uluçam, E., Yılmaz, A. & Çakıroğlu, M. (2005). Anthropometric measurements and body proportions in football players. Balkan Medical Journal, (1), 32-36.
  • Çolak, H. &Kolukısa, Ş (2017). A Comparison of Various Motoric Properties of Athletes in Different Branches. Journal of Current Researches on Social Sciences, 7(2), 307-316.
  • Dündar U. (2015). Training Theory, 9th edition. Ankara, Nobel Akademic Publishing: 130, 246, 339, 345.
  • Ergün, N., Baltacı G. (1997). Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Principles in Sporting Injuries, 1st edition. Ankara Ofset Fotomat, 28.
  • Fry, R.W. Morton, A.R. (1991). Physiological and Kinanthropometric Attributes of Elite Flatwater Kayakists. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 23: 1297-1301.
  • Gelen, E., Saygın, Ö., Karahan, M., Karacabey, K. (2006). A Comparison of Physical Fitness Features of Tennis Players in Leagues I and II. Fırat University Journal of Health Sciences, 20(2), 119-127. Elazığ.
  • Günay E. (2007). “The Effect of Regular Swimming Practice on Children's Physical and Physiological Parameters,” Master’s thesis, Gazi University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Ankara.
  • Günay E (2013). The Effect of Training at Different Heights on the Swimming Performance of Elite Swimmer, Doctoral thesis. Erciyes University Health Sciences Institute.
  • Haslofça, E.,Haslofça, F. & Kutlay, E. (2011). Relationships between physical fitness parameters in 9-10 year-old childre. Sport Refereeing Journal, 46(2), 067-076.
  • İçten, N., Süllü, Y., Tuncer, I. (1995). Height and lower extremity measurements of girls in the 17- 20 age group in the Black Sea region. Ondokuz Mayıs University Medical Journal. 12(3):207-213.
  • İkiz, İ., Yılmaz, O., Akça, C., Çankaya, C. (1995). 633. Kırkpınar. Some Anthropometric Measurements of the Extremities of Wrestlers Participating in Oil Wrestling. Morphology Journal. 3(2): 16-9.
  • Kılınç, F., Cesur, G., Atay, E., Ersöz, G., & Kılıç, (2010). T. An investigation of physical, physiological and strength factors affecting the technical shooting performance of 10-14 age group elite female archers. SDU Medical Faculty Journal, 17(3), 18-24.
  • Kızılakşam E. (2006). “A Comparison of Eurofit Test Batteries Application Results of Students Actively Engaged in Sports and Not Engaged in Sports (Entering Physical Education Classes) in Edirne City Center Primary Schools” (Master’s thesis)., Edirne: Trakya University Health Sciences Institute.
  • Kurt, S., Hazar, S., İbiş, S., Albay, B. & Kurt, Y. (2010). An evaluation of the effects of eight-week step-aerobic exercise on various physical fitness parameters in middle-aged sedentary women. International Journal of Human Sciences, 7(1), 665-674.
  • Korkmaz, HN., Arabacı, R., Çankaya, C., Şahin, S. (2008). An Investigation of Body Mass Index and Waist-Hip Ratios in 8-14 Year-Old Children Participating in International Sports Festivals (Bursa sample). 10th International Sport Sciences Congress, October 23-25, S.436 Bolu.
  • Kürkçü R. (2009). The Training Programme Which is used 12 week for wrestlers effects on some physical and physiologic properties. Sport Sciences, 4(4), 313-321.
  • Lale, B.,Müniroğlu, S., Çoruh, EE., Sunay, H. (2003). An Investigation of Somatotype Features of theTurkish National Men's Volleyball Team. Spormetre, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, 1: 53-56.
  • Le, BR.,Labelle, H., Forest, F., Poitras, B. (1998). Morphologic Discrimination Among Healthy Subjects and Nonprogressive Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Spine, 23.1109-1116.
  • Malas, M., Doğan, Ş., Evcil, EH.,Desdicioğlu, K.,Tağıl, S., M. Sulak, O. & Çetin, E. (2005). Growth rates between the upper and lower extremities in the fetal period. SDÜ Medical Faculty Journal, 12(2), 1-8.
  • Malina, RM. (1984). Human Growth Maturation and Regular Physical Activity Advances in Pediatric Sport Sciences. Champaign, IL, Human KineticsPub, pp 59-83.
  • McArdle, WD. (1971). Exercise Physiology Energy, Nutrition and Human Performance. Philadelphia.pp:30. Otman, S., Demirel, H., Sade, A. (2014). Basic Assessment Principles in Therapeutic Movements. 2nd edition, Ankara: Pelikan Publishing.
  • Özer, K. (2009). Kinanthropometry. Morphological Planning in Sport. 2nd edition Ankara; Nobel Akademic Publishing .
  • Özkan, A. &Sarol, H. (2008). A comparison of some physical fitness and somatotype characteristics of alpine and rock climber. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, X III(3):3-10.
  • Özlü M. (2012). The effect of anthropometric and kinematic parameters on 50 m freestyle swimming performance, Mater’s thesis, Health Sciences Institute, Konya.
  • Pate, RR.,Freedson, PS., Sallıs, JF. (2002). Compliance with Physical Activity Guidelines: Prevalence in a Population of Children and Youth, AEP; 12: 303–308.
  • Pavlicevic, S. (2005). Somatic and physical traits affecting sprint swimming performance in young swimmers. Int J Sports Med, 26: 139-44.
  • Pınar, D. (2005). A Comparison of Anthropometric Measurements and Hand Grip Strength in Different Sports Branches, Master’s thesis, Karaelmas University Health Sciences Institute, Zonguldak.
  • Pulur, A., Ceylan, MA., Karaçam, A. (2017). An investigation of some physical and physiological characteristics of individual athletes participating in intercollegiate championships.
  • Rowland,Tw. (2005). Children’s Exercise Physiology, Human Kinetics, ed. Bradford Road, Stanningley Leeds, United Kingdom.
  • Saygın, Ö., Polat, Y., Karacabey, K. (2005). The Effects of Movement Training on Physical Fitness Traits in Children, F.Ü. Health Sciences Journal: 19(3), 205-212.
  • Sevim, M., Sevim, Y., Günay, M., Erol, E. (1996). An Investigation of the Effects of Combined Strength Training on Performance Improvement in Elite Female Handball Players aged 18-25. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 1-6, Ankara.
  • Thomas, EM.,Sahlberg, M.,Svantesson,U. (2008). The effect of resistance training on hand grip strength in young adults. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, Volume 16, Number 2 / 125-131.
  • Tuncer, I. (2004). Evaluation of Growth and Development in Primary School Students in Konya City Center with Various Anthropometric Measurement. İnönü University Medical Faculty Journal 11(4) 233-236.
  • Turnagöl, H., Demirel, H., Arıtan, S. (1992). The Somatotype Characteristics of National Athletes, Second National Sports Sciences Congress Reports, Hacettepe University, Sports Sciences Vocational School Publication 3, pp.411, Ankara.
  • Yıldırım, İ., Baş, O., Kabadayı, M., Taşmektepligil, Y., Ocak, Y. & Karagöz, Ş. (2010). An investigation of the relationship between hand grip strength and upper extremity physical characteristics of male Super League handball players. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1.
  • Yörükoğlu, U., Koz, M. (2007). The effects of sports school studies and basketball training on the physical, physiological and anthropometric properties of 10-13 age group boys. Spormetre Physical Education and Sports Sciences Journal, 5 (2), 79-83.
  • Yusufreisoğlu. Ö. (2009). The effect of regular training on anthropometric development in athletes aged 12-14, Master’s thesis, Sakarya University Social Sciences Institute.
  • Ziyagil, MA., Tamer, K., Zorba, E., Uzuncan, S., Uzuncan, H. (1996). An Evaluation of the Physical Fitness and Anthropometric Properties of Male Primary School Students Aged between 10 and 12 Years Old By Age Groups and Exercising Habits Using the Eurofit Test Battery, Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Bo. 4, 1996, pp 25–27.
  • Zorba, E. (1999). Sport and physical fitness for all. Neyir Publishing. Ankara.
  • Zorba, E.,Ziyagil, M A. (1995). Body Composition and Measurement Methods, Trabzon, Turkey.

Genç Kadın Yüzücülerde Kinantropometrik Profilin Bacak Kuvveti ve El Kavrama Kuvveti Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2021, , 18 - 32, 30.06.2021


Morfolojik yapı ve antropometrik değerler sportif performansı ve başarıyı etkileyen önemli parametrelerdir. Bu öğeler ile birlikte temel motorik özelliklerin sportif başarı ile olan ilişkisi göz ardı edilemeyeceği gibi bir çok branş açısından kuvvet özelliği ön şart olarak kabul edilmektedir. Fiziksel yapı ve kuvvet arasındaki korelasyonu değerlendirmek amacıyla çalışmamızda genç kadın yüzücülerde kinantropometrik profilin bacak kuvveti ve el kavrama kuvveti üzerine etkisini incelemeyi hedefledik.
Antropometrik ölçümlerini aldığımız yüzücüler bölgemizde bulunan lisanslı sporculardır. Çalışmaya katılan sporcular 9-14 yaş aralığında olup ölçümler antrenman saatinden önce havuzda antrenörlerin nezaretinde gerçekleştirildi. Sporcuların Boy, kilo, ağırlık ölçümleri alındıktan sonra antropometrik set ile çevre, çap, genişlik ve uzunluk ölçümleri olmak üzere her sporcudan toplam yirmi dört antropometrik ölçüm alındı daha sonra el ve ayak dinamometresi kullanılarak sporcuların el kavrama ve bacak kuvveti ölçüldü. Veriler öncelikle Kolmogrov-Smirnow testi ile normallik varsayımı kontrol edildi (P>0.05).
Ölçüm değerleri arası ilişki düzeyleri Pearson korelasyon katsayısı ile belirlendi. Araştırma bulguların, ortalama, standart sapma olarak verildi. Analizlerin sonucunda tüm antropometrik verilerin el pençe kuvveti ve bacak kuvveti ile aralarında pozitif korelasyon tespit edildi.

Project Number



  • Atasoy H. (2018). An investigation of the effects of swimming training on freestyle degrees and some anthropometric and motoric characteristics of performance swimmers aged 8-10. İstanbul Gelişim University Master’s thesis.
  • Akdoğan, I., Özdemir, B.,Hasusta, A.,Akyer, P., Akdoğan, D. and Akdağ, B. (2005). Anthropometric body circumference and upper extremity length measurements in first grade (7 years of age) students in Denizli city center. SDÜ Medical Faculty Journal, 12(4), 14-18.
  • Akyüz, M., Özkan, A., Taş, M., Sevim, O., Akyüz, Ö. and Uslu, S. (2014). Determining and Associating the Strength Profiles of Girl Athletes in the Junior Basketball National Team. International Journal of Science Culture and Sport, 1(3), 39-48.
  • Alp, M., Kılınç, F. and Suna, G. (2015). An investigation of the effects of training applied to handball players in the preparatory season on various anthropometric and biomotor characteristics. sstb International Refereed Academic Journal of Sports, Health &Medical Sciences, 17.
  • Arabacı, R. (2008). The talent selection in sports and guidance project for the Olympics, an examination of the second stage results (Bursa sample).
  • Ayan, V., Kavi, N. (2016). An Examination of Somatotype Structures and Horizontal Jumping Characteristics of Girls Aged 8-14, International Journal Of Science Culture and Sport, 4/1.
  • Ayan, V. & Mülazimoğlu, O. (2009). An examination of the physical characteristics and some performance profiles of 8-10 year-old boys in sports talent selection and orientation to sports (an Ankara sample). FÜ Journal of Health Sciences Medicine, 23(3), 113-118.
  • Baş O., Paktaş, Y., Özen, OA., Songur, A., Üçok, K., Mollaoğlu, H., Toktaş, M. (2006). Some Anthropometric Measurements of the Upper Extremities of Male Volleyball Players. The Medical Journal of Kocatepe. 7: 45-48.
  • Bompa, TO. (1985). Talent identification Sports Periodical on Research and Technology in Sport, 1-11.
  • Bostancı Ö., Ateş A., Yılmaz, A.K., Kabadayı M. (2017) A comparison of the anthropometric characteristics of 12-13 year-old swimmers by gender. İnönü University Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, 4(3), 12-21.
  • Canlı U. (2016). The relationship between secondary school students’ anthropometric, biomotor and physiological characteristics and academic success, Doctoral thesis. Department of Physical Training and Sports Education, Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Çıkmaz, S.,Taşkınalp, O.,Uluçam, E., Yılmaz, A. & Çakıroğlu, M. (2005). Anthropometric measurements and body proportions in football players. Balkan Medical Journal, (1), 32-36.
  • Çolak, H. &Kolukısa, Ş (2017). A Comparison of Various Motoric Properties of Athletes in Different Branches. Journal of Current Researches on Social Sciences, 7(2), 307-316.
  • Dündar U. (2015). Training Theory, 9th edition. Ankara, Nobel Akademic Publishing: 130, 246, 339, 345.
  • Ergün, N., Baltacı G. (1997). Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Principles in Sporting Injuries, 1st edition. Ankara Ofset Fotomat, 28.
  • Fry, R.W. Morton, A.R. (1991). Physiological and Kinanthropometric Attributes of Elite Flatwater Kayakists. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 23: 1297-1301.
  • Gelen, E., Saygın, Ö., Karahan, M., Karacabey, K. (2006). A Comparison of Physical Fitness Features of Tennis Players in Leagues I and II. Fırat University Journal of Health Sciences, 20(2), 119-127. Elazığ.
  • Günay E. (2007). “The Effect of Regular Swimming Practice on Children's Physical and Physiological Parameters,” Master’s thesis, Gazi University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Ankara.
  • Günay E (2013). The Effect of Training at Different Heights on the Swimming Performance of Elite Swimmer, Doctoral thesis. Erciyes University Health Sciences Institute.
  • Haslofça, E.,Haslofça, F. & Kutlay, E. (2011). Relationships between physical fitness parameters in 9-10 year-old childre. Sport Refereeing Journal, 46(2), 067-076.
  • İçten, N., Süllü, Y., Tuncer, I. (1995). Height and lower extremity measurements of girls in the 17- 20 age group in the Black Sea region. Ondokuz Mayıs University Medical Journal. 12(3):207-213.
  • İkiz, İ., Yılmaz, O., Akça, C., Çankaya, C. (1995). 633. Kırkpınar. Some Anthropometric Measurements of the Extremities of Wrestlers Participating in Oil Wrestling. Morphology Journal. 3(2): 16-9.
  • Kılınç, F., Cesur, G., Atay, E., Ersöz, G., & Kılıç, (2010). T. An investigation of physical, physiological and strength factors affecting the technical shooting performance of 10-14 age group elite female archers. SDU Medical Faculty Journal, 17(3), 18-24.
  • Kızılakşam E. (2006). “A Comparison of Eurofit Test Batteries Application Results of Students Actively Engaged in Sports and Not Engaged in Sports (Entering Physical Education Classes) in Edirne City Center Primary Schools” (Master’s thesis)., Edirne: Trakya University Health Sciences Institute.
  • Kurt, S., Hazar, S., İbiş, S., Albay, B. & Kurt, Y. (2010). An evaluation of the effects of eight-week step-aerobic exercise on various physical fitness parameters in middle-aged sedentary women. International Journal of Human Sciences, 7(1), 665-674.
  • Korkmaz, HN., Arabacı, R., Çankaya, C., Şahin, S. (2008). An Investigation of Body Mass Index and Waist-Hip Ratios in 8-14 Year-Old Children Participating in International Sports Festivals (Bursa sample). 10th International Sport Sciences Congress, October 23-25, S.436 Bolu.
  • Kürkçü R. (2009). The Training Programme Which is used 12 week for wrestlers effects on some physical and physiologic properties. Sport Sciences, 4(4), 313-321.
  • Lale, B.,Müniroğlu, S., Çoruh, EE., Sunay, H. (2003). An Investigation of Somatotype Features of theTurkish National Men's Volleyball Team. Spormetre, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, 1: 53-56.
  • Le, BR.,Labelle, H., Forest, F., Poitras, B. (1998). Morphologic Discrimination Among Healthy Subjects and Nonprogressive Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Spine, 23.1109-1116.
  • Malas, M., Doğan, Ş., Evcil, EH.,Desdicioğlu, K.,Tağıl, S., M. Sulak, O. & Çetin, E. (2005). Growth rates between the upper and lower extremities in the fetal period. SDÜ Medical Faculty Journal, 12(2), 1-8.
  • Malina, RM. (1984). Human Growth Maturation and Regular Physical Activity Advances in Pediatric Sport Sciences. Champaign, IL, Human KineticsPub, pp 59-83.
  • McArdle, WD. (1971). Exercise Physiology Energy, Nutrition and Human Performance. Philadelphia.pp:30. Otman, S., Demirel, H., Sade, A. (2014). Basic Assessment Principles in Therapeutic Movements. 2nd edition, Ankara: Pelikan Publishing.
  • Özer, K. (2009). Kinanthropometry. Morphological Planning in Sport. 2nd edition Ankara; Nobel Akademic Publishing .
  • Özkan, A. &Sarol, H. (2008). A comparison of some physical fitness and somatotype characteristics of alpine and rock climber. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, X III(3):3-10.
  • Özlü M. (2012). The effect of anthropometric and kinematic parameters on 50 m freestyle swimming performance, Mater’s thesis, Health Sciences Institute, Konya.
  • Pate, RR.,Freedson, PS., Sallıs, JF. (2002). Compliance with Physical Activity Guidelines: Prevalence in a Population of Children and Youth, AEP; 12: 303–308.
  • Pavlicevic, S. (2005). Somatic and physical traits affecting sprint swimming performance in young swimmers. Int J Sports Med, 26: 139-44.
  • Pınar, D. (2005). A Comparison of Anthropometric Measurements and Hand Grip Strength in Different Sports Branches, Master’s thesis, Karaelmas University Health Sciences Institute, Zonguldak.
  • Pulur, A., Ceylan, MA., Karaçam, A. (2017). An investigation of some physical and physiological characteristics of individual athletes participating in intercollegiate championships.
  • Rowland,Tw. (2005). Children’s Exercise Physiology, Human Kinetics, ed. Bradford Road, Stanningley Leeds, United Kingdom.
  • Saygın, Ö., Polat, Y., Karacabey, K. (2005). The Effects of Movement Training on Physical Fitness Traits in Children, F.Ü. Health Sciences Journal: 19(3), 205-212.
  • Sevim, M., Sevim, Y., Günay, M., Erol, E. (1996). An Investigation of the Effects of Combined Strength Training on Performance Improvement in Elite Female Handball Players aged 18-25. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 1-6, Ankara.
  • Thomas, EM.,Sahlberg, M.,Svantesson,U. (2008). The effect of resistance training on hand grip strength in young adults. Isokinetics and Exercise Science, Volume 16, Number 2 / 125-131.
  • Tuncer, I. (2004). Evaluation of Growth and Development in Primary School Students in Konya City Center with Various Anthropometric Measurement. İnönü University Medical Faculty Journal 11(4) 233-236.
  • Turnagöl, H., Demirel, H., Arıtan, S. (1992). The Somatotype Characteristics of National Athletes, Second National Sports Sciences Congress Reports, Hacettepe University, Sports Sciences Vocational School Publication 3, pp.411, Ankara.
  • Yıldırım, İ., Baş, O., Kabadayı, M., Taşmektepligil, Y., Ocak, Y. & Karagöz, Ş. (2010). An investigation of the relationship between hand grip strength and upper extremity physical characteristics of male Super League handball players. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Vol. 1, No. 1.
  • Yörükoğlu, U., Koz, M. (2007). The effects of sports school studies and basketball training on the physical, physiological and anthropometric properties of 10-13 age group boys. Spormetre Physical Education and Sports Sciences Journal, 5 (2), 79-83.
  • Yusufreisoğlu. Ö. (2009). The effect of regular training on anthropometric development in athletes aged 12-14, Master’s thesis, Sakarya University Social Sciences Institute.
  • Ziyagil, MA., Tamer, K., Zorba, E., Uzuncan, S., Uzuncan, H. (1996). An Evaluation of the Physical Fitness and Anthropometric Properties of Male Primary School Students Aged between 10 and 12 Years Old By Age Groups and Exercising Habits Using the Eurofit Test Battery, Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Bo. 4, 1996, pp 25–27.
  • Zorba, E. (1999). Sport and physical fitness for all. Neyir Publishing. Ankara.
  • Zorba, E.,Ziyagil, M A. (1995). Body Composition and Measurement Methods, Trabzon, Turkey.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Derleme

İbrahim Nefesoğlu This is me 0000-0002-8525-3677

Orhan Bas 0000-0002-7449-2699

Project Number BY-1727
Publication Date June 30, 2021
Submission Date March 18, 2021
Acceptance Date April 29, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Nefesoğlu, İ., & Bas, O. (2021). The Effect of the Kinanthropometric Profile on Leg Strength and Hand Grip Strength in Young Female Swimmers. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(1), 18-32.
AMA Nefesoğlu İ, Bas O. The Effect of the Kinanthropometric Profile on Leg Strength and Hand Grip Strength in Young Female Swimmers. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. June 2021;5(1):18-32. doi:10.32706/tusbid.899573
Chicago Nefesoğlu, İbrahim, and Orhan Bas. “The Effect of the Kinanthropometric Profile on Leg Strength and Hand Grip Strength in Young Female Swimmers”. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 5, no. 1 (June 2021): 18-32.
EndNote Nefesoğlu İ, Bas O (June 1, 2021) The Effect of the Kinanthropometric Profile on Leg Strength and Hand Grip Strength in Young Female Swimmers. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 5 1 18–32.
IEEE İ. Nefesoğlu and O. Bas, “The Effect of the Kinanthropometric Profile on Leg Strength and Hand Grip Strength in Young Female Swimmers”, Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 18–32, 2021, doi: 10.32706/tusbid.899573.
ISNAD Nefesoğlu, İbrahim - Bas, Orhan. “The Effect of the Kinanthropometric Profile on Leg Strength and Hand Grip Strength in Young Female Swimmers”. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 5/1 (June 2021), 18-32.
JAMA Nefesoğlu İ, Bas O. The Effect of the Kinanthropometric Profile on Leg Strength and Hand Grip Strength in Young Female Swimmers. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021;5:18–32.
MLA Nefesoğlu, İbrahim and Orhan Bas. “The Effect of the Kinanthropometric Profile on Leg Strength and Hand Grip Strength in Young Female Swimmers”. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 1, 2021, pp. 18-32, doi:10.32706/tusbid.899573.
Vancouver Nefesoğlu İ, Bas O. The Effect of the Kinanthropometric Profile on Leg Strength and Hand Grip Strength in Young Female Swimmers. Türkiye Spor Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021;5(1):18-32.

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