Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research publishes the individual researches conducted about agricultural science which may be defined as a collection of significant scientific and technological advancements and innovations related to such researches. The language of the journal is Turkish and English. In Turkish publications, the new guide published by the Turkish Language Association and the Turkish dictionary are taken as basis. It is highly advisable for the authors who wrote their studies in English to have their manuscripts checked or edited by a linguistic before sending them.

Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research follows “COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” and “COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” which published by Higher Education Institutions Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), to fulfill duties and responsibilities; it expects authors and referees to act within this framework.

The manuscripts to be published in the journal should not be published in other journals or must not have taken any publication right before. The studies have to be prepared according to scientific rules and ethics. The results of any research to be published as a manuscript need to have the report of a committee of ethic and that report’s copy should be attached with the manuscript itself. The author or all the authors whose studies are to be published in the journal will own all kind of liabilities in terms of their manuscripts.

The manuscripts submitted for publication will have a preevaluation period by Journal Editor in-Chief and Editorial Board. Editorial Board is authorized to send back the manuscripts which they have found not having enough quality, to their authors without informing or sending to referees. Moreover the manuscripts having spelling or grammar errors or failing to be compatible with writing rules will be send back to the authors. The manuscripts being evaluated send to at least two referees. After the evaluation of both the referees and Editorial Board, if the manuscript has not qualified, it will be send back to the author(s) with the reasons for rejection. The studies having qualified after the evaluation of Editorial Board will be provided with correction or suggestion list by the referees if there are any. The corrected manuscripts with their correction lists or reports are to be uploaded to the system in maximum 30 days. The manuscripts sent after this period will not be accepted. The Editorial Board will finalize whether the manuscript will be published or not after taking the reports of the referees and the corrections into consideration.

The accepted manuscripts’ galley proofs will be sent to corresponding author and authors edit or check those in termsof printing errors and send them back as soon as possible. When the manuscript is qualified to be published, the context, text, the authors or the sequence of the authors cannot be changed.

The author or the authors of any manuscript have to sign a Copyright Release Form if they give the publication right to Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research.

In a single volume, maximum two manuscripts of the same author can be published.

Turkish Journal of Agricultural Research will be published three times a year in February, June and October.


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