1. Submission and Initial Evaluation
Submissions must be made through the "Article Management System" of the Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD); submissions made via email will not be considered. Only works approved by all authors, not previously published in another journal, and not submitted to another journal will be accepted for evaluation.
The editor-in-chief or associate editor-in-chief reviews submitted works in the preliminary evaluation stage. At this stage, a plagiarism check is conducted, and the work is examined for scope, originality, and methodological suitability. Works that do not meet these criteria are rejected during the preliminary evaluation.
2. Editorial Board Review
Works that pass the preliminary evaluation are assigned by the editor-in-chief or associate editor-in-chief to a suitable expert from the ÜAD Editorial Board. The Editorial Board member evaluates the work in terms of scope, contribution to the field, language use, and scientific quality.
The Editorial Board member suggests at least three reviewers for the peer review process and ensures that the work is sent to these experts.
3. Peer Review Process (Double-Blind Review)
ÜAD employs a double-blind peer review system; in this process, the identities of the reviewers and authors are kept confidential. Each work is sent to at least three reviewers, with at least two selected as independent experts.
Reviewers evaluate the work for scientific quality, methodological accuracy, and originality. Based on the reviewers’ reports, the work is classified as "accept," "minor revision," "major revision," or "reject."
4. Author Revision
Authors should revise their work according to the reviewers' suggestions and make the necessary adjustments. Changes made should be highlighted in different colors, and a response letter to the reviewers should be prepared.
The revised work is reviewed by the relevant Editorial Board member. If a "major revision" is required, the work is sent back to the reviewers.
5. Final Editorial Review and Decision
Once the Editorial Board member confirms that revisions are complete, the work is submitted to the editor-in-chief or associate editor-in-chief. Based on the evaluations of the Editorial Board and reviewers, the editor-in-chief or associate editor-in-chief makes the final decision to publish or reject the work.
The editor-in-chief and associate editor-in-chief complete the decision-making process by ensuring an impartial and independent evaluation process that aligns with ÜAD's ethical standards. Accepted works undergo a final check for language and expression.
6. Editorial Advisory Board and Strategic Contributions
Members of the Editorial Advisory Board provide suggestions to support the scientific and strategic goals of ÜAD. Although they do not directly participate in the review process, they indirectly support the process by recommending reviewers when necessary.
7. Typesetting and Layout Process
Accepted articles are prepared for typesetting and layout and are ultimately published in ÜAD.
Please also refer to the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy page.
Articles published in the Journal of University Research (Üniversite Araştırmaları Dergisi - ÜAD) are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License .