The International Journal of Information Systems and Applications (IJISYSA) abides by the publication ethics principles, standards, and recommendations set forth by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) Guidelines for Scientific Research and Publication Ethics, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
1. The International Journal of Information Systems and Applications (IJISYSA) accepts all manuscripts submitted for review exclusively through the system provided by DergiPark. Submissions sent via mail, fax, email, or any other method are not considered.
2. Authors are obliged to prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the format announced on The International Journal of Information Systems and Applications (IJISYSA) website and to submit all required documents (e.g., Copyright Transfer Form, Ethical Board Approval, etc.) to the journal. Authors must accurately and completely provide author names, institutional affiliations, contact information, and ORCID details.
3. Manuscripts submitted for review must adhere to all rules stipulated by the “Guidelines for Scientific Research and Publication Ethics” of the Council of Higher Education. No actions listed under “Violations of Scientific Research and Publication Ethics” in these guidelines should be committed.
4. All responsibility for adhering to ethical principles and avoiding any actions that violate scientific research and publication ethics lies with the author(s). Authors are accountable for issues such as plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, redundant publication, salami slicing (segmenting one study into multiple publications), honorary authorship, failure to disclose the contributions of supporting institutions/organizations, using unpublished or unapproved thesis work without permission, using data from surveys or other studies without explicit consent from participants, conducting experiments or studies without obtaining necessary prior permissions, and all other potential ethical breaches.
5. All sources used in manuscripts submitted to The International Journal of Information Systems and Applications (IJISYSA) must be cited completely and accurately.
6. Manuscripts submitted to The International Journal of Information Systems and Applications (IJISYSA) must not be simultaneously submitted to another journal for consideration. Authors are deemed to have accepted this condition upon submission to IJISYSA.
7. At the request of the editorial board members or reviewers, authors must provide the raw data related to their study (if available).
8. Authors must explicitly disclose any potential conflicts of interest and relationships that may constitute a conflict in manuscripts submitted to the The International Journal of Information Systems and Applications (IJISYSA).
9. The author(s) should have all the usage rights of the data, if any, in the studies they send to the International Journal of Informatics Systems and Applications (UBSUD) for evaluation and in other subjects such as research/ analysis/ measurement/ survey/ evaluation/ field study/ clinical study etc. They should have documents showing the necessary permissions and submit them to the journal when requested.
10. Authors can track the status of their manuscripts submitted to The International Journal of Information Systems and Applications (IJISYSA) via the DergiPark system. Should they disturb the editorial board members via email, phone, and/or other communication channels regarding the status of their manuscript, the evaluation process may be halted and terminated.
1. Reviewers are responsible for evaluating the scientific content, academic structure, and compliance with the journal’s principles and standards of all manuscripts submitted to the The International Journal of Information Systems and Applications (IJISYSA), and for determining whether a manuscript is suitable for publication for the broader public and scientific community. Decisions to accept or decline an invitation to review should be made with due consideration of these points and ethical principles.
2. All reviewer invitations and processes for The International Journal of Information Systems and Applications (IJISYSA) are managed exclusively through the DergiPark system. A reviewer’s role may be invalidated if they contact or attempt to contact the editor(s), author(s), or any third party via phone, email, fax, or other methods concerning a manuscript under review.
3. The names of invited reviewers (researchers and/or experts) are not disclosed to the authors.
4. Reviewers should accept invitations to review only if they have sufficient time and the necessary expertise in the subject area of the manuscript.
5. Reviewers are expected to conduct their evaluations impartially and confidentially; they must be honest, fair, and objective, focusing solely on the manuscript’s content. Factors such as gender, nationality, political views, religious beliefs, or commercial interests should not influence their assessments.
6. If reviewers have any conflict of interest with the author(s) of a manuscript assigned to them, they must inform the section editor or journal editor as soon as possible.
7. Reviewers should carefully complete all relevant sections of the Manuscript Evaluation Form for the manuscript in question. They are expected to use constructive and polite language, providing criticism and suggestions that comply with academic ethics. They must avoid offensive, hostile, insulting, or belittling comments.
Editor(s) / Section Editor(s)
1. The evaluation process and policies for manuscripts submitted to The International Journal of Information Systems and Applications (IJISYSA) are detailed on the journal’s website. Editors/section editors assigned to evaluate a manuscript must follow these guidelines.
2. After similarity and formatting checks, manuscripts submitted to The International Journal of Information Systems and Applications (IJISYSA) are forwarded to a section editor by the journal editor. No academic evaluation is conducted prior to this assignment. All participants involved in this process must handle confidential information about the manuscripts with utmost care.
3. When evaluating a manuscript submitted to the The International Journal of Information Systems and Applications (IJISYSA) editors/section editors must not allow the author(s)’ gender, nationality, political beliefs, religious affiliations, institutional ties, positions, or any potential conflicts of interest (academic, commercial, political, social, etc.) to influence their decisions.
4. Editors/section editors have the authority to accept or reject a manuscript based on factors such as its scholarly value, originality, relevance to the journal’s focus and scope, scientific contribution, academic level, similarity (plagiarism) ratio, and adherence to the journal’s writing guidelines.
5. For each manuscript submitted to the The International Journal of Information Systems and Applications (IJISYSA) the editor/section editor must assign at least two (2) reviewers who can provide an unbiased, objective, and effective evaluation of the work.
6. The decision to accept or reject a manuscript, made by the section editor, is forwarded to the editor after considering the reviewers’ feedback. However, the journal editor reserves the right to alter the accept/reject decision by providing a justification, taking into account the reviewers’ opinions and authors’ responses throughout the review process.
Fee Policy
No fees are charged to authors or their institutions under any circumstances.