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Öğretmen Eğitiminde Bilişsel Koçluk Yaklaşımı

Year 2009, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 717 - 739, 01.08.2009



  • Adıgüzel, A. (2008). Eğitim Fakültelerinde Öğretmen Eğitimi Program Standartlarının Gerçekleşme Düzeyi. Doktora Tezi, Anadolu Üniversitesi. Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eskişehir.
  • Aldrich, R. S. (2005). Cognitive coaching pratice in online environments. Unpublished Ph. Dissertation, Pepperdine Universty. Graduate School of Education and Psychology, Usa.
  • Aleven, V., Stahl, E., Schworm, S., Fischer, F. ve Wallace, R. (2003), “Help seeking and help design in interactive learning environments”, Review of Educational Research, 2003, 73(3), ss. 277–320.
  • Allen D., Nichols P. ve Ancess J. (2004), “Coaching as inquiry: interpreting culture and leveraging change” Presented at American Educational Research Association Meeting, San Diego, CA, adresinden 18 Kasım 2007 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Alseike, B. U. (1997). Cognitive coaching: its influences on teachers. Unpublished Ph. Dissertation., Universty of Denver. The College of Education, Usa.
  • Aviram M., Ophir R., Raviv D. ve Shiloah, M. (1998). Experiential learning of clinical skills by beginning nursing students: “coaching” project by fourth-year student interns. Journal of Nursing Education, 37(5), 228- 231.
  • Aydın R., Şahin H., Topal T. (2008). Türkiye’de İlköğretime Sınıf Öğretmeni Yetiştirmede Nitelik Arayışları. TSA,12(2), 119-142
  • Azevedo R., Grene J. A. ve Moos D. C. (2007), “The effect of a human agent’s external regulation upon college students’ hypermedia learning”, Metacognition Learning 2(2-3), ss.67–87.
  • Bloom, G., Castagna C. ve Warren B. (2003). More than mentors: principal coaching. Leadership, 32 (5), 20-23.
  • Brooks, G. R. (2000). Cognitive coaching training for master teachers and its effects on student teachers’ apility to reflect on practice. Unpublished D. Thesis, Universty of Southern California. Faculty of the Rossier School of Education, Usa.
  • Cochran, B. ve DeChesere J. (February/March,1995). Teacher empowerment through cognitive coaching. Thrust for Educational Leadership, 24(5), 24-28.
  • Costa, L.A. (1981). Teaching for intelligent behavior. Educational Leadershıp, 39 (1), 29-32.
  • Costa, L.A. (1984). Mediating the metacognitive. Educational Leadershıp, 42(3), 57-62.
  • Costa A. ve Garmston (1994), “Cognitive coaching”, adresinden 15 Aralık 2006 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Costa ve Garmston (1994), “Cognitive coaching”, www.overview of cognitive coaching--The Center for Cognitive Coaching adresinden 20 Kasım 2005 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Costa A. ve Garmston (2002), “Cognitive coaching”, adresinden 15 Aralık 2006 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Costa, L.A ve Kallick B.(2000). Getting into the habit of reflection. Educational Leadershıp, 57(7), 60-62.
  • Costa, L.A ve Kallick B. (2004). Launching self-directed learners. Educational Leadershıp, 62(1), 51-55.
  • Edwards, J. L., Jennifer L., Green K. E., Lyons C. A., Rogers M.S. ve Swords E. M. (April 13- 17, 1998), The effects of cognitive coaching and noverbal classroom management on teacher efficacy and perceptions of school culture. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, s. 53, San Diego.
  • Evans, R.E. (2005), Utilizing cognitive coaching to enhance the implementation of recommended mıddle school instructional strategies. Unpublished, Ph. Dissertation, Universty of Virginia. Faculty of the Curry School of Education, Usa.
  • Garmston, R., C. Linder and J. Whitaker (1993). Reflections on cognitive coaching. Educatıonal Leadershıp, 51(2), 57-60.
  • Gomez, L. R, (2005), Cognitive coaching: Bringing the ivory tower into the classroom. Unpublished, Ph. Dissertation, The Univerty of Nort Carolina. Educational Leadership College of Education, Charlotte, Usa.
  • Grealish, L. (2000), The skills of coach are an essential element in clinical learning, Journal of Nursing Education, 39(5), ss. 231–233.
  • Grene, B. T. (2004), Lıterature revıew for school-based staff developers and coaches, adresinden 14 Kasım 2006 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Krpan, M. M. (1997), Cognitive coaching and efficacy, growty and change for second, third and fourth year elementray school educators. Unpublished B.S. Dissertation, California State University. Usa.
  • Linda, A.R. (2006), “Case study of the implementation of cognitive coaching by an instructional coach in a title / elementary school”, Unpublished Ph. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, Usa.
  • Lovely, S. (2004). Scaffolding for new leaders: coaching and mentoring helps rookie principals grow on the jop and gain confidence. School Administrator, 61(6), 10-13.
  • McLymont, E. F. ve Costa J.L. (April 13-17 1998). Cognitive coaching the vehicle for professional development and teacher collaboration. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association San Diego, California.
  • www. wıngs mentor development-cognitive coaching adresine 2005’de ulaşılmıştır.
  • Moche, R. (1999), Cognitive coaching and reflective thinking of Jewish day school teaches. Unpublished Ph. Dissertation, Yeshiva Universty. Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration, New York, Usa.
  • O’Neil, H. F. ve Abedi, J. (1996). Reliability and validity of a state metacognitive ınventory: potential for alternative assessment. The Journal of Educational Research, 89, ss. 234–245.
  • Paris, S. G. ve Winograd P. (1990), How metacognition can promote academic learning and instruction, B. F. Jones ve L. Idol (Edt), Dimension of Thinking and Cognitive Instruction, New Jersey: NCREL-Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Roll I., Aleven V., McLaren B. M. ve Koedinger K. R.(2007), Designing for metacognition—applying cognitive tutor principles to the tutoring of help seeking. Metacognition Learning (2007) 2:,ss.125–140.
  • Slinger, J. L. (2004), Cognitive coaching: ımpact on students ınfluence on teachers, Unpublished Ph. Dissertation, College of Education Universty of Denver, Usa.
  • Ushijima, T. M. (1996). Five states of mınd scale for cognitive coaching: a measurement study. Unpublished Ph.D., Universty of Southern Calıfornia. Faculty of School of Education, Usa.
  • Uzat, S. (1998). Running head: cognitive coaching, cognitive coaching and self- reflection: looking in the mirror while looking through the window. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-Soyth Educational Research Association, Ph. Disertation, New Orleans, Usa.
  • Waddell, D. L. ve Dunn N. (2005). Peer coaching: the next step in staff development. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 36(2), ss. 84-89.

Öğretmen Eğitiminde Bilişsel Koçluk Yaklaşımı

Year 2009, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 717 - 739, 01.08.2009


Eğitimde bireyleri bağımsız öğrenen konumuna getiren temel unsur
olan öğretmenlerin eğitimi günümüzde giderek artan bir önem
kazanmaktadır. Araştırmacılara göre yapılandırmacı eğitimin başarısı, bu
anlayışın unsurlarını birbirini tamamlayacak şekilde işe koşulmasından
kaynaklanmaktadır. Öğretmen eğitiminde, özellikle düşünme becerilerinin
kullanılmasında, kuramsal çerçeve sağlayan bilişsel koçluk, bireyin kendinin
ve diğerlerinin düşüncelerini ve problem çözme kapasitelerini
şekillendirmeye ya da yeniden biçimlendirmeye uğraşan çalışma ve
düşünme yolları ve stratejileri dizisi şeklinde ele alınmaktadır. Bu konu ile
ilgili yürütülmüş pek çok araştırma, bilişsel koçluk stratejisinin
öğretmenlerin bilişsel farkındalık ve yansıtıcı düşünme becerileri üzerinde
anlamlı bir etkisi olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu çalışmada, bilişsel koçluk
yaklaşımının kavramsal temelleri ortaya konulmuş ve öğretmen eğitimindeki
yeri açıklanmıştır. Costa ve Garmston (1994) tarafından oluşturulmuş bu
strateji bilişsel farkındalık becerilerinin öğretiminde kullanılan bir yaklaşım
olarak tanımlanmaktadır.
Bilişsel koçluk, bilişsel farkındalığın planlama, denetleme, organizasyon ve
değerlendirme becerilerinin çeşitli etkinliklerle öğrenene kazandırılması
esasına dayanmaktadır. Bilişsel farkındalık becerilerinin bu stratejiye dayalı
öğretimi öğrenci ve öğretmenlerin kendilerini değerlendirerek geliştirme
fırsatı sağlamalarında ve karşılıklı kontrolün sağlanmasında öğretim sürecine
olumlu katkılar sağlamaktadır. Bilişsel koçluk stratejisinde bir nevi özel ders
ile bilişsel farkındalık konusunda uzman olan bir bilişsel koçun, bu becerileri
kişiye çeşitli etkinlik ve stratejilerle öğretimi söz konusudur. Sonuçta
öğretmenlerin bilişsel koçluk yaklaşımını yeri geldiğinde derslerde
uygulanması düşünme becerilerinin öğrencilere kazandırılmasında etkisini
gösterecektir. Bu yazıda, bilişsel farkındalığın öğretiminde bilişsel koçluk ve
bilişsel koçluğun kapsadığı uygulamalara odaklanarak öğretmen eğitiminde
bilişsel koçlukla öğretimin temel ilkeleri tartışılmaya ve alanda yapılan
çalışmalar değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır.


  • Adıgüzel, A. (2008). Eğitim Fakültelerinde Öğretmen Eğitimi Program Standartlarının Gerçekleşme Düzeyi. Doktora Tezi, Anadolu Üniversitesi. Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eskişehir.
  • Aldrich, R. S. (2005). Cognitive coaching pratice in online environments. Unpublished Ph. Dissertation, Pepperdine Universty. Graduate School of Education and Psychology, Usa.
  • Aleven, V., Stahl, E., Schworm, S., Fischer, F. ve Wallace, R. (2003), “Help seeking and help design in interactive learning environments”, Review of Educational Research, 2003, 73(3), ss. 277–320.
  • Allen D., Nichols P. ve Ancess J. (2004), “Coaching as inquiry: interpreting culture and leveraging change” Presented at American Educational Research Association Meeting, San Diego, CA, adresinden 18 Kasım 2007 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Alseike, B. U. (1997). Cognitive coaching: its influences on teachers. Unpublished Ph. Dissertation., Universty of Denver. The College of Education, Usa.
  • Aviram M., Ophir R., Raviv D. ve Shiloah, M. (1998). Experiential learning of clinical skills by beginning nursing students: “coaching” project by fourth-year student interns. Journal of Nursing Education, 37(5), 228- 231.
  • Aydın R., Şahin H., Topal T. (2008). Türkiye’de İlköğretime Sınıf Öğretmeni Yetiştirmede Nitelik Arayışları. TSA,12(2), 119-142
  • Azevedo R., Grene J. A. ve Moos D. C. (2007), “The effect of a human agent’s external regulation upon college students’ hypermedia learning”, Metacognition Learning 2(2-3), ss.67–87.
  • Bloom, G., Castagna C. ve Warren B. (2003). More than mentors: principal coaching. Leadership, 32 (5), 20-23.
  • Brooks, G. R. (2000). Cognitive coaching training for master teachers and its effects on student teachers’ apility to reflect on practice. Unpublished D. Thesis, Universty of Southern California. Faculty of the Rossier School of Education, Usa.
  • Cochran, B. ve DeChesere J. (February/March,1995). Teacher empowerment through cognitive coaching. Thrust for Educational Leadership, 24(5), 24-28.
  • Costa, L.A. (1981). Teaching for intelligent behavior. Educational Leadershıp, 39 (1), 29-32.
  • Costa, L.A. (1984). Mediating the metacognitive. Educational Leadershıp, 42(3), 57-62.
  • Costa A. ve Garmston (1994), “Cognitive coaching”, adresinden 15 Aralık 2006 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Costa ve Garmston (1994), “Cognitive coaching”, www.overview of cognitive coaching--The Center for Cognitive Coaching adresinden 20 Kasım 2005 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Costa A. ve Garmston (2002), “Cognitive coaching”, adresinden 15 Aralık 2006 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Costa, L.A ve Kallick B.(2000). Getting into the habit of reflection. Educational Leadershıp, 57(7), 60-62.
  • Costa, L.A ve Kallick B. (2004). Launching self-directed learners. Educational Leadershıp, 62(1), 51-55.
  • Edwards, J. L., Jennifer L., Green K. E., Lyons C. A., Rogers M.S. ve Swords E. M. (April 13- 17, 1998), The effects of cognitive coaching and noverbal classroom management on teacher efficacy and perceptions of school culture. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, s. 53, San Diego.
  • Evans, R.E. (2005), Utilizing cognitive coaching to enhance the implementation of recommended mıddle school instructional strategies. Unpublished, Ph. Dissertation, Universty of Virginia. Faculty of the Curry School of Education, Usa.
  • Garmston, R., C. Linder and J. Whitaker (1993). Reflections on cognitive coaching. Educatıonal Leadershıp, 51(2), 57-60.
  • Gomez, L. R, (2005), Cognitive coaching: Bringing the ivory tower into the classroom. Unpublished, Ph. Dissertation, The Univerty of Nort Carolina. Educational Leadership College of Education, Charlotte, Usa.
  • Grealish, L. (2000), The skills of coach are an essential element in clinical learning, Journal of Nursing Education, 39(5), ss. 231–233.
  • Grene, B. T. (2004), Lıterature revıew for school-based staff developers and coaches, adresinden 14 Kasım 2006 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Krpan, M. M. (1997), Cognitive coaching and efficacy, growty and change for second, third and fourth year elementray school educators. Unpublished B.S. Dissertation, California State University. Usa.
  • Linda, A.R. (2006), “Case study of the implementation of cognitive coaching by an instructional coach in a title / elementary school”, Unpublished Ph. Dissertation, Texas A&M University, Usa.
  • Lovely, S. (2004). Scaffolding for new leaders: coaching and mentoring helps rookie principals grow on the jop and gain confidence. School Administrator, 61(6), 10-13.
  • McLymont, E. F. ve Costa J.L. (April 13-17 1998). Cognitive coaching the vehicle for professional development and teacher collaboration. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association San Diego, California.
  • www. wıngs mentor development-cognitive coaching adresine 2005’de ulaşılmıştır.
  • Moche, R. (1999), Cognitive coaching and reflective thinking of Jewish day school teaches. Unpublished Ph. Dissertation, Yeshiva Universty. Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration, New York, Usa.
  • O’Neil, H. F. ve Abedi, J. (1996). Reliability and validity of a state metacognitive ınventory: potential for alternative assessment. The Journal of Educational Research, 89, ss. 234–245.
  • Paris, S. G. ve Winograd P. (1990), How metacognition can promote academic learning and instruction, B. F. Jones ve L. Idol (Edt), Dimension of Thinking and Cognitive Instruction, New Jersey: NCREL-Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
  • Roll I., Aleven V., McLaren B. M. ve Koedinger K. R.(2007), Designing for metacognition—applying cognitive tutor principles to the tutoring of help seeking. Metacognition Learning (2007) 2:,ss.125–140.
  • Slinger, J. L. (2004), Cognitive coaching: ımpact on students ınfluence on teachers, Unpublished Ph. Dissertation, College of Education Universty of Denver, Usa.
  • Ushijima, T. M. (1996). Five states of mınd scale for cognitive coaching: a measurement study. Unpublished Ph.D., Universty of Southern Calıfornia. Faculty of School of Education, Usa.
  • Uzat, S. (1998). Running head: cognitive coaching, cognitive coaching and self- reflection: looking in the mirror while looking through the window. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-Soyth Educational Research Association, Ph. Disertation, New Orleans, Usa.
  • Waddell, D. L. ve Dunn N. (2005). Peer coaching: the next step in staff development. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 36(2), ss. 84-89.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Özden Demir This is me

Ahmet Doğanay This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2009
Submission Date November 14, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 22 Issue: 2


APA Demir, Ö., & Doğanay, A. (2009). Öğretmen Eğitiminde Bilişsel Koçluk Yaklaşımı. Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Education, 22(2), 717-739.