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An Examination of Fourth and Fifth Graders' Fractional Understandings Based On Mathematical Achievement

Year 2010, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 81 - 98, 01.04.2010



  • Aksu, M. 1997. Student Performance in Dealing with Fractions. The Journal of Educational Research, 90(6), 375-380.
  • Anderson, C. L., Anderson, K. M. and Wenzel, E. J. 2000. Oil and Water Don’t Mix, but They do Teach Fractions. Teaching Children Mathematics, 7 (3), 174-78
  • Behr, M. J., Wachsmuth, I., Post, T.and Lesh, R. 1984. Order and Equivalence of Rational Numbers: A Clinical Teaching Experiment. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 15(5), 323-341.
  • Boaler, J. 1998. Open and Closed Mathematics: Student Experiences and Understandings. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 29, 41-62
  • Charles, K. and Nason, R. 2000. Young Children’s Partitioning Strategies”, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 43 (2), 191-221.
  • Charalambous, C. Y. and Pitta-Pantazi, D. 2007. Drawing on a Theretical Model to Study Students’ Understandings of Fractions. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 64(3), 293- 316.
  • Empson, S. B. 2003. Low-Performing Students and Teaching Fractions for Understandings: An İnteractional Analysis. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 34(4), 304- 343
  • Empson, S. B. 2002. Organizing Diversity in Early Fraction Thinking. In B. Litwiller and G. Bright (Eds.), Making Sense of Fractions, Ratios, and Proportions (29 – 40). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
  • Fuson, K., Carroll, W., and Drueck, J. 2000. Achievement Results for Second and Third Graders Using the Standard-Based Curriculum. Everyday Mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 31, 277-295.
  • Galen, F., Feijs, E., Figueiredo, N., Gravemeijer, K., Herpen, E., Keijzer, R., 2008. Core İnsight into Fractions. In F. Galen (Ed.), Fractions, Percentages, Decimals, and Proportions: A learning-teaching trajectory for grade 4, 5 and 6 (63-88). Netherland: Sense Publishers.
  • Hart, K. M. 1981. Fractions. In K. M. Hart (Ed.), Children’s Understanding of Mathematics: 11-16 (66-81). London: John Murray
  • Haseman, K. 1981. On Difficulties with Fractions. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 12(1), 71-87.
  • Hunting, R. and Sharpley, C. 1991. Pre-Fraction Concepts of Preschoolers. In R. Hunting and G. Davis (Eds.), Early fraction learning (9 – 26). New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • Keijzer, R. 2003. Teaching Formal Mathematics in Primary Education: Fraction Learning as Mathematizing Process. Utrecht, the Netherlands: CD Beta Press.
  • Mack, K. N. 1998. Building a Foundation for Understanding the Multiplication of Fraction. Teaching Children Mathematics, 5, 34- 38.
  • Mullis, I. V. S., Martin, M. O., Beaton, A. E., Gonzalez, E. J., Kelly, D. L., Smith, T. A. 1997. Mathematics Achievement in the Primary School Years: IEA’s Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). MA: Chestnut Hill. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 1989. Curriculum and Evaluation Standards.
  • Reston, VA: NCTMNational Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 2000. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM
  • Pitkethly, A. and Hunting, R. 1996. A Review of Recent Research in the Area of İnitial Fraction Concepts. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 30, 5 – 38.
  • Post, T., Behr, M. J. and Lesh, R. 1986. Research Based Observations about Children’s Learning of Rational Number Concepts. Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics, 8(1), 39-48.
  • Sharp, J. M., Garofalo, J., Adams, B. 2002. The Development of Students’ Knowledge of Fractions and Ratios. In B. Litwiller and G. Bright (Eds.), Making sense of fractions, ratios, and proportions (18 – 28). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
  • Smith, J. P. 2002. The Development of Students’ Knowledge of Fractions and Ratios. In B. Litwiller and G. Bright (Eds.), Making sense of fractions, ratios, and proportions (3 – 17). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
  • Streefland, L. 1991. Fractions in Realistic Mathematics Education. Boston:Kluwer
  • Tzur, R. 1999. An Integrated Study of Children’s Construction of Improper Fractions and The Teacher’s Role in Promoting That Learning. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. 30(3), 390-416.
  • Wong, M. and Evans, D. 2007. Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Equivalent Fractions. In (J. Watson, K.Beswick (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th annual conference on the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (Vol. 1, 824 – 833). Australia: MERGA.
  • Woodward, J. and Baxter, J. 1997. The Effects of an Innovative Approach to Mathematics on Academically Low Achieving Students in Inclusive Settings. Exceptional Children, 63, 373- 388.
  • Watanabe, T. 2007. Initial Treatment of Fractions in Japanese Textbooks. Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics, 29. Appendix
  • Activity sample: Equally sharing or distributing situations
  • Aim: To have students solve problems that require sharing or
  • distributing equally and express the results as fractions.
  • Material: A picture of “Sizinkiler” (it means “Yours” in English) family - The Picture of Sizinkiler family will be shown and students will be
  • asked: “Do you know this family?”. If there is a student who knows, he/she
  • will be asked to tell the rest of the class. If not, I will introduce the members
  • of the family (Babisko, Cıt Cıt, Zeytin and Limon) and explain that events
  • that this family experiences will be told during the lessons. - The first story will be presented: “Sizinkiler goes to a “pide”(a
  • Turkish food like pizza) restaurant for dinner. But 4 “pide”s seems big for
  • them and they order 3 “pide”s instead of 4. In your opinion, how can the
  • waiter serve 3 “pide”s for 4 people? Can you draw the “pide” that each
  • person gets?” Empty papers will be given to the groups and students will be
  • expected to make drawings. While they are drawing, they will be
  • negotiating, asking questions and giving some clues if they need them. (For
  • example: Does each person get a whole “pide”? In how many parts can you
  • divide “pide”s? What can you do to present each person’s part?...etc). I will
  • gather the papers and the story will continue as follows: - “At the table next to the Sizinkiler, there is another group that consists of 9 people. They order 6 “pide”s. Now, again show each person’s part with pictures.” - Pupils will be asked to create their own similar stories and to solve them. I will collect the stories and read them out in front of class. - The students’ solutions to the first two problems will be drawn on the board and discussed. For example: B C Z L Z L Z L B C Z L (The existence of different answers for a problem can be thought as 4, and the other
  • an advantageous situation: the first figure shows4 1 4 shows 2 4.) - “Can you express the results with fractions?” I will ask this
  • question and we will examine and discuss the results.

Dört ve Beşinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Kesir Kavrayışlarının Matematiksel Başarılarına Göre İncelenmesi

Year 2010, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 81 - 98, 01.04.2010


Bu çalışmanın amacı, düşük, orta ve yüksek başarılı öğrencilerin, Sosyokonstrüktivizm ve Gerçekçi Matematik Eğitimi’nin temel ilkelerine göre hazırlanan bir kesir eğitimden aynı düzeyde yararlanıp yararlanamayacaklarını incelemektir. Bu amaçla, deney grubuna paylaşım durumlarıyla başlayan, sınıf ve grup tartışmalarına odaklanan bir eğitim verilmiştir. Bu arada kontrol grubundaki öğrenciler normal eğitimlerine devam etmişlerdir. Her iki grup 27 dördüncü ve 28 beşinci sınıf öğrencisinden oluşmuştur. Katılımcılara 3 test uygulanmıştır: Genel Matematiksel Başarı Testi, Kesir Kavrayışı Ön Testi ve Kesir Kavrayışı Son Testi. T-testi ve ANCOVA sonuçlarına göre, tasarlanan öğrenme ortamının düşük, orta ve yüksek başarılı öğrencilerin kesir kavrayışları üzerindeki olumlu etkisi büyük oranda benzerdir. Aynı şekilde, kontrol grubundaki düşük, orta ve yüksek başarılı öğrenciler de geleneksel öğrenme ortamının kesir kavrayışları üzerindeki etkisi açısından bir farklılık göstermemişlerdir


  • Aksu, M. 1997. Student Performance in Dealing with Fractions. The Journal of Educational Research, 90(6), 375-380.
  • Anderson, C. L., Anderson, K. M. and Wenzel, E. J. 2000. Oil and Water Don’t Mix, but They do Teach Fractions. Teaching Children Mathematics, 7 (3), 174-78
  • Behr, M. J., Wachsmuth, I., Post, T.and Lesh, R. 1984. Order and Equivalence of Rational Numbers: A Clinical Teaching Experiment. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 15(5), 323-341.
  • Boaler, J. 1998. Open and Closed Mathematics: Student Experiences and Understandings. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 29, 41-62
  • Charles, K. and Nason, R. 2000. Young Children’s Partitioning Strategies”, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 43 (2), 191-221.
  • Charalambous, C. Y. and Pitta-Pantazi, D. 2007. Drawing on a Theretical Model to Study Students’ Understandings of Fractions. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 64(3), 293- 316.
  • Empson, S. B. 2003. Low-Performing Students and Teaching Fractions for Understandings: An İnteractional Analysis. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 34(4), 304- 343
  • Empson, S. B. 2002. Organizing Diversity in Early Fraction Thinking. In B. Litwiller and G. Bright (Eds.), Making Sense of Fractions, Ratios, and Proportions (29 – 40). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
  • Fuson, K., Carroll, W., and Drueck, J. 2000. Achievement Results for Second and Third Graders Using the Standard-Based Curriculum. Everyday Mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 31, 277-295.
  • Galen, F., Feijs, E., Figueiredo, N., Gravemeijer, K., Herpen, E., Keijzer, R., 2008. Core İnsight into Fractions. In F. Galen (Ed.), Fractions, Percentages, Decimals, and Proportions: A learning-teaching trajectory for grade 4, 5 and 6 (63-88). Netherland: Sense Publishers.
  • Hart, K. M. 1981. Fractions. In K. M. Hart (Ed.), Children’s Understanding of Mathematics: 11-16 (66-81). London: John Murray
  • Haseman, K. 1981. On Difficulties with Fractions. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 12(1), 71-87.
  • Hunting, R. and Sharpley, C. 1991. Pre-Fraction Concepts of Preschoolers. In R. Hunting and G. Davis (Eds.), Early fraction learning (9 – 26). New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • Keijzer, R. 2003. Teaching Formal Mathematics in Primary Education: Fraction Learning as Mathematizing Process. Utrecht, the Netherlands: CD Beta Press.
  • Mack, K. N. 1998. Building a Foundation for Understanding the Multiplication of Fraction. Teaching Children Mathematics, 5, 34- 38.
  • Mullis, I. V. S., Martin, M. O., Beaton, A. E., Gonzalez, E. J., Kelly, D. L., Smith, T. A. 1997. Mathematics Achievement in the Primary School Years: IEA’s Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). MA: Chestnut Hill. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 1989. Curriculum and Evaluation Standards.
  • Reston, VA: NCTMNational Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 2000. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Reston, VA: NCTM
  • Pitkethly, A. and Hunting, R. 1996. A Review of Recent Research in the Area of İnitial Fraction Concepts. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 30, 5 – 38.
  • Post, T., Behr, M. J. and Lesh, R. 1986. Research Based Observations about Children’s Learning of Rational Number Concepts. Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics, 8(1), 39-48.
  • Sharp, J. M., Garofalo, J., Adams, B. 2002. The Development of Students’ Knowledge of Fractions and Ratios. In B. Litwiller and G. Bright (Eds.), Making sense of fractions, ratios, and proportions (18 – 28). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
  • Smith, J. P. 2002. The Development of Students’ Knowledge of Fractions and Ratios. In B. Litwiller and G. Bright (Eds.), Making sense of fractions, ratios, and proportions (3 – 17). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
  • Streefland, L. 1991. Fractions in Realistic Mathematics Education. Boston:Kluwer
  • Tzur, R. 1999. An Integrated Study of Children’s Construction of Improper Fractions and The Teacher’s Role in Promoting That Learning. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. 30(3), 390-416.
  • Wong, M. and Evans, D. 2007. Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Equivalent Fractions. In (J. Watson, K.Beswick (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th annual conference on the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (Vol. 1, 824 – 833). Australia: MERGA.
  • Woodward, J. and Baxter, J. 1997. The Effects of an Innovative Approach to Mathematics on Academically Low Achieving Students in Inclusive Settings. Exceptional Children, 63, 373- 388.
  • Watanabe, T. 2007. Initial Treatment of Fractions in Japanese Textbooks. Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics, 29. Appendix
  • Activity sample: Equally sharing or distributing situations
  • Aim: To have students solve problems that require sharing or
  • distributing equally and express the results as fractions.
  • Material: A picture of “Sizinkiler” (it means “Yours” in English) family - The Picture of Sizinkiler family will be shown and students will be
  • asked: “Do you know this family?”. If there is a student who knows, he/she
  • will be asked to tell the rest of the class. If not, I will introduce the members
  • of the family (Babisko, Cıt Cıt, Zeytin and Limon) and explain that events
  • that this family experiences will be told during the lessons. - The first story will be presented: “Sizinkiler goes to a “pide”(a
  • Turkish food like pizza) restaurant for dinner. But 4 “pide”s seems big for
  • them and they order 3 “pide”s instead of 4. In your opinion, how can the
  • waiter serve 3 “pide”s for 4 people? Can you draw the “pide” that each
  • person gets?” Empty papers will be given to the groups and students will be
  • expected to make drawings. While they are drawing, they will be
  • negotiating, asking questions and giving some clues if they need them. (For
  • example: Does each person get a whole “pide”? In how many parts can you
  • divide “pide”s? What can you do to present each person’s part?...etc). I will
  • gather the papers and the story will continue as follows: - “At the table next to the Sizinkiler, there is another group that consists of 9 people. They order 6 “pide”s. Now, again show each person’s part with pictures.” - Pupils will be asked to create their own similar stories and to solve them. I will collect the stories and read them out in front of class. - The students’ solutions to the first two problems will be drawn on the board and discussed. For example: B C Z L Z L Z L B C Z L (The existence of different answers for a problem can be thought as 4, and the other
  • an advantageous situation: the first figure shows4 1 4 shows 2 4.) - “Can you express the results with fractions?” I will ask this
  • question and we will examine and discuss the results.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yeliz Yazgan This is me

Murat Altun This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2010
Submission Date November 14, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 23 Issue: 1


APA Yazgan, Y., & Altun, M. (2010). Dört ve Beşinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Kesir Kavrayışlarının Matematiksel Başarılarına Göre İncelenmesi. Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Education, 23(1), 81-98.