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YENİLENEBİLİR ENERJİ VE İSTİHDAM İLİŞKİSİ: BOOSTRAP GRANGER NEDENSELLİK ANALİZİ / The Relationship Between Renewable Energy and Employment: A Boostrap Granger Causality Analysis

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 263 - 280, 30.10.2020


Bu çalışma, yüksek gelirli gelişmekte olan BRICS ve MIST ülkelerinde 1991-2014 yılları için yenilenebilir enerji, yenilenemeyen enerji ve istihdam arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisini Boostrapt Granger Nedensellik analiz ile test etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu nedenle iki model oluşturulmuş; ilk modelde yenilenebilir enerji ve istihdam, ikinci modelde ise yenilenemeyen enerji ve istihdam arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisi tahmin edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular değerlendirildiğinde Rusya, Hindistan ve Endonezya’da yenilenebilir enerji ve istihdam arasında çift yönlü nedensellik ilişkisi bulunurken; Güney Afrika, Rusya ve Türkiye’de yenilenebilir enerjiden istihdama doğru bir nedensellik ilişkisi tespit edilmiştir. Çin, Meksika ve Güney Kore’de ise yenilenebilir enerji ve istihdam arasında nedensellik ilişkisi elde edilememiştir. Diğer yandan Hindistan, Çin, Türkiye ve Endonezya’da yenilenemeyen enerji ve istihdam arasında çift yönlü, Brezilya’da ise istihdamdan yenilenemeyen enerjiye doğru tek yönlü nedensellik ilişkisi bulunmuş; Rusya, Güney Afrika, Meksika ve Güney Kore’de ise yenilenemeyen enerji ile istihdam arasında nedensellik ilişkisine rastlanılmamıştır.


  • Afolayan, O. T., Okodua, H., Matthew, O., ve Osabohien, R. (2019). Reducing Unemployment Malaise in Nigeria: The Role of Electricity Consumption And Human Capital Development. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 9(4), 63-73.
  • Apergis, N., ve Salim, R. (2015). Renewable Energy Consumption and Unemployment: Evidence from A Sample Of 80 Countries and Nonlinear Estimates. Applied Economics, 47(52), 5614-5633.
  • Besel, F. (2017). Energy Consumption and Unemployment Nexus in Turkey. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 13(2), 21-31.
  • Bouchaour C., ve Al-Zeaud H. A. (2012). Oil Price Distortion and Their Impact on Algerian Macroeconomic. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(18).
  • Breusch, T ve A. Pagan, (1980) The LM Test and Its Application to Model Specification in Econometrics. Rev. Econ. Stud. 47 (1), 239-253.
  • Bulavskaya, T. ve Reynès, F. (2017), Job Creation and Economic Impact of Renewable Energy in The Netherlands. Renewable Energy, 119, 528-538.
  • Chang, T., Fang, W., ve Wen, L. F. (2001). Energy Consumption, Employment, Output, And Temporal Causality: Evidence from Taiwan Based on Cointegration And Error-Correction Modelling Techniques. Applied Economics, 33(8), 1045-1056.
  • Cheng, Benjamin S., Donald R. Andrews, ve Brenda S. Birkett. (1998). Investigation of Cointegration And Causality Between Energy Consumption and Employment with Implications For The Environment. Energy Sources 20(7): 681-690.
  • Dünya Bankası Veri Tabanı (2020).
  • EDF Energy, (2020). Erişim adresi: renewable-energy-sources
  • Erol, U., ve Eden, S. H. (1987). Time Series Analysis of The Causal Relationships Between US Energy and Employment. Resources and Energy, 9(1), 75-89.
  • George, E.O., ve Oseni, J.E. (2012), The Relationship Between Electricity Power and Unemployment Rates in Nigeria. Australian Journal of Business and Managerial Research, 2, 10-19.
  • Gil-Alana, L. A., (2003). Unemployment and Real Oil Prices in Australia: A Fractionally Cointegrated Approach. Applied Economics Letters, 10(4), 201-204.
  • Global Insights (2008). Current and Potential Green Jobs in The U.S. Economy. The United States Conference of Mayors
  • Grossman, G. M., Ve Krueger, A. B. (1991). Environmental Impacts of a North American Free Trade Agreement (No. W3914). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Gülen, G. (2011). Defining, Measuring and Predicting Green Jobs. Working Paper, Center for Energy Economics, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
  • Hillebrand, B. Buttermann, H. G. Behringer, J. M. ve Bleuel, M. (2006). The Expansion of Renewable Energies and Employment Effects in Germany. Energy Policy, 34, 3484–3494
  • İçöz, O. ve Kozak, M. (1998). Turizm Ekonomisi. Ankara:Turhan Kitabevi Yayınları
  • IRENA (2018). International Renewable Energy Agency. Erişim adresi: IRENA_RE_Jobs_Annual_Review_2018.pdf.
  • IRENA (2014). International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Jobs, Annual Review.
  • Khodeir, A.N. (2016). The Relationship Between the Generation of Electricity From Renewable Resources And Unemployment: An Empirical Study On The Egyptian Economy. Arab Economic and Business Journal, 11(1), 16-30.
  • Khobai, H., Kolisi, N., Moyo, C., Anyikwa, I. ve Dingela, S. (2020). Renewable Energy Consumption and Unemployment in South Africa. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 10(2): 170-178.
  • Kónya, L. (2006). Exports and Growth: Granger Causality Analysis on OECD Countries with A Panel Data Approach. Economic Modelling, 23(6), 978-992.
  • Kuznets, S. (1955). Economic Growth and Income Inequality. American Economic Review, 45(1): 1-28.
  • Lardic, S., ve Mignon, V. (2008). Oil Prices and Economic Activity: An Asymmetric Cointegration Approach. Energy Economics, 30(3), 847–855.
  • Meyer, I., ve Sommer, M. W. (2014). Employment Effects of Renewable Energy Supply-A Meta-Analysis. Policy Paper, 12.
  • Moreno, B. Ve Lopea, A. J. (2008). The Effect of Renewable Energy on Employment. The Case of Asturias (Spain). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 12, 732–751.
  • Murry, D. A., ve Nan, G. D. (1990). The Energy Consumption and Employment Relationship: A Clarification. The Journal of Energy and Development, 121-131.
  • Panayotou, T. (1993). Empirical Tests and Policy Analysis of Environmental Degradation At Different Stages Of Economic Development (No.992927783402676). International Labour Organization.
  • Paul, S., Ve Bhattacharya, R. N. (2004). Causality Between Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in India: A Note on Conflicting Results. Energy Economics, 26(6), 977-983.
  • Payne, J. E. (2009). On the Dynamics of Energy Consumption and Employment in Illinois. Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 39 (1100-2016-89639).
  • Pesaran, M.H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels. Iza Discussion Paper, 1240.
  • Pesaran, M.H., Ullah, A. Ve Yamagata, T (2008a). A Bias-Adjusted LM Test of Error Crosssection Independence. Econ. J., 11(1), 105-127.
  • Pesaran, M.H. Ve Yamagata, T. (2008b). Testing Slope Homogeneity in Large Panels. Journal of Econometrics, 142(1), 50-93.
  • Przychodzen, W. Ve Przychodzen, J. (2019). Determinants Of Renewable Energy Production In Transition Economies: A Panel Data Approach, Energy.
  • Ragwitz, M., Schade, W., Breitschoff, B., Walz, R., Helfrich, N. (2009). The Impact of Renewable Energy Policy on Economic Growth And Unemployment In The European Union. Fraunhofer Isi Germany Report. Contract No. Tren/Di/474/2006. Erişim adresi: Http:// Www.Citeseerx. Ist.Psu.Edu/Viewdoc /Download?Doi= 0&Reprep1&Type=Pdf.
  • Robalo, P. B., Ve Salvado, J. C. (2008). Oil Price Shocks and The Portuguese Economy Since The 1970s, Feunl Working Paper Series, 529.
  • Shafik, N. (1994). Economic Development and Environmental Quality: An Econometric Analysis. Oxford Economic Papers, 757-773.
  • Tiwari, A. (2010). On the Dynamics Of Energy Consumption And Employment In Public And Private Sector.
  • Vanwynsberghe, R. (2016). Green Jobs for The Disadvantaged: An Analysis of Government Policies in British Columbia. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 59:4, 730-745,
  • Wei, M., Patadia, S., Ve Kammen, D.M. (2010). Putting Renewables And Energy Efficiency To Work: How Many Jobs Can The Clean Energy Industry Generate In The US?. Energy Policy, 38, 919-931.


Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 263 - 280, 30.10.2020


This study aims to test the causal relationship between renewable energy, non-renewable energy, and employment for 1991-2014 in the high-income developing BRICS and MIST countries with Boostrapt Granger Causality analysis. For this reason, two models have been created; in the first model, the causality relationship between renewable energy and employment has been tested and in the second model, the causality between non-renewable energy and employment has been analyzed. When the findings are evaluated, there is a bidirectional causality relationship between renewable energy and employment in Russia, India, and Indonesia; a causality relationship from renewable energy to employment has been identified in South Africa, Russia, and Turkey. In China, Mexico and South Korea, a causal relationship between renewable energy and employment has not been achieved. On the other hand, there is a two-way causality relationship between non-renewable energy and employment in India, China, Turkey, and Indonesia; and one-way causality from employment to non-renewable energy in Brazil and the no causal relationship is found between non-renewable energy and employment in Russia, South Africa, Mexico and South Korea.


  • Afolayan, O. T., Okodua, H., Matthew, O., ve Osabohien, R. (2019). Reducing Unemployment Malaise in Nigeria: The Role of Electricity Consumption And Human Capital Development. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 9(4), 63-73.
  • Apergis, N., ve Salim, R. (2015). Renewable Energy Consumption and Unemployment: Evidence from A Sample Of 80 Countries and Nonlinear Estimates. Applied Economics, 47(52), 5614-5633.
  • Besel, F. (2017). Energy Consumption and Unemployment Nexus in Turkey. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 13(2), 21-31.
  • Bouchaour C., ve Al-Zeaud H. A. (2012). Oil Price Distortion and Their Impact on Algerian Macroeconomic. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(18).
  • Breusch, T ve A. Pagan, (1980) The LM Test and Its Application to Model Specification in Econometrics. Rev. Econ. Stud. 47 (1), 239-253.
  • Bulavskaya, T. ve Reynès, F. (2017), Job Creation and Economic Impact of Renewable Energy in The Netherlands. Renewable Energy, 119, 528-538.
  • Chang, T., Fang, W., ve Wen, L. F. (2001). Energy Consumption, Employment, Output, And Temporal Causality: Evidence from Taiwan Based on Cointegration And Error-Correction Modelling Techniques. Applied Economics, 33(8), 1045-1056.
  • Cheng, Benjamin S., Donald R. Andrews, ve Brenda S. Birkett. (1998). Investigation of Cointegration And Causality Between Energy Consumption and Employment with Implications For The Environment. Energy Sources 20(7): 681-690.
  • Dünya Bankası Veri Tabanı (2020).
  • EDF Energy, (2020). Erişim adresi: renewable-energy-sources
  • Erol, U., ve Eden, S. H. (1987). Time Series Analysis of The Causal Relationships Between US Energy and Employment. Resources and Energy, 9(1), 75-89.
  • George, E.O., ve Oseni, J.E. (2012), The Relationship Between Electricity Power and Unemployment Rates in Nigeria. Australian Journal of Business and Managerial Research, 2, 10-19.
  • Gil-Alana, L. A., (2003). Unemployment and Real Oil Prices in Australia: A Fractionally Cointegrated Approach. Applied Economics Letters, 10(4), 201-204.
  • Global Insights (2008). Current and Potential Green Jobs in The U.S. Economy. The United States Conference of Mayors
  • Grossman, G. M., Ve Krueger, A. B. (1991). Environmental Impacts of a North American Free Trade Agreement (No. W3914). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Gülen, G. (2011). Defining, Measuring and Predicting Green Jobs. Working Paper, Center for Energy Economics, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
  • Hillebrand, B. Buttermann, H. G. Behringer, J. M. ve Bleuel, M. (2006). The Expansion of Renewable Energies and Employment Effects in Germany. Energy Policy, 34, 3484–3494
  • İçöz, O. ve Kozak, M. (1998). Turizm Ekonomisi. Ankara:Turhan Kitabevi Yayınları
  • IRENA (2018). International Renewable Energy Agency. Erişim adresi: IRENA_RE_Jobs_Annual_Review_2018.pdf.
  • IRENA (2014). International Renewable Energy Agency, Renewable Energy and Jobs, Annual Review.
  • Khodeir, A.N. (2016). The Relationship Between the Generation of Electricity From Renewable Resources And Unemployment: An Empirical Study On The Egyptian Economy. Arab Economic and Business Journal, 11(1), 16-30.
  • Khobai, H., Kolisi, N., Moyo, C., Anyikwa, I. ve Dingela, S. (2020). Renewable Energy Consumption and Unemployment in South Africa. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 10(2): 170-178.
  • Kónya, L. (2006). Exports and Growth: Granger Causality Analysis on OECD Countries with A Panel Data Approach. Economic Modelling, 23(6), 978-992.
  • Kuznets, S. (1955). Economic Growth and Income Inequality. American Economic Review, 45(1): 1-28.
  • Lardic, S., ve Mignon, V. (2008). Oil Prices and Economic Activity: An Asymmetric Cointegration Approach. Energy Economics, 30(3), 847–855.
  • Meyer, I., ve Sommer, M. W. (2014). Employment Effects of Renewable Energy Supply-A Meta-Analysis. Policy Paper, 12.
  • Moreno, B. Ve Lopea, A. J. (2008). The Effect of Renewable Energy on Employment. The Case of Asturias (Spain). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 12, 732–751.
  • Murry, D. A., ve Nan, G. D. (1990). The Energy Consumption and Employment Relationship: A Clarification. The Journal of Energy and Development, 121-131.
  • Panayotou, T. (1993). Empirical Tests and Policy Analysis of Environmental Degradation At Different Stages Of Economic Development (No.992927783402676). International Labour Organization.
  • Paul, S., Ve Bhattacharya, R. N. (2004). Causality Between Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in India: A Note on Conflicting Results. Energy Economics, 26(6), 977-983.
  • Payne, J. E. (2009). On the Dynamics of Energy Consumption and Employment in Illinois. Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 39 (1100-2016-89639).
  • Pesaran, M.H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels. Iza Discussion Paper, 1240.
  • Pesaran, M.H., Ullah, A. Ve Yamagata, T (2008a). A Bias-Adjusted LM Test of Error Crosssection Independence. Econ. J., 11(1), 105-127.
  • Pesaran, M.H. Ve Yamagata, T. (2008b). Testing Slope Homogeneity in Large Panels. Journal of Econometrics, 142(1), 50-93.
  • Przychodzen, W. Ve Przychodzen, J. (2019). Determinants Of Renewable Energy Production In Transition Economies: A Panel Data Approach, Energy.
  • Ragwitz, M., Schade, W., Breitschoff, B., Walz, R., Helfrich, N. (2009). The Impact of Renewable Energy Policy on Economic Growth And Unemployment In The European Union. Fraunhofer Isi Germany Report. Contract No. Tren/Di/474/2006. Erişim adresi: Http:// Www.Citeseerx. Ist.Psu.Edu/Viewdoc /Download?Doi= 0&Reprep1&Type=Pdf.
  • Robalo, P. B., Ve Salvado, J. C. (2008). Oil Price Shocks and The Portuguese Economy Since The 1970s, Feunl Working Paper Series, 529.
  • Shafik, N. (1994). Economic Development and Environmental Quality: An Econometric Analysis. Oxford Economic Papers, 757-773.
  • Tiwari, A. (2010). On the Dynamics Of Energy Consumption And Employment In Public And Private Sector.
  • Vanwynsberghe, R. (2016). Green Jobs for The Disadvantaged: An Analysis of Government Policies in British Columbia. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 59:4, 730-745,
  • Wei, M., Patadia, S., Ve Kammen, D.M. (2010). Putting Renewables And Energy Efficiency To Work: How Many Jobs Can The Clean Energy Industry Generate In The US?. Energy Policy, 38, 919-931.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics

Ferda Nakıpoğlu Özsoy 0000-0002-5593-413X

Aslı Özpolat 0000-0002-1769-3654

Publication Date October 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Nakıpoğlu Özsoy, F., & Özpolat, A. (2020). YENİLENEBİLİR ENERJİ VE İSTİHDAM İLİŞKİSİ: BOOSTRAP GRANGER NEDENSELLİK ANALİZİ / The Relationship Between Renewable Energy and Employment: A Boostrap Granger Causality Analysis. Uluslararası Ekonomi İşletme Ve Politika Dergisi, 4(2), 263-280.

Cited By

Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi

Recep Tayyip Erdogan University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Department of Economics