Research Article
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A Win-Win Relationship between China and Kazakhstan: Thinking Beyond Dependency

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 421 - 441


This article focuses on the economic cooperation between China and Kazakhstan from a win-win perspective. Kazakhstan’s geographical location and rich natural resources make it a strategic partner for regional and global actors. Dependency theory is often used to explain asymmetric and unequal relations between developed and developing countries. According to this theory, developing countries become dependent on developed countries, which hinders their economic development. However, it is argued that this traditional theory cannot fully explain only partially China and Kazakhstan. Economic cooperation between China and Kazakhstan has been analyzed through trade relations, investment flows, and significant infrastructure projects. These projects reinforce not only financial but also political and cultural interactions. Dependency theory cannot fully understand the relations between China and Kazakhstan, characterized by mutual benefit and win-win situations. China’s investments in Kazakhstan and Kazakhstan’s multi-vector foreign policy approach reveal a cooperation model that serves the interests of both countries. China’s BRI initiative and Kazakhstan’s Nurly Zhol program are concrete examples of cooperation between the two countries. This article goes beyond the boundaries of traditional dependency theory and offers a new perspective based on mutual benefit and win-win relationships.


  • Agbebi, M. and Virtanen, P. (2017). Dependency Theory – A Conceptual Lens to Understand China’s Presence in Africa? Forum for Development Studies, 44(3), 429–451.
  • (2023, October 17). President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev held talks with President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping [Government]. Official Website of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Access Address:
  • Ateş, H., Es, M. and Bayraktar, Y. (2005). Dependency Theory: Still an Appropriate Tool for Understanding the Political Economy of the Middle-East? Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 19(2), 1-16.
  • Bali, Sukanya, and Seerat Arora (2023). Sino-Central Asia Relations: Disturbance, Dependency Or Development?. Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, 9(2), 412–25.
  • Bitabarova, A. G. (2018). Unpacking Sino-Central Asian Engagement Along the New Silk Road: A Case Study of Kazakhstan. Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies, 7(2), 149–173.
  • Bourguignon, F. (2016). Inequality and Globalization: How the Rich Get Richer as the Poor Catch Up. Foreign Affairs, 95(1), 11–15.
  • Burles, M. (1999). Chinese Policy Toward Russia and the Central Asian Republics. RAND Corporation. Access Address: /MR1045.html
  • Calabrese, L., Jenkins, R. and Lombardozzi, L. (2024). The Belt and Road Initiative and Dynamics of Structural Transformation. The European Journal of Development Research, 1–33. Access Address:
  • Caporaso, J. A. (1978). Dependence, Dependency, and Power in the Global System: A Structural and Behavioral Analysis. International Organization, 32(1), 13–43.
  • Cheng, Enfu, and Chan Zhai (2021). China as a ‘Quasi-Center’ in the World Economic System—Developing a New ‘Center–Quasi-Center–Semi-Periphery–Periphery’ Theory. World Review of Political Economy, 12(1), 4–26.
  • Country Profile: Kazakhstan. (2006, December). Refworld. Access Address:
  • Duvall, R. D. (1978). Dependence and Dependencia Theory: Notes Toward Precision of Concept and Argument. International Organization, 32(1), 51–78.
  • Fajardo, Margarita. 2022. The World That Latin America Created: The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America in the Development Era. Harvard University Press.
  • Farny, E. (2016, November 23). Dependency Theory: A Useful Tool for Analyzing Global Inequalities Today? E-International Relations. Access Address:
  • Ferraro, V. (2008). Dependency Theory: An Introduction. The Development Economics Reader, 12(2), 58–64.
  • Galyamova, V. (2008). Central Asian Countries and China: Managing Transition. In Z. Yunling (Ed.), China—Central Asian Countries: Making New Partnership (pp. 282–323). Social Sciences Academic Press.
  • Goldstein, E. (2022, August 1). China’s Kazakhstan Gambit. Harvard International Review. Access Address:
  • Goldstein, Eytan (2022). China’s Kazakhstan Gambit. Harvard International Review. Retrieved May 11, 2024 (
  • Guo, Y., & Xu, X. (2008). 中国与哈萨克斯坦贸易互补性分析,[Analysis of Complementary Trade Between China and Kazakhstan]. 11, 11, 20–23.
  • Hout, W. (1992). National Development, Dependence and the World System: Dependency Theory and the Study of International Relations. Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Leiden. Access Address:
  • Jiechi, Y. (2015). A New Type of International Relations: Writing a New Chapter of Win-Win Cooperation. Horizons: Journal of International Relations and Sustainable Development, 4, 12–19.
  • Kabonga, I. (2017). Dependency Theory and Donor Aid: A Critical Analysis. Africanus: Journal of Development Studies, 46(2), 29–39.
  • Lall, S. (1975). Is ‘Dependence’ A Useful Concept in Analysing Underdevelopment? World Development, 3(11 & 12), 799–810.
  • Leung, Ho Hon, and Raymond Lau (2021). The Potential of Cultural Exchange under the Belt Road Initiative: A Case Study of Hong Kong Style Café (Cha Chaan Teng). Asian Journal of Social Science, 49(4), 207–14.
  • Liao, Y. (2014). 中国—哈萨克斯坦畜产品科技创新平台建设,[Construction of China Kazakhstan Livestock Product Technology Innovation Platform]. 乌鲁木齐:新疆年鉴社, 278.
  • Marten, K. (2012, July 23). Disrupting the Balance: Russian Efforts to Control Kazakhstan’s Oil – PONARS Eurasia. PonarsEurasia. Access Address:
  • Masood, S., Khan, A. B., & Hamid, M. (2022). A Review of China-Kazakhstan Economic Relationship during the 21st Century. Journal of Social Sciences Review, 2(4), 68–77.
  • Matunhu, J. (2011). A Critique of Modernization and Dependency Theories in Africa: Critical Assessment. African Journal of History and Culture, 3(5), 65–72.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2020) Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan participated in the Council of Foreign Ministers of SCO. Access Address:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2020) Translators and researchers of works of Abai in China were awarded the Dostyk Order of 2nd degree. Access Address:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2021) On the bilateral meetings of Minister Mukhtar Tileuberdi and the Foreign Ministers of China and Kyrgyzstan. Access Address:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2023) Kazakhstan and China reach new level of cooperation after President Tokayev’s state visit and China-Central Asia Summit. Access Address:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2024) Kazakhstan and China Continue to Strengthen Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Access Address:
  • Namkoong, Y. (1999). Dependency Theory: Concepts, Classifications, and Criticisms. International Area Review, 2(1), 121–150.
  • Official website of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019) Kassym-Jomart Tokayev delivered a lecture at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. (n.d.). Retrieved April 14, 2024, Access Address: foreign_visits/kassym-jomart-tokayev-delivered-a-lecture-at-the-chinese-academy-of-social-sciences
  • Peyrouse, Sébastien (2007). The Economic Aspects of the Chinese-Central Asia Rapprochement. Stockholm-Nacka: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program.
  • Reyes, G. E. (2001). Four Main Theories of Development: Modernization, Dependency, Word-System, And Globalization. Nómadas. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, 4(2), 109–124.
  • Rousseau, R. (2013). Kazakhstan: Continuous Improvement or Stalemate in its Relations with China?. Strategic Analysis, 37(1), 40–51.
  • Sanchez, O. (2003). The Rise and Fall of the Dependency Movement: Does It Inform Underdevelopment Today? EIAL - Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y El Caribe, 14(2), 31-50.
  • Santos, T. D. (1970). The Structure of Dependence. The American Economic Review, 60(2), 231–236.
  • Shen, C. (2006). 试论中国与哈萨克斯坦(中亚)建立战略伙伴关系的重大意义,[The Significance of Establishing A Strategic Partnership Between China and Kazakhstan (Central Asia)]. 湖北成人教育学院学报, 12(2), 42–43.
  • Smith, T. (1979). The Underdevelopment of Development Literature: The Case of Dependency Theory. World Politics, 31(2), 247–288.
  • Sultangaliyeva, A. K. (2016). Kazakhstan and Its Neighbors: Opportunities and Limitations. Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP).
  • The Economist. (n.d.). The A to Z of international relations. The Economist. Retrieved May 17, 2024, from
  • The State Council of the People's Republic of China. (2014) China, Kazakhstan to sign $10bln deals during Li’s visit. (2014, December 14). Access Address:
  • The State Council of the People's Republic of China. (2014a) China, Kazakhstan to promote all-round cooperation. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2015a) China, Kazakhstan sign 33 deals worth of 23.6 billion U.S. dollars. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2015b) China and Kazakhstan pledge deeper economic ties. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2015c) Vice-premier visits Kazakhstan seeking to explore more ways for cooperation. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2017) China to deepen capacity cooperation with Kazakhstan. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2017a) China, Kazakhstan jointly build logistics center to boost railway, shipping transportation. Access Address: (
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2017b) Cargo Train Services Launched Between China’s Shanxi, Kazakhstan. (2017, October 1). Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2017c) China, Kazakhstan agree to enhance pragmatic cooperation. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2018) President Xi Jinping meets with Prime Minister of Kazakhstan. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2019) China, Kazakhstan to expand cooperation in multiple areas, boost ties. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China. (2015) China, Kazakastan eye more cooperation on processing industry. Access Address:
  • Tian, S., & Ma, Y. (2020). 中亚研究,[Central Asian Studies]. 甘肃文化出版社. Tjia, L. Y. (2022). Kazakhstan’s Leverage and Economic Diversification Amid Chinese Connectivity Dreams. Third World Quarterly, 43(4), 797–822.
  • Vanderhill, R., Joireman, S. F., & Tulepbayeva, R. (2020). Between the bear and the dragon: Multivectorism in Kazakhstan as a model strategy for secondary powers. International Affairs, 96(4), 975–993.
  • Velasco, A. (2002). Dependency Theory. Foreign Policy, 133, 44-48.
  • Vladimirovich, B. S., & Aiganym, M. (2023). Kazakhstan-China Cooperation in The Field of Economy: Current State and Development Prospects. Вестник Общественных и Гуманитарных Наук, 4(2), 74–78.
  • Wang, X., & Wang, L. (2013). 中国在中亚直接投资所面临的法律及其风险探讨——以哈萨克斯坦共和国为例,[Discussion On the Laws and Risks Faced by China’s Direct Investment in Central Asia—Taking the Republic of Kazakhstan As an Example]. 江西财经大学学报, 1(1), 113–119.
  • Weber, I. (2021). How China Escaped Shock Therapy: The Market Reform Debate. Routledge. Yan, N. Y. T. (2017). Operation Reality of the Belt and Road Initiative in Central Asia. International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, 70, 41–77.
  • Yildirimçakar, E. (2019). An Evaluation of the Rising Impact of Turkey and China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor (CCAWAEC) On the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Transportation Research, Part E, 122, 581–604.
  • Zongze, R. (2016). Toward a New Type of International Relations: Transcending History to Win the Future. China International Studies, 58, 5–13.
  • 经济纵横(Economic Perspectives). (2023). 武汉大学国家发展战略研究院课题组,“深化中国—中亚全方位合作的战略思考,[Strategic Thinking of Deepening China-Central Asia Cooperation in All Areas]. 经济纵横, 9(9), 1–3.

Çin ve Kazakistan Arasında Kazan-Kazan İlişkisi: Bağımlılığın Ötesinde Düşünmek

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 421 - 441


Bu makale Çin ve Kazakistan arasındaki ekonomik ilişkilere kazan-kazan perspektifinden odaklanmaktadır. Kazakistan'ın coğrafi konumu ve zengin doğal kaynakları onu bölgesel ve küresel aktörler için stratejik bir ortak haline getirmektedir. Bağımlılık teorisi genellikle gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler arasındaki asimetrik ve eşitsiz ilişkileri açıklamak için kullanılır. Bu teoriye göre, gelişmekte olan ülkeler gelişmiş ülkelere bağımlı hale gelmekte ve bu da ekonomik kalkınmalarını engellemektedir. Ancak bu geleneksel teorinin Çin ve Kazakistan ilişkilerini tam olarak açıklayamadığı, sadece kısmen açıklayabildiği ileri sürülmektedir. Çin ve Kazakistan arasındaki ekonomik işbirliği ticari ilişkiler, yatırım akışları ve önemli altyapı projeleri üzerinden analiz edilmiştir. Bu projeler sadece ekonomik değil aynı zamanda siyasi ve kültürel etkileşimleri de güçlendirmektedir. Bağımlılık teorisi, karşılıklı fayda ve kazan-kazan durumları ile karakterize edilen Çin ve Kazakistan arasındaki ilişkileri tam olarak anlayamaz. Çin'in Kazakistan'daki yatırımları ve Kazakistan'ın çok vektörlü dış politika yaklaşımı, her iki ülkenin de çıkarlarına hizmet eden bir işbirliği modelini ortaya koymaktadır. Çin'in BRI girişimi ve Kazakistan'ın Nurly Zhol programı iki ülke arasındaki işbirliğinin somut örnekleridir. Bu makale geleneksel bağımlılık teorisinin sınırlarını aşarak karşılıklı fayda ve kazan-kazan ilişkilerine dayalı yeni bir bakış açısı sunmaktadır.


  • Agbebi, M. and Virtanen, P. (2017). Dependency Theory – A Conceptual Lens to Understand China’s Presence in Africa? Forum for Development Studies, 44(3), 429–451.
  • (2023, October 17). President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev held talks with President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping [Government]. Official Website of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Access Address:
  • Ateş, H., Es, M. and Bayraktar, Y. (2005). Dependency Theory: Still an Appropriate Tool for Understanding the Political Economy of the Middle-East? Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 19(2), 1-16.
  • Bali, Sukanya, and Seerat Arora (2023). Sino-Central Asia Relations: Disturbance, Dependency Or Development?. Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, 9(2), 412–25.
  • Bitabarova, A. G. (2018). Unpacking Sino-Central Asian Engagement Along the New Silk Road: A Case Study of Kazakhstan. Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies, 7(2), 149–173.
  • Bourguignon, F. (2016). Inequality and Globalization: How the Rich Get Richer as the Poor Catch Up. Foreign Affairs, 95(1), 11–15.
  • Burles, M. (1999). Chinese Policy Toward Russia and the Central Asian Republics. RAND Corporation. Access Address: /MR1045.html
  • Calabrese, L., Jenkins, R. and Lombardozzi, L. (2024). The Belt and Road Initiative and Dynamics of Structural Transformation. The European Journal of Development Research, 1–33. Access Address:
  • Caporaso, J. A. (1978). Dependence, Dependency, and Power in the Global System: A Structural and Behavioral Analysis. International Organization, 32(1), 13–43.
  • Cheng, Enfu, and Chan Zhai (2021). China as a ‘Quasi-Center’ in the World Economic System—Developing a New ‘Center–Quasi-Center–Semi-Periphery–Periphery’ Theory. World Review of Political Economy, 12(1), 4–26.
  • Country Profile: Kazakhstan. (2006, December). Refworld. Access Address:
  • Duvall, R. D. (1978). Dependence and Dependencia Theory: Notes Toward Precision of Concept and Argument. International Organization, 32(1), 51–78.
  • Fajardo, Margarita. 2022. The World That Latin America Created: The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America in the Development Era. Harvard University Press.
  • Farny, E. (2016, November 23). Dependency Theory: A Useful Tool for Analyzing Global Inequalities Today? E-International Relations. Access Address:
  • Ferraro, V. (2008). Dependency Theory: An Introduction. The Development Economics Reader, 12(2), 58–64.
  • Galyamova, V. (2008). Central Asian Countries and China: Managing Transition. In Z. Yunling (Ed.), China—Central Asian Countries: Making New Partnership (pp. 282–323). Social Sciences Academic Press.
  • Goldstein, E. (2022, August 1). China’s Kazakhstan Gambit. Harvard International Review. Access Address:
  • Goldstein, Eytan (2022). China’s Kazakhstan Gambit. Harvard International Review. Retrieved May 11, 2024 (
  • Guo, Y., & Xu, X. (2008). 中国与哈萨克斯坦贸易互补性分析,[Analysis of Complementary Trade Between China and Kazakhstan]. 11, 11, 20–23.
  • Hout, W. (1992). National Development, Dependence and the World System: Dependency Theory and the Study of International Relations. Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Leiden. Access Address:
  • Jiechi, Y. (2015). A New Type of International Relations: Writing a New Chapter of Win-Win Cooperation. Horizons: Journal of International Relations and Sustainable Development, 4, 12–19.
  • Kabonga, I. (2017). Dependency Theory and Donor Aid: A Critical Analysis. Africanus: Journal of Development Studies, 46(2), 29–39.
  • Lall, S. (1975). Is ‘Dependence’ A Useful Concept in Analysing Underdevelopment? World Development, 3(11 & 12), 799–810.
  • Leung, Ho Hon, and Raymond Lau (2021). The Potential of Cultural Exchange under the Belt Road Initiative: A Case Study of Hong Kong Style Café (Cha Chaan Teng). Asian Journal of Social Science, 49(4), 207–14.
  • Liao, Y. (2014). 中国—哈萨克斯坦畜产品科技创新平台建设,[Construction of China Kazakhstan Livestock Product Technology Innovation Platform]. 乌鲁木齐:新疆年鉴社, 278.
  • Marten, K. (2012, July 23). Disrupting the Balance: Russian Efforts to Control Kazakhstan’s Oil – PONARS Eurasia. PonarsEurasia. Access Address:
  • Masood, S., Khan, A. B., & Hamid, M. (2022). A Review of China-Kazakhstan Economic Relationship during the 21st Century. Journal of Social Sciences Review, 2(4), 68–77.
  • Matunhu, J. (2011). A Critique of Modernization and Dependency Theories in Africa: Critical Assessment. African Journal of History and Culture, 3(5), 65–72.
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2020) Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan participated in the Council of Foreign Ministers of SCO. Access Address:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2020) Translators and researchers of works of Abai in China were awarded the Dostyk Order of 2nd degree. Access Address:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2021) On the bilateral meetings of Minister Mukhtar Tileuberdi and the Foreign Ministers of China and Kyrgyzstan. Access Address:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2023) Kazakhstan and China reach new level of cooperation after President Tokayev’s state visit and China-Central Asia Summit. Access Address:
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2024) Kazakhstan and China Continue to Strengthen Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Access Address:
  • Namkoong, Y. (1999). Dependency Theory: Concepts, Classifications, and Criticisms. International Area Review, 2(1), 121–150.
  • Official website of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019) Kassym-Jomart Tokayev delivered a lecture at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. (n.d.). Retrieved April 14, 2024, Access Address: foreign_visits/kassym-jomart-tokayev-delivered-a-lecture-at-the-chinese-academy-of-social-sciences
  • Peyrouse, Sébastien (2007). The Economic Aspects of the Chinese-Central Asia Rapprochement. Stockholm-Nacka: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program.
  • Reyes, G. E. (2001). Four Main Theories of Development: Modernization, Dependency, Word-System, And Globalization. Nómadas. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, 4(2), 109–124.
  • Rousseau, R. (2013). Kazakhstan: Continuous Improvement or Stalemate in its Relations with China?. Strategic Analysis, 37(1), 40–51.
  • Sanchez, O. (2003). The Rise and Fall of the Dependency Movement: Does It Inform Underdevelopment Today? EIAL - Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y El Caribe, 14(2), 31-50.
  • Santos, T. D. (1970). The Structure of Dependence. The American Economic Review, 60(2), 231–236.
  • Shen, C. (2006). 试论中国与哈萨克斯坦(中亚)建立战略伙伴关系的重大意义,[The Significance of Establishing A Strategic Partnership Between China and Kazakhstan (Central Asia)]. 湖北成人教育学院学报, 12(2), 42–43.
  • Smith, T. (1979). The Underdevelopment of Development Literature: The Case of Dependency Theory. World Politics, 31(2), 247–288.
  • Sultangaliyeva, A. K. (2016). Kazakhstan and Its Neighbors: Opportunities and Limitations. Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP).
  • The Economist. (n.d.). The A to Z of international relations. The Economist. Retrieved May 17, 2024, from
  • The State Council of the People's Republic of China. (2014) China, Kazakhstan to sign $10bln deals during Li’s visit. (2014, December 14). Access Address:
  • The State Council of the People's Republic of China. (2014a) China, Kazakhstan to promote all-round cooperation. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2015a) China, Kazakhstan sign 33 deals worth of 23.6 billion U.S. dollars. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2015b) China and Kazakhstan pledge deeper economic ties. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2015c) Vice-premier visits Kazakhstan seeking to explore more ways for cooperation. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2017) China to deepen capacity cooperation with Kazakhstan. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2017a) China, Kazakhstan jointly build logistics center to boost railway, shipping transportation. Access Address: (
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2017b) Cargo Train Services Launched Between China’s Shanxi, Kazakhstan. (2017, October 1). Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2017c) China, Kazakhstan agree to enhance pragmatic cooperation. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2018) President Xi Jinping meets with Prime Minister of Kazakhstan. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China (2019) China, Kazakhstan to expand cooperation in multiple areas, boost ties. Access Address:
  • The State Council The People’s Republic of China. (2015) China, Kazakastan eye more cooperation on processing industry. Access Address:
  • Tian, S., & Ma, Y. (2020). 中亚研究,[Central Asian Studies]. 甘肃文化出版社. Tjia, L. Y. (2022). Kazakhstan’s Leverage and Economic Diversification Amid Chinese Connectivity Dreams. Third World Quarterly, 43(4), 797–822.
  • Vanderhill, R., Joireman, S. F., & Tulepbayeva, R. (2020). Between the bear and the dragon: Multivectorism in Kazakhstan as a model strategy for secondary powers. International Affairs, 96(4), 975–993.
  • Velasco, A. (2002). Dependency Theory. Foreign Policy, 133, 44-48.
  • Vladimirovich, B. S., & Aiganym, M. (2023). Kazakhstan-China Cooperation in The Field of Economy: Current State and Development Prospects. Вестник Общественных и Гуманитарных Наук, 4(2), 74–78.
  • Wang, X., & Wang, L. (2013). 中国在中亚直接投资所面临的法律及其风险探讨——以哈萨克斯坦共和国为例,[Discussion On the Laws and Risks Faced by China’s Direct Investment in Central Asia—Taking the Republic of Kazakhstan As an Example]. 江西财经大学学报, 1(1), 113–119.
  • Weber, I. (2021). How China Escaped Shock Therapy: The Market Reform Debate. Routledge. Yan, N. Y. T. (2017). Operation Reality of the Belt and Road Initiative in Central Asia. International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, 70, 41–77.
  • Yildirimçakar, E. (2019). An Evaluation of the Rising Impact of Turkey and China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor (CCAWAEC) On the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Transportation Research, Part E, 122, 581–604.
  • Zongze, R. (2016). Toward a New Type of International Relations: Transcending History to Win the Future. China International Studies, 58, 5–13.
  • 经济纵横(Economic Perspectives). (2023). 武汉大学国家发展战略研究院课题组,“深化中国—中亚全方位合作的战略思考,[Strategic Thinking of Deepening China-Central Asia Cooperation in All Areas]. 经济纵横, 9(9), 1–3.
There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Policy and Administration (Other)

Yavuz Çelik 0000-0002-2350-993X

Janaka Jayawickrama 0000-0002-5805-9107

Publication Date
Submission Date July 17, 2024
Acceptance Date October 8, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Çelik, Y., & Jayawickrama, J. (n.d.). A Win-Win Relationship between China and Kazakhstan: Thinking Beyond Dependency. Uluslararası Ekonomi İşletme Ve Politika Dergisi, 8(2), 421-441.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Department of Economics