Research Article
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Mapping the Cost of Illness Publications in Five Decades: A Bibliometric Analysis and Publications Landscape

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 460 - 475


The study aims to map the "cost-of-illness" publications over five decades, identify research areas and conduct a bibliometric analysis of publications on the cost of illness. Study data was obtained from Web of Science database in April 2024. The basic information such as the number of citations, and yearly distribution of publications was extracted with Microsoft Excel, and the VOSviewer version 1.6.15 software program was used for maps. The publications were published between 1975 and 2024; total 879 publications were published from 2015 to 2024 April. A total of 7601 authors have contributed to advancing the literature on cost of illness. A total of 36369 citations have been cited by authors; 2022 was most cited year with 3032 citations; Boncz I. is the prominent author based on publications and total link strength and Leigh, JP is the most cited author; followed by Sebestyen, A. and Koenig, H.H. The top 10 publications have a total of 5352 citations. There has been significant increase in publications and citations related to the cost of the disease in the last five decades. Understanding the context of these publications is essential for researchers who want to work in this field.


  • Aagja, J., Shome, S., & Chandra, A. (2023). A Bibliometric Analysis of Digital Health & Mobile Health Related Global Research Publications Publications. Hospital Topics, 101(4), 319–325.
  • Afroz, A., Alramadan, M. J., Hossain, M. N., Romero, L., Alam, K., Magliano, D. J., & Billah, B. (2018). Cost-Of-Illness Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus In Low And Lower-Middle Income Countries: A Systematic Review. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 1-10.
  • Al-Kindi, S., Al-Juhaishi, T., Haddad, F., Taheri, S., & Abi Khalil, C. (2015). Cardiovascular Disease Research Activity In The Middle East: A Bibliometric Analysis. Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease, 9(3), 70–76.
  • Arnold, R. J. G. (2020). Cost of Illness. Pharmacoeconomics. Milton Park: CRC Press.
  • Barbu, L. (2023). Global Trends in The Scientific Research of the Health Economics: A Bibliometric Analysis from 1975 To 2022. Health Economics Review, 13(1), 1-20.
  • Bartsch, S. M., Ferguson, M. C., McKinnell, J. A., O’Shea, K. J., Wedlock, P. T., Siegmund, S. S., & Lee, B. Y. (2020). The Potential Health Care Costs and Resource Use Associated with COVID-19 In The United States. Health Affairs, 39(6), 927–935.
  • Bellettini, B., & García-Marín, A. P. (2022). Economic Damage-Cost Analysis Caused by Insufficient Sanitation in Rural Ecuador. Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 27(4), 731–736.
  • Bommer, C., Heesemann, E., Sagalova, V., Manne-Goehler, J., Atun, R., Bärnighausen, T., & Vollmer, S. (2017). The Global Economic Burden of Diabetes in Adults Aged 20–79 Years: A Cost-Of-Illness Study. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 5(6), 423–430.
  • Boncz, I., & Sebestyén, A. (2006). Financial Deficits in The Health Services of the UK and Hungary. The Lancet, 368(9539), 917–918.
  • Bornmann, L., & Daniel, H. (2008). What Do Citation Counts Measure? A Review of Studies On Citing Behavior. Journal of Documentation, 64(1), 45–80.
  • Bozdemir, E., & Taşlı, M. (2018). Investigation Terms of Bibliometric and Document of Disease Cost Analysis. Konuralp Medical Journal, 10(3), 408–419.
  • Byford, S. (2000). Economic Note: Cost of Illness Studies. BMJ, 320(7245), 1335–1335.
  • Cao, M., Wang, L., Zhang, L., & Duan, J. (2021). Global Publication Trends and Hotspots of Molecular Biomarkers in DILI from 1991 to 2020: A 30-year Bibliometric Analysis. Science Progress, 104(1), 1–16.
  • Dagenais, S., Caro, J., & Haldeman, S. (2008). A Systematic Review of Low Back Pain Cost of Illness Studies in The United States and Internationally. The Spine Journal, 8(1), 8–20.
  • Dorsey, E. R. (2017). A Digital Journal for a Digital Era. Digital Biomarkers, 1(1), 1–3.
  • Drummond, M., Sculpher, M., & Torrance, G. (2005). Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes (4rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Durand-Zaleski, I. (2008). Why Cost-Of-Illness Studies Are Important and Inform Policy. Vascular Medicine, 13(3), 251–253.
  • Feig, C., Cheung, K. L., Hiligsmann, M., Evers, S. M. A. A., Simon, J., & Mayer, S. (2018). Best-Worst Scaling to Assess The Most Important Barriers And Facilitators For The Use Of Health Technology Assessment In Austria. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 18(2), 223–232.
  • García-Pérez, L., Linertová, R., Valcárcel-Nazco, C., Posada, M., Gorostiza, I., & Serrano-Aguilar, P. (2021). Cost-Of-Illness Studies in Rare Diseases: A Scoping Review. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 16(1), 1-11.
  • Gerkens, S., Crott, R., Cleemput, I., Thissen, J.-P., Closon, M. C., Horsmans, Y., & Beguin, C. (2008). Comparison of Three Instruments Assessing the Quality of Economic Evaluations: A Practical Exercise On Economic Evaluations of the Surgical Treatment of Obesity. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 24(03), 318–325.
  • Gomes, B., Calanzani, N., Curiale, V., McCrone, P., Higginson, I. J., & de Brito, M. (2013). Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Home Palliative Care Services for Adults with Advanced Illness And Their Caregivers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2022(7), 1-8
  • Greenberg, D., Mohamed Ibrahim, M. I. B., & Boncz, I. (2014). What Are the Challenges in Conducting Cost-of-Illness Studies? Value in Health Regional Issues, 4, 115–116.
  • Gulamhussein, M. A., Sawe, H. R., Kilindimo, S., Mfinanga, J. A., Mussa, R., Hyuha, G. M., Rwegoshora, S., Shayo, F., Mdundo, W., Sadiq, A. M., & Weber, E. J. (2023). Out-Of-Pocket Cost for Medical Care of Injured Patients Presenting to Emergency Department of National Hospital in Tanzania: A Prospective Cohort Study. BMJ Open, 13(1), e063297.
  • Gupta, B., Dhawan, S., & Mueen Ahmed, K. (2018). Digital Health Research: A Scientometric Assessment Of Global Publications Output During 2007–2016. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 8(2), 106-115.
  • Hanly, P., Ahern, M., Sharp, L., Ursul, D., & Loughnane, G. (2022). The Cost Of Lost Productivity Due To Premature Mortality Associated With COVID-19: a Pan-European Study. The European Journal of Health Economics, 23(2), 249–259.
  • Harter, S. P., & Kim, H. J. (1997). ARCHIVE: Electronic Journals and Scholarly Communication: A Citation and Reference Study. The Journal of Electronic Publishing, 3(2), 507-516.
  • Heijink, R., Noethen, M., Renaud, T., Koopmanschap, M., & Polder, J. (2008). Cost Of Illness: An International Comparison. Health Policy, 88(1), 49–61.
  • Hernandez-Villafuerte, K., Li, R., & Hofman, K. J. (2016). Bibliometric Trends Of Health Economic Evaluation In Sub-Saharan Africa. Globalization and Health, 12(1), 1-15.
  • Hex, N., MacDonald, R., Pocock, J., Uzdzinska, B., Taylor, M., Atkin, M., Wild, S. H., Beba, H., & Jones, R. (2024). Estimation Of The Direct Health And Indirect Societal Costs Of Diabetes In The UK Using A Cost Of Illness Model. Diabetic Medicine, 41(9), 1-8.
  • Hodgson, T. A., & Meiners, M. R. (1982). Cost-of-Illness Methodology: A Guide to Current Practices and Procedures. The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly. Health and Society, 60(3), 429-462.
  • Hoffmann, S., Batz, M. B., & Morris, J. G. (2012). Annual Cost of Illness and Quality-Adjusted Life Year Losses in the United States Due to 14 Foodborne Pathogens. Journal of Food Protection, 75(7), 1292–1302.
  • Ibáñez, B., & Rodés-Cabau, J. (2019). Present And Future Of Medical Journals. REC Interv Cardiol, 1, 11-12.
  • Jo, C. (2014). Cost-Of-Illness Studies: Concepts, Scopes, And Methods. Clinical And Molecular Hepatology, 20(4), 327-337.
  • Johnson, J. A. (1995). Drug-Related Morbidity And Mortality. A Cost-Of-Illness Model. Archives of Internal Medicine, 155(18), 1949–1956.
  • Karahan, O., & Aslan, A. (2020). Scientificity and H-Index. Acta Medica Alanya, 4(1), 1–2.
  • Kessler, R. C., Ames, M., Hymel, P. A., Loeppke, R., McKenas, D. K., Richling, D. E., Stang, P. E., & Ustun, T. B. (2004). Using the World Health Organization Health and Work Performance Questionnaire (HPQ) to Evaluate the Indirect Workplace Costs of Illness. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 46(6), 23–37.
  • Khanra, S., Dhir, A., Parida, V., & Kohtamäki, M. (2021). Servitization Research: A Review And Bibliometric Analysis Of Past Achievements And Future Promises. Journal Of Business Research, 131, 151–166.
  • Kim, Y.-E., Jung, Y.-S., Ock, M., & Yoon, S.-J. (2022). DALY Estimation Approaches: Understanding and Using the Incidence-based Approach and the Prevalence-based Approach. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, 55(1), 10–18.
  • Krol, M., Brouwer, W., & Rutten, F. (2013). Productivity Costs in Economic Evaluations: Past, Present, Future. PharmacoEconomics, 31(7), 537–549.
  • Leigh, J. P. (1997). Occupational Injury And Illness In The United States. Estimates Of Costs, Morbidity, And Mortality. Archives Of Internal Medicine, 157(14), 1557–1568.
  • Lewis, R. C., & Pizam, A. (1986). Designing Research For Publication. Cornell Hotel And Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 27(2), 56–61.
  • Li, X., Wu, L., Yu, L., He, Y., Wang, M., & Mu, Y. (2023). Policy Analysis In The Field Of Rare Diseases In China: A Combined Study Of Content Analysis And Bibliometrics Analysis. Frontiers in Medicine, 10, 1-14.
  • Man, J. P., Weinkauf, J. G., Tsang, M., & Sin, J.H.D.D. (2004). Why do Some Countries Publish More Than Others? An International Comparison of Research Funding, English Proficiency and Publication Output in Highly Ranked General Medical Journals. European Journal of Epidemiology, 19(8), 811–817.
  • Mattingly II, T. J., & Weathers, S. (2022). Drug Costs In Context: Assessing Drug Costs In Cost-Of-Illness Analyses. Drugs In Context, 11, 1–7.
  • Mejia, N., Ramani, E., Pallas, S. W., Song, D., Abimbola, T., & Mogasale, V. (2020). Methodological Considerations for Cost of Illness Studies of Enteric Fever. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 71(Supplement_2), 111–119.
  • Munir, J., Faiza, M., Jamal, B., Daud, S., & Iqbal, K. (2023). The Impact of Socio-economic Status on Academic Achievement. Journal of Social Sciences Review, 3(2), 695–705.
  • Nakhaee, M., Khandehroo, M., & Esmaeili, R. (2024). Cost of Illness Studies in COVID-19: a scoping review. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 22(1), 1-9.
  • Namdari, S., Baldwin, K., Kovatch, K., Huffman, G. R., & Glaser, D. (2012). Fifty Most Cited Articles In Orthopedic Shoulder Surgery. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 21(12), 1796–1802.
  • Ng, C. S., Lee, J. Y. C., Toh, M. P., & Ko, Y. (2014). Cost-of-Illness Studies Of Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 105(2), 151–163.
  • Oderda, G. M. (2003). Cost-of-Illness Studies. Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy, 17(1), 59–62.
  • Onat, A. (2011). Which Fields and Articles Contributed Most to Medicine from Turkey? Marmara Medical Journal, 24, 156–161.
  • Onukwugha, E., McRae, J., Kravetz, A., Varga, S., Khairnar, R., & Mullins, C. D. (2016). Cost-of-Illness Studies: An Updated Review of Current Methods. PharmacoEconomics, 34(1), 43–58.
  • Pitt, C., Goodman, C., & Hanson, K. (2016). Economic Evaluation in Global Perspective: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Recent Literature. Health Economics, 25(S1), 9–28.
  • Schnitzler, L., Jackson, L. J., Paulus, A. T. G., Roberts, T. E., & Evers, S. M. A. A. (2021). Intersectoral Costs Of Sexually Transmitted Infections (Stis) And HIV: A Systematic Review Of Cost-Of-Illness (COI) Studies. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 1179-1189.
  • Smith, E., Haustein, S., Mongeon, P., Shu, F., Ridde, V., & Larivière, V. (2017). Knowledge Sharing In Global Health Research – The Impact, Uptake And Cost Of Open Access To Scholarly Literature. Health Research Policy And Systems, 15(1), 1-10.
  • Tam, T. (2018). Building Collaborations To Integrate Economics Into Noncommunicable Disease Action. Revista Panamericana De Salud Pública, 42, 1-3.
  • Valero, A., & Van Reenen, J. (2019). The Economic Impact Of Universities: Evidence From Across The Globe. Economics Of Education Review, 68, 53–67.
  • van Tulder, M. W., Koes, B. W., & Bouter, L. M. (1995). A Cost-Of-Illness Study Of Back Pain In The Netherlands. Pain, 62(2), 233–240.
  • Wang, L., Si, L., Cocker, F., Palmer, A. J., & Sanderson, K. (2018). A Systematic Review of Cost-of-Illness Studies of Multimorbidity. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 16(1), 15–29.
  • Xu, Z. L., & Zhang, X. (2005). Science and Scientificity. Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, 3(4), 197–200.
  • You, Y., Shou, X., Zhang, X., Fan, S., Chai, R., Xue, W., Hu, Y., & He, Q. (2022). Psycho-Cardiological Disease: A Bibliometric Review From 2001 to 2021. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 9.

Elli Yılda Hastalık Maliyeti Yayınlarının Haritalandırılması: Bibliyometrik Analiz ve Yayınların Görünümü

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 460 - 475


Araştırmanın amacı, elli yılda "hastalık maliyeti" yayınlarının haritasını çıkarmak, araştırma alanlarını belirlemek ve hastalık maliyeti yayınlarının bibliyometrik analizini yapmaktır. Veriler Nisan 2024'te Web of Science veri tabanından elde edilmiştir. Yayınların atıf sayısı, yıllara göre dağılımı gibi temel bilgiler Microsoft Excel ile çıkarılmış; haritalar VOSviewer sürüm 1.6.15 yazılım programı kullanılmıştır. Yayınlar 1975-2024 yılları arasında yayımlanmıştır; 2015-2024 Nisan tarihleri arasında toplam 879 yayın olduğu görülmüştür. Toplam 7601 yazar hastalık maliyetine ilişkin literatürün gelişmesine katkıda bulunmuştur. Yazarlar tarafından bu yayınlara toplam 36369 atıf yapılmıştır; 2022 yılı 3032 atıfla en çok atıf yapılan yıl olmuştur; Boncz I. yayınlara ve toplam bağlantı gücüne göre öne çıkan yazardır; Leigh, JP en çok atıf yapılan yazardır; onu Sebestyen, A. ve Koenig, H.H. takip etmektedir. İlk 10 yayın toplam 5352 atıf almıştır. Son elli yılda hastalığın maliyeti yayınlarında ve atıflarda önemli bir artış olduğu açıktır. Bu yayınların bağlamını anlamak, bu alanda çalışmak isteyen araştırmacılar için önemlidir.


  • Aagja, J., Shome, S., & Chandra, A. (2023). A Bibliometric Analysis of Digital Health & Mobile Health Related Global Research Publications Publications. Hospital Topics, 101(4), 319–325.
  • Afroz, A., Alramadan, M. J., Hossain, M. N., Romero, L., Alam, K., Magliano, D. J., & Billah, B. (2018). Cost-Of-Illness Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus In Low And Lower-Middle Income Countries: A Systematic Review. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 1-10.
  • Al-Kindi, S., Al-Juhaishi, T., Haddad, F., Taheri, S., & Abi Khalil, C. (2015). Cardiovascular Disease Research Activity In The Middle East: A Bibliometric Analysis. Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease, 9(3), 70–76.
  • Arnold, R. J. G. (2020). Cost of Illness. Pharmacoeconomics. Milton Park: CRC Press.
  • Barbu, L. (2023). Global Trends in The Scientific Research of the Health Economics: A Bibliometric Analysis from 1975 To 2022. Health Economics Review, 13(1), 1-20.
  • Bartsch, S. M., Ferguson, M. C., McKinnell, J. A., O’Shea, K. J., Wedlock, P. T., Siegmund, S. S., & Lee, B. Y. (2020). The Potential Health Care Costs and Resource Use Associated with COVID-19 In The United States. Health Affairs, 39(6), 927–935.
  • Bellettini, B., & García-Marín, A. P. (2022). Economic Damage-Cost Analysis Caused by Insufficient Sanitation in Rural Ecuador. Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 27(4), 731–736.
  • Bommer, C., Heesemann, E., Sagalova, V., Manne-Goehler, J., Atun, R., Bärnighausen, T., & Vollmer, S. (2017). The Global Economic Burden of Diabetes in Adults Aged 20–79 Years: A Cost-Of-Illness Study. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 5(6), 423–430.
  • Boncz, I., & Sebestyén, A. (2006). Financial Deficits in The Health Services of the UK and Hungary. The Lancet, 368(9539), 917–918.
  • Bornmann, L., & Daniel, H. (2008). What Do Citation Counts Measure? A Review of Studies On Citing Behavior. Journal of Documentation, 64(1), 45–80.
  • Bozdemir, E., & Taşlı, M. (2018). Investigation Terms of Bibliometric and Document of Disease Cost Analysis. Konuralp Medical Journal, 10(3), 408–419.
  • Byford, S. (2000). Economic Note: Cost of Illness Studies. BMJ, 320(7245), 1335–1335.
  • Cao, M., Wang, L., Zhang, L., & Duan, J. (2021). Global Publication Trends and Hotspots of Molecular Biomarkers in DILI from 1991 to 2020: A 30-year Bibliometric Analysis. Science Progress, 104(1), 1–16.
  • Dagenais, S., Caro, J., & Haldeman, S. (2008). A Systematic Review of Low Back Pain Cost of Illness Studies in The United States and Internationally. The Spine Journal, 8(1), 8–20.
  • Dorsey, E. R. (2017). A Digital Journal for a Digital Era. Digital Biomarkers, 1(1), 1–3.
  • Drummond, M., Sculpher, M., & Torrance, G. (2005). Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes (4rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Durand-Zaleski, I. (2008). Why Cost-Of-Illness Studies Are Important and Inform Policy. Vascular Medicine, 13(3), 251–253.
  • Feig, C., Cheung, K. L., Hiligsmann, M., Evers, S. M. A. A., Simon, J., & Mayer, S. (2018). Best-Worst Scaling to Assess The Most Important Barriers And Facilitators For The Use Of Health Technology Assessment In Austria. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 18(2), 223–232.
  • García-Pérez, L., Linertová, R., Valcárcel-Nazco, C., Posada, M., Gorostiza, I., & Serrano-Aguilar, P. (2021). Cost-Of-Illness Studies in Rare Diseases: A Scoping Review. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 16(1), 1-11.
  • Gerkens, S., Crott, R., Cleemput, I., Thissen, J.-P., Closon, M. C., Horsmans, Y., & Beguin, C. (2008). Comparison of Three Instruments Assessing the Quality of Economic Evaluations: A Practical Exercise On Economic Evaluations of the Surgical Treatment of Obesity. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 24(03), 318–325.
  • Gomes, B., Calanzani, N., Curiale, V., McCrone, P., Higginson, I. J., & de Brito, M. (2013). Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Home Palliative Care Services for Adults with Advanced Illness And Their Caregivers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2022(7), 1-8
  • Greenberg, D., Mohamed Ibrahim, M. I. B., & Boncz, I. (2014). What Are the Challenges in Conducting Cost-of-Illness Studies? Value in Health Regional Issues, 4, 115–116.
  • Gulamhussein, M. A., Sawe, H. R., Kilindimo, S., Mfinanga, J. A., Mussa, R., Hyuha, G. M., Rwegoshora, S., Shayo, F., Mdundo, W., Sadiq, A. M., & Weber, E. J. (2023). Out-Of-Pocket Cost for Medical Care of Injured Patients Presenting to Emergency Department of National Hospital in Tanzania: A Prospective Cohort Study. BMJ Open, 13(1), e063297.
  • Gupta, B., Dhawan, S., & Mueen Ahmed, K. (2018). Digital Health Research: A Scientometric Assessment Of Global Publications Output During 2007–2016. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 8(2), 106-115.
  • Hanly, P., Ahern, M., Sharp, L., Ursul, D., & Loughnane, G. (2022). The Cost Of Lost Productivity Due To Premature Mortality Associated With COVID-19: a Pan-European Study. The European Journal of Health Economics, 23(2), 249–259.
  • Harter, S. P., & Kim, H. J. (1997). ARCHIVE: Electronic Journals and Scholarly Communication: A Citation and Reference Study. The Journal of Electronic Publishing, 3(2), 507-516.
  • Heijink, R., Noethen, M., Renaud, T., Koopmanschap, M., & Polder, J. (2008). Cost Of Illness: An International Comparison. Health Policy, 88(1), 49–61.
  • Hernandez-Villafuerte, K., Li, R., & Hofman, K. J. (2016). Bibliometric Trends Of Health Economic Evaluation In Sub-Saharan Africa. Globalization and Health, 12(1), 1-15.
  • Hex, N., MacDonald, R., Pocock, J., Uzdzinska, B., Taylor, M., Atkin, M., Wild, S. H., Beba, H., & Jones, R. (2024). Estimation Of The Direct Health And Indirect Societal Costs Of Diabetes In The UK Using A Cost Of Illness Model. Diabetic Medicine, 41(9), 1-8.
  • Hodgson, T. A., & Meiners, M. R. (1982). Cost-of-Illness Methodology: A Guide to Current Practices and Procedures. The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly. Health and Society, 60(3), 429-462.
  • Hoffmann, S., Batz, M. B., & Morris, J. G. (2012). Annual Cost of Illness and Quality-Adjusted Life Year Losses in the United States Due to 14 Foodborne Pathogens. Journal of Food Protection, 75(7), 1292–1302.
  • Ibáñez, B., & Rodés-Cabau, J. (2019). Present And Future Of Medical Journals. REC Interv Cardiol, 1, 11-12.
  • Jo, C. (2014). Cost-Of-Illness Studies: Concepts, Scopes, And Methods. Clinical And Molecular Hepatology, 20(4), 327-337.
  • Johnson, J. A. (1995). Drug-Related Morbidity And Mortality. A Cost-Of-Illness Model. Archives of Internal Medicine, 155(18), 1949–1956.
  • Karahan, O., & Aslan, A. (2020). Scientificity and H-Index. Acta Medica Alanya, 4(1), 1–2.
  • Kessler, R. C., Ames, M., Hymel, P. A., Loeppke, R., McKenas, D. K., Richling, D. E., Stang, P. E., & Ustun, T. B. (2004). Using the World Health Organization Health and Work Performance Questionnaire (HPQ) to Evaluate the Indirect Workplace Costs of Illness. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 46(6), 23–37.
  • Khanra, S., Dhir, A., Parida, V., & Kohtamäki, M. (2021). Servitization Research: A Review And Bibliometric Analysis Of Past Achievements And Future Promises. Journal Of Business Research, 131, 151–166.
  • Kim, Y.-E., Jung, Y.-S., Ock, M., & Yoon, S.-J. (2022). DALY Estimation Approaches: Understanding and Using the Incidence-based Approach and the Prevalence-based Approach. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, 55(1), 10–18.
  • Krol, M., Brouwer, W., & Rutten, F. (2013). Productivity Costs in Economic Evaluations: Past, Present, Future. PharmacoEconomics, 31(7), 537–549.
  • Leigh, J. P. (1997). Occupational Injury And Illness In The United States. Estimates Of Costs, Morbidity, And Mortality. Archives Of Internal Medicine, 157(14), 1557–1568.
  • Lewis, R. C., & Pizam, A. (1986). Designing Research For Publication. Cornell Hotel And Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 27(2), 56–61.
  • Li, X., Wu, L., Yu, L., He, Y., Wang, M., & Mu, Y. (2023). Policy Analysis In The Field Of Rare Diseases In China: A Combined Study Of Content Analysis And Bibliometrics Analysis. Frontiers in Medicine, 10, 1-14.
  • Man, J. P., Weinkauf, J. G., Tsang, M., & Sin, J.H.D.D. (2004). Why do Some Countries Publish More Than Others? An International Comparison of Research Funding, English Proficiency and Publication Output in Highly Ranked General Medical Journals. European Journal of Epidemiology, 19(8), 811–817.
  • Mattingly II, T. J., & Weathers, S. (2022). Drug Costs In Context: Assessing Drug Costs In Cost-Of-Illness Analyses. Drugs In Context, 11, 1–7.
  • Mejia, N., Ramani, E., Pallas, S. W., Song, D., Abimbola, T., & Mogasale, V. (2020). Methodological Considerations for Cost of Illness Studies of Enteric Fever. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 71(Supplement_2), 111–119.
  • Munir, J., Faiza, M., Jamal, B., Daud, S., & Iqbal, K. (2023). The Impact of Socio-economic Status on Academic Achievement. Journal of Social Sciences Review, 3(2), 695–705.
  • Nakhaee, M., Khandehroo, M., & Esmaeili, R. (2024). Cost of Illness Studies in COVID-19: a scoping review. Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 22(1), 1-9.
  • Namdari, S., Baldwin, K., Kovatch, K., Huffman, G. R., & Glaser, D. (2012). Fifty Most Cited Articles In Orthopedic Shoulder Surgery. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 21(12), 1796–1802.
  • Ng, C. S., Lee, J. Y. C., Toh, M. P., & Ko, Y. (2014). Cost-of-Illness Studies Of Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 105(2), 151–163.
  • Oderda, G. M. (2003). Cost-of-Illness Studies. Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy, 17(1), 59–62.
  • Onat, A. (2011). Which Fields and Articles Contributed Most to Medicine from Turkey? Marmara Medical Journal, 24, 156–161.
  • Onukwugha, E., McRae, J., Kravetz, A., Varga, S., Khairnar, R., & Mullins, C. D. (2016). Cost-of-Illness Studies: An Updated Review of Current Methods. PharmacoEconomics, 34(1), 43–58.
  • Pitt, C., Goodman, C., & Hanson, K. (2016). Economic Evaluation in Global Perspective: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Recent Literature. Health Economics, 25(S1), 9–28.
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There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Econometrics (Other)

Nazife Öztürk 0000-0001-7552-5723

Publication Date
Submission Date August 7, 2024
Acceptance Date October 9, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Öztürk, N. (n.d.). Mapping the Cost of Illness Publications in Five Decades: A Bibliometric Analysis and Publications Landscape. Uluslararası Ekonomi İşletme Ve Politika Dergisi, 8(2), 460-475.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Department of Economics