Ethical Principles and Publication Policy


The most important function of a refereed journal is to have an efficiently working publishing process. This process burdens some responsibilities over all the publishers, editors, referees and authors. The parties have to act in line with the highest professional ethics and standards in the process of publishing an article.

International Journal of Economic, Business and Politics applies the publishing ethics at highest standards. UEIP Journal follow the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers guide prepared by the COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics.

The UEIP Journal also shows respect on the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing prepared with the cooperation of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), as well as the principles in the Turkish Higher Education Council’s Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics.

The basic ethical responsibilities of the UEIP Journal’s editors, referees and authors are listed below. Related documents can be checked for detailed information.


• Editors are responsible for all the works published in their journals. Therefore, they have to show a constant effort to improve the quality of their journal. They should defend freedom of expression. They should be ready to make corrections, clarifications, refutations and apologies.

• Editors act as the final decision authority about the decisions on the publishing articles. They can reject or accept an article by evaluating its importance, originality, clarity, validity as well as its relevance to the scope of the journal.

• Editors should inform the authors about the delivery of the submission in three days and should launch the evaluation process in an efficient, fair and punctual manner.

• Editors should respect to the decision of acceptance as long as there is not any severe problem related to the submitted article.

• Editors should publish all the details related to review process in the journal and should be ready to defend all the issues related to the process.

• Editors should be responsive to the author’s requests related to referees as long as the author grounds its requests on a valid and applicable basis.

• Editors should publish the submission and acceptance dates and should stick to the periods indicated in the journal.

• Editors should respond to the complaints immediately. There should be additional steps to be followed, if the complainer does not become content about the response.

• Editors should provide guidance to the referees about their work. The evaluation of the articles by the referees without acting against confidentiality has a primary place among the expectations from the referees.

• Editors should not do any discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, religious belief, political ideology, gender or race, while taking his/her decisions.

• Editors should request from the referees to state any potential clash of interest before making their evaluation.

• Editors should encourage the referees to state their opinions concerning the potential threats of ethical conflicts and publication abuses.

• Editors should request from the referees to convey their opinions regarding the originality of the articles and invite them to act prudently against plagiarism.

• Editors should transmit the opinions of the referees to the authors as long as they do not have a belligerent and contumelious content.

• Editors should refrain from sending the articles to the referees showing a poor performance, making delays and using an tactless language in his/her comments.

• Editors should pay effort to guarantee the fairness, objectivity and promptness of the review process.

• Editors should follow the relevant process if they face with a situation that is not appropriate with the publication ethics or in case of a complaint. This obligation is also valid for the past issues.

• Editors should not introduce any hidden or overt conditions to accept articles for publication.

• Editors should not use any data, report or information existing in the unpublished articles.


• Referees provide input to the editorial process in order to increase scientific value and publication of the article. They act with the consciousness of making contribution to the science.

• The Journal uses double blind review system. Accordingly, the referees should not know the identity of the authors; should not make any research about the identity of the authors and should not establish a direct contact with the author.

• The referee invited to the review of an article should convey his decision about reviewing the article to the editor in soon.

• A referee who does not see herself/himself qualified enough to review an article or does not believe in his/her capacity to end the review process in time should notify the editor and should leave the review process.

• Referee should make her/his review confidentially. She/he does not make any clarification to any people, except the ones allowed, related to the article and do not make any discussion.

• Referee should evaluate the originality of the article in the review process. If she/he notices any act of plagiarism or has doubts about it, the editor should be informed urgently.

• Referee should carry out the review process according to the scientific criteria and should be unbiased and stable throughout the review. Referee should refrain from making criticisms targeting persons and should use a kind language.

• Referee should not use any information or opinion acquired during the review process for her/his own favour.

• Referees should be clear and short in their comments and questions on the article.


• Authors carry out the primary responsibility related to their article.

• Authors should collect and interpret their data by using honest, unbiased and scientific methods. They should not use wrong and manipulated data.

• The raw data used in the study should be kept by the author. They should be accessed easily during and after the review process.

• Author should refrain from sending the article to different journals simultaneously and also should not submit her/his published article for review.

• Author should prepare the article according to submission rules of the journal; should submit the article as requested and should follow the review process.

• Author should not publish the results of a study by dividing it into pieces in a way to destroy the integrity of the research.

• All the people contributed to the article should be listed as author. A person does not make a real contribution to the article should be listed as author.

• Author should consider the comments of the authors carefully and make the requested corrections. Authors can criticize the comments of the referee in a kind manner.

• Author guarantees the originality of their work. Author should make references by using a proper citation style, if she/he uses the works produced by other authors. Author should refrain from all kinds of plagiarism.

Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors
Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers
Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing
Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing
Turkish Higher Education Council’s Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics
Academic Periodical Publishing Guide in Social and Humanities Sciences



International Journal of Economics, Business and Politics (UEIP) is an international, refereed and scientific journal. It makes publication according to the publication principles listed below:

• UEIP Journal, as a platform for publishing scientific works, aims to make contribution to the improvement of science at national and international levels.

• UEIP Journal publishes original and scientific articles and book reviews related to the fields of economics, business, banking, finance, public finance, labour economics, econometrics, public administration and international relations.

• UEIP Journal publishes scientific works written in the languages of Turkish and English.

• UEIP Journal publishes two issues, as Spring (April) and Fall (October) issues, in a year electronically. Special issues can also be published, if it is deemed necessary.

• UEIP Journal does not accept an article for a specific issue. It is always possible to make submissions.

• UEIP Journal is published by using the TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM DergiPark system. All the processes related to the article are carried out via Dergipark system.

• UEIP Journal is published from the web address of .

• The authors of the submissions made to the UEIP Journal guarantees that they do not publish their articles in Turkish or any other language in Turkey or abroad before and they do not submit their articles any other journal to be published or their article is not accepted for publication in another journal.

• Authors holds the copyright of their works and they give the first publication right to the UEIP Journal.

• All the legal and scientific responsibility related to the content of the published articles belongs to the author.

• UEIP Journal does not pay any royalty to the authors.

• The articles published in the UEIP Journal can be used by making references.

• UEIP Journal allows the use of the articles for the purposes of reading, downloading, copying, sharing and printing, as well as for any other legal purposes.

• UEIP Journal is committed to make publication according to the publication ethics and all the articles submitted to the journal are exposed to plagiarism check.

• Editor controls the properness of an article in terms of the Journal’s scope; the uploading of the article to the system in a correct way and in line with the article submission rules.

• UEIP Journal uses double blind referee review system. The positive opinions of two referees are sought for the acceptance of an article to be published. If one of the referees gives a positive opinion, while the other one indicates a negative opinion; the article is sent to a third referee for review. Editor completes the publication process by sending the positive opinions of two referees to the Publication Board of the Journal.

• The final decision of publication related to the articles with two positive referee opinions is given by the Publication Board of the Journal.

• Editor can send “Acceptance to Publication Document” to the authors of the accepted articles, if it is requested.

• The information such as name, title, e-mail can only be used for the indicated purposes of the Journal; these information cannot be used for any other purposes and cannot be shared with any other persons.

• UEIP Journal accepts the open access principles published by the Budapest Open Access Initiative. The Journal was signed the Budapest Open Access Initiative.

• UEIP Journal is committed to apply the highest publication ethics standards and follows the implementation manual prepared by the COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics.

• The works published in the UEIP Journal is archived with LOCKSS (Lots Of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system.

• UEIP Journal is licensed with Creative Commons (CC) Attribution 4.0 International License.

• A DOI (Digital Object Identifier System) is assigned for all the articles published in the UEIP Journal.

• Questions, recommendations and comments can be conveyed via .

Recep Tayyip Erdogan University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Department of Economics