Theoretical Article
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An Econometric Study on Oil Prices, Exchange Rate and Exports: A Case of Russia, Azerbaijan and Indonesia

Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 245 - 262, 15.10.2024


After oil crisis in 1970s, discussions of the oil price effect on economies have accelerated. In addition to being a exhaustible energy source, the environmental pollution it generates has led many developed countries to shift towards renewable energy sources. Furthermore, fluctuations in oil prices and increased dependence on it have disruptive effects on national economies. All these factors pose a threat to countries with oil reserves and economies heavily reliant on the oil industry. This study, examines the relationship between oil prices, exports, and exchange rates in Russia, Azerbaijan, and Indonesia whose sum of oil consumption and production exceed that of Europe but have not been the primary focus of previous research. This study employs a panel causality test and encompasses data from 1996 to 2021. The findings indicate the existence of a unidirectional causality relationship from oil prices to both exports and exchange rates in the countries studied. Additionally, the research reveals a unidirectional relationship between exports and exchange rates.


  • Agmon, T., and Laffer, A. B. (1978). Trade, payments and adjustment: The case of the oil price rise. Kyklos, 31(1), 68-85.
  • Akhmad, A., Romadhoni, B., K. K., Tajibu, M. J., and Syukur, M. (2019). The Impact of Fuel Oil Price Fluctuations on Indonesia’s Macro Economic Condition., International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 9(2), 277-282.
  • Akinsola, M. O., and Odhiambo, N. M. (2020). Asymmetric effect of oil price on economic growth: Panel analysis of low-income oil-importing countries. Energy Reports, 6, 1057-1066.
  • Almutairi, N. (2020). The effects of oil price shocks on the macroeconomy: economic growth and unemployment in Saudi Arabia. OPEC Energy Review, 44(2), 181-204.
  • Amano, R. A., and Van Norden, S. (1998). Oil prices and the rise and fall of the US real exchange rate. Journal of international Money and finance, 17(2), 299-316
  • Baek, J., Ikponmwosa, M. J., and Choi, Y. J. (2019). Crude oil prices and the balance of trade: Asymmetric evidence from selected OPEC member countries. The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 28(5), 533–547.
  • Balashova, S., and Serletis, A. (2020). Oil prices shocks and the Russian economy. The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 21.
  • Basher, S. A., Haug, A. A., and Sadorsky, P. (2012). Oil prices, exchange rates and emerging stock markets. Energy Economics, 34(1), 227-240.
  • BP (2021). Statistical Review of World Energy.
  • Breusch, T. S., and Pagan, A. R. (1980). The Lagrange Multiplier Test and its Applications to Model Specification in Econometrics. The Review of Economic Studies, 47(1), 239-253.
  • Brown, S. P., and Yücel, M. K. (2002). Energy prices and aggregate economic activity: an interpretative survey. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 42(2), 193-208.
  • Burbidge, J., and Harrison, A. (1984). Testing for the Effects of Oil-Price Rises using Vector Autoregressions. International Economic Review, 25(2), 459-484.
  • Camarero, M., and Tamarit, C. (2002). Oil prices and Spanish competitiveness: A cointegrated panel analysis. Journal of Policy Modeling, 24(6), 591-605.
  • Chkir, I., Guesmi, K., Brayek, A. B., and Naoui, K. (2020). Modelling the nonlinear relationship between oil prices, stock markets, and exchange rates in oil-exporting and oil-importing countries. Research in International Business and Finance, 54.
  • Covington, H. (2017). Investment consequences of the Paris climate agreement. Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 7(1), 54-63.
  • Dagar, V., and Malik, S. (2023). Nexus between macroeconomic uncertainty, oil prices, and exports: evidence from quantile-on-quantile regression approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 48363–48374.
  • Dumitrescu, E.-I., and Hurlin, C. (2012). Testing for Granger non-causality in heterogeneous panels”, Economic Modelling, 29(4), 1450-1460.
  • Eyden, R. v., Difeto, M., Gupta, R., and Wohar, M. E. (2019). Oil price volatility and economic growth: Evidence from advanced economies using more than a century’s data. Applied Energy, 233-234, 612-621.
  • Garzón, A. J., and Hierro, L. A. (2022). Inflation, oil prices and exchange rates. The Euro’s dampening effect. Journal of Policy Modeling, 44(1), 130-146.
  • Gibbons, J. H., Blair, P. D., and Gwin, H. L. (1989). Strategies for Energy Use. Scientific American, 261(3), 136–143. JSTOR.
  • Golub, S. S. (1983). Oil prices and exchange rates. The Economic Journal, 93(371), 576-593.
  • Granger, C. W. (1969). Investigating Causal Relations by Econometric Models and Cross-spectral Methods. Econometrica, 37(3), 424-438.
  • Guan, L., Zhang, W.-W., Ahmad, F., and Naqvi, B. (2021). The volatility of natural resource prices and its impact on the economic growth for natural resource-dependent economies: A comparison of oil and gold dependent economies. Resources Policy, 72.
  • Hamilton, J. D. (1983). Oil and the Macroeconomy since World War II. Journal of Political Economy, 91(2), 228-248.
  • Hooker, M. A. (1996). What happened to the oil price-macroeconomy relationship? Journal of Monetary Economics, 38(2), 195-213.
  • Hussain, M., Zebende, G. F., Bashir, U., and Donghong, D. (2017). Oil price and exchange rate co-movements in Asian countries: Detrended cross-correlation approach. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 465, 338–346.
  • Kim, S., Kim, S.-Y., and Choi, K. (2020). Effect of Oil Prices on Exchange Rate Movements in Korea and Japan Using Markov Regime-Switching Models. Energies, 13(17).
  • Kisswani, K. M., and Fikru, M. G. (2023). A Review of Econometric Approaches for the Oil. Energies, 16(9). Krugman, P. (1980). NBER working paper series: oil and the dollar, Working Paper No. 554 (No. NP-1902616).
  • National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA. Krugman, P. (1983). Oil shocks and exchange rate dynamics. In Exchange rates and international macroeconomics (pp. 259-284). University of Chicago Press.
  • Kumar, S. (2019). Asymmetric impact of oil prices on exchange rate and stock prices. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 72, 41–51.
  • Le, T.-H., and Chang, Y. (2013). Oil price shocks and trade imbalances. Energy Economics, 36, 78-96.
  • Lee, C.C., Lee, C.-C., and Ning, S.-L. (2017). Dynamic relationship of oil price shocks and country risks. Energy Economics, 66, 571-581.
  • Lin, B., and Su, T. (2020). Does oil price have similar effects on the exchange rates of BRICS? International Review of Financial Analysis, 69, 101461.
  • Lopez, L., and Weber, S. (2017). Testing for Granger causality in panel data. The Stata Journal, 17(4), 972-984.
  • Malik, F., and Umar, Z. (2019). Dynamic connectedness of oil price shocks and exchange rates”, Energy Economics, 84.
  • Malik, M. Y., Latif, K., Khan, Z., Butt, H. D., Hussain, M., and Nadeem, M. A. (2020). Symmetric and asymmetric impact of oil price, FDI and economic growth on carbon emission in Pakistan: Evidence from ARDL and non-linear ARDL approach. Science of The Total Environment, 726.
  • Martins, F., Felgueiras, C., Smitkova, M., and Caetano, N. (2019). Analysis of Fossil Fuel Energy Consumption and Environmental Impacts in European Countries. Energies, 12(6), 964.
  • Mukhtarov, S., Aliyev, S., and Zeynalov, J. (2020). The Effect of Oil Prices on Macroeconomic Variables: Evidence. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 10(1), 72-80.
  • Nasir, M. A., Al-Emadi, A. A., Shahbaz, M., and Hammoudeh, S. (2019). Importance of oil shocks and the GCC macroeconomy: A structural VAR analysis. Resources Policy, 61, 166-179.
  • Nasir, M. A., Naidoo, L., Shahbaz, M., and Amoo, N. (2018). Implications of oil prices shocks for the major emerging economies: A comparative analysis of BRICS. Energy Economics, 76, 76-88.
  • Nazir, R., Nazam, M., Ullah, M. F., Rasool, F., and Ali, M. A. (2023). Analyzing the Impact of Oil Price Shocks on the Exchange Rate Fluctuations in Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs, 8(2), 98-109.
  • Omolade, A., Ngalawa, H., and Kutu, A. (2019). Crude oil price shocks and macroeconomic performance in Africa’s oil-producing countries. Cogent Economics and Finance, 7(1).
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels. Cambridge Working Papers in Economics, (435).
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2007). A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross-section dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22, 265-312.
  • Pesaran, M. H., and Yamagata, T. (2008). Testing slope homogeneity in large panels. Journal of Econometrics, 142(1), 50-93.
  • Rahman, S., and Serletis, A. (2010). The asymmetric effects of oil price and monetary policy shocks: A nonlinear VAR approach. Energy Economics, 32(6), 1460-1466.
  • Reboredo, J. C., and Rivera-Castro, M. A. (2013). A wavelet decomposition approach to crude oil price and exchange rate dependence. Economic Modelling, 32, 42-57.
  • Saidu, M. T., Naseem, N. A. M., Law, S. H., and Yasmin, B. (2021). Exploring the asymmetric effect of oil price on exchange rate: Evidence from the top six African net oil importers. Energy Reports, 7, 8238–8257.
  • Sarwar, S., Chen, W., and Waheed, R. (2017). Electricity consumption, oil price and economic growth: Global perspective. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 76, 9-18.
  • Schmidt, T., and Zimmermann, T. (2007). Why are the Effects of Recent Oil Price Shocks so Small? Ruhr Economic Paper, 29.
  • Sek, S. K., Teo, X. Q., and Wong, Y. N. (2015). A Comparative Study on the Effects of Oil Price Changes on Inflation. Procedia Economics and Finance, 26, 630-636.
  • Simamora, R. M., and Widanta, A. A. (2021). The Effect of Export Value, Exchange Rate, and Inflation on Indonesia's Foreign Exchange Reserves. International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering and Technology, 8(5), 494-499.
  • Singhal, S., Choudhary, S., and Biswal, P. C. (2019). Return and volatility linkages among International crude oil price, gold price, exchange rate and stock markets: Evidence from Mexico. Resources Policy, 60, 255-261.
  • Sohag, K., Kalina, I., and Elsayed, A. H. (2023). Financial stress in Russia: Exploring the impact of oil market shocks. Resources Policy, 86(B).
  • Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2013). İleri Panel Veri Analizi. 2013: Beta Basım Yayım.
  • Tausif, M. R., Haque, M. I., and Khan, M. R. (2023). Effect of oil price shocks on output and prices: evidence from Saudi Arabia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30:108855–108864.
  • Thuy, V. N., and Thuy, D. T. (2019). The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Exports in Vietnam: A Bounds Testing Approach. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 12(6).
  • Trehan, B. (1986). Oil prices, exchange rates and the US economy: an empirical investigation. Economic Review, (Fall), 25-43.
  • Wang, G., Sharma, P., Jain, V., Shukla, A., Shabbir, M. S., Tabash, M. I., and Chawla, C. (2022). The relationship among oil prices volatility, inflation rate, and sustainable economic growth: Evidence from top oil importer and exporter countries. Resources Policy, 77.
  • Wang, K.-H., Su, C.-W., and Umar, M. (2021). Geopolitical risk and crude oil security: A Chinese perspective. Energy, 219.
  • Wei, Y., and Guo, X. (2016). An empirical analysis of the relationship between oil prices and the Chinese macro-economy. Energy Economics, 56, 88-100.
  • Wen, F., Min, F., Zhang, Y.-J., and Yang, C. (2019). Crude oil price shocks, monetary policy, and China's economy. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 24(2), 812-827.
  • World Bank (2023). World Bank Database, (Accessed in 01.02.2023)
  • Volkov, N. I., and Yuhn, K. (2016). Oil price shocks and exchange rate movements. Global Finance Journal, 31, 18–30.
  • Yildirim, Z., and Arifli, A. (2021). Oil price shocks, exchange rate and macroeconomic fluctuations in a small oil-exporting economy. Energy, 219.
  • Zhaoa, Y., Zhangb, Y., and Wei, W. (2021). Quantifying international oil price shocks on renewable energy development in China. Applied Economics, 53(3), 329-344.

Petrol Fiyatları, Döviz Kuru ve İhracat Üzerine Ekonometrik Bir Araştırma: Rusya, Azerbaycan ve Endonezya Örneği

Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 245 - 262, 15.10.2024


1970’lerdeki petrol krizinden sonra, petrol fiyatlarının ekonomi üzerine etkileri konusundaki tartışmalar hız kazandı. Petrol tükenebilir bir enerji kaynağı olmasının yanında ortaya çıkardığı çevre kirliliği birçok gelişmiş ülkeyi yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarına yöneltmiştir. Ayrıca Petrol fiyatlarındaki dalgalanmalar ve dışa bağımlılığı arttırması ülke ekonomileri için istikrar bozucu etkiler doğurmaktadır. Bütün bunlar petrol rezervi bulunan ve ekonomileri büyük ölçüde petrol sanayiine bağlı olan ülkeler için tehdit unsuru oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada toplam petrol üretimi ve tüketimi Avrupa’dan daha fazla olan ve önceki çalışmalarda genellikle fazla odaklanmayan Rusya, Azerbaycan ve Endonezya’da petrol fiyatları, ihracat ve döviz kuru arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemiştir. Panel nedensellik testlerinin kullanıldığı çalışma 1996-2021 dönemini kapsamaktadır. Analiz sonuçları ilgili ülkelerde petrol fiyatlarından ihracat ve döviz kuruna tek yönlü bir nedensellik ilişkisinin olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca, ihracattan döviz kuruna doğru tek yönlü bir nedensellik ilişkisi olduğunu tespit edilmiştir.


  • Agmon, T., and Laffer, A. B. (1978). Trade, payments and adjustment: The case of the oil price rise. Kyklos, 31(1), 68-85.
  • Akhmad, A., Romadhoni, B., K. K., Tajibu, M. J., and Syukur, M. (2019). The Impact of Fuel Oil Price Fluctuations on Indonesia’s Macro Economic Condition., International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 9(2), 277-282.
  • Akinsola, M. O., and Odhiambo, N. M. (2020). Asymmetric effect of oil price on economic growth: Panel analysis of low-income oil-importing countries. Energy Reports, 6, 1057-1066.
  • Almutairi, N. (2020). The effects of oil price shocks on the macroeconomy: economic growth and unemployment in Saudi Arabia. OPEC Energy Review, 44(2), 181-204.
  • Amano, R. A., and Van Norden, S. (1998). Oil prices and the rise and fall of the US real exchange rate. Journal of international Money and finance, 17(2), 299-316
  • Baek, J., Ikponmwosa, M. J., and Choi, Y. J. (2019). Crude oil prices and the balance of trade: Asymmetric evidence from selected OPEC member countries. The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 28(5), 533–547.
  • Balashova, S., and Serletis, A. (2020). Oil prices shocks and the Russian economy. The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 21.
  • Basher, S. A., Haug, A. A., and Sadorsky, P. (2012). Oil prices, exchange rates and emerging stock markets. Energy Economics, 34(1), 227-240.
  • BP (2021). Statistical Review of World Energy.
  • Breusch, T. S., and Pagan, A. R. (1980). The Lagrange Multiplier Test and its Applications to Model Specification in Econometrics. The Review of Economic Studies, 47(1), 239-253.
  • Brown, S. P., and Yücel, M. K. (2002). Energy prices and aggregate economic activity: an interpretative survey. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 42(2), 193-208.
  • Burbidge, J., and Harrison, A. (1984). Testing for the Effects of Oil-Price Rises using Vector Autoregressions. International Economic Review, 25(2), 459-484.
  • Camarero, M., and Tamarit, C. (2002). Oil prices and Spanish competitiveness: A cointegrated panel analysis. Journal of Policy Modeling, 24(6), 591-605.
  • Chkir, I., Guesmi, K., Brayek, A. B., and Naoui, K. (2020). Modelling the nonlinear relationship between oil prices, stock markets, and exchange rates in oil-exporting and oil-importing countries. Research in International Business and Finance, 54.
  • Covington, H. (2017). Investment consequences of the Paris climate agreement. Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 7(1), 54-63.
  • Dagar, V., and Malik, S. (2023). Nexus between macroeconomic uncertainty, oil prices, and exports: evidence from quantile-on-quantile regression approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 48363–48374.
  • Dumitrescu, E.-I., and Hurlin, C. (2012). Testing for Granger non-causality in heterogeneous panels”, Economic Modelling, 29(4), 1450-1460.
  • Eyden, R. v., Difeto, M., Gupta, R., and Wohar, M. E. (2019). Oil price volatility and economic growth: Evidence from advanced economies using more than a century’s data. Applied Energy, 233-234, 612-621.
  • Garzón, A. J., and Hierro, L. A. (2022). Inflation, oil prices and exchange rates. The Euro’s dampening effect. Journal of Policy Modeling, 44(1), 130-146.
  • Gibbons, J. H., Blair, P. D., and Gwin, H. L. (1989). Strategies for Energy Use. Scientific American, 261(3), 136–143. JSTOR.
  • Golub, S. S. (1983). Oil prices and exchange rates. The Economic Journal, 93(371), 576-593.
  • Granger, C. W. (1969). Investigating Causal Relations by Econometric Models and Cross-spectral Methods. Econometrica, 37(3), 424-438.
  • Guan, L., Zhang, W.-W., Ahmad, F., and Naqvi, B. (2021). The volatility of natural resource prices and its impact on the economic growth for natural resource-dependent economies: A comparison of oil and gold dependent economies. Resources Policy, 72.
  • Hamilton, J. D. (1983). Oil and the Macroeconomy since World War II. Journal of Political Economy, 91(2), 228-248.
  • Hooker, M. A. (1996). What happened to the oil price-macroeconomy relationship? Journal of Monetary Economics, 38(2), 195-213.
  • Hussain, M., Zebende, G. F., Bashir, U., and Donghong, D. (2017). Oil price and exchange rate co-movements in Asian countries: Detrended cross-correlation approach. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 465, 338–346.
  • Kim, S., Kim, S.-Y., and Choi, K. (2020). Effect of Oil Prices on Exchange Rate Movements in Korea and Japan Using Markov Regime-Switching Models. Energies, 13(17).
  • Kisswani, K. M., and Fikru, M. G. (2023). A Review of Econometric Approaches for the Oil. Energies, 16(9). Krugman, P. (1980). NBER working paper series: oil and the dollar, Working Paper No. 554 (No. NP-1902616).
  • National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA. Krugman, P. (1983). Oil shocks and exchange rate dynamics. In Exchange rates and international macroeconomics (pp. 259-284). University of Chicago Press.
  • Kumar, S. (2019). Asymmetric impact of oil prices on exchange rate and stock prices. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 72, 41–51.
  • Le, T.-H., and Chang, Y. (2013). Oil price shocks and trade imbalances. Energy Economics, 36, 78-96.
  • Lee, C.C., Lee, C.-C., and Ning, S.-L. (2017). Dynamic relationship of oil price shocks and country risks. Energy Economics, 66, 571-581.
  • Lin, B., and Su, T. (2020). Does oil price have similar effects on the exchange rates of BRICS? International Review of Financial Analysis, 69, 101461.
  • Lopez, L., and Weber, S. (2017). Testing for Granger causality in panel data. The Stata Journal, 17(4), 972-984.
  • Malik, F., and Umar, Z. (2019). Dynamic connectedness of oil price shocks and exchange rates”, Energy Economics, 84.
  • Malik, M. Y., Latif, K., Khan, Z., Butt, H. D., Hussain, M., and Nadeem, M. A. (2020). Symmetric and asymmetric impact of oil price, FDI and economic growth on carbon emission in Pakistan: Evidence from ARDL and non-linear ARDL approach. Science of The Total Environment, 726.
  • Martins, F., Felgueiras, C., Smitkova, M., and Caetano, N. (2019). Analysis of Fossil Fuel Energy Consumption and Environmental Impacts in European Countries. Energies, 12(6), 964.
  • Mukhtarov, S., Aliyev, S., and Zeynalov, J. (2020). The Effect of Oil Prices on Macroeconomic Variables: Evidence. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 10(1), 72-80.
  • Nasir, M. A., Al-Emadi, A. A., Shahbaz, M., and Hammoudeh, S. (2019). Importance of oil shocks and the GCC macroeconomy: A structural VAR analysis. Resources Policy, 61, 166-179.
  • Nasir, M. A., Naidoo, L., Shahbaz, M., and Amoo, N. (2018). Implications of oil prices shocks for the major emerging economies: A comparative analysis of BRICS. Energy Economics, 76, 76-88.
  • Nazir, R., Nazam, M., Ullah, M. F., Rasool, F., and Ali, M. A. (2023). Analyzing the Impact of Oil Price Shocks on the Exchange Rate Fluctuations in Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Economic Affairs, 8(2), 98-109.
  • Omolade, A., Ngalawa, H., and Kutu, A. (2019). Crude oil price shocks and macroeconomic performance in Africa’s oil-producing countries. Cogent Economics and Finance, 7(1).
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels. Cambridge Working Papers in Economics, (435).
  • Pesaran, M. H. (2007). A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross-section dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22, 265-312.
  • Pesaran, M. H., and Yamagata, T. (2008). Testing slope homogeneity in large panels. Journal of Econometrics, 142(1), 50-93.
  • Rahman, S., and Serletis, A. (2010). The asymmetric effects of oil price and monetary policy shocks: A nonlinear VAR approach. Energy Economics, 32(6), 1460-1466.
  • Reboredo, J. C., and Rivera-Castro, M. A. (2013). A wavelet decomposition approach to crude oil price and exchange rate dependence. Economic Modelling, 32, 42-57.
  • Saidu, M. T., Naseem, N. A. M., Law, S. H., and Yasmin, B. (2021). Exploring the asymmetric effect of oil price on exchange rate: Evidence from the top six African net oil importers. Energy Reports, 7, 8238–8257.
  • Sarwar, S., Chen, W., and Waheed, R. (2017). Electricity consumption, oil price and economic growth: Global perspective. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 76, 9-18.
  • Schmidt, T., and Zimmermann, T. (2007). Why are the Effects of Recent Oil Price Shocks so Small? Ruhr Economic Paper, 29.
  • Sek, S. K., Teo, X. Q., and Wong, Y. N. (2015). A Comparative Study on the Effects of Oil Price Changes on Inflation. Procedia Economics and Finance, 26, 630-636.
  • Simamora, R. M., and Widanta, A. A. (2021). The Effect of Export Value, Exchange Rate, and Inflation on Indonesia's Foreign Exchange Reserves. International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering and Technology, 8(5), 494-499.
  • Singhal, S., Choudhary, S., and Biswal, P. C. (2019). Return and volatility linkages among International crude oil price, gold price, exchange rate and stock markets: Evidence from Mexico. Resources Policy, 60, 255-261.
  • Sohag, K., Kalina, I., and Elsayed, A. H. (2023). Financial stress in Russia: Exploring the impact of oil market shocks. Resources Policy, 86(B).
  • Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2013). İleri Panel Veri Analizi. 2013: Beta Basım Yayım.
  • Tausif, M. R., Haque, M. I., and Khan, M. R. (2023). Effect of oil price shocks on output and prices: evidence from Saudi Arabia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30:108855–108864.
  • Thuy, V. N., and Thuy, D. T. (2019). The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on Exports in Vietnam: A Bounds Testing Approach. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 12(6).
  • Trehan, B. (1986). Oil prices, exchange rates and the US economy: an empirical investigation. Economic Review, (Fall), 25-43.
  • Wang, G., Sharma, P., Jain, V., Shukla, A., Shabbir, M. S., Tabash, M. I., and Chawla, C. (2022). The relationship among oil prices volatility, inflation rate, and sustainable economic growth: Evidence from top oil importer and exporter countries. Resources Policy, 77.
  • Wang, K.-H., Su, C.-W., and Umar, M. (2021). Geopolitical risk and crude oil security: A Chinese perspective. Energy, 219.
  • Wei, Y., and Guo, X. (2016). An empirical analysis of the relationship between oil prices and the Chinese macro-economy. Energy Economics, 56, 88-100.
  • Wen, F., Min, F., Zhang, Y.-J., and Yang, C. (2019). Crude oil price shocks, monetary policy, and China's economy. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 24(2), 812-827.
  • World Bank (2023). World Bank Database, (Accessed in 01.02.2023)
  • Volkov, N. I., and Yuhn, K. (2016). Oil price shocks and exchange rate movements. Global Finance Journal, 31, 18–30.
  • Yildirim, Z., and Arifli, A. (2021). Oil price shocks, exchange rate and macroeconomic fluctuations in a small oil-exporting economy. Energy, 219.
  • Zhaoa, Y., Zhangb, Y., and Wei, W. (2021). Quantifying international oil price shocks on renewable energy development in China. Applied Economics, 53(3), 329-344.
There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Macroeconomic Theory
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Ali Çakır 0000-0001-7878-5192

Mürşit Recepoğlu 0000-0002-6861-2607

Pınar Hayaloğlu 0000-0001-7181-8801

Early Pub Date October 3, 2024
Publication Date October 15, 2024
Submission Date April 21, 2024
Acceptance Date July 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Çakır, M. A., Recepoğlu, M., & Hayaloğlu, P. (2024). An Econometric Study on Oil Prices, Exchange Rate and Exports: A Case of Russia, Azerbaijan and Indonesia. Uluslararası Ekonomi Ve Yenilik Dergisi, 10(2), 245-262.

International Journal of Economics and Innovation

Karadeniz Technical University, Department of Economics, 61080, Trabzon/Türkiye