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Avrupa Birliği Enerji Güvenliğinin Rusya’nın Etkisi Altında Geleceği: Güney Gaz Koridoru’nun Katkısı Nedir?

Year 2016, Volume: 5 Issue: 9, 61 - 80, 01.01.2016


Rusya’nın, AB için en büyük enerji sağlayıcı olmasına rağmen, 2006’da Rusya ve Ukrayna arasında yaşanan gaz sorunun göstermiştir ki, Rusya, AB için güvenli bir sağlayıcı değildir. Dolayısıyla, AB, güvenli ve sürdürülebilir enerji arzını gelecekte de sağlayabilmek için enerji arzını ve enerji yollarını çeşitlendirme çabalarını arttırmak gibi bir takım önlemler almaya karar vermiştir. Bu çabada en önde gelen alternatif sağlayıcı Hazar Bölgesi olmuştur. Fakat burada problem, Hazar enerji kaynaklarının nasıl AB’ye ulaştırılacağıdır. Bunun sonucunda, 2009 yılında Avrupa Komisyonu, Güney Gaz Koridoru’nu kavram olarak ortaya atmıştır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Rusya’nın etkisi altındaki AB enerji güvenliğinin temellerini, Güney Gaz Koridoru’nun gelişimini ve koridorun, AB’nin enerji güvenliğinin geleceğindeki rolünü tartışmaktır. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen esas bulgular şunlardır: eğer AB proje için gerekli sabrı gösterir ve projeye yatırım yapmaya devam ederse, Güney Gaz Koridoru, AB’nin Rusya’ya olan enerji bağımlılığını azaltma, orta ve kısa vadede enerji arzının güvenliğini sağlama ve konusunda büyük bir potansiyele sahip olup Güney Gaz Koridoru’nun varlığı AB’nin Rusya ile olan problemlerini çözmesine bağlıdır. Rusya, Güney Gaz Koridoru’nun yapılmasına kendi enerji satışlarına bir tehdit oluşturacak olması sebebiyle karşıdır. Eğer AB, Rusya’nın bu projeye olan muhalefetiyle başa çıkabilirse, Güney Gaz Koridoru gerçekleştirilebilir bir proje olabilir


  • Books and Articles Aalto, P., 2009, European perspectives for managing dependence, in J. Perovic, R.W.
  • Orttung, and A.Wenger (eds.), Russian Energy Power and Foreign Relations: Implications for conflict and cooperation, Routledge, London. Aoun, M. C., 2015, ‘European Energy Security Challenges and Global Energy Trends: Old
  • Wine in New Bottles?’, IAI Working Papers, Vol. 15/ 3, 1-21. Belkin, P., 2008, ‘The European Union’s Energy Security Challenges’, pp.1- 28.
  • Chevalier, J. M., 2006, ‘Security of energy supply for the European Union’, European Review of Energy Markets, Vol. 1, Issue 3.
  • Clawson, P., 1998, ‘Iran and Caspian Basin Oil and Gas’, Journal Of International Affairs, Vol. 2, No. 4.
  • Closson, S. (2009) Russia’s key customer: Europe. In: Perovic, J., R.W. Orttung, and A.Wenger (eds.) Russian Energy Power and Foreign Relations: Implications for conflict and cooperation. London: Routledge, pp.89-108
  • Cohen, A. (2014) ‘Caspian Gas, TANAP and TAP in Europe’s Energy Security’, IAI
  • Working Papers, Vol. 14/ 6, 1-17. Costantini, V., Gracceva, F., Markandya, A. and Vicini, G., 2007, ‘Security of energy supply
  • Comparing scenarios from a European perspective’, Energy Policy 35. Cwiek-Karpowicz, J. , 2012, “Russia's Gas Sector: In Need of Liberalization in the Context of the Shale Gas Revolution and Energy Relations with the European Union”, Journal of East
  • West Business, Vol.18 No.1, 54-63. Dickel, R., Dispenza, D., Evin, A., Noreng, Ø., Paik, K.W., and Howard R., 2013, “The
  • Globalisation of Natural Gas Markets: New Challenges and Opportunities for Europe”, REEE, Re3, 2013.
  • Doukas, H., Patlitzianas, K. D., Kagiannas, A. G., and Psarras, J., 2008, ‘Energy Policy
  • Making: an Old Concept or a Modern Challenge?’, Energy Sources, Vol. 3, pp. 362- 371. Egenhover, C. and Legge, T., 2001, ‘Security of energy supply a question for policy or the markets?’, CEPS Task Force Reports, Center for European Studies, Brussels.
  • Feklyunina, V. , 2012, “Russia's International Images and its Energy Policy. An Unreliable
  • Supplier?”, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 64 No.3, 449-469. Feklyunina, V., 2008, ‘The Great Diversification Game: Russia’s Vision of the European
  • Union’s Energy Projects in the Shared Neighborhood, Journal of Contemporary European Research 4 (2). Goldman, I.M., 2008, Petrostate Putin, Power, and the New Russia, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Ibrahimov, R., 2010, Azerbaijan Energy Strategy and the Importance of the Diversification of
  • Exported Transport Routes, SAM. Jun, E., Kim, W. and Chang, H., 2009, ‘The analysis of security cost for different energy sources’, Applied Energy, 86.
  • Kirchner, E. and Berk, C., 2010, ‘European Energy Security Co-operation: Between Amity and Enmity’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 48, 4.
  • Koranyi, D. 2014, “The Southern Gas Corridor: Europe’s Lifeline?’’, IAI Working Papers, Vol. 14/ , 1-10.
  • Kuchins, A. C., 2014, ‘Russia and the CIS in 2013: Russia’s Pivot to Asia’, Asian Survey, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 129–137.
  • Le Coq, C. and Paltseva, E., 2009, “Measuring the Security of External Energy Supply in the European Union”, Energy Policy, Vol.37, 4474- 4481.
  • Leijonhielm, J. and Larsson, R. L., 2004, ‘Russia's Strategic Commodities: Energy and Metals as Security Levers’, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Stockholm.
  • Livanios, A. 2013, “The Conundrum of the Southern Gas Corridor: What are the Risks for
  • Europe and Azerbaijan?”, Actuelles de l'Ifri, 1-18. Lowe, P., 2011, Getting to 2014: The Completion of the EU Internal Energy Market, Presentation.
  • Mandil, C., 2008, ‘Energy Security and the European Union’, European Energy Review. The Available on site
  • %20the%20european%20union%20mandil%20eng.pdf Mankoff, J., 2009, Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, United Kingdom.
  • Milov, V., 2006, ‘Introduction to Gazprom and the Russian State’, Rosner, K. ed., GMB Publishing, London.
  • Monaghan, A., and Montanaro-Jankovski, L., 2006, ‘EU-Russia energy relations: the need for active engagement’, European Policy Centre, Issue Paper No. 45.
  • Nanay, J., 2009, ‘Russia’s role in the Eurasian energy market: Seeking control in the face of growing challenges’, in J. Perovic, R.W. Orttung, and A.Wenger (eds.) Russian Energy Power and Foreign Relations: Implications for conflict and cooperation, Routledge, London.
  • Nowak, B., 2010, “Forging the External Dimension of the Energy Policy of the European
  • Union”, Energy Policy, Vol.23 No.1, 1040 - 6190.
  • Palonkorpi, M., 2008, Energy Security and the Regional Security Complex Theory
  • Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki. Papava, V. and Tokmazishvili, M., 2010, “Russian Energy Politics and the EU: How to
  • Change the Paradigm”, Vol.4, no.2, 103-111. Roberts, J., 2004, “The Turkish Gate Energy Transit and Security Issues”, Economics and Foreign Policy , CEPS, Working Papers No.11.
  • Sartori, N., 2012, “The European Commission's Policy Towards the Southern Gas Corridor
  • Between National Interests and Economic Fundamentals“, IAI Working Papers, 2-14. Umbach, F., 2010, ‘Global energy security and the implications for the EU’, Energy Policy, , 3.
  • Wisniewski, J., 2011, ‘EU Energy Diversification Policy and the Case of South Caucasus’
  • Political Perspectives, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 58-79. Yegorov, Y. and Wirl, F., 2008, “Energy Relations Between Russia and EU with Emphasis on
  • Natural Gas”, OPEC Energy Review, December, 301-322. Official Documents A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy, Green Paper of the Commission, COM (2006) 105 final, Brussels, 8.3.2006.
  • European Commission, 2006, Green Paper: European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy. Available on site
  • European Commission, 2006, Green Paper ‘A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy, COM (2006) 105 final.
  • Policy Proposal by Jacques Delors, 2010, ‘Towards a European Energy Community: A Policy Proposal’.
  • Treaty of Lisbon, 2008. Available on site http://eur- Web Sites
  • AA, 2016, ‘Turkey backs Southern Gas Corridor project: Energy Min.’. Available on site
  • Barroso, J. M., 2013, ‘Energy Priorities for Europe’. Presentation given at the EU Summit of
  • May 2013. Available on site DW , ‘Germany’s Russian Dilemma’. Available on site
  • Euractiv, 2014, ‘EU warms to shale gas in the wake of Crimea crisis’. Available on site
  • Euractiv, 2014, ‘South Stream victim of Crimea annexation’. Available on site
  • Reuters, 2014, ‘Timeline: Political crisis in Ukraine and Russia's occupation of Crimea’. Available idUSBREA270PO20140308.
  • Reuters, 2014, ‘Obama tells EU to do more to cut reliance on Russian gas’. Available on site
  • Reuters, 2014, ‘UK, USA, EU Summit’. Available on site idUKBREA2P0W420140326.
  • RT, 2016, ‘US support for Caspian gas to Europe project crucial- Azerbaijan’. Available on site
  • TANAP, 2014, ‘What is TANAP?’. Available on site
  • TAP- AG, 2016, ‘Project Timeline’. Available on site pipeline/project-timeline#21.
  • The Financial Times, 2012, ‘Tanap: Pipeline offers security with demand for energy growing’. Available on site
  • The summit--southern-corridor--may-8--2009.pdf. Corridor’. Available on site


Year 2016, Volume: 5 Issue: 9, 61 - 80, 01.01.2016


Russia is the largest energy supplier of the EU; however gas dispute between Russia and Ukraine in 2006 demonstrated that Russia is not a reliable partner for the EU. Then, the EU decided to take some measures for a secure and sustainable energy supply in the future through energy supply and route diversification efforts. Most prominent alternatives have been the Caspian region; however, the problem was how to transport the Caspian energy reserves to EU. Therefore, the Southern Gas Corridor SGC was termed by the European Commission in 2009. The aim of this study is to discuss the fundamentals of the EU’s energy security under the influence of Russia and the evolution and the role of the SGC in the EU’s energy security in the future. Main findings achieved from this study that the SGC has huge potential to decrease the EU’s energy dependency on Russia and securing its energy supplies in the medium and long-term if the Union shows patience to the project, continues to invest in and could solve the problems with Russia, against the construction of the SGC since it will be a threat for Russia’s energy sales


  • Books and Articles Aalto, P., 2009, European perspectives for managing dependence, in J. Perovic, R.W.
  • Orttung, and A.Wenger (eds.), Russian Energy Power and Foreign Relations: Implications for conflict and cooperation, Routledge, London. Aoun, M. C., 2015, ‘European Energy Security Challenges and Global Energy Trends: Old
  • Wine in New Bottles?’, IAI Working Papers, Vol. 15/ 3, 1-21. Belkin, P., 2008, ‘The European Union’s Energy Security Challenges’, pp.1- 28.
  • Chevalier, J. M., 2006, ‘Security of energy supply for the European Union’, European Review of Energy Markets, Vol. 1, Issue 3.
  • Clawson, P., 1998, ‘Iran and Caspian Basin Oil and Gas’, Journal Of International Affairs, Vol. 2, No. 4.
  • Closson, S. (2009) Russia’s key customer: Europe. In: Perovic, J., R.W. Orttung, and A.Wenger (eds.) Russian Energy Power and Foreign Relations: Implications for conflict and cooperation. London: Routledge, pp.89-108
  • Cohen, A. (2014) ‘Caspian Gas, TANAP and TAP in Europe’s Energy Security’, IAI
  • Working Papers, Vol. 14/ 6, 1-17. Costantini, V., Gracceva, F., Markandya, A. and Vicini, G., 2007, ‘Security of energy supply
  • Comparing scenarios from a European perspective’, Energy Policy 35. Cwiek-Karpowicz, J. , 2012, “Russia's Gas Sector: In Need of Liberalization in the Context of the Shale Gas Revolution and Energy Relations with the European Union”, Journal of East
  • West Business, Vol.18 No.1, 54-63. Dickel, R., Dispenza, D., Evin, A., Noreng, Ø., Paik, K.W., and Howard R., 2013, “The
  • Globalisation of Natural Gas Markets: New Challenges and Opportunities for Europe”, REEE, Re3, 2013.
  • Doukas, H., Patlitzianas, K. D., Kagiannas, A. G., and Psarras, J., 2008, ‘Energy Policy
  • Making: an Old Concept or a Modern Challenge?’, Energy Sources, Vol. 3, pp. 362- 371. Egenhover, C. and Legge, T., 2001, ‘Security of energy supply a question for policy or the markets?’, CEPS Task Force Reports, Center for European Studies, Brussels.
  • Feklyunina, V. , 2012, “Russia's International Images and its Energy Policy. An Unreliable
  • Supplier?”, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 64 No.3, 449-469. Feklyunina, V., 2008, ‘The Great Diversification Game: Russia’s Vision of the European
  • Union’s Energy Projects in the Shared Neighborhood, Journal of Contemporary European Research 4 (2). Goldman, I.M., 2008, Petrostate Putin, Power, and the New Russia, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Ibrahimov, R., 2010, Azerbaijan Energy Strategy and the Importance of the Diversification of
  • Exported Transport Routes, SAM. Jun, E., Kim, W. and Chang, H., 2009, ‘The analysis of security cost for different energy sources’, Applied Energy, 86.
  • Kirchner, E. and Berk, C., 2010, ‘European Energy Security Co-operation: Between Amity and Enmity’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 48, 4.
  • Koranyi, D. 2014, “The Southern Gas Corridor: Europe’s Lifeline?’’, IAI Working Papers, Vol. 14/ , 1-10.
  • Kuchins, A. C., 2014, ‘Russia and the CIS in 2013: Russia’s Pivot to Asia’, Asian Survey, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 129–137.
  • Le Coq, C. and Paltseva, E., 2009, “Measuring the Security of External Energy Supply in the European Union”, Energy Policy, Vol.37, 4474- 4481.
  • Leijonhielm, J. and Larsson, R. L., 2004, ‘Russia's Strategic Commodities: Energy and Metals as Security Levers’, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Stockholm.
  • Livanios, A. 2013, “The Conundrum of the Southern Gas Corridor: What are the Risks for
  • Europe and Azerbaijan?”, Actuelles de l'Ifri, 1-18. Lowe, P., 2011, Getting to 2014: The Completion of the EU Internal Energy Market, Presentation.
  • Mandil, C., 2008, ‘Energy Security and the European Union’, European Energy Review. The Available on site
  • %20the%20european%20union%20mandil%20eng.pdf Mankoff, J., 2009, Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, United Kingdom.
  • Milov, V., 2006, ‘Introduction to Gazprom and the Russian State’, Rosner, K. ed., GMB Publishing, London.
  • Monaghan, A., and Montanaro-Jankovski, L., 2006, ‘EU-Russia energy relations: the need for active engagement’, European Policy Centre, Issue Paper No. 45.
  • Nanay, J., 2009, ‘Russia’s role in the Eurasian energy market: Seeking control in the face of growing challenges’, in J. Perovic, R.W. Orttung, and A.Wenger (eds.) Russian Energy Power and Foreign Relations: Implications for conflict and cooperation, Routledge, London.
  • Nowak, B., 2010, “Forging the External Dimension of the Energy Policy of the European
  • Union”, Energy Policy, Vol.23 No.1, 1040 - 6190.
  • Palonkorpi, M., 2008, Energy Security and the Regional Security Complex Theory
  • Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki. Papava, V. and Tokmazishvili, M., 2010, “Russian Energy Politics and the EU: How to
  • Change the Paradigm”, Vol.4, no.2, 103-111. Roberts, J., 2004, “The Turkish Gate Energy Transit and Security Issues”, Economics and Foreign Policy , CEPS, Working Papers No.11.
  • Sartori, N., 2012, “The European Commission's Policy Towards the Southern Gas Corridor
  • Between National Interests and Economic Fundamentals“, IAI Working Papers, 2-14. Umbach, F., 2010, ‘Global energy security and the implications for the EU’, Energy Policy, , 3.
  • Wisniewski, J., 2011, ‘EU Energy Diversification Policy and the Case of South Caucasus’
  • Political Perspectives, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 58-79. Yegorov, Y. and Wirl, F., 2008, “Energy Relations Between Russia and EU with Emphasis on
  • Natural Gas”, OPEC Energy Review, December, 301-322. Official Documents A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy, Green Paper of the Commission, COM (2006) 105 final, Brussels, 8.3.2006.
  • European Commission, 2006, Green Paper: European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy. Available on site
  • European Commission, 2006, Green Paper ‘A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy, COM (2006) 105 final.
  • Policy Proposal by Jacques Delors, 2010, ‘Towards a European Energy Community: A Policy Proposal’.
  • Treaty of Lisbon, 2008. Available on site http://eur- Web Sites
  • AA, 2016, ‘Turkey backs Southern Gas Corridor project: Energy Min.’. Available on site
  • Barroso, J. M., 2013, ‘Energy Priorities for Europe’. Presentation given at the EU Summit of
  • May 2013. Available on site DW , ‘Germany’s Russian Dilemma’. Available on site
  • Euractiv, 2014, ‘EU warms to shale gas in the wake of Crimea crisis’. Available on site
  • Euractiv, 2014, ‘South Stream victim of Crimea annexation’. Available on site
  • Reuters, 2014, ‘Timeline: Political crisis in Ukraine and Russia's occupation of Crimea’. Available idUSBREA270PO20140308.
  • Reuters, 2014, ‘Obama tells EU to do more to cut reliance on Russian gas’. Available on site
  • Reuters, 2014, ‘UK, USA, EU Summit’. Available on site idUKBREA2P0W420140326.
  • RT, 2016, ‘US support for Caspian gas to Europe project crucial- Azerbaijan’. Available on site
  • TANAP, 2014, ‘What is TANAP?’. Available on site
  • TAP- AG, 2016, ‘Project Timeline’. Available on site pipeline/project-timeline#21.
  • The Financial Times, 2012, ‘Tanap: Pipeline offers security with demand for energy growing’. Available on site
  • The summit--southern-corridor--may-8--2009.pdf. Corridor’. Available on site
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Sıla Turaç Baykara

Publication Date January 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 5 Issue: 9


APA Turaç Baykara, S. (2016). Avrupa Birliği Enerji Güvenliğinin Rusya’nın Etkisi Altında Geleceği: Güney Gaz Koridoru’nun Katkısı Nedir?. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(9), 61-80.
AMA Turaç Baykara S. Avrupa Birliği Enerji Güvenliğinin Rusya’nın Etkisi Altında Geleceği: Güney Gaz Koridoru’nun Katkısı Nedir?. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. January 2016;5(9):61-80.
Chicago Turaç Baykara, Sıla. “Avrupa Birliği Enerji Güvenliğinin Rusya’nın Etkisi Altında Geleceği: Güney Gaz Koridoru’nun Katkısı Nedir?”. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 5, no. 9 (January 2016): 61-80.
EndNote Turaç Baykara S (January 1, 2016) Avrupa Birliği Enerji Güvenliğinin Rusya’nın Etkisi Altında Geleceği: Güney Gaz Koridoru’nun Katkısı Nedir?. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 5 9 61–80.
IEEE S. Turaç Baykara, “Avrupa Birliği Enerji Güvenliğinin Rusya’nın Etkisi Altında Geleceği: Güney Gaz Koridoru’nun Katkısı Nedir?”, Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 61–80, 2016.
ISNAD Turaç Baykara, Sıla. “Avrupa Birliği Enerji Güvenliğinin Rusya’nın Etkisi Altında Geleceği: Güney Gaz Koridoru’nun Katkısı Nedir?”. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 5/9 (January 2016), 61-80.
JAMA Turaç Baykara S. Avrupa Birliği Enerji Güvenliğinin Rusya’nın Etkisi Altında Geleceği: Güney Gaz Koridoru’nun Katkısı Nedir?. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2016;5:61–80.
MLA Turaç Baykara, Sıla. “Avrupa Birliği Enerji Güvenliğinin Rusya’nın Etkisi Altında Geleceği: Güney Gaz Koridoru’nun Katkısı Nedir?”. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 9, 2016, pp. 61-80.
Vancouver Turaç Baykara S. Avrupa Birliği Enerji Güvenliğinin Rusya’nın Etkisi Altında Geleceği: Güney Gaz Koridoru’nun Katkısı Nedir?. Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2016;5(9):61-80.