For thousands of years, the Chinese used complex Chinese script, which is today called "traditional writing" (繁体字). But this writing was very difficult to recognize, remember and write. Due to the decision to expand education after 1949, more than 2,000 Chinese characters in traditional writing were simplified by linguistic experts. The Simplified Chinese Script (简化字) is one of the official scripts used by the United Nations today. Wolfram Eberhard on numbers in his Dictionary of Chinese Symbols: "The importance given to number symbolism in ancient China is evident in the fact that each dynasty chooses its own number. Each numeric symbol refers to a system of real and unreal elements. And other numerical symbols can be associated with the same system. In China, the 'number' may change, as could any other." "change" lies at the heart of Chinese thought. Apart from their practical use, the numbers have shed light on how events have been held together over thousands of years and the changing cultural systems in which we can discern the rhythms of cosmic life." Since the Chinese language does not have an alphabet, the difficulty in writing Chinese characters necessitates rapid communication between people in the internet world in China in the new century. For this reason, the language of the numbers used on the internet in China has emerged. It is clearly seen that the Chinese pronunciation of the numbers evokes the character pronunciations of the Chinese word.