Research Article
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Fragile States and Aid Allocation for Sub-Saharan African Countries: An Empirical Research

Year 2024, , 45 - 59, 14.03.2024


State fragility has received increasing attention in recent decades as a result of the nexus between development and international stability. This study investigates the empirical drivers of state fragility in sub-Saharan Africa from 2007 to 2019. We shed light on the explanatory variables of government effectiveness, political stability, per-capita GDP, grow GDP%, International Monetary Fund loans, and official development assistance. Using panel data analysis and a 39-country sample, our study finds that government efficiency and political stability, in contrast to foreign aid, has a significant effect on reducing fragility in sub-Saharan Africa. In light of these findings, the article proposes delivering foreign aid in ways that strengthen state capacity.


  • Acemoglu, Daron, and James A. Robinson. 2010. Why is Africa Poor?. Economic History of Developing Regions 25, 1: 21-50.
  • Addison, Tony. 2012. The Political Economy of Fragile States. In Handbook of Civil War and Fragile States, ed. Graham K. Brown and Armin Langer Elgard. Northhampton, Edward Elgar Publishing: 363–378.
  • AfDB. 2015. Addressing Fragility and Building Resilience in Africa. documents/document/addressing-fragility-and-building-resilience-in-africa-the-afdb-groupstrategy-2014-2019-48812 (accessed June 20, 2022).
  • Arndt, Channing, Sam Jones, and Finn Tarp. 2015. Assessing foreign Aid’s Long-Run Contribution to Growth and Development. World Development 69: 6-18.
  • Bertocchi, Graziella, and Andrea Guerzoni. 2012. Growth, History, or Institutions: What Explains State Fragility in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Peace Research 49, 6: 769-783.
  • Bouckaert, Geert. 2023. The neo-Weberian State: From Ideal Type Model to Reality?. Max Weber Studies 23, 1: 13-59.
  • Bräutigam, Deborah A., and Stephen Knack. 2004. Foreign Aid, Institutions, and Governance in Sub‐ Saharan Africa. Economic Development and Cultural Change 52, 2: 255-285.
  • Breusch, T. S., and A. R. Pagan. 1980. The Lagrange Multiplier Test and Its Applications to Model Specification in Econometrics. The Review of Economic Studies 47, 1: 239-253.
  • Brinkerhoff, Derick W. 2014. State Fragility and Failure as Wicked Problems: Beyond Naming and Taming. Third World Quarterly 35, 2: 333–344.
  • Brooks, Rosa Ehrenreich. 2005. Failed States, or the State as Failure?. The University of Chicago Law Review 72, 4: 1159-1196.
  • Burnside, Craig, and David Dollar. 2000. Aid, Policies, and Growth. The American Economic Review 90, 4: 847-868.
  • Carment, David, Yiagadeesen Samy, and Stewart Prest. 2008. State Fragility and Implications for Aid Allocation: An Empirical Analysis. Conflict Management and Peace Science 25, 4: 349-373.
  • Carment, David, and Yiagadeesen Samy. 2017. Exiting the Fragility Trap, Rethinking our Approach to the World’s Most Fragile States. WIDER Working Paper No 181.
  • Chauvet, Lisa, and Paul Collier. 2008. What are the Preconditions for Turnarounds in Failing States?. Conflict Management and Peace Science 25, 4: 332–348.
  • Chancel, Lucas et al. 2022. World Inequality Report 2022. World Inequality Lab, https://wir2022.wid. world/ (accessed March 17, 2022).
  • CIFP. 2006. Fragile States: Monitoring and Assessment. The Way Forward. Waterloo, Country Indicators for Foreign Policy. (accessed March 20, 2022).
  • Clemens, Michael et al. 2012. Counting Chickens When They Hatch: Timing and the Effects of Aid on Growth. The Economic Journal 122, 561: 590-617.
  • Collier, Paul et al. 2003. Breaking the Conflict Trap: Civil War and Development Policy. Washington DC, Oxford University Press.
  • Collier, Paul, and Anke Hoeffler. 2005. Resource Rents, Governance, and Conflict. Journal of Conflict Resolution 49, 4: 625-633.
  • Collier, Paul et al. 2007. Endogenizing Syndromes. In Vol. 1 of The Political Economy of Economic Growth in Africa, 1960-2000, ed. Benno J. Ndulu et al. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 392-418.
  • Deaton, Angus. 2013. The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality. New Jersey, Princeton University Press.
  • Desai, Harsh. 2020. States of Fragility and Official Development Assistance. Paris, OECD Development Co-Operation Working Paper 76.
  • DFID. 2005. Reducing Poverty by Tackling Social Exclusion A DFID Policy Paper. London, Department for International Development.
  • Dreher, Axel et al. 2018. Foreign Aid. In The Oxford Handbook on Governance and Limited Statehood, ed. Thomas Risse et al. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 394-415.
  • Driscoll, John C., and Aart C. Kraay. 1998. Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimation with Spatially Dependent Panel Data. Review of Economics and Statistics 80, 4: 549-560.
  • Easterly, William. 2006. The White Man’s Burden: Why the West’s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good. New York, Penguin.
  • EU. 2003. A Secure Europe in a Better World European Security Strategy. Brussels.
  • EU. 2007. Council Conclusions on a EU Response to Situations of Fragility. Brussels, Council of European Union.
  • Feeny, Simon, Alberto Posso, and Jonathan Regan-Beasley. 2015. Handle with Care: Fragile States and the Determinants of Fragility. Applied Economics 47, 11: 1073-1085.
  • Fukuyama, Francis. 2005. State-Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st Century. London, Profile Books.
  • Fukuyama, Francis. 2013. What Is Governance?. CGD Working Paper 314, Washington DC, Center for Global Development.
  • Fund for Peace. 2022. Fragile State Index. (accessed March 20, 2022).
  • Giovannetti, Giorgia. 2009. Overcoming Fragility in Africa Forging a New European Approach.
  • Florence, European Report on Development 2009, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, (accessed May 17, 2022).
  • Goldsmith, Arthur. 2001. Foreign Aid and Statehood in Africa. International Organization 55, 1: 123– 148.
  • Guillaumont, Patrick, and Lisa Chauvet. 2001. Aid and Performance: A Reassessment. Journal of Development Studies 37, 6: 66-92.
  • Hameiri, Shahar. 2007. Failed States or a Failed Paradigm? State Capacity and the Limits of Institutionalism. Journal of International Relations and Development 10, 2: 122-149.
  • Hausman, J. A. 1978. Specification Tests in Econometrics. Econometrica 46, 6: 1251-1271.
  • Helman, Gerald B., and Steven R. Ratner. 1992. Saving Failed States. Foreign Policy 89: 3–20.
  • Hoechle, Daniel. 2007. Robust Standard Errors for Panel Regressions with Cross-Sectional Dependence. The Stata Journal 7, 3: 281-312.
  • Howard, Tiffiany. 2010. Failed States and the Spread of Terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 33, 11: 960-988.
  • International Dialogue. 30 November 2011. A New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States. https://www. (accessed October 15, 2022).
  • Jackson, Robert H. 1993. Quasi-States: Sovereignty, International Relations and the Third World. Cambridge, University Press.
  • Kalu, Kenneth. 2018. Foreign Aid and the Future of Africa. Canada, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Kaplan, Seth. 2015. Religion, Development, and Fragile States. In The Routledge Handbook of Religions and Global Development, ed. Emma Tomalin. New York, Routledge: 418-433.
  • Karadeli, Cem. 2009. Failed State Concept and the Sub-Saharan African Experience. Journal of Arts and Sciences 12, 2: 111-126.
  • Kim, Pan Suk, Dongyoen Kang, and Tae In Park. 2015. Fragile States in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring Some Determinants of State Fragility. Journal of the Korean Association of African Studies 45, 1: 107-138.
  • Laasko, Liisa, and Olukoshi Abedayo. 1996. The Crisis of the Post-colonial Nationstate Project in Africa. In Challenges to the Nation-State in Africa, ed. A. O. Olukoshi and L. Laasko. Uppsala, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet: 7-39.
  • Levin Victoria, and David Dollar. 6 January 2005. The Forgotten States: Aid Volumes and Volatility in Difficult Partnership Countries (1992-2002). Summary Paper Prepared for DAC Learning and Advisory Process on Difficult Partnerships.
  • Marshall, Monty G., and Gabrielle C. Elzinga-Marshall. 2017. Global Report 2017 Conflict, Governance, and State Fragility. Vienna, Center for Systemic Peace.
  • McGillivray, Mark, and Simon Feeny. 2008. Aid and Growth in Fragile States. UNU-Wider Discussion Paper No 2008/03. Helsinki, World Institute for Development Economics Research.
  • Michalopoulos, Stelios, and Elias Papaioannou. 2016. The Long-Run Effects of the Scramble for Africa. American Economic Review 106, 7: 1802-1848.
  • Moyo, Dambisa. 2009. Dead Aid Why Aid Is Not Working. New York, Allen Lane.
  • Nay, Olivier, Sonja Grimm, and Nicolas Lemay-Hébert. 2014. Fragile States: Introducing A Political Concept. Third World Quarterly 35, 2: 197-209.
  • OECD. 2007. Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States & Situations. https:// (accessed March 29, 2022).
  • OECD. 2005-2008. The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Accra Agenda for Action. (accessed October 19, 2022).
  • Osaghae, Eghosa E. 2010. Fragile States. In Deconstructing Development Discourse Buzzwords and Fuzzwords, ed. Andrea Cornwall and Deborah Eade. Warwickshire, Practical Action Publishing: 281-292.
  • Pellegata, Alessandro. 17 December 2021. The Longitudinal Trend of Coups in Sub-Saharan Africa. (accessed October 19, 2022).
  • Ratrout, Eman, and Nur Köprülü. 2022. International Dimensions of Authoritarian Persistence in the MENA Region: Revisiting US Foreign Aid to Egypt in the post-2011 Arab Uprisings Era. Uluslararası İlişkiler 19, 75: 45-63.
  • Rotberg, Robert I. 2002. Failed States in a World of Terror. Foreign Affairs 81, 2: 127-140.
  • Rotberg, Robert I. 2003. Failed States, Collapsed States, and Weak States: Causes and Indicators. In State Failure and State Weakness in a Time of Terror, ed. Robert I. Rotberg. Washington D.C., Brookings Institition Press: 1-25.
  • Rotberg, Robert I. 2004. The Failure and Collapse of Nation-States: Breakdown, Prevention and Repair. In When States Fail: Causes and Consequences, ed. Robert I. Rotberg. Princeton NJ, Princeton University Press: 1-45.
  • SIPRI. 2022. SIPRI Yearbook 2022 Armaments, Disarmament and International Security. Oxford University Press.
  • Skocpol, Theda. 1985. Bringing the State Back In: Strategies of Analysis in Current Research. In Bringing the State Back In, ed. Peter Evans, Dietrich Rueschemeyer and Theda Skocpol. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 3-38.
  • Stewart, Frances, and Graham Brown. 2009. Fragile States, Working Paper No: 51. CRISE Oxford Department of International Development.
  • Tait, Lauren, Siddique Abu, and Chatterjee Ishita. 2015. Foreign AID and Economic Growth in SubSaharan Africa. Economics Discussion Papers 15, 35.
  • Takeuchi, Shinichi, R. Murotani, and K. Tsunekawa. 2011. Capacity Traps and Legitimacy Traps: Development Assistance and State Building in Fragile Situations. In Catalyzing Development: A New Vision for Aid, ed. Homi J. Kharas, Woojin Jung and Koji Makino. Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press: 127-154.
  • Tatoğlu, Ferda. 2013. Panel Veri Ekonometrisi Stata Uygulamalı. Beta Yayıncılık.
  • Torres, Magui Moreno, and Michael Anderson. 2004. Fragile States: Defining Difficult Environments for Poverty Reduction. United Kingdom, Department for International Development (DFID).
  • UN. 18- 22 March 2002. Monterrey Consensus. Monterrey, United Nations Department of Public Information.
  • UN. 2003. Monterrey Consensus on Financing for Development. desa/population/migration/generalassembly/docs/globalcompact/A_CONF.198_11.pdf (accessed March 16, 2022).
  • UN. 2004. A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility. United Nations Department of Public Information.
  • UN. 2015. The Millennium Development Goals Report. MDG_Report/pdf/MDG%202015%20rev%20(July%201).pdf (accessed March 16, 2022).
  • Fragile States and Aid Allocation for Sub-Saharan African Countries UNGA. 24 October 1970. International Development Strategy for the 2nd United Nations Development Decade. (accessed March 11, 2022).
  • UNGA. 18 September 2000. United Nations Millennium Declaration. development/desa/population/migration/generalassembly/docs/globalcompact/A_RES_55_2. pdf (accessed March 16, 2022).
  • USAID. 22 February 2006. USAID’s Approach to Fragile States Programming in Africa. https://www. (accessed March 11, 2022).
  • Vallings, Claire, and Magui Moreno Torres. 2005. Drivers Of Fragility: What Makes States Fragile?. PRDE Working Paper No 7. Department for International Development (DFID):1-31.
  • Weber, Max, Hans Gerth, and Wright Mills C. 1946. From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. Oxford University Press.
  • Weinstein, Jeremy M. et al. 2004. On the Brink, Weak States and US National Security. Center for Global Development, Full_Report.pdf (accessed June 21, 2022).
  • World Bank. 1989. Sub-Saharan Africa-from Crisis to Sustainable Growth. http://documents.worldbank. org/curated/en/498241468742846138/From-crisis-to-sustainable-growth-sub-Saharan-Africa-along-term-perspective-study (accessed September 15, 2022).
  • World Bank. 2006. Engaging with Fragile States: An IEG Review of World Bank Support to LowIncome Countries under Stress. Washington D.C., World Bank Group.
  • World Bank. Worldwide Governance Indicators. FAQ (accessed May 10, 2022).
  • World Data Lab. 2022. (accessed March 17, 2022).
  • Zartman, William. 1995. Introduction: Posing the Problem of State Collapse. In Collapsed States: The Disintegration and Restoration of Legitimate Authority, ed. William Zartman. Boulder, Lynne Rienner: 1-14.

Fragile States and Aid Allocation for Sub-Saharan African Countries: An Empirical Research

Year 2024, , 45 - 59, 14.03.2024


State fragility has received increasing attention in recent decades as a result of the nexus between development and international stability. This study investigates the empirical drivers of state fragility in sub-Saharan Africa from 2007 to 2019. We shed light on the explanatory variables of government effectiveness, political stability, per-capita GDP, grow GDP%, International Monetary Fund loans, and official development assistance. Using panel data analysis and a 39-country sample, our study finds that government efficiency and political stability, in contrast to foreign aid, has a significant effect on reducing fragility in sub-Saharan Africa. In light of these findings, the article proposes delivering foreign aid in ways that strengthen state capacity.


  • Acemoglu, Daron, and James A. Robinson. 2010. Why is Africa Poor?. Economic History of Developing Regions 25, 1: 21-50.
  • Addison, Tony. 2012. The Political Economy of Fragile States. In Handbook of Civil War and Fragile States, ed. Graham K. Brown and Armin Langer Elgard. Northhampton, Edward Elgar Publishing: 363–378.
  • AfDB. 2015. Addressing Fragility and Building Resilience in Africa. documents/document/addressing-fragility-and-building-resilience-in-africa-the-afdb-groupstrategy-2014-2019-48812 (accessed June 20, 2022).
  • Arndt, Channing, Sam Jones, and Finn Tarp. 2015. Assessing foreign Aid’s Long-Run Contribution to Growth and Development. World Development 69: 6-18.
  • Bertocchi, Graziella, and Andrea Guerzoni. 2012. Growth, History, or Institutions: What Explains State Fragility in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Peace Research 49, 6: 769-783.
  • Bouckaert, Geert. 2023. The neo-Weberian State: From Ideal Type Model to Reality?. Max Weber Studies 23, 1: 13-59.
  • Bräutigam, Deborah A., and Stephen Knack. 2004. Foreign Aid, Institutions, and Governance in Sub‐ Saharan Africa. Economic Development and Cultural Change 52, 2: 255-285.
  • Breusch, T. S., and A. R. Pagan. 1980. The Lagrange Multiplier Test and Its Applications to Model Specification in Econometrics. The Review of Economic Studies 47, 1: 239-253.
  • Brinkerhoff, Derick W. 2014. State Fragility and Failure as Wicked Problems: Beyond Naming and Taming. Third World Quarterly 35, 2: 333–344.
  • Brooks, Rosa Ehrenreich. 2005. Failed States, or the State as Failure?. The University of Chicago Law Review 72, 4: 1159-1196.
  • Burnside, Craig, and David Dollar. 2000. Aid, Policies, and Growth. The American Economic Review 90, 4: 847-868.
  • Carment, David, Yiagadeesen Samy, and Stewart Prest. 2008. State Fragility and Implications for Aid Allocation: An Empirical Analysis. Conflict Management and Peace Science 25, 4: 349-373.
  • Carment, David, and Yiagadeesen Samy. 2017. Exiting the Fragility Trap, Rethinking our Approach to the World’s Most Fragile States. WIDER Working Paper No 181.
  • Chauvet, Lisa, and Paul Collier. 2008. What are the Preconditions for Turnarounds in Failing States?. Conflict Management and Peace Science 25, 4: 332–348.
  • Chancel, Lucas et al. 2022. World Inequality Report 2022. World Inequality Lab, https://wir2022.wid. world/ (accessed March 17, 2022).
  • CIFP. 2006. Fragile States: Monitoring and Assessment. The Way Forward. Waterloo, Country Indicators for Foreign Policy. (accessed March 20, 2022).
  • Clemens, Michael et al. 2012. Counting Chickens When They Hatch: Timing and the Effects of Aid on Growth. The Economic Journal 122, 561: 590-617.
  • Collier, Paul et al. 2003. Breaking the Conflict Trap: Civil War and Development Policy. Washington DC, Oxford University Press.
  • Collier, Paul, and Anke Hoeffler. 2005. Resource Rents, Governance, and Conflict. Journal of Conflict Resolution 49, 4: 625-633.
  • Collier, Paul et al. 2007. Endogenizing Syndromes. In Vol. 1 of The Political Economy of Economic Growth in Africa, 1960-2000, ed. Benno J. Ndulu et al. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 392-418.
  • Deaton, Angus. 2013. The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality. New Jersey, Princeton University Press.
  • Desai, Harsh. 2020. States of Fragility and Official Development Assistance. Paris, OECD Development Co-Operation Working Paper 76.
  • DFID. 2005. Reducing Poverty by Tackling Social Exclusion A DFID Policy Paper. London, Department for International Development.
  • Dreher, Axel et al. 2018. Foreign Aid. In The Oxford Handbook on Governance and Limited Statehood, ed. Thomas Risse et al. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 394-415.
  • Driscoll, John C., and Aart C. Kraay. 1998. Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimation with Spatially Dependent Panel Data. Review of Economics and Statistics 80, 4: 549-560.
  • Easterly, William. 2006. The White Man’s Burden: Why the West’s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good. New York, Penguin.
  • EU. 2003. A Secure Europe in a Better World European Security Strategy. Brussels.
  • EU. 2007. Council Conclusions on a EU Response to Situations of Fragility. Brussels, Council of European Union.
  • Feeny, Simon, Alberto Posso, and Jonathan Regan-Beasley. 2015. Handle with Care: Fragile States and the Determinants of Fragility. Applied Economics 47, 11: 1073-1085.
  • Fukuyama, Francis. 2005. State-Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st Century. London, Profile Books.
  • Fukuyama, Francis. 2013. What Is Governance?. CGD Working Paper 314, Washington DC, Center for Global Development.
  • Fund for Peace. 2022. Fragile State Index. (accessed March 20, 2022).
  • Giovannetti, Giorgia. 2009. Overcoming Fragility in Africa Forging a New European Approach.
  • Florence, European Report on Development 2009, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, (accessed May 17, 2022).
  • Goldsmith, Arthur. 2001. Foreign Aid and Statehood in Africa. International Organization 55, 1: 123– 148.
  • Guillaumont, Patrick, and Lisa Chauvet. 2001. Aid and Performance: A Reassessment. Journal of Development Studies 37, 6: 66-92.
  • Hameiri, Shahar. 2007. Failed States or a Failed Paradigm? State Capacity and the Limits of Institutionalism. Journal of International Relations and Development 10, 2: 122-149.
  • Hausman, J. A. 1978. Specification Tests in Econometrics. Econometrica 46, 6: 1251-1271.
  • Helman, Gerald B., and Steven R. Ratner. 1992. Saving Failed States. Foreign Policy 89: 3–20.
  • Hoechle, Daniel. 2007. Robust Standard Errors for Panel Regressions with Cross-Sectional Dependence. The Stata Journal 7, 3: 281-312.
  • Howard, Tiffiany. 2010. Failed States and the Spread of Terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 33, 11: 960-988.
  • International Dialogue. 30 November 2011. A New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States. https://www. (accessed October 15, 2022).
  • Jackson, Robert H. 1993. Quasi-States: Sovereignty, International Relations and the Third World. Cambridge, University Press.
  • Kalu, Kenneth. 2018. Foreign Aid and the Future of Africa. Canada, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Kaplan, Seth. 2015. Religion, Development, and Fragile States. In The Routledge Handbook of Religions and Global Development, ed. Emma Tomalin. New York, Routledge: 418-433.
  • Karadeli, Cem. 2009. Failed State Concept and the Sub-Saharan African Experience. Journal of Arts and Sciences 12, 2: 111-126.
  • Kim, Pan Suk, Dongyoen Kang, and Tae In Park. 2015. Fragile States in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring Some Determinants of State Fragility. Journal of the Korean Association of African Studies 45, 1: 107-138.
  • Laasko, Liisa, and Olukoshi Abedayo. 1996. The Crisis of the Post-colonial Nationstate Project in Africa. In Challenges to the Nation-State in Africa, ed. A. O. Olukoshi and L. Laasko. Uppsala, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet: 7-39.
  • Levin Victoria, and David Dollar. 6 January 2005. The Forgotten States: Aid Volumes and Volatility in Difficult Partnership Countries (1992-2002). Summary Paper Prepared for DAC Learning and Advisory Process on Difficult Partnerships.
  • Marshall, Monty G., and Gabrielle C. Elzinga-Marshall. 2017. Global Report 2017 Conflict, Governance, and State Fragility. Vienna, Center for Systemic Peace.
  • McGillivray, Mark, and Simon Feeny. 2008. Aid and Growth in Fragile States. UNU-Wider Discussion Paper No 2008/03. Helsinki, World Institute for Development Economics Research.
  • Michalopoulos, Stelios, and Elias Papaioannou. 2016. The Long-Run Effects of the Scramble for Africa. American Economic Review 106, 7: 1802-1848.
  • Moyo, Dambisa. 2009. Dead Aid Why Aid Is Not Working. New York, Allen Lane.
  • Nay, Olivier, Sonja Grimm, and Nicolas Lemay-Hébert. 2014. Fragile States: Introducing A Political Concept. Third World Quarterly 35, 2: 197-209.
  • OECD. 2007. Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States & Situations. https:// (accessed March 29, 2022).
  • OECD. 2005-2008. The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Accra Agenda for Action. (accessed October 19, 2022).
  • Osaghae, Eghosa E. 2010. Fragile States. In Deconstructing Development Discourse Buzzwords and Fuzzwords, ed. Andrea Cornwall and Deborah Eade. Warwickshire, Practical Action Publishing: 281-292.
  • Pellegata, Alessandro. 17 December 2021. The Longitudinal Trend of Coups in Sub-Saharan Africa. (accessed October 19, 2022).
  • Ratrout, Eman, and Nur Köprülü. 2022. International Dimensions of Authoritarian Persistence in the MENA Region: Revisiting US Foreign Aid to Egypt in the post-2011 Arab Uprisings Era. Uluslararası İlişkiler 19, 75: 45-63.
  • Rotberg, Robert I. 2002. Failed States in a World of Terror. Foreign Affairs 81, 2: 127-140.
  • Rotberg, Robert I. 2003. Failed States, Collapsed States, and Weak States: Causes and Indicators. In State Failure and State Weakness in a Time of Terror, ed. Robert I. Rotberg. Washington D.C., Brookings Institition Press: 1-25.
  • Rotberg, Robert I. 2004. The Failure and Collapse of Nation-States: Breakdown, Prevention and Repair. In When States Fail: Causes and Consequences, ed. Robert I. Rotberg. Princeton NJ, Princeton University Press: 1-45.
  • SIPRI. 2022. SIPRI Yearbook 2022 Armaments, Disarmament and International Security. Oxford University Press.
  • Skocpol, Theda. 1985. Bringing the State Back In: Strategies of Analysis in Current Research. In Bringing the State Back In, ed. Peter Evans, Dietrich Rueschemeyer and Theda Skocpol. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 3-38.
  • Stewart, Frances, and Graham Brown. 2009. Fragile States, Working Paper No: 51. CRISE Oxford Department of International Development.
  • Tait, Lauren, Siddique Abu, and Chatterjee Ishita. 2015. Foreign AID and Economic Growth in SubSaharan Africa. Economics Discussion Papers 15, 35.
  • Takeuchi, Shinichi, R. Murotani, and K. Tsunekawa. 2011. Capacity Traps and Legitimacy Traps: Development Assistance and State Building in Fragile Situations. In Catalyzing Development: A New Vision for Aid, ed. Homi J. Kharas, Woojin Jung and Koji Makino. Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press: 127-154.
  • Tatoğlu, Ferda. 2013. Panel Veri Ekonometrisi Stata Uygulamalı. Beta Yayıncılık.
  • Torres, Magui Moreno, and Michael Anderson. 2004. Fragile States: Defining Difficult Environments for Poverty Reduction. United Kingdom, Department for International Development (DFID).
  • UN. 18- 22 March 2002. Monterrey Consensus. Monterrey, United Nations Department of Public Information.
  • UN. 2003. Monterrey Consensus on Financing for Development. desa/population/migration/generalassembly/docs/globalcompact/A_CONF.198_11.pdf (accessed March 16, 2022).
  • UN. 2004. A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility. United Nations Department of Public Information.
  • UN. 2015. The Millennium Development Goals Report. MDG_Report/pdf/MDG%202015%20rev%20(July%201).pdf (accessed March 16, 2022).
  • Fragile States and Aid Allocation for Sub-Saharan African Countries UNGA. 24 October 1970. International Development Strategy for the 2nd United Nations Development Decade. (accessed March 11, 2022).
  • UNGA. 18 September 2000. United Nations Millennium Declaration. development/desa/population/migration/generalassembly/docs/globalcompact/A_RES_55_2. pdf (accessed March 16, 2022).
  • USAID. 22 February 2006. USAID’s Approach to Fragile States Programming in Africa. https://www. (accessed March 11, 2022).
  • Vallings, Claire, and Magui Moreno Torres. 2005. Drivers Of Fragility: What Makes States Fragile?. PRDE Working Paper No 7. Department for International Development (DFID):1-31.
  • Weber, Max, Hans Gerth, and Wright Mills C. 1946. From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. Oxford University Press.
  • Weinstein, Jeremy M. et al. 2004. On the Brink, Weak States and US National Security. Center for Global Development, Full_Report.pdf (accessed June 21, 2022).
  • World Bank. 1989. Sub-Saharan Africa-from Crisis to Sustainable Growth. http://documents.worldbank. org/curated/en/498241468742846138/From-crisis-to-sustainable-growth-sub-Saharan-Africa-along-term-perspective-study (accessed September 15, 2022).
  • World Bank. 2006. Engaging with Fragile States: An IEG Review of World Bank Support to LowIncome Countries under Stress. Washington D.C., World Bank Group.
  • World Bank. Worldwide Governance Indicators. FAQ (accessed May 10, 2022).
  • World Data Lab. 2022. (accessed March 17, 2022).
  • Zartman, William. 1995. Introduction: Posing the Problem of State Collapse. In Collapsed States: The Disintegration and Restoration of Legitimate Authority, ed. William Zartman. Boulder, Lynne Rienner: 1-14.
There are 84 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects International Politics
Journal Section Articles

Zeynep Arıöz

Derya Topdağ

Early Pub Date October 10, 2023
Publication Date March 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Arıöz, Z., & Topdağ, D. (2024). Fragile States and Aid Allocation for Sub-Saharan African Countries: An Empirical Research. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 21(81), 45-59.
AMA Arıöz Z, Topdağ D. Fragile States and Aid Allocation for Sub-Saharan African Countries: An Empirical Research. uidergisi. March 2024;21(81):45-59. doi:10.33458/uidergisi.1371674
Chicago Arıöz, Zeynep, and Derya Topdağ. “Fragile States and Aid Allocation for Sub-Saharan African Countries: An Empirical Research”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 21, no. 81 (March 2024): 45-59.
EndNote Arıöz Z, Topdağ D (March 1, 2024) Fragile States and Aid Allocation for Sub-Saharan African Countries: An Empirical Research. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 21 81 45–59.
IEEE Z. Arıöz and D. Topdağ, “Fragile States and Aid Allocation for Sub-Saharan African Countries: An Empirical Research”, uidergisi, vol. 21, no. 81, pp. 45–59, 2024, doi: 10.33458/uidergisi.1371674.
ISNAD Arıöz, Zeynep - Topdağ, Derya. “Fragile States and Aid Allocation for Sub-Saharan African Countries: An Empirical Research”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 21/81 (March 2024), 45-59.
JAMA Arıöz Z, Topdağ D. Fragile States and Aid Allocation for Sub-Saharan African Countries: An Empirical Research. uidergisi. 2024;21:45–59.
MLA Arıöz, Zeynep and Derya Topdağ. “Fragile States and Aid Allocation for Sub-Saharan African Countries: An Empirical Research”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, vol. 21, no. 81, 2024, pp. 45-59, doi:10.33458/uidergisi.1371674.
Vancouver Arıöz Z, Topdağ D. Fragile States and Aid Allocation for Sub-Saharan African Countries: An Empirical Research. uidergisi. 2024;21(81):45-59.