How frequently is International Relations published?

The Journal is published every three months (four issues in a year).

How long has been the journal been published?

The Journal has been published since April 2004. From January 2008, it has been covered by the Social Science Citation Index prepared by Thomson-Reuters.

How does the peer review process for the articles work?

The Journal of International Relations has five (5) phases for peer-reviewing:

Articles sent to the Journal first pass through the general evaluation of the Managing Editors. Articles that cannot pass the first evaluation (“Editor’s Cut”) are rejected. Rejection reasons include the article’s content is out of area for the Journal, it does not comply with the ethical considerations and/or principles of the Journal, it does not follow the author guidelines, it is not qualified for  publication, the number of the articles received by the Journal is too high to evaluate within a reasonable time, etc. 

Articles that pass the first phase, are assigned to an Associate Editor to have a detailed assessment. At this stage, the rejection reasons may include that the article’s content is beyond the scope of the journal, that it does not comply with the ethical considerations and/or principles of the Journal, that it does not follow the author guidelines, that it is not qualified to be published, etc.

Articles that pass from the assessment of the Associate Editors, are sent to two experts on the related topic for peer-review. While designating the reviewers, all Editors and the Editorial Board are asked for their opinions. In cases where referee reports are contradictory or are not found sufficient, a third referee is asked to review the work. The articles that are not considered sufficient by both reviewers are rejected.

Those articles that are evaluated as “review and re-submit”, will be sent to the same reviewers for re-evaluation when a corrected version is received. At this stage, the articles are rejected if they are not found sufficient by the reviewers.

Articles that passed from the peer-review process are sent to the Editorial Board for final decision. Positive reviewer reports are not binding for the Editorial Board, but are principally taken into consideration. The decisions made by the Editorial Board are final

Articles that are approved for publication by the Editorial Board are transferred to the Managing Editor for final assessment, correction, language editing, and determination of a publication date and issue. 

How long does the review process of the articles take?

The review process for the submitted articles takes between six months and one year, mostly depending on the quality of the articles. The Editorial Board of the Uluslararası İlişkileraims to process the submitted articles within six months. However, this period is often prolonged due to high number of submitted articles, problems in finding qualified reviewers, delays of reviewers’ reports, delay during the revision process by the authors, etc. 

How long does it take to publish the articles that are approved for publication by the Editorial Board?

The exact publication dates of the articles approved by the Editorial Board for publication depends on the number of accumulated articles at this stage. The Managing Editors of the Journal make every effort to publish the articles that have reached at this phase as soon as possible. At this stage, the order of publication is basically determined according to the principle of “first reached to this phase, first published”. 

How can I subscribe to the Journal?

Detailed information is available on the page Subscription.

Which criteria should be considered when sending an article?

Articles should be prepared according to the principles and rules explained in detail on the pages Publication EthicsStyle Guidelines and Author Guidelines. Otherwise, articles are returned to the authors to make the necessary corrections before the peer-review.

In which languages the articles are published?

Uluslararası İlişkiler publishes articles in English.

What topics are included?

The Journal includes theoretical, regional, and current issues articles related to the discipline of International Relations, including works on international law, political history, diplomacy, strategy, security studies, and international political economy.

What are the other features that I can contribute?

You can also contribute by sending book reviews and literature reviews.

Is the journal available for advertising?

3 different types of advertising are available (Inside front cover - colored, Inside back cover – colored, End of the Journal – black and white). Please contact us for posting advertisement and further information.

Last Update Time: 1/18/24, 3:41:13 PM