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Yıl 2022, , 809 - 825, 31.08.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, İstanbul'un kenar mahallelerinde bulunan ortaokullarda öğrenim gören göçmen ve göçmen olmayan çocuk işçilerin sağlık sorunlarının Omaha sistemiyle değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı.
Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı ve gözlemsel çalışma olarak planlanan bu çalışma kapsamına İstanbul'da yaşayan çocuk işçiler alındı. Verilerin toplanmasında Tanımlayıcı Özellikler Değerlendirme Formu ve Omaha Sistemi terminolojisine dayalı Nightingale Notes yazılımı kullanıldı.
Bulgular: Katılımcılar; 10-13 yaş arası 81 çocuk işçiden oluşmaktaydı. Çocuk işçilerin %86'sı erkek ve %12'si Suriye'den göç etmişti. Çocukların %85’i ailelerinin gelirine katkıda bulunmak için çalıştığını ifade etti. Çocuklarda en sık görülen sağlık sorunları ruh sağlığı, ihmal, düşük gelir, ağız sağlığı, beslenme, kişisel bakım, fiziksel aktivite, uyku ve dinlenme düzeni ve mahalle/iş yeri güvenliği gibi sorunlardı. İstatsitiksel değerlendirmede, ruh sağlığı sorunları ile aile sağlığı arasında; bireysel sağlık durumu ile ağız sağlığı ve rol değişikliği arasında; anne eğitim düzeyi ile ağız sağlığı ve kişisel bakım arasında; ve beslenme ile baba eğitim düzeyi arasında ilişki bulundu.
Sonuç: Göçmen ve göçmen olmayan çocuk işçilerin sağlık sorunlarının belirlenmesinde Omaha Sistemi’nin uygun olduğu bulundu. Ancak bu kesimin sağlık sorunlarının çözümü için yoksulluğun ve çocuk işçiliğinin önlenmesi ve hukuk normlarına uyulması önerilmektedir. Ayrıca geniş örneklem gruplarında, uzun süreli ve karma yöntemli gözlemsel çalışmalarla çocuk işçilerin sağlığının incelenmesi önerilebilir. 

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



çalışmanın katılımcılarına, ailelerine, okul yönetimi ve öğretmenlere çok teşekkür ederiz.


  • Batomen Kuimi, B. L., Oppong-Nkrumah, O., Kaufman, J., Nazif-Munoz, J. I., & Nandi, A. (2018). Child labour and health: a systematic review. International Journal of Public Health, 63(5), 663–672.
  • Calderon, S. J., & Mallory, C. (2019). Look at my pearly white teeth: Exploring adolescents’ oral health behavior. Public Health Nursing, 36(1), 62–69.
  • Dhakal, S., Niraula, S., Sharma, N. P., Sthapit, S., Bennett, E., Vaswani, A., … Lau, J. Y. F. (2019). History of abuse and neglect and their associations with mental health in rescued child labourers in Nepal. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 53(12), 1199–1207.
  • Enebe, N. O., Enebe, J. T., Agunwa, C. C., Ossai, E. N., Ezeoke, U. E., Idoko, C. A., & Mbachu, C. O. (2021). Prevalence and predictors of child labour among junior public secondary school students in Enugu, Nigeria: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1–12.
  • Erdogan, S., & Esin, N. M. (2006). The Turkish version of the Omaha System: Its use in practice-based family nursing education. Nurse Education Today, 26(5), 396–402.
  • Erdogan, S., Secginli, S., Cosansu, G., Nahcivan, N. O., Esin, M. N., Aktas, E., & Monsen, K. A. (2013). Using the omaha system to describe health problems, interventions, and outcomes in home care in Istanbul, Turkey: A student informatics research experience. CIN - Computers Informatics Nursing, 31(6), 290–298.
  • Habib, R. R., Mikati, D., Al-Barathie, J., Younes, E. A., Jawad, M., Asmar, K. El, & Ziadee, M. (2021). Work-related injuries among Syrian refugee child workers in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon: A gender-sensitive analysis. PLoS ONE, 16(9 September), 1–17.
  • Health and Safety Labour Watch. (2021). 2020 yılında en az 2427 işçi iş cinayetlerinde hayatını kaybetti... - 2020 Yılı İş Cinayetleri Raporu (At least 2427 workers lost their lives in occupational homicides in 2020... - Work Homicide Report for 2020). Retrieved from
  • Ilgaz, A. (2022). Effect of health screening and School Nurse Interventions on primary school students’ knowledge, behavior, and status in Turkey: A quasi-experimental Omaha System study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 62, e115–e124.
  • ilgaz, A., & gözüm, S. (2021). Integrative Nursing and Omaha System–Based Nursing Care Interventions in Older Women Feeling Loneliness (INOSEL): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 39(3), 225–238.
  • International Labour Organization. (2018). Ending Child Labour by 2025. A review of policies and programmes. Geneva. Retrieved from
  • International Labour Organization. (2022). Child Labour: Global estimates 2020. Retrieved from
  • Jalili Moayad, S., Mohaqeqi Kamal, S. H., Sajjadi, H., Vameghi, M., Ghaedamini Harouni, G., & Makki Alamdari, S. (2021). Child labor in Tehran, Iran: Abuses experienced in work environments. Child Abuse and Neglect, 117(March), 105054.
  • Jonsson, J., Matilla-Santander, N., Kreshpaj, B., Johansson, G., Kjellberg, K., Burström, B., … Bodin, T. (2021). Precarious employment and general, mental and physical health in Stockholm, Sweden: a cross-sectional study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 49(2), 228–236.
  • Karadeniz, O., Akın, E., & Abacı, N. İ. (2021). Fındık tarımında çocuk işçiliği: Giresun ili Piraziz ilçesi örneği (Child labor in hazelnut farming: The example of Piraziz district of Giresun province). Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 36, 398–407.
  • Kaur, N., & Byard, R. W. (2021). Prevalence and potential consequences of child labour in India and the possible impact of COVID-19 – a contemporary overview. Medicine, Science and the Law, 61(3), 208–214.
  • Kesgin, M. T., & Kublay, G. (2014). Using the Omaha System in Occupational Health Nursing Applications: Advantages of a Common Language in the Diagnosis, Intervention and Evaluation of Nurses’ Health Problems. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 152(Birol 2004), 488–494.
  • Khatab, K., Raheem, M. A., Sartorius, B., & Ismail, M. (2019). Prevalence and risk factors for child labour and violence against children in Egypt using Bayesian geospatial modelling with multiple imputation. PLoS ONE, 14(5), 1–20.
  • Kim, J., Rana, S., Lee, W., Haque, S. E., & Yoon, J. H. (2020). How the Bidi Tobacco Industry Harms Child-workers: Results From a Walk-through and Quantitative Survey. Safety and Health at Work, 11(2), 143–151.
  • Lee, S., Kim, E., & Monsen, K. A. (2015). Public health nurse perceptions of Omaha System data visualization. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 84(10), 826–834.
  • Lordoglu, K., & Aslan, M. (2018). Görünmeyen Göçmen Çocukların İşçiliği : Türkiye’deki Suriyeli Çocuklar (Labor of Invisible Migrant Children: Syrian Children in Turkey ). Çalışma ve Toplum, 2, 715–732.
  • Manning, M., Garvis, S., Fleming, C., & Wong, G. T. W. (2017). The relationship between teacher qualification and the quality of the early childhood education and care environment. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 13(1), 1–82.
  • Martin, K. S. (2005). The Omaha System: A key to practice, documentation, and information management. Elsevier Saunders.
  • Meyer, S. R., Yu, G., Rieders, E., & Stark, L. (2020). Child labor, sex and mental health outcomes amongst adolescent refugees. Journal of Adolescence, 81(April), 52–60.
  • Ministery of National Education. (2019). National Education Statistics, Formal Education 2019/’20. Ankara. Retrieved from
  • Monsen, K. A., Schenk, E., Schleyer, R., & Schiavenato, M. (2015). Applicability of the Omaha System in Acute Care Nursing for Information Interoperability in the Era of Accountable Care. The American Journal of Accountable Care, 3(3), 53–61.
  • Nurcan Kolaç, Ayşe Ergün, & Saime Erol. (2006). Pazarda Çalışan Çocukların Çalışma Koşullari ve Sağlık Durumları (Working Conditions and Health Conditions of Children Working in the Market). Mesleki Sağlık ve Güvenlik Dergisi (MSG), 7(26), 30–36. Retrieved from
  • Ornek, O. K. (2017). Psychological Symptoms Among Child Workers: A Systematic Review. Journal of Continuing Medical Education (Sted). The Publication of Turkisch Medical Association, 26(4), 151–161.
  • Ornek, O. K., & Ardic, A. (2019). Evaluation of Nursing Practice in Patients With HIV/AIDS with the Omaha System Electronic-Based Information Program: A Retrospective Study. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 37(9), 482–490.
  • Ornek, O. K., & Esin, M. N. (2018). Psychological Health Problems Among Adolescent Workers and Associated Factors in Istanbul, Turkey. Safety and Health at Work, 9(1), 101–108.
  • Ornek, O. K., & Sevim, E. (2018). Work-Related Stress and Coping Profiles among Workers in Outer Garment Sector. COJ Nursing & Healthcare, 3, 1–7.
  • Ozmen, K., & Dönmez, İ. (2021). Sokakta Çalışan/Çalıştırılan Çocuklar Üzeri̇ne Bi̇r Alan Araştırması (A Field Study on Children Working/Working on the Street). Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(22), 753–772.
  • Pandey, R., Gupta, S., Upadhyay, A., Gupta, R. P., Shukla, M., Mishra, R. C., … Kumari, V. (2020). Childhood maltreatment and its mental health consequences among Indian adolescents with a history of child work. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 54(5), 496–508.
  • Pérez-Herrera, N., León-Martínez, L. D. de, Flores-Ramírez, R., Barbier, O., Ortega-Romero, M., May-Euán, F., … Pérez-Vázquez, F. J. (2019). Evaluation of benzene exposure and early biomarkers of kidney damage in children exposed to solvents due to precarious work in ticul, yucatán, méxico. Annals of Global Health, 85(1), 1–8.
  • Punch, S. Migration Projects : Children on the Move for Work and Education. Workshop on Independent Child Migrants: Policy Debates and Dilemmas, Workshop on Independent Child Migrants: Policy Debates and Dilemmas § (2007). Retrieved from
  • Schlick, C., Joachin, M., Briceño, L., Moraga, D., & Radon, K. (2014). Occupational injuries among children and adolescents in Cusco Province: A cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 14(1), 1–8.
  • Scott, N. B., & Pocock, N. S. (2021). The health impacts of hazardous chemical exposures among child labourers in low-and middle-income countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10).
  • Sturrock, S., & Hodes, M. (2016). Child labour in low- and middle-income countries and its consequences for mental health: a systematic literature review of epidemiologic studies. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 25(12), 1273–1286.
  • Thi, A. M., Zimmerman, C., Pocock, N. S., Chan, C. W., & Ranganathan, M. (2022). Child domestic work, violence, and health outcomes: A rapid systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1).
  • Turkisch Statistical Institute. (2021). Statistics on Child, 2020. Retrieved from
  • UNICEF. (2021a). Child labour. Retrieved from
  • UNICEF. (2021b). The state of world’s children 2021. On My Mind. Promoting, protecting and caring for children’s mental health. Retrieved from
  • Wickham, S., Whitehead, M., Taylor-Robinson, D., & Barr, B. (2017). The effect of a transition into poverty on child and maternal mental health: a longitudinal analysis of the UK Millennium Cohort Study. The Lancet Public Health, 2(3), e141–e148.


Yıl 2022, , 809 - 825, 31.08.2022


Objective: This study assessed health problems of migrant and non-migrant child workers in lower-secondary schools from suburb of Istanbul.
Method: This descriptive and observational study was conducted in Istanbul. It comprised child workers. Descriptive Characteristics Assessment Form and Nightingale Notes Software based on the terminology of the Omaha System were used for data collection.
Results: The participants were 81 child workers aged 10–13 years, 86% were male, and 12% were migrants from Syria. Eighty-five percent worked to contribute their family income. The most common health problems were mental health, neglect, income, oral health, nutrition, personal care, physical activity, sleep and rest patterns, and neighbourhood/workplace safety. There was an association between mental health problems and family health status;between individual health status and oral health as well as role change;between maternal education level and oral health as well as personal care and between nutrition and paternal education level (p<.05).
Conclusion: The Omaha system was found suitable for determining health problems of migrant and non-migrant juvenile labor. However, it is necessary to prevent poverty, develop the understanding of the social state, and comply with legal norms. We recommend that researchers examine the health of child workers in long-term and mixed-method observational studies.

Proje Numarası



  • Batomen Kuimi, B. L., Oppong-Nkrumah, O., Kaufman, J., Nazif-Munoz, J. I., & Nandi, A. (2018). Child labour and health: a systematic review. International Journal of Public Health, 63(5), 663–672.
  • Calderon, S. J., & Mallory, C. (2019). Look at my pearly white teeth: Exploring adolescents’ oral health behavior. Public Health Nursing, 36(1), 62–69.
  • Dhakal, S., Niraula, S., Sharma, N. P., Sthapit, S., Bennett, E., Vaswani, A., … Lau, J. Y. F. (2019). History of abuse and neglect and their associations with mental health in rescued child labourers in Nepal. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 53(12), 1199–1207.
  • Enebe, N. O., Enebe, J. T., Agunwa, C. C., Ossai, E. N., Ezeoke, U. E., Idoko, C. A., & Mbachu, C. O. (2021). Prevalence and predictors of child labour among junior public secondary school students in Enugu, Nigeria: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1–12.
  • Erdogan, S., & Esin, N. M. (2006). The Turkish version of the Omaha System: Its use in practice-based family nursing education. Nurse Education Today, 26(5), 396–402.
  • Erdogan, S., Secginli, S., Cosansu, G., Nahcivan, N. O., Esin, M. N., Aktas, E., & Monsen, K. A. (2013). Using the omaha system to describe health problems, interventions, and outcomes in home care in Istanbul, Turkey: A student informatics research experience. CIN - Computers Informatics Nursing, 31(6), 290–298.
  • Habib, R. R., Mikati, D., Al-Barathie, J., Younes, E. A., Jawad, M., Asmar, K. El, & Ziadee, M. (2021). Work-related injuries among Syrian refugee child workers in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon: A gender-sensitive analysis. PLoS ONE, 16(9 September), 1–17.
  • Health and Safety Labour Watch. (2021). 2020 yılında en az 2427 işçi iş cinayetlerinde hayatını kaybetti... - 2020 Yılı İş Cinayetleri Raporu (At least 2427 workers lost their lives in occupational homicides in 2020... - Work Homicide Report for 2020). Retrieved from
  • Ilgaz, A. (2022). Effect of health screening and School Nurse Interventions on primary school students’ knowledge, behavior, and status in Turkey: A quasi-experimental Omaha System study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 62, e115–e124.
  • ilgaz, A., & gözüm, S. (2021). Integrative Nursing and Omaha System–Based Nursing Care Interventions in Older Women Feeling Loneliness (INOSEL): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 39(3), 225–238.
  • International Labour Organization. (2018). Ending Child Labour by 2025. A review of policies and programmes. Geneva. Retrieved from
  • International Labour Organization. (2022). Child Labour: Global estimates 2020. Retrieved from
  • Jalili Moayad, S., Mohaqeqi Kamal, S. H., Sajjadi, H., Vameghi, M., Ghaedamini Harouni, G., & Makki Alamdari, S. (2021). Child labor in Tehran, Iran: Abuses experienced in work environments. Child Abuse and Neglect, 117(March), 105054.
  • Jonsson, J., Matilla-Santander, N., Kreshpaj, B., Johansson, G., Kjellberg, K., Burström, B., … Bodin, T. (2021). Precarious employment and general, mental and physical health in Stockholm, Sweden: a cross-sectional study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 49(2), 228–236.
  • Karadeniz, O., Akın, E., & Abacı, N. İ. (2021). Fındık tarımında çocuk işçiliği: Giresun ili Piraziz ilçesi örneği (Child labor in hazelnut farming: The example of Piraziz district of Giresun province). Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 36, 398–407.
  • Kaur, N., & Byard, R. W. (2021). Prevalence and potential consequences of child labour in India and the possible impact of COVID-19 – a contemporary overview. Medicine, Science and the Law, 61(3), 208–214.
  • Kesgin, M. T., & Kublay, G. (2014). Using the Omaha System in Occupational Health Nursing Applications: Advantages of a Common Language in the Diagnosis, Intervention and Evaluation of Nurses’ Health Problems. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 152(Birol 2004), 488–494.
  • Khatab, K., Raheem, M. A., Sartorius, B., & Ismail, M. (2019). Prevalence and risk factors for child labour and violence against children in Egypt using Bayesian geospatial modelling with multiple imputation. PLoS ONE, 14(5), 1–20.
  • Kim, J., Rana, S., Lee, W., Haque, S. E., & Yoon, J. H. (2020). How the Bidi Tobacco Industry Harms Child-workers: Results From a Walk-through and Quantitative Survey. Safety and Health at Work, 11(2), 143–151.
  • Lee, S., Kim, E., & Monsen, K. A. (2015). Public health nurse perceptions of Omaha System data visualization. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 84(10), 826–834.
  • Lordoglu, K., & Aslan, M. (2018). Görünmeyen Göçmen Çocukların İşçiliği : Türkiye’deki Suriyeli Çocuklar (Labor of Invisible Migrant Children: Syrian Children in Turkey ). Çalışma ve Toplum, 2, 715–732.
  • Manning, M., Garvis, S., Fleming, C., & Wong, G. T. W. (2017). The relationship between teacher qualification and the quality of the early childhood education and care environment. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 13(1), 1–82.
  • Martin, K. S. (2005). The Omaha System: A key to practice, documentation, and information management. Elsevier Saunders.
  • Meyer, S. R., Yu, G., Rieders, E., & Stark, L. (2020). Child labor, sex and mental health outcomes amongst adolescent refugees. Journal of Adolescence, 81(April), 52–60.
  • Ministery of National Education. (2019). National Education Statistics, Formal Education 2019/’20. Ankara. Retrieved from
  • Monsen, K. A., Schenk, E., Schleyer, R., & Schiavenato, M. (2015). Applicability of the Omaha System in Acute Care Nursing for Information Interoperability in the Era of Accountable Care. The American Journal of Accountable Care, 3(3), 53–61.
  • Nurcan Kolaç, Ayşe Ergün, & Saime Erol. (2006). Pazarda Çalışan Çocukların Çalışma Koşullari ve Sağlık Durumları (Working Conditions and Health Conditions of Children Working in the Market). Mesleki Sağlık ve Güvenlik Dergisi (MSG), 7(26), 30–36. Retrieved from
  • Ornek, O. K. (2017). Psychological Symptoms Among Child Workers: A Systematic Review. Journal of Continuing Medical Education (Sted). The Publication of Turkisch Medical Association, 26(4), 151–161.
  • Ornek, O. K., & Ardic, A. (2019). Evaluation of Nursing Practice in Patients With HIV/AIDS with the Omaha System Electronic-Based Information Program: A Retrospective Study. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 37(9), 482–490.
  • Ornek, O. K., & Esin, M. N. (2018). Psychological Health Problems Among Adolescent Workers and Associated Factors in Istanbul, Turkey. Safety and Health at Work, 9(1), 101–108.
  • Ornek, O. K., & Sevim, E. (2018). Work-Related Stress and Coping Profiles among Workers in Outer Garment Sector. COJ Nursing & Healthcare, 3, 1–7.
  • Ozmen, K., & Dönmez, İ. (2021). Sokakta Çalışan/Çalıştırılan Çocuklar Üzeri̇ne Bi̇r Alan Araştırması (A Field Study on Children Working/Working on the Street). Bingöl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(22), 753–772.
  • Pandey, R., Gupta, S., Upadhyay, A., Gupta, R. P., Shukla, M., Mishra, R. C., … Kumari, V. (2020). Childhood maltreatment and its mental health consequences among Indian adolescents with a history of child work. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 54(5), 496–508.
  • Pérez-Herrera, N., León-Martínez, L. D. de, Flores-Ramírez, R., Barbier, O., Ortega-Romero, M., May-Euán, F., … Pérez-Vázquez, F. J. (2019). Evaluation of benzene exposure and early biomarkers of kidney damage in children exposed to solvents due to precarious work in ticul, yucatán, méxico. Annals of Global Health, 85(1), 1–8.
  • Punch, S. Migration Projects : Children on the Move for Work and Education. Workshop on Independent Child Migrants: Policy Debates and Dilemmas, Workshop on Independent Child Migrants: Policy Debates and Dilemmas § (2007). Retrieved from
  • Schlick, C., Joachin, M., Briceño, L., Moraga, D., & Radon, K. (2014). Occupational injuries among children and adolescents in Cusco Province: A cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 14(1), 1–8.
  • Scott, N. B., & Pocock, N. S. (2021). The health impacts of hazardous chemical exposures among child labourers in low-and middle-income countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10).
  • Sturrock, S., & Hodes, M. (2016). Child labour in low- and middle-income countries and its consequences for mental health: a systematic literature review of epidemiologic studies. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 25(12), 1273–1286.
  • Thi, A. M., Zimmerman, C., Pocock, N. S., Chan, C. W., & Ranganathan, M. (2022). Child domestic work, violence, and health outcomes: A rapid systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1).
  • Turkisch Statistical Institute. (2021). Statistics on Child, 2020. Retrieved from
  • UNICEF. (2021a). Child labour. Retrieved from
  • UNICEF. (2021b). The state of world’s children 2021. On My Mind. Promoting, protecting and caring for children’s mental health. Retrieved from
  • Wickham, S., Whitehead, M., Taylor-Robinson, D., & Barr, B. (2017). The effect of a transition into poverty on child and maternal mental health: a longitudinal analysis of the UK Millennium Cohort Study. The Lancet Public Health, 2(3), e141–e148.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Özlem Köseoğlu Örnek 0000-0002-9101-6256

Nurcan Kolaç 0000-0002-8258-0998

Saadet Özdemir

Proje Numarası NA
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Mayıs 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

APA Köseoğlu Örnek, Ö., Kolaç, N., & Özdemir, S. (2022). DETERMINING HEALTH PROBLEMS OF CHILD WORKERS WITH THE OMAHA SYSTEM: EXAMPLE FROM A SUBURB OF ISTANBUL. Uluslararası Anadolu Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(3), 809-825.

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