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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 4, 1358 - 1373, 31.12.2022


In this study, the effects of digital transformation and change in the banking sector on customer experience, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty were examined. Within the scope of the research, the data were obtained from digital banking customers by survey method (n=336). The results acquired from the research were analysed (Anova) and interpreted by the SPSS statistical program. Based on the data obtained by this research, the frequency and intensity of the use of digital banking applications were found to be high, and the use of mobile banking applications, especially among digital banking transactions, was higher than the others. Moreover, it has been determined by the analysis that there is a significant relationship between customer experience, customer satisfaction, and loyalty in digital banking applications.


  • Akbari, M., Kazemi, R. and Haddadi, M. (2016). Relationship marketing and word-of-mouth communications: Examining the mediating role of customer loyalty. Marketing and Branding Research, 3, 63-74.
  • Akgül, Y. (2018). Banking Websites in Turkey: An Accessibility, Usability and Security Evaluation, İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(1), 782-796.
  • Akın, F. (2020). Dijital dönüşümün bankacılık sektörü üzerindeki etkileri. Balkan ve Yakın Doğu Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(2), 15-27.
  • Aksoy, L. (2014), Linkingsatisfaction toshareofdeposits: anapplicationofthewallet allocation rule, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 32(1), 28-42.
  • Alalwan, A.A., Dwivedi, Y. K. Rana, N. P. and Simintiras, A. C. (2016), Jordanian Consumers’ Adoption of Telebanking Influence of Perceived Usefulness, Trust and Self-Efficacy, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(5), 690-709.
  • Amin, M. (2016). Internet Banking Service Quality and its Implication on e-Customer Satisfaction and e-customer Loyalty. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(3), 280-306.
  • Âmin, M., Isa, Z. and Fontaine, R. (2013), Islamic banks: contrasting the drivers of customer satisfaction on image, trust, and loyalty of Muslim and non-Muslim customers in Malaysia, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 31(2), 79-97.
  • Anderson, R. E., & Srinivasan, S. S. (2003). E-satisfaction and e-loyalty: A contingency framework. Psychology & Marketing, 20(2), 123-138.
  • Anwar, S., Min, L. and Dastagir, G. (2019). Effect of Service Quality, Brand Image, Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Chinese Banking Industry. International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works, 6(3), 24-30.
  • Ashraf, S., Ilyas, R., Imtiaz, M. ve Tahir, H.M. (2017). Impact of CSR on Customer Loyalty: Putting Customer Trust, Customer Identification, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Commitment into Equation-A study on the Banking Sector of Pakistan. Int. J. of Multidisciplinary and Current research, 5, 1362-1372
  • Baba, Y. (2012), Adopting a Specific Innovation type versus Composition of Different Innovation types Case Study of a Ghanaian Bank, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 30(3), 218-240.
  • Bilir, A. (2010). Katılım bankalarında müşteri memnuniyetinin belirlenmesi üzerine Hatay ilinde bir araştırma, Ç.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19(3), 39-62.
  • Bloemer, J., Ruyter, K. and Peeters, P. (1998), Investigating the drivers of bank loyalty: the complex relationship between image, service quality and satisfaction, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 16(7), 276-286.
  • Chang, S.H. and Lin, R. (2015), Building a Total Customer Experience Model: Applications for the Travel Experiences in Taiwan’s Creative Life Industry, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 32(4), 438-453.
  • Chen, S.C. (2012), The customer satisfaction – loyalty relation in an interactive e-service setting: the mediators, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19(2), 202-210.
  • Commencis (2020). The Future of Digital Banking: Key Takeaways from the Challenger Banks, September 2020.
  • Davis, F.D. (1989), Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technologies, MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340.
  • Doğan, H. ve Burucuoğlu, M. (2018). Tüketicilerin Mobil Bankacılık Hizmet Kalitesi Algıları ve Tekrar Kullanma Niyetleri: Ampirik Bir Araştırma. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 14(4), 1183-1198.
  • Dootson, P., Beatson, A. and Drennan, J. (2016), Financial institutions Using Social Media – Do Consumers Perceive Value?, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(1), 9-36. French, S., Leyshon, A. and Meek, S. (2013). The Changing Geography of British Bank and Building Society Branch Networks, 2003-2012.
  • Garg, R., Rahman, Z. and Qureshi, M. N. (2014). Measuring customer experience in banks: scale development and validation. Journal of Modelling in Management, 9(1), 87-117.
  • Garzaro, D. M., Varotto, L. F., & Pedro, S. de C. (2020). Internet and mobile banking: The role of engagement and experience on satisfaction and loyalty. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 39(1), 1-23.
  • Gentile, C., Spiller, N. and Noci, G. (2007), How to Sustain the Customer Experience: An Overview of Experience Components that Co-create Value With the Customer, European Management Journal, 25(5), 395-410.
  • Hamza, V.K. (2014). Impact of Post Purchase Experiences on Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Management Vollume, 11(1), 62-73.
  • Heffernan, T., O’Neil, G., Travaglione, T. and Droulers, M. (2008), Relationship marketing: the impact of emotional intelligence and trust on bank performance, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 26(3),183-199.
  • Heskett, J. L., Jones, T. O., Loveman, G. W., Sasser, Jr., W. E. vand Schlesinger, L. (2008). “Putting the Service-Profit Chain to Work”. Harvard Business Review, 86(7/8), 118-129.
  • Inbug, N., Ambad, S. A. and Bujang, I. (2018). The Infuluence of Customer Experience on Customer Loyalty in Telecommunication Industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(3), 103-116.
  • Jun, M. and Palacios, S. (2016), Examining the Key Dimensions of Mobile Banking Service Quality: An Exploratory Study, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(3), 307-326.
  • Karatepe, O. M. ve Aga, M. (2016), The Effects of Organization Mission Fulfillment and Perceived Organizational Support on Job Performance: The Mediating Role of Work Engagement, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(3), 368-387.
  • Kashif, M., Wan Shukran, S.S., Rehman, M.A., Sarifuddin, S., Estelami, H. and Heinonen, K. (2015), Customer satisfaction and loyalty in Malaysian Islamic banks: a PAKSERV investigation, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 33(1), 23-40.
  • Kassim, N. and Abdullah, N.A. (2010), The effect of perceived service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in e-commerce settings: a cross cultural analysis, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22(3), 351-371.
  • Keisidou, E., Sarigiannidis, L., Maditinos, D. I. and Thalassinos, E. I. (2013). Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Financial Performance. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 31(4), 259-288.
  • Keisidou, E., Sarigiannidis, L., Maditinos, D. I. and Thalassinos, E.I. (2013), Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Financial Performance, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 31(4), 259-288.
  • Khodakarami, F. and Chan, Y.E. (2014), Exploring the role of customer relationship management (CRM) systems in customer knowledge creation, Information & Management, 51(1), 27-42.
  • Klaus, P. and Maklan, S. (2013), Towards a Better Measure of Customer Experience, International Journal of Market Research, 55(2), 227-246.
  • Klink, R. R., Zhang, J. Q. and Athaide, G. A. (2020). Measuring customer experience management and its impact on financial performance. European Journal of Marketing, 55(3), 840-867
  • Lemon, K. N. vand Verhoef, P. C. (2016). Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey. Journal of Marketing, 80(6), 69-96.
  • Levy, S. and Hino, H. (2016). Emotional Brand Attachment: A Factor in Customer-Bank Relationships. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(2), 136-150.
  • Lin, F.T., Wu, H.Y. and Tran, T.N. (2015). Internet Banking Adoption in a Developing Country: An Empirical Study İn Vietnam. Inf Syst E-Bus Manage, 13, 267-287
  • Makudza, F. (2020). Augmenting Customer Loyalty Through Customer Experience Management in the Banking Industry. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies Issn, 27(2), 1-13.
  • Martins, C., Oliveira, T. and Popovic, A. (2014). Understanding the Internet Banking Adoption: A Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Perceived Risk Application. International Journal of Information Management, 34(1), 1-13.
  • Mbama, C.I. and Ezepue, P.O. (2018). Digital banking, customer experience and bank financial performance: UK customers’ perceptions”. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 36(2), 230-255.
  • Meyer, C. and Schwager, A. (2007), Understanding Customer Experienc, Harvard Business Review, 85(2),116-126
  • Mıshra, A.A. (2009). A study on customer satisfaction in Indian Retail Banking. The IUP Journal of Management Research, 8(11), 45-61.
  • Moliner, M. Á., Monferrer-Tirado, D., & Estrada-Guillén, M. (2018). Consequences of customer engagement and customer self-brand connection. Journal of Services Marketing, 32(4), 387-399.
  • Nazir, B., Ali, M. ve Jamil, M. (2016). The impact of brand image on the customer retention: a mediating role of customer satisfaction in Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 5(3), 56-61.
  • Parise, S., Guinan, P. J. and Kafka, R. (2016). Solving the crisis of immediacy: How digital technology can transform the customer experience. Business Horizons, 59(4), 411-420.
  • Piyathasanan, B., Mathies, C., Wetzels, M., Patterson, P.G. and Ruyter, K. (2015), A Hierarchical Model of Virtual Experience and Its Influences on the Perceived Value and Loyalty of Customers, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 19(2), 126-158.
  • Ramseook-Munhurrun, P. ve Naidoo, P. (2011), Customers’ perspectives of service quality in internet banking, Services Marketing Quarterly, 32(4), 247-264.
  • Raza, S. A., Jawaid, S. T., Hassan, A. and Burton, B. (2015). Internet banking and customer satisfaction in Pakistan. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 7(1), 24-36.
  • Sharifi, S.S. and Esfidani, M.R. (2014), The impacts of relationship marketing on cognitive dissonance, satisfaction, and loyalty: the mediating role of trust and cognitive dissonance, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 42(6), 553-575.
  • Shin, J. W. (2021). Mediating effect of satisfaction in the relationship between customer experience and intention to reuse digital banks in Korea. Social Behavior & Personality: an international journal, 49(2), 1-18.
  • Srinivasan, S.S., Anderson, R. and Ponnavolu, K. (2002), Customer loyalty in e-commerce: an expectation of its antecedents and consequences, Journal of Retailing, 78(1), 41-50.
  • Tam, C. and Oliveira, T. (2017). “Literature review of mobile banking and individual performance”. International Journal of Bank Marketing.35(7), 1042-1065
  • Thaichon, P., Lobo, A. and Mitsis, A. (2014), An empirical model of home internet services quality inThailand, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 26(2), 190-210.
  • Tsai, M.T., Tsai, C.L. and Chang, H.C. (2010), The effect of customer value, customer satisfaction, and switching costs on customer loyalty: an empirical study of hypermarkets in Taiwan, Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 38(6), 729-740.
  • TÜSİAD, Samsung Türkiye, Deloitte Türkiye, GFK Türkiye, (2016), Türkiye'deki Dijital Değişime CEO Bakışı,
  • Valenzuela, L., Torres, E., Hidalgo, P. and Farías, P. (2014). Salesperson CLV Orientation's Effect on Performance. Journal of Business Research, 67(4), 550-557.
  • Verhoef, P., Lemon, K., Parasuraman, A., Roggeveen, A., Tsiros, M. and Schlesinger, L. (2009), Customer Experience Creation: Determinants, Dynamics and Management Strategies, Journal of Retailing, 85(1), 31-41.
  • Waite, K. and Harrison, T. (2015), Online banking adoption: We should know better 20 years on, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 20(4), 258-272.
  • Yuan, S., Liu, L., Su, B. and Zhang, H. (2020). Determining the antecedents of mobile payment loyalty: Cognitive and affective perspectives. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 41, 100971.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 4, 1358 - 1373, 31.12.2022


Bu çalışmada bankacılık sektöründeki dijital dönüşümün ve değişimin müşteri deneyimi, müşteri tatmini ve sadakatine etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında veriler, dijital bankacılık müşterilerinden anket yöntemiyle (n=336) elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler SPSS istatistik programı aracılığı ile analiz edilmiş (Anova) ve yorumlanmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen verilere göre dijital bankacılık uygulamalarının kullanım sıklığı ve yoğunluğu yüksek bulunmuş, özellikle dijital bankacılık işlemlerinden mobil bankacılık uygulamalarının kullanımı diğerlerine göre fazla çıkmıştır. Ayrıca dijital bankacılık uygulamalarında müşteri deneyimi, müşteri tatmini ve sadakati arasında anlamlı etkileşim olduğu yapılan analizler ile tespit edilmiştir. 


  • Akbari, M., Kazemi, R. and Haddadi, M. (2016). Relationship marketing and word-of-mouth communications: Examining the mediating role of customer loyalty. Marketing and Branding Research, 3, 63-74.
  • Akgül, Y. (2018). Banking Websites in Turkey: An Accessibility, Usability and Security Evaluation, İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(1), 782-796.
  • Akın, F. (2020). Dijital dönüşümün bankacılık sektörü üzerindeki etkileri. Balkan ve Yakın Doğu Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(2), 15-27.
  • Aksoy, L. (2014), Linkingsatisfaction toshareofdeposits: anapplicationofthewallet allocation rule, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 32(1), 28-42.
  • Alalwan, A.A., Dwivedi, Y. K. Rana, N. P. and Simintiras, A. C. (2016), Jordanian Consumers’ Adoption of Telebanking Influence of Perceived Usefulness, Trust and Self-Efficacy, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(5), 690-709.
  • Amin, M. (2016). Internet Banking Service Quality and its Implication on e-Customer Satisfaction and e-customer Loyalty. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(3), 280-306.
  • Âmin, M., Isa, Z. and Fontaine, R. (2013), Islamic banks: contrasting the drivers of customer satisfaction on image, trust, and loyalty of Muslim and non-Muslim customers in Malaysia, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 31(2), 79-97.
  • Anderson, R. E., & Srinivasan, S. S. (2003). E-satisfaction and e-loyalty: A contingency framework. Psychology & Marketing, 20(2), 123-138.
  • Anwar, S., Min, L. and Dastagir, G. (2019). Effect of Service Quality, Brand Image, Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Chinese Banking Industry. International Journal of Business, Economics and Management Works, 6(3), 24-30.
  • Ashraf, S., Ilyas, R., Imtiaz, M. ve Tahir, H.M. (2017). Impact of CSR on Customer Loyalty: Putting Customer Trust, Customer Identification, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Commitment into Equation-A study on the Banking Sector of Pakistan. Int. J. of Multidisciplinary and Current research, 5, 1362-1372
  • Baba, Y. (2012), Adopting a Specific Innovation type versus Composition of Different Innovation types Case Study of a Ghanaian Bank, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 30(3), 218-240.
  • Bilir, A. (2010). Katılım bankalarında müşteri memnuniyetinin belirlenmesi üzerine Hatay ilinde bir araştırma, Ç.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19(3), 39-62.
  • Bloemer, J., Ruyter, K. and Peeters, P. (1998), Investigating the drivers of bank loyalty: the complex relationship between image, service quality and satisfaction, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 16(7), 276-286.
  • Chang, S.H. and Lin, R. (2015), Building a Total Customer Experience Model: Applications for the Travel Experiences in Taiwan’s Creative Life Industry, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 32(4), 438-453.
  • Chen, S.C. (2012), The customer satisfaction – loyalty relation in an interactive e-service setting: the mediators, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19(2), 202-210.
  • Commencis (2020). The Future of Digital Banking: Key Takeaways from the Challenger Banks, September 2020.
  • Davis, F.D. (1989), Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technologies, MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340.
  • Doğan, H. ve Burucuoğlu, M. (2018). Tüketicilerin Mobil Bankacılık Hizmet Kalitesi Algıları ve Tekrar Kullanma Niyetleri: Ampirik Bir Araştırma. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 14(4), 1183-1198.
  • Dootson, P., Beatson, A. and Drennan, J. (2016), Financial institutions Using Social Media – Do Consumers Perceive Value?, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(1), 9-36. French, S., Leyshon, A. and Meek, S. (2013). The Changing Geography of British Bank and Building Society Branch Networks, 2003-2012.
  • Garg, R., Rahman, Z. and Qureshi, M. N. (2014). Measuring customer experience in banks: scale development and validation. Journal of Modelling in Management, 9(1), 87-117.
  • Garzaro, D. M., Varotto, L. F., & Pedro, S. de C. (2020). Internet and mobile banking: The role of engagement and experience on satisfaction and loyalty. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 39(1), 1-23.
  • Gentile, C., Spiller, N. and Noci, G. (2007), How to Sustain the Customer Experience: An Overview of Experience Components that Co-create Value With the Customer, European Management Journal, 25(5), 395-410.
  • Hamza, V.K. (2014). Impact of Post Purchase Experiences on Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Management Vollume, 11(1), 62-73.
  • Heffernan, T., O’Neil, G., Travaglione, T. and Droulers, M. (2008), Relationship marketing: the impact of emotional intelligence and trust on bank performance, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 26(3),183-199.
  • Heskett, J. L., Jones, T. O., Loveman, G. W., Sasser, Jr., W. E. vand Schlesinger, L. (2008). “Putting the Service-Profit Chain to Work”. Harvard Business Review, 86(7/8), 118-129.
  • Inbug, N., Ambad, S. A. and Bujang, I. (2018). The Infuluence of Customer Experience on Customer Loyalty in Telecommunication Industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(3), 103-116.
  • Jun, M. and Palacios, S. (2016), Examining the Key Dimensions of Mobile Banking Service Quality: An Exploratory Study, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(3), 307-326.
  • Karatepe, O. M. ve Aga, M. (2016), The Effects of Organization Mission Fulfillment and Perceived Organizational Support on Job Performance: The Mediating Role of Work Engagement, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(3), 368-387.
  • Kashif, M., Wan Shukran, S.S., Rehman, M.A., Sarifuddin, S., Estelami, H. and Heinonen, K. (2015), Customer satisfaction and loyalty in Malaysian Islamic banks: a PAKSERV investigation, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 33(1), 23-40.
  • Kassim, N. and Abdullah, N.A. (2010), The effect of perceived service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in e-commerce settings: a cross cultural analysis, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 22(3), 351-371.
  • Keisidou, E., Sarigiannidis, L., Maditinos, D. I. and Thalassinos, E. I. (2013). Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Financial Performance. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 31(4), 259-288.
  • Keisidou, E., Sarigiannidis, L., Maditinos, D. I. and Thalassinos, E.I. (2013), Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Financial Performance, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 31(4), 259-288.
  • Khodakarami, F. and Chan, Y.E. (2014), Exploring the role of customer relationship management (CRM) systems in customer knowledge creation, Information & Management, 51(1), 27-42.
  • Klaus, P. and Maklan, S. (2013), Towards a Better Measure of Customer Experience, International Journal of Market Research, 55(2), 227-246.
  • Klink, R. R., Zhang, J. Q. and Athaide, G. A. (2020). Measuring customer experience management and its impact on financial performance. European Journal of Marketing, 55(3), 840-867
  • Lemon, K. N. vand Verhoef, P. C. (2016). Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey. Journal of Marketing, 80(6), 69-96.
  • Levy, S. and Hino, H. (2016). Emotional Brand Attachment: A Factor in Customer-Bank Relationships. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 34(2), 136-150.
  • Lin, F.T., Wu, H.Y. and Tran, T.N. (2015). Internet Banking Adoption in a Developing Country: An Empirical Study İn Vietnam. Inf Syst E-Bus Manage, 13, 267-287
  • Makudza, F. (2020). Augmenting Customer Loyalty Through Customer Experience Management in the Banking Industry. Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies Issn, 27(2), 1-13.
  • Martins, C., Oliveira, T. and Popovic, A. (2014). Understanding the Internet Banking Adoption: A Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Perceived Risk Application. International Journal of Information Management, 34(1), 1-13.
  • Mbama, C.I. and Ezepue, P.O. (2018). Digital banking, customer experience and bank financial performance: UK customers’ perceptions”. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 36(2), 230-255.
  • Meyer, C. and Schwager, A. (2007), Understanding Customer Experienc, Harvard Business Review, 85(2),116-126
  • Mıshra, A.A. (2009). A study on customer satisfaction in Indian Retail Banking. The IUP Journal of Management Research, 8(11), 45-61.
  • Moliner, M. Á., Monferrer-Tirado, D., & Estrada-Guillén, M. (2018). Consequences of customer engagement and customer self-brand connection. Journal of Services Marketing, 32(4), 387-399.
  • Nazir, B., Ali, M. ve Jamil, M. (2016). The impact of brand image on the customer retention: a mediating role of customer satisfaction in Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 5(3), 56-61.
  • Parise, S., Guinan, P. J. and Kafka, R. (2016). Solving the crisis of immediacy: How digital technology can transform the customer experience. Business Horizons, 59(4), 411-420.
  • Piyathasanan, B., Mathies, C., Wetzels, M., Patterson, P.G. and Ruyter, K. (2015), A Hierarchical Model of Virtual Experience and Its Influences on the Perceived Value and Loyalty of Customers, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 19(2), 126-158.
  • Ramseook-Munhurrun, P. ve Naidoo, P. (2011), Customers’ perspectives of service quality in internet banking, Services Marketing Quarterly, 32(4), 247-264.
  • Raza, S. A., Jawaid, S. T., Hassan, A. and Burton, B. (2015). Internet banking and customer satisfaction in Pakistan. Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, 7(1), 24-36.
  • Sharifi, S.S. and Esfidani, M.R. (2014), The impacts of relationship marketing on cognitive dissonance, satisfaction, and loyalty: the mediating role of trust and cognitive dissonance, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 42(6), 553-575.
  • Shin, J. W. (2021). Mediating effect of satisfaction in the relationship between customer experience and intention to reuse digital banks in Korea. Social Behavior & Personality: an international journal, 49(2), 1-18.
  • Srinivasan, S.S., Anderson, R. and Ponnavolu, K. (2002), Customer loyalty in e-commerce: an expectation of its antecedents and consequences, Journal of Retailing, 78(1), 41-50.
  • Tam, C. and Oliveira, T. (2017). “Literature review of mobile banking and individual performance”. International Journal of Bank Marketing.35(7), 1042-1065
  • Thaichon, P., Lobo, A. and Mitsis, A. (2014), An empirical model of home internet services quality inThailand, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 26(2), 190-210.
  • Tsai, M.T., Tsai, C.L. and Chang, H.C. (2010), The effect of customer value, customer satisfaction, and switching costs on customer loyalty: an empirical study of hypermarkets in Taiwan, Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 38(6), 729-740.
  • TÜSİAD, Samsung Türkiye, Deloitte Türkiye, GFK Türkiye, (2016), Türkiye'deki Dijital Değişime CEO Bakışı,
  • Valenzuela, L., Torres, E., Hidalgo, P. and Farías, P. (2014). Salesperson CLV Orientation's Effect on Performance. Journal of Business Research, 67(4), 550-557.
  • Verhoef, P., Lemon, K., Parasuraman, A., Roggeveen, A., Tsiros, M. and Schlesinger, L. (2009), Customer Experience Creation: Determinants, Dynamics and Management Strategies, Journal of Retailing, 85(1), 31-41.
  • Waite, K. and Harrison, T. (2015), Online banking adoption: We should know better 20 years on, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 20(4), 258-272.
  • Yuan, S., Liu, L., Su, B. and Zhang, H. (2020). Determining the antecedents of mobile payment loyalty: Cognitive and affective perspectives. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 41, 100971.
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Dr.öğretim Üyesi Serkan Demirel 0000-0002-7285-1504

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Eylül 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirel, D. Ü. S. (2022). DİJİTAL BANKACILIK UYGULAMALARININ MÜŞTERİ DENEYİMİ, TATMİNİ VE SADAKATE ETKİSİ. Uluslararası Anadolu Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(4), 1358-1373.

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