Year 2022,
, 131 - 150, 07.08.2022
Oğuzhan Ece
Bülent Diclehan Çadırcı
Çalışma, Türkiye ölçeğinde firmalar ile firma çıkar grupları arasındaki güvencenin temellerinden biri olan denetim raporlarının, firma piyasa değeri üzerindeki etkilerini tespit edip ampirik kanıtlar sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çerçevede 2010/Q1-2021/Q3 dönemi için BİST 100’de yer alan ve finansal olmayan 77 firma özelinde olumlu, olumsuz ve görüş bildirmekten kaçınma şeklindeki denetim görüşleri panel veri metodolojisi çerçevesinde Driscoll-Kraay Tahmin yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Analiz sonucunda firma piyasa değerini olumlu denetim görüşünün pozitif, görüş bildirmekten kaçınma şeklindeki denetim görüşünün ise negatif etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Diğer yandan olumsuz denetim raporları ile firma değeri arasında anlamlı bir ilişkiye rastlanılmamıştır. Çalışma neticesinde ulaşılan sonuçların denetim görüşü ve firma değer ilişkisi özelindeki sınırlı literatüre katkı sağlamasının yanında yatırım sürecinde yatırımcılar için bir perspektif oluşturabileceği de beklenmektedir.
- Abad, D., Sánchez-Ballesta, J.P., ve Yagüe, J, (2017), Audit Opinions and Information Asymmetry in the Stock Market, Capital Markets: Market Efficiency eJournal,565-595.
- Acar, M. ve Temiz, H. (2019), Denetçi Görüşlerinin Pay Senedi Getirileri Üzerindeki Etkisi, Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış, 19 (58), 173-194.
- Ahmadi, M. R., Sedghiani, B. A., ve Jamali, K. (2014), Economic Consequences Qualified Audit Opinions: Evidence from listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange, Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 2502,1-7.
- Al-Attar, K. A. (2017), The impact of auditing on stock prices of Amman stock market’s listed companies, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(6), 210-220.
- Al-Thuneibat, A., Khamees, B.A., ve Al-Fayoumi, N. (2007), The effect of qualified auditors' opinions on share prices: evidence from Jordan, Managerial Auditing Journal, 23, 84-101.
- Andi, K. ve Nuraini, I. (2020), The Effect of Public Accountant Reputation, Audit Opinion, and Institutional Ownership on Timeliness of Financial Reporting and Its Impact on the Value of the Firm of Manufacturing Sectors in Indonesian Stock Exchange, IAR Journal of Business Management, 1(4),
- Anvarkhatibi, S., Safashur, M., ve Mohammadi, J. (2012), The effect of auditors opinions on shares prices and returns in Tehran stock exchange, Research Journal of Management Sciences, 1(1), 23-27.
- Ardiana, P. A. (2014), The role of external audit in improving firm’s value: Case of Indonesia, 5th International Conference of The Japanese Accounting Review (TJAR),1-15.
- Chen, C.J., Su, X., ve Zhao, R. (2000), An Emerging Market's Reaction to Initial Modified Audit Opinions: Evidence from the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Contemporary Accounting Research, 17, 429-455.
- Chen, S., Hu, B., Wu, D., ve Zhao, Z. (2019), When Auditors Say 'No', Does the Market Listen? Emerging Markets, European Accounting Review, Available at SSRN:
- Ercan, C., ve İşseveroğlu, G. (2016), Olumlu Denetçi Görüşünün Hisse Senedi Fiyatlarına Etkisi: Borsa İstanbul Örneği, Akademik Bakış Dergisi,5(1), 630-639.
- Farida, A.L., Roziq, A., ve Wardayati, S.M. (2019), Determinant variables of enterprise risk management (ERM), audit opinions and company value on insurance emitents listed in Indonesia stock exchange, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 8(7), 288-293.
- Hoti, A.H., Ismajli, H., Ahmeti, S., ve Dërmaku, A. (2012), Effects of Audit Opinion on Stock Prices: The case of Croatia and Slovenia, EuroEconomica, 2(31), 75-87.
- Jovyni, R., Islamis, ve Katoul, A, (2016), Investigate the Relationship between Audit opinion and Information Asymmetry in Listed Firms of Tehran Stock Exchange,33-37
- Kara, S. (2015), Denetim Görüşlerinin Hisse Senedi Anormal Getirileri Üzerine Etkisinin 2009-2014 Yılları Bazında Ölçümlenmesi, Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamaları Dergisi, 137-152,
- Karaçor, Z.Ö.vd. (2016), VERİMLİLİK, DÖVİZ KURU VE AÇIKLIK İLİŞKİSİ: OECD ÜLKELERİ ÖRNEĞİ, Ç.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 25 (3), 287-306.
- Khaddafi, M. (2015), Effect of Debt Default, Audit Quality and Acceptance of Audit Opinion Going Concern in Manufacturing Company in Indonesia Stock Exchange, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 5(1), 80-91.
- Lanniello, G., ve Galloppo, G. (2015), Stock market reaction to auditor opinions – Italian evidence, Managerial Auditing Journal, 30, 610-632.
- Leo Handoko, B., ve Michaela, C. (2021), How Audit Opinion Increase Value Added in Indonesian Sustainability Index Corporation, 7th International Conference on E-Business and Applications,101-110.
- Maharani, N. K. (2020), Pengaruh predıksı kebangkrutan, profıtabılıtas dan opını audıt terhadap nılaı perusahaan, Forum Ilmiah, 17 (3), 364-374.
- Moghaddam, A.G., Monavar, A., Mostafaei, Z., Ghased, B., ve Kakhki, S.A. (2016), Investigating the Relationship between Audit Opinion and Earnings Persistence of Listed Firms in Tehran Stock Exchange, Specialty Journal Of Accounting And Economics, 2 (1), 71-76.
- Moradi, M., Salehi, M., Rigi, M., ve Moeinizade, M. (2011), The effect of qualified audit report on share prices and returns: Evidence of Iran, African Journal of Business Management, 5(8), 3354-3360.
- Muslih, M., ve Amin, M.N.(2018), The influence of audit opinion to the company stock price, Proceedıngs Unıversıtas Pamulang, 1(1).
- Nguyen, X. H. ve Trinh, H.T.(2020), Corporate social responsibility and the non-linear effect on audit opinion for energy firms in Vietnam, Cogent Business & Management, 7(1), 757-841.
- Ola, P.O., ve Oto, T.E.(2019), Audit Reputation and Independence Influence on the Market Value of Firms in Nigeria, Journal of Accounting, Business, and Finance, 4(1), 58-68.
- Pakdaman, H.(2018), Auditor's Opinion and Market Reaction of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE), Revista Publicando, 5(14(2)), 101-118.
- Pesaran, H.M. (2007), A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross-section dependence, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(2), 265-312.
- Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels. IZA Discussion Paper No. 1240.
Pesaran, M. H., ve Yamagata, T. (2008). Testing slope homogeneity in large panels. Journal of Econometrics(142), 50-93.
- Prasetyo, A.W., ve Rini, R.(2014), Perbandıngan Reaksı Pasar Sebelum Dan Sesudah Pengumuman Opını Audıt Unqualıfıed.
- Purbawati,D.(2016), Pengaruh Opini Denetim Dan Luas Pengungkapan Sukarela Terhadap Perubahan Harga Saham (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Go Public Di Indonesia Tahun 2013-2015), Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Undip , 5 (1), 6-12.
- Salawu, R.O., Moromoke O., (2017), Going Concern and Audit Opinion of Nigerian Banking Industry (2017), Revista Internacional Administracion & Finanzas, 9 (1) ,63-72, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn,com/abstract=3025041
- Salim, A. (2016), The Effect of Qualified Auditors' Opinions on Share Prices: Evidence from Tunis, Capital Markets: Market Efficiency eJournal Available at SSRN: https://ssrn,com/abstract=2846391 or http://dx,doi,org/10,2139/ssrn, 2846391,1-14.
- Selimoğlu, S., Özbirecikli, M., Uzay, Ş., ve Uyar, S.(2015), Bağımsız denetim, (Türkiye Denetim Standartlarıyla Uyumlaştırılmış), Nobel Yayınları, Yayın No: 462, Ankara, ISBN: 978-605-320-769-6
- Tahinakis, P., ve Samarinas, M. (2016), The incremental information content of audit opinion, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 17, 139-169.
- Tahinakis, P., Mylonakis, J., ve Daskalopoulou, E. (2010), An Appraisal of the Impact of Audit Qualifications on Firms' Stock Exchange Price Fluctuations, Enterprise Risk Management, 2(1), 86-99.
- Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2017). Panel Zaman Serleri Analizi. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayın Dağıtım A.Ş.
- Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2018). Panel Veri Ekonometrisi Stata Uygulamalı. İstanbul: Beta Basın Yayın Dağıtım A.Ş.
- T.C. Resmi Gazete. Türk Ticaret Kanunu, 13/1/2011, Sayı: 27846, Başbakanlık Basımevi, Ankara.
- Vaziri, A., ve Azadi, K.(2017), The Impact of Audit Reports on Financial Information Content, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues,7(3), 304-308.
- Vichitsarawong, T., ve Pornupatham, S. (2015), Do audit opinions reflect earnings persistence, Managerial Auditing Journal, 30, 244-276.
- Wang, Y. (2005), Market Reaction to Audit Opinions of Companies Listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, University of New South Wales.
- Wickramasingha, S., ve Nanayakkara, K.(2015), The External Auditor’s Opinions and The Stakeholders’ Purposes: An Empirical Analysis in Sri Lanka, Kelaniya Journal of Management, 31-49.
Year 2022,
, 131 - 150, 07.08.2022
Oğuzhan Ece
Bülent Diclehan Çadırcı
- Abad, D., Sánchez-Ballesta, J.P., ve Yagüe, J, (2017), Audit Opinions and Information Asymmetry in the Stock Market, Capital Markets: Market Efficiency eJournal,565-595.
- Acar, M. ve Temiz, H. (2019), Denetçi Görüşlerinin Pay Senedi Getirileri Üzerindeki Etkisi, Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış, 19 (58), 173-194.
- Ahmadi, M. R., Sedghiani, B. A., ve Jamali, K. (2014), Economic Consequences Qualified Audit Opinions: Evidence from listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange, Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 2502,1-7.
- Al-Attar, K. A. (2017), The impact of auditing on stock prices of Amman stock market’s listed companies, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(6), 210-220.
- Al-Thuneibat, A., Khamees, B.A., ve Al-Fayoumi, N. (2007), The effect of qualified auditors' opinions on share prices: evidence from Jordan, Managerial Auditing Journal, 23, 84-101.
- Andi, K. ve Nuraini, I. (2020), The Effect of Public Accountant Reputation, Audit Opinion, and Institutional Ownership on Timeliness of Financial Reporting and Its Impact on the Value of the Firm of Manufacturing Sectors in Indonesian Stock Exchange, IAR Journal of Business Management, 1(4),
- Anvarkhatibi, S., Safashur, M., ve Mohammadi, J. (2012), The effect of auditors opinions on shares prices and returns in Tehran stock exchange, Research Journal of Management Sciences, 1(1), 23-27.
- Ardiana, P. A. (2014), The role of external audit in improving firm’s value: Case of Indonesia, 5th International Conference of The Japanese Accounting Review (TJAR),1-15.
- Chen, C.J., Su, X., ve Zhao, R. (2000), An Emerging Market's Reaction to Initial Modified Audit Opinions: Evidence from the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Contemporary Accounting Research, 17, 429-455.
- Chen, S., Hu, B., Wu, D., ve Zhao, Z. (2019), When Auditors Say 'No', Does the Market Listen? Emerging Markets, European Accounting Review, Available at SSRN:
- Ercan, C., ve İşseveroğlu, G. (2016), Olumlu Denetçi Görüşünün Hisse Senedi Fiyatlarına Etkisi: Borsa İstanbul Örneği, Akademik Bakış Dergisi,5(1), 630-639.
- Farida, A.L., Roziq, A., ve Wardayati, S.M. (2019), Determinant variables of enterprise risk management (ERM), audit opinions and company value on insurance emitents listed in Indonesia stock exchange, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 8(7), 288-293.
- Hoti, A.H., Ismajli, H., Ahmeti, S., ve Dërmaku, A. (2012), Effects of Audit Opinion on Stock Prices: The case of Croatia and Slovenia, EuroEconomica, 2(31), 75-87.
- Jovyni, R., Islamis, ve Katoul, A, (2016), Investigate the Relationship between Audit opinion and Information Asymmetry in Listed Firms of Tehran Stock Exchange,33-37
- Kara, S. (2015), Denetim Görüşlerinin Hisse Senedi Anormal Getirileri Üzerine Etkisinin 2009-2014 Yılları Bazında Ölçümlenmesi, Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamaları Dergisi, 137-152,
- Karaçor, Z.Ö.vd. (2016), VERİMLİLİK, DÖVİZ KURU VE AÇIKLIK İLİŞKİSİ: OECD ÜLKELERİ ÖRNEĞİ, Ç.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 25 (3), 287-306.
- Khaddafi, M. (2015), Effect of Debt Default, Audit Quality and Acceptance of Audit Opinion Going Concern in Manufacturing Company in Indonesia Stock Exchange, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 5(1), 80-91.
- Lanniello, G., ve Galloppo, G. (2015), Stock market reaction to auditor opinions – Italian evidence, Managerial Auditing Journal, 30, 610-632.
- Leo Handoko, B., ve Michaela, C. (2021), How Audit Opinion Increase Value Added in Indonesian Sustainability Index Corporation, 7th International Conference on E-Business and Applications,101-110.
- Maharani, N. K. (2020), Pengaruh predıksı kebangkrutan, profıtabılıtas dan opını audıt terhadap nılaı perusahaan, Forum Ilmiah, 17 (3), 364-374.
- Moghaddam, A.G., Monavar, A., Mostafaei, Z., Ghased, B., ve Kakhki, S.A. (2016), Investigating the Relationship between Audit Opinion and Earnings Persistence of Listed Firms in Tehran Stock Exchange, Specialty Journal Of Accounting And Economics, 2 (1), 71-76.
- Moradi, M., Salehi, M., Rigi, M., ve Moeinizade, M. (2011), The effect of qualified audit report on share prices and returns: Evidence of Iran, African Journal of Business Management, 5(8), 3354-3360.
- Muslih, M., ve Amin, M.N.(2018), The influence of audit opinion to the company stock price, Proceedıngs Unıversıtas Pamulang, 1(1).
- Nguyen, X. H. ve Trinh, H.T.(2020), Corporate social responsibility and the non-linear effect on audit opinion for energy firms in Vietnam, Cogent Business & Management, 7(1), 757-841.
- Ola, P.O., ve Oto, T.E.(2019), Audit Reputation and Independence Influence on the Market Value of Firms in Nigeria, Journal of Accounting, Business, and Finance, 4(1), 58-68.
- Pakdaman, H.(2018), Auditor's Opinion and Market Reaction of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE), Revista Publicando, 5(14(2)), 101-118.
- Pesaran, H.M. (2007), A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross-section dependence, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(2), 265-312.
- Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels. IZA Discussion Paper No. 1240.
Pesaran, M. H., ve Yamagata, T. (2008). Testing slope homogeneity in large panels. Journal of Econometrics(142), 50-93.
- Prasetyo, A.W., ve Rini, R.(2014), Perbandıngan Reaksı Pasar Sebelum Dan Sesudah Pengumuman Opını Audıt Unqualıfıed.
- Purbawati,D.(2016), Pengaruh Opini Denetim Dan Luas Pengungkapan Sukarela Terhadap Perubahan Harga Saham (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Go Public Di Indonesia Tahun 2013-2015), Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Undip , 5 (1), 6-12.
- Salawu, R.O., Moromoke O., (2017), Going Concern and Audit Opinion of Nigerian Banking Industry (2017), Revista Internacional Administracion & Finanzas, 9 (1) ,63-72, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn,com/abstract=3025041
- Salim, A. (2016), The Effect of Qualified Auditors' Opinions on Share Prices: Evidence from Tunis, Capital Markets: Market Efficiency eJournal Available at SSRN: https://ssrn,com/abstract=2846391 or http://dx,doi,org/10,2139/ssrn, 2846391,1-14.
- Selimoğlu, S., Özbirecikli, M., Uzay, Ş., ve Uyar, S.(2015), Bağımsız denetim, (Türkiye Denetim Standartlarıyla Uyumlaştırılmış), Nobel Yayınları, Yayın No: 462, Ankara, ISBN: 978-605-320-769-6
- Tahinakis, P., ve Samarinas, M. (2016), The incremental information content of audit opinion, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 17, 139-169.
- Tahinakis, P., Mylonakis, J., ve Daskalopoulou, E. (2010), An Appraisal of the Impact of Audit Qualifications on Firms' Stock Exchange Price Fluctuations, Enterprise Risk Management, 2(1), 86-99.
- Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2017). Panel Zaman Serleri Analizi. İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayın Dağıtım A.Ş.
- Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2018). Panel Veri Ekonometrisi Stata Uygulamalı. İstanbul: Beta Basın Yayın Dağıtım A.Ş.
- T.C. Resmi Gazete. Türk Ticaret Kanunu, 13/1/2011, Sayı: 27846, Başbakanlık Basımevi, Ankara.
- Vaziri, A., ve Azadi, K.(2017), The Impact of Audit Reports on Financial Information Content, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues,7(3), 304-308.
- Vichitsarawong, T., ve Pornupatham, S. (2015), Do audit opinions reflect earnings persistence, Managerial Auditing Journal, 30, 244-276.
- Wang, Y. (2005), Market Reaction to Audit Opinions of Companies Listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, University of New South Wales.
- Wickramasingha, S., ve Nanayakkara, K.(2015), The External Auditor’s Opinions and The Stakeholders’ Purposes: An Empirical Analysis in Sri Lanka, Kelaniya Journal of Management, 31-49.