Research Article
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Year 2017, , 593 - 606, 25.10.2017


çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren turizm tesislerinin sosyal
medyadaki faaliyetlerinin etkinliğini Facebook özelinde ölçmek ve paylaşımların
etkinliğinin artırılabilmesi için öneriler ortaya koymaktır. Bu doğrultuda
gerçekleştirilen araştırmada turizm tesislerinin Facebook hesabının kullanım
durumu ve sıklığı ölçülmüş, paylaşılan içerik tipinin, takipçilerin etkileşimi
üzerindeki olası etkilerinin belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Araştırmanın amacı
kapsamında Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren tüm 5 yıldızlı turizm tesisleri
araştırmaya dahil edilmiştir. Tesislerin belirlenmesinde T.C. Turizm ve Kültür
Bakanlığı’ndan elde edilen turizm işletmesi belgeli kuruluşlar listesi esas
alınmıştır. Listede yer alan toplam 612 turizm tesisinden aktif olarak Facebook
sayfasını kullanan 441 adedi Facebook hesapları üzerinden veri toplanmıştır. Söz
konusu 441 adet 5 yıldızlı otelin 1 ay boyunca yaptıkları paylaşımlar araştırmaya
esas alınmış ve bir içerik formu yardımıyla 2,012 paylaşımla ilgili veriye ulaşılmıştır.
Paylaşım, içerik kategorisi, içerik dikkat çekiciliği, sunulan interaktiflik ve
elde edilen takipçi etkileşimi (beğeni, yorum sayısı ve yorumun niteliği)
hakkında bilgi toplanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler filtrelenerek analiz için
uygun olan 1847 paylaşım SPSS programı yardımıyla analiz edilmiştir.


  • Akehurst, G. (2009). User generated content: the use of blogs for tourism organizations and tourism consumers. Service Business 3( I): 51-61.
  • Batra, R., A. Ahuvia, and R. P. Bagozzi (2012). “Brand Love.” Journal Of Marketing, 76, 2, pp.1-16.
  • Bickart, B. ve Schindler, R. M. (2001). Internet forums as influential sources of consumer information. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 15(3), 31–40. doi:10.1002/dir.1014
  • Bronner, F. ve de Hoog, R. (2010). Consumer-generated versus marketer-generated websites in consumer decision making. International Journal of Market Research, 52(2), 231. doi:10.2501/S1470785309201193
  • Buhalis, D., & Law, R. (2008). Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research. Tourism management, 29(4), 609-623.
  • Chan, Nga Ling ve Guillet, B.D. (2011). Investigation of Social Media Marketing: How Does the Hotel Industry in Hong Kong Perform in Marketing on Social Media Websites?, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Vol.28: 345-368
  • Cheung, C. M. K. ve Pui-Yee Chiu, M. K. O. L. (2011). Online social networks: Why do students use facebook? Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1), 1337–1343.
  • Coyle, J. R. ve Thorson, E. (2001). The Effects of Progressive Levels of Interactivity and Vividness in Web Marketing Sites. Journal of Advertising, 30(3), 65–77. doi:10.1080/00913367.2001.10673646
  • de Vries, L., Gensler, S. ve Leeflang, P. S. H. (2012). Popularity of Brand Posts on Brand Fan Pages: An Investigation of the Effects of Social Media Marketing. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 26(2), 83–91. doi:10.1016/j.intmar.2012.01.003
  • Dholakia, U. M., Bagozzi, R. P. ve Pearo, L. K. (2004). A social influence model of consumer participation in network- and small-group-based virtual communities. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 21(3), 241–263. doi:10.1016/j.ijresmar.2003.12.004
  • Drèze, X. ve Hussherr, F.-X. (2003). Internet advertising: Is anybody watching? Journal of Interactive Marketing, 17(4), 8–23. doi:10.1002/dir.10063
  • Ducoffe, R. (1996). Advertising value and advertising on the web. Journal of Advertising Research, 36(5), 21–35. adresinden erişildi.
  • Evans, D. (2008), Social Media Marketing An Hour a Day, Wiley Publishing, Indiana
  • Fennis, B. M. ve Stroebe, W. (2010). The Psychology of Advertising (1. bs.). New York, NY, USA: Psychology Press.
  • Fortin, D. R. ve Dholakia, R. R. (2005). Interactivity and vividness effects on social presence and involvement with a web-based advertisement. Journal of Business Research, 58(3), 387–396. doi:10.1016/S0148-2963(03)00106-1
  • Gruen, T. W., Osmonbekov, T. ve Czaplewski, A. J. (2006). eWOM: The impact of customer-to-customer online know-how exchange on customer value and loyalty. Journal of Business Research, 59(4), 449–456. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2005.10.004
  • Haghirian, P., Madlberger, M. ve Tanuskova, A. (2005). Increasing advertising value of mobile marketing-an empirical study of antecedents. 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1–10. adresinden erişildi.
  • Hoffman, D., and M. Fodor. (2010). “Can you Measure the ROI of your Social Media Marketing?” MIT Sloan Management Review 52, 1 (2010): 41-49.
  • Hollis, N. (2011).“The Value of a Social Media Fan”, Millward Brown 2011: [URL:], accessed on 19.03.2017.
  • Hsu, Y. L. (2012). Facebook as International E-Marketing Strategy of Taiwan Hotels, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31: 972– 980.
  • Hudson, S. ve Thal, K. (2013). The Impact of Social Media on the Consumer Decision Process: Implications for Tourism Marketing, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Vol. 30 (1-2): 156-160
  • Huang, L. (2012). Social Media as a New Play in a Marketing Channel Strategy: Evidence from Taiwan Travel Agencies’ Blogs. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 17(6), 615–634. doi:10.1080/10941665.2011.635664
  • Kaplan, A. M. ve Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons, 53(1), 59–68. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2009.09.003
  • Kim, Y. J. ve Han, J. (2014). Why smartphone advertising attracts customers: A model of Web advertising, flow, and personalization. Computers in Human Behavior, 33, 256–269. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.01.015
  • Leung, D., Law, R., Hoof, v. Hubert ve Buhalis, D. (2013). Social Media in Tourism and Hospitality: A Literature Review, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Vol.30(1-2): 3-22, DOI:10.1080/10548408.2013.750919
  • Leung, D., Law, R. ve Lee, H. A. (2011). The perceived destination image of Hong Kong on International Journal of Tourism Research, 13(2), 124–140. doi:10.1002/jtr.803
  • Lin, K.-Y. ve Lu, H.-P. (2011). Why people use social networking sites: An empirical study integrating network externalities and motivation theory. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(3), 1152–1161. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2010.12.009
  • Litvin, S. W., Goldsmith, R. E., & Pan, B. (2008). Electronic word-of-mouth in hospitality and tourism management. Tourism Management, 29(3), 458–468.
  • Lohtia, R., Donthu, N., Hershberger, E.K. (2003). The Impact of Content and Design Elements on Banner Advertising Click-through Rates. Journal of Advertising Research, 43 (4): 410–418
  • Mack, W. R., Blose, J. E., ve Pan, B. (2008). Believe it or not: Credibility of Blogs in Tourism, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 14(2): 133-144
  • Mangold, W. G. ve Faulds, D. J. (2009). Social Media: The New Hybrid Element of The Promotion Mix, Busiess Horizons, (52): 357-365
  • Milano, R., Baggio, R., & Piattelli, R. (2011). The effects of online social media on tourism websites, Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2011, Springer – Verlag/ Wien, pp 471-483
  • Morrison, A. M., J., S., O’Leary, J. T., ve Lipping, A. C. (2001). Predicting Usage of the Internet for travel bookings: an exploratory study. Information Technology & Tourism, 4(1): 15-30.
  • Muntinga, D. G., Moorman, M. ve Smit, E. G. (2011). Introducting COBRAs: Exploring motivations for brand-related social media use. International Journal of Advertising, 30(1), 13. doi:10.2501/IJA-30-1-013-046
  • Pollock, A. (1995). Occasional studies: The impact of information technology on destination marketing. EIU Travel and Tourism Analyst, 3, 66-83.
  • Schmallegger, D. ve Carson, D. (2008). Blogs in tourism: Changing approaches to information exchange. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 14(2), 99–110. doi:10.1177/1356766707087519
  • Siau, K. ve Shen, Z. (2003). Building Customer Trust in Mobile Commerce. Communications of the ACM, 46(4), 91–94. doi:10.1145/641205.641211
  • Solis, B. ve Breakenridge, D. (2009), Putting the Public Back in Public Relations, New Jersey, FT Press.
  • Steuer, J. (1992). Defining Virtual Reality: Dimensions Determining Telepresence, Journal of Communication, 42 (2), 81, Unz, D.C. and Hesse.
  • Taylor, D. G., Lewin, J. E. ve Strutton, D. (2011). Friends, Fans, and Followers: Do Ads Workon Social Networks? Advertising Research, 51(No. 1), 258–275.
  • Varnali, K., Yilmaz, C. ve Toker, A. (2012). Predictors of attitudinal and behavioral outcomes in mobile advertising: A field experiment. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 11(6), 570–581. doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2012.08.002
  • Weiss, A.M., Lurie N.H. & Macinnis OJ. (2008). Listening to Strangers: Whose Responses Are Valuable, How Valuable Are They, and Why? Journal of Marketing Research 45(4): 425-436.
  • White, L. (2010). Facebook, Friends and Photos: A Snapchat into Social Networking for Generating Travel Ideas. In Sharda (Ed.), Tourism Informatics, Visual Travel Recommender Systems, Social Communities and User Interface Design (ss. 115-129). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Yoo, K.- H., Lee, Y., Gretzel, U., ve Fesenmaier, D. R. (2009). Trust in Travel Related Consumer Generated Media. In Höpken, W., Gretzel, U., Law, R. (Eds), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, NY: Springer
  • Zeng B (2013) Social Media in Tourism. J Tourism Hospit 2:e125. doi:10.4172/2167-0269.1000e125


Year 2017, , 593 - 606, 25.10.2017


The aim of
this study is to measure the effectiveness of social media activities of
tourism establishments operating in Turkey. Suggestions to improve the
efficiency of these mediums are also aimed to be arrived at. In this study, Facebook
account use behavior of tourism establishments’ was measured and possible
effects of type and content of posts on followers' interaction were discussed.
All 5-star tourism facilities operating in Turkey were included in the scope of
the study. These institutions were obtained from Ministry of Tourism and
Culture’s public information database that includes all certified tourism
establishment in Turkey. The Facebook accounts of the 441 hotels that actively use
Facebook from a total of 612 hotels were examined. Their posts on Facebook for
1 month were taken as basis of the data collection. Information on Facebook
posts of hotels were collected using a traditional content analysis form. A
total of 2,012 posts were collected that provide information on post content
category, content type, interactivity offered, follower interaction (likes and
comments). The obtained data were filtered down to 1847 posts, which were then
analyzed in SPSS application. 


  • Akehurst, G. (2009). User generated content: the use of blogs for tourism organizations and tourism consumers. Service Business 3( I): 51-61.
  • Batra, R., A. Ahuvia, and R. P. Bagozzi (2012). “Brand Love.” Journal Of Marketing, 76, 2, pp.1-16.
  • Bickart, B. ve Schindler, R. M. (2001). Internet forums as influential sources of consumer information. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 15(3), 31–40. doi:10.1002/dir.1014
  • Bronner, F. ve de Hoog, R. (2010). Consumer-generated versus marketer-generated websites in consumer decision making. International Journal of Market Research, 52(2), 231. doi:10.2501/S1470785309201193
  • Buhalis, D., & Law, R. (2008). Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research. Tourism management, 29(4), 609-623.
  • Chan, Nga Ling ve Guillet, B.D. (2011). Investigation of Social Media Marketing: How Does the Hotel Industry in Hong Kong Perform in Marketing on Social Media Websites?, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Vol.28: 345-368
  • Cheung, C. M. K. ve Pui-Yee Chiu, M. K. O. L. (2011). Online social networks: Why do students use facebook? Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1), 1337–1343.
  • Coyle, J. R. ve Thorson, E. (2001). The Effects of Progressive Levels of Interactivity and Vividness in Web Marketing Sites. Journal of Advertising, 30(3), 65–77. doi:10.1080/00913367.2001.10673646
  • de Vries, L., Gensler, S. ve Leeflang, P. S. H. (2012). Popularity of Brand Posts on Brand Fan Pages: An Investigation of the Effects of Social Media Marketing. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 26(2), 83–91. doi:10.1016/j.intmar.2012.01.003
  • Dholakia, U. M., Bagozzi, R. P. ve Pearo, L. K. (2004). A social influence model of consumer participation in network- and small-group-based virtual communities. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 21(3), 241–263. doi:10.1016/j.ijresmar.2003.12.004
  • Drèze, X. ve Hussherr, F.-X. (2003). Internet advertising: Is anybody watching? Journal of Interactive Marketing, 17(4), 8–23. doi:10.1002/dir.10063
  • Ducoffe, R. (1996). Advertising value and advertising on the web. Journal of Advertising Research, 36(5), 21–35. adresinden erişildi.
  • Evans, D. (2008), Social Media Marketing An Hour a Day, Wiley Publishing, Indiana
  • Fennis, B. M. ve Stroebe, W. (2010). The Psychology of Advertising (1. bs.). New York, NY, USA: Psychology Press.
  • Fortin, D. R. ve Dholakia, R. R. (2005). Interactivity and vividness effects on social presence and involvement with a web-based advertisement. Journal of Business Research, 58(3), 387–396. doi:10.1016/S0148-2963(03)00106-1
  • Gruen, T. W., Osmonbekov, T. ve Czaplewski, A. J. (2006). eWOM: The impact of customer-to-customer online know-how exchange on customer value and loyalty. Journal of Business Research, 59(4), 449–456. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2005.10.004
  • Haghirian, P., Madlberger, M. ve Tanuskova, A. (2005). Increasing advertising value of mobile marketing-an empirical study of antecedents. 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1–10. adresinden erişildi.
  • Hoffman, D., and M. Fodor. (2010). “Can you Measure the ROI of your Social Media Marketing?” MIT Sloan Management Review 52, 1 (2010): 41-49.
  • Hollis, N. (2011).“The Value of a Social Media Fan”, Millward Brown 2011: [URL:], accessed on 19.03.2017.
  • Hsu, Y. L. (2012). Facebook as International E-Marketing Strategy of Taiwan Hotels, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31: 972– 980.
  • Hudson, S. ve Thal, K. (2013). The Impact of Social Media on the Consumer Decision Process: Implications for Tourism Marketing, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Vol. 30 (1-2): 156-160
  • Huang, L. (2012). Social Media as a New Play in a Marketing Channel Strategy: Evidence from Taiwan Travel Agencies’ Blogs. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 17(6), 615–634. doi:10.1080/10941665.2011.635664
  • Kaplan, A. M. ve Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons, 53(1), 59–68. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2009.09.003
  • Kim, Y. J. ve Han, J. (2014). Why smartphone advertising attracts customers: A model of Web advertising, flow, and personalization. Computers in Human Behavior, 33, 256–269. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.01.015
  • Leung, D., Law, R., Hoof, v. Hubert ve Buhalis, D. (2013). Social Media in Tourism and Hospitality: A Literature Review, Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Vol.30(1-2): 3-22, DOI:10.1080/10548408.2013.750919
  • Leung, D., Law, R. ve Lee, H. A. (2011). The perceived destination image of Hong Kong on International Journal of Tourism Research, 13(2), 124–140. doi:10.1002/jtr.803
  • Lin, K.-Y. ve Lu, H.-P. (2011). Why people use social networking sites: An empirical study integrating network externalities and motivation theory. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(3), 1152–1161. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2010.12.009
  • Litvin, S. W., Goldsmith, R. E., & Pan, B. (2008). Electronic word-of-mouth in hospitality and tourism management. Tourism Management, 29(3), 458–468.
  • Lohtia, R., Donthu, N., Hershberger, E.K. (2003). The Impact of Content and Design Elements on Banner Advertising Click-through Rates. Journal of Advertising Research, 43 (4): 410–418
  • Mack, W. R., Blose, J. E., ve Pan, B. (2008). Believe it or not: Credibility of Blogs in Tourism, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 14(2): 133-144
  • Mangold, W. G. ve Faulds, D. J. (2009). Social Media: The New Hybrid Element of The Promotion Mix, Busiess Horizons, (52): 357-365
  • Milano, R., Baggio, R., & Piattelli, R. (2011). The effects of online social media on tourism websites, Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2011, Springer – Verlag/ Wien, pp 471-483
  • Morrison, A. M., J., S., O’Leary, J. T., ve Lipping, A. C. (2001). Predicting Usage of the Internet for travel bookings: an exploratory study. Information Technology & Tourism, 4(1): 15-30.
  • Muntinga, D. G., Moorman, M. ve Smit, E. G. (2011). Introducting COBRAs: Exploring motivations for brand-related social media use. International Journal of Advertising, 30(1), 13. doi:10.2501/IJA-30-1-013-046
  • Pollock, A. (1995). Occasional studies: The impact of information technology on destination marketing. EIU Travel and Tourism Analyst, 3, 66-83.
  • Schmallegger, D. ve Carson, D. (2008). Blogs in tourism: Changing approaches to information exchange. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 14(2), 99–110. doi:10.1177/1356766707087519
  • Siau, K. ve Shen, Z. (2003). Building Customer Trust in Mobile Commerce. Communications of the ACM, 46(4), 91–94. doi:10.1145/641205.641211
  • Solis, B. ve Breakenridge, D. (2009), Putting the Public Back in Public Relations, New Jersey, FT Press.
  • Steuer, J. (1992). Defining Virtual Reality: Dimensions Determining Telepresence, Journal of Communication, 42 (2), 81, Unz, D.C. and Hesse.
  • Taylor, D. G., Lewin, J. E. ve Strutton, D. (2011). Friends, Fans, and Followers: Do Ads Workon Social Networks? Advertising Research, 51(No. 1), 258–275.
  • Varnali, K., Yilmaz, C. ve Toker, A. (2012). Predictors of attitudinal and behavioral outcomes in mobile advertising: A field experiment. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 11(6), 570–581. doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2012.08.002
  • Weiss, A.M., Lurie N.H. & Macinnis OJ. (2008). Listening to Strangers: Whose Responses Are Valuable, How Valuable Are They, and Why? Journal of Marketing Research 45(4): 425-436.
  • White, L. (2010). Facebook, Friends and Photos: A Snapchat into Social Networking for Generating Travel Ideas. In Sharda (Ed.), Tourism Informatics, Visual Travel Recommender Systems, Social Communities and User Interface Design (ss. 115-129). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Yoo, K.- H., Lee, Y., Gretzel, U., ve Fesenmaier, D. R. (2009). Trust in Travel Related Consumer Generated Media. In Höpken, W., Gretzel, U., Law, R. (Eds), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, NY: Springer
  • Zeng B (2013) Social Media in Tourism. J Tourism Hospit 2:e125. doi:10.4172/2167-0269.1000e125
There are 45 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Bilge Karamehmet

Gökhan Aydın

Publication Date October 25, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017




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