Research Article
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Year 2018, , 179 - 190, 16.01.2018


air transport, where demand is increasing every year, delays due to capacity
constraints have become the most important issue. Because these delays cause
increases in the costs of airline companies, they also cause a decrease in
customer satisfaction. Increasing traffic volume, in particular, prolongs the
delays experienced at airports.
It is a fact that at the Atatürk
Airport, where traffic delays are not lacking due to southwester, it is a known
fact that passengers and airline companies suffer from great difficulties and
damages due to the delays experienced. Queues, occurred by airplanes entering
the queue for departure and waiting for landing, are getting lengthened during southwester
and many expeditions are delayed or canceled. In this study, which aims at
increasing the capacity of Atatürk Airport, which is a decrease in capacity
under southwester, factors affecting the flight delays are analyzed with data


  • Liou, J., Tang, C., Yeh, W., Tsai, C. (2011). A decision Rules Approach for Improvement of Air-port Service Quality. Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 13723-13730. Fan, H., Tarun, P., Shih, D., Kim, S., Chen, V., Rosenberger, J., Bergman, D. (2011). Data Mining Modeling on the Environmental Impact of Airport Deicing Activities. Expert Systems with Applicati-ons, 38, 14899-14906. Smith, L.D., Ehmke, J. F. (2016). A Mathematical Programming Technique for Matching Time-Stamped Records in Logistics and Transportation Systems. Transportation Research Part C, 69, 375-385. Jacobs P. (1999). Data Mining: What General Managers Need to Know. Harvard Management Update, 4(10), 8-9. Linoff G.S., Berry M.J.A. (2011). Data Mining Techniques for Marketing, Sales and Customer Re-lationship Management (3rd ed.). Wiley, Canada. Han J., Kamber M. (2006). Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques (2nd ed.). Morgan Kaufman-nUSA. Ching W. K. and Pong M. K. (2002). Advances in Data Mining and Modeling (1st ed.). World Scientific, Hong Kong. Chien C.F. and Chen L.F. (2008). Data Mining to Improve Personnel Selection and Enhance Human Capital: A Case Study in High-Technology Industry. Expert Systems with Applications, 34, 280-290. Quinlan, J. R. (1993). C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.


Year 2018, , 179 - 190, 16.01.2018


geçen yıl talebin daha da arttığı hava taşımacılığında, kapasite kısıtına bağlı
gecikmeler en önemli konu haline gelmiştir. Çünkü yaşanan bu gecikmeler,
havayolu şirketlerinin maliyetlerinde artışa sebep olurken müşteri
memnuniyetinde de azalmaya neden olmaktadır. Özellikle artan trafik hacmi, havalimanlarında
yaşanan bu gecikmelerin süresini uzatmaktadır. Trafik yoğunluğunun yanı sıra
güney hâkim yönlü rüzgârlar (lodos) kaynaklı rötarların eksik olmadığı Atatürk
Havalimanı’nda yolcuların ve havayolu şirketlerinin yaşanan gecikmeler yüzünden
büyük sıkıntı ve zarara uğradığı bilinen bir gerçektir. Pistte kalkış için
sıraya giren ve iniş için bekleme noktasında bulunan uçakların meydana
getirdiği kuyrukların lodoslu havalarda gittikçe uzaması sonucu çok sayıda
sefer gecikmekte ya da iptal edilmektedir. Güney yönlü rüzgârlar altında
kapasitesinde azalma meydana gelen Atatürk Havalimanı kapasitesini arttırmak
amacıyla gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada, Veri Madenciliği ile uçak
seferlerindeki rötarları etkileyen faktörler analiz edilmektedir. 


  • Liou, J., Tang, C., Yeh, W., Tsai, C. (2011). A decision Rules Approach for Improvement of Air-port Service Quality. Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 13723-13730. Fan, H., Tarun, P., Shih, D., Kim, S., Chen, V., Rosenberger, J., Bergman, D. (2011). Data Mining Modeling on the Environmental Impact of Airport Deicing Activities. Expert Systems with Applicati-ons, 38, 14899-14906. Smith, L.D., Ehmke, J. F. (2016). A Mathematical Programming Technique for Matching Time-Stamped Records in Logistics and Transportation Systems. Transportation Research Part C, 69, 375-385. Jacobs P. (1999). Data Mining: What General Managers Need to Know. Harvard Management Update, 4(10), 8-9. Linoff G.S., Berry M.J.A. (2011). Data Mining Techniques for Marketing, Sales and Customer Re-lationship Management (3rd ed.). Wiley, Canada. Han J., Kamber M. (2006). Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques (2nd ed.). Morgan Kaufman-nUSA. Ching W. K. and Pong M. K. (2002). Advances in Data Mining and Modeling (1st ed.). World Scientific, Hong Kong. Chien C.F. and Chen L.F. (2008). Data Mining to Improve Personnel Selection and Enhance Human Capital: A Case Study in High-Technology Industry. Expert Systems with Applications, 34, 280-290. Quinlan, J. R. (1993). C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Aslı Çalış

Korel İnanç Durmaz

Cevriye Gencer

Publication Date January 16, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Çalış, A., Durmaz, K. İ., & Gencer, C. (2018). UÇAK SEFERLERİNDEKİ RÖTARLARI ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLERİN ANALİZİ. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi179-190.


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