Year 2020,
, 55 - 72, 08.04.2020
İrem Çakır
Ayla Özhan Dedeoğlu
- Apicella, C. L., Rozin, P., Busch, J. T. A., Watson-Jones, R. ve Legare, C. (2018). Evidence from Hunter-Gatherer and Subsistence Agricultural Populations for the Universality of Contagion Sensitivity. Evolution and Human Behavior, 39(3), 355-363.
- Appelgren, S. ve Bohlin, A. (2015). Growing in Motion. Culture Unbound, 7, 143-168.
- Argo, J. J., Dahl, D. W. ve Morales, A.C. (2006). Consumer Contamination: How Consumers React to Products Touched by Others. Journal of Marketing, 70(2). 81-84.
- Arsel, Z. (2010): Other People’s Things: Perspectives on Ownership Transfer and Sharing. NA-Advances in Consumer Research (37), ed. Margaret C. Campbell, Jeff Inman, and Rik Pieters, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 135-138 .
- Banister, E. N., Hogg, M. K., Alain, D. ve Roux, D. (2005). Clothes Make the Man: Symbolic Consumption and Second Hand Clothing. European Advances in Consumer Research (7), ed. Karin M. Ekstrom and Helene Brembeck, Goteborg, Sweden, Association for Consumer Research, 455-456.
- Belk, R. W., Wallendorf, M. ve. Sherry, J. F. (1989). The Sacred and Profane in Consumer Behavior: Theodicy on the Odyssey. Journal of Consumer Research, 16 (1), 1–18.
- Belk, R. W. (1988): Possessions and the Extended Self. Journal of Consumer Research, 15 (2). 139-168.
- Bray, J., Johns, N. ve Kilburn, D. (2011). An Exploratory Study into the Factors Impeding Ethical Consumption. Journal of Business Ethics, 98(4), 597-608.
- Cervellon, M., Carey, L. ve Harms, T. (2012). Something Old, Something Used: Determinants of Women's Purchase of Vintage Fashion vs Second‐Hand Fashion. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 40(12), 956–974.
- Chipambwa, W., Sithole, L. ve Chisosa, D. F. (2016). Consumer Perceptions Towards Second-hand Undergarments in Zimbabwe: A Case of Harare Urban Dwellers. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 9 (3): 176-182.
- Damme, V. I. ve Vermossen, R. (2009): “Second-hand Consumption as a Way of Life: Public Auctions in the Surroundings of Alost in the Late Eighteenth Century”. Continuity and Change, 24(2), 275-305.
- Derbaix, C. (1983). Perceived Risk and Risk Relievers: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Economic Psychology, 3 (1), 19-38.
- Fishbein, M. ve Icek Ajzen (2010). Predicting and Changing Behavior: The Reasoned Action Approach. New York: Psychology Press.
- Forsythe, S. M. ve Shi, B. (2003). Consumer Patronage and Risk Perceptions in Internet Shopping. Journal of Business Research 56 (11), 867–875.
- Frick, C. C. (2005). The Florentine ‘Rigattieri’: Second Hand Clothing Dealers and the Circulation of Goods in the Renaissance. Palmer, A. ve Clark, H. (Ed.). Old Clothes, New Looks: Second Hand Fashion. New York: Berg.
- Gabbot, M. (1991). The Role of Product Cues in Assessing Risk in Second‐hand Markets. European Journal of Marketing, 25(9), 38–50.
- Gefen, D. ve Straub, D. W. (2004). Consumer trust in B2C e-Commerce and the importance of social presence: experiments in e-Products and e-Services. The International Journal of Management Science, 32, 407-424.
- Guiot, D. ve Roux, D. (2010). A Second-hand Shoppers’ Motivation Scale: Antecedents, Consequences, and Implications for Retailers. Journal of Retailing, 86(4), 355-371.
- Holbrook, M.B. (1993). Nostalgia and Consumption Preferences: Some Emerging Patterns of Consumer Tastes. Journal of Consumer Research, (20), 245-56.
- Hong, Z. ve Yi, L. (2012). Research on the Influence of Perceived Risk in Consumer On-line Purchasing Decision, Physics Procedia. 24 (B), 1304-1310.
- Hwang, J., Yoon, Y. ve Park, N. (2011). Structural Effects of Cognitive and Affective Responses to Web Advertisements, Website and Brand Attitudes, and Purchase Intentions: The Case of Casual-Dining Restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(4), 897-907.
- İşçioğlu, T. E. ve Yurdakul, D. (2018). İkinci El Giyim Motivasyonları ve Sürdürülebilirlik Üzerine Keşifsel Bir Araştırma. Pazarlama Teorisi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 4(2), 253-280.
- Kim, L. H., Kim, D. J., Leong, J. K. (2005). The Effect of Perceived Risk on Purchase Intention in Purchasing Airline Tickets Online. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 13(2), 33–53.
- Kozup, J. (2017). Risks of Consumer Products, Consumer Perception of Product Risks and Benefits. Emilien, G., Weitkunat, R. ve Lüdicke, F. (Ed.). Consumer Perception of Product Risks and Benefits. Switzerland: Springer.
- Lemire, B. (2005). Shifting Currency: The Culture and Economy of the Second Hand Trade in England c. 1600–1850. Palmer, A. ve Clark, H. (Ed.). Old Clothes, New Looks: Second Hand Fashion. New York: Berg.
- Liang, J. ve Xu, Y. (2017). Second-hand Clothing Consumption: A Generational Cohort Analysis of the Chinese Market. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 42, 120-130.
- Mansour, K. B., Kooli, K., ve Utama, R. (2014). Online Trust Antecedents and Their Consequences on Purchase Intention: An Integrative Approach. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 13(1), 25–42.
- Mitchell, V.-W. (1992). Understanding Consumers’ Behaviour: Can Perceived Risk Theory Help?. Management Decision, 30(3), 26-31.
- Mitchell, V.-W. (1999). Consumer Perceived Risk: Conceptualisations and Models. European Journal of Marketing, 33(1/2), 163-195.
- Mitchell, V.-W., Davies, F., Moutinho, L., & Vassos, V. (1999). Using Neural Networks to Understand Service Risk in the Holiday Product. Journal of Business Research, 46(2), 167–180.
- Na’amneh, M. M. ve Al Husban, A. K. (2012). Identity in Old Clothes: the Socio-cultural Dynamics of Second-hand Clothing in Irbid, Jordan. Social Identities, 18(5), 609–621.
- O’Cass, A. (2000). An Assessment of Consumers Product, Purchase Decision, Advertising and Consumption Involvement in Fashion Clothing. Journal of Economic Psychology, 21 (5), 545-576.
- O’Reilly, L., Rucker, M., Hughes, R., Gorang, M. ve Hand, S. (1984). The Relationship of Psychological and Situational Variables to Usage of a Second-order Marketing System. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 12(3), 53–76.
- Palmer, A. (2005). Vintage Whores and Vintage Virgins: Second Hand Fashion in the Twenty-first Century. Palmer,A., ve Clark, H. (Ed.). Old Clothes, New Looks: Second Hand Fashion . New York: Berg.
- Park, J., Lennon, S. J. Ve Stoel, L. (2005). On‐Line Product Presentation: Effects on Mood, Perceived Risk, and Purchase Intention. Psychology & Marketing, 22, 695-719.
- Parsons, E. (2005). Dealing in Secondhand Goods: Creating Meaning and Value. European Advances in Consumer Research (7) ed. Karin M. Ekstrom and Helene Brembeck, Goteborg, Sweden Association for Consumer Research, 189-194.
- Pektaş, H. ve Dengin, S. (2012). İkinci El Giysi Pazarları ve Türkiye’deki Durumu. 1. Uluslararası Moda ve Tekstil Tasarımı Sempozyumu, Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Antalya.
- Roux, D. (2010). Identity and Self-Territory in Second Hand Clothing Transfers. NA-Advances in Consumer Research, (37), ed. Margaret C. Campbell, Jeff Inman, and Rik Pieters, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 65-68.
- Roux D. ve Guiot, D. (2009). Why Do People Shop Second-Hand? a Second-Hand Shoppers’ Motivation Scale in a French Context. NA- Advances in Consumer Research (36): ed. Ann L. McGill and Sharon Shavitt, Duluth, MN :Association for Consumer Research, 582-583.
- Roux D. ve Korchia, M. (2006). "Am I What I Wear? An Exploratory Study of Symbolic Meanings Associated With Secondhand Clothing", NA-Advances in Consumer Research, (33), ed. Connie Pechmann and Linda Price, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 29-35.
- Rozin P., Haidt, J. ve McCauley, C.R. (1993). Disgust,” Lewis,M., Haviland, J.M., Barrett, L. F. (Ed.). Handbook of Emotions. New York: The Guilford Press.
- Rozin, P. Ve Nemeroff, C.J. (1990). The Laws of Sympathetic Magic: a Psychological Analysis of Similarity and Contagion. Shweder S.R.A. ve Herdt, G. (Ed.). Cultural Psychology: Essays on Comparative Human Development. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Solomon, M. R. (2017). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being. 12. basım, Boston: Pearson.
- Solomon, M.R. ve Rabolt, N.J. (2004). Consumer Behavior in Fashion. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
- Tabachnick, B.G. ve Fidell, S. L. (2015). Çok Değişkenli İstatistiklerin Kullanımı. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
- Turunen, L.L.M. ve Halkoaho, J. (2016). As Good As New- Valuing Fashion Brands in the Online Second- hand Markets. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 25(3).
- Yan, R., Bae, S.Y. ve Xu, H. (2015). Second-hand Clothing Shopping Among College Students: the Role of Psychographic Characteristics. Young Consumers, 16 (1), 85-98.
- Yazıcıoğlu, Y. ve Erdoğan, S. (2004). Spss Uygulamalı Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
- Watson, M. (2008). A Review of Literature and Research on Public Attitudes, Perceptions and Behaviour Relating to Remanufactured, Repaired and Reused Products. Report for the Centre for Remanufacturing and Reuse. Erişim: 10 Ocak 2019, http://www.remanufacturing.org.uk/pdf/story/1p143.pdf
- Waight, E. (2013). Eco Babies: Reducing a Parent’s Ecological Footprint with Second-hand Consumer Goods. International Journal of Green Economics, 7(2), 197.
- Williams, C. (2003). Explaining Informal and Second‐hand Goods Acquisition, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 23 (12), 95-110.
- Williams, C.C. ve Paddock, C. (2003). The Meanings of Informal and Second-hand Retail Channels: Some Evidence from Leicester. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, (3), 317-336.
- Williams, C. C., ve Windebank, J. (2000). Modes of Goods Acquisition in Deprived Neighbourhoods. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research. 10(1), 73-94.
- Xu, Y., Chen, Y., Burman, R. ve Zhao, H. (2014). Second-hand Clothing Consumption: a Cross-cultural Comparison between American and Chinese Young Consumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38(6), 670–677.
Year 2020,
, 55 - 72, 08.04.2020
İrem Çakır
Ayla Özhan Dedeoğlu
- Apicella, C. L., Rozin, P., Busch, J. T. A., Watson-Jones, R. ve Legare, C. (2018). Evidence from Hunter-Gatherer and Subsistence Agricultural Populations for the Universality of Contagion Sensitivity. Evolution and Human Behavior, 39(3), 355-363.
- Appelgren, S. ve Bohlin, A. (2015). Growing in Motion. Culture Unbound, 7, 143-168.
- Argo, J. J., Dahl, D. W. ve Morales, A.C. (2006). Consumer Contamination: How Consumers React to Products Touched by Others. Journal of Marketing, 70(2). 81-84.
- Arsel, Z. (2010): Other People’s Things: Perspectives on Ownership Transfer and Sharing. NA-Advances in Consumer Research (37), ed. Margaret C. Campbell, Jeff Inman, and Rik Pieters, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 135-138 .
- Banister, E. N., Hogg, M. K., Alain, D. ve Roux, D. (2005). Clothes Make the Man: Symbolic Consumption and Second Hand Clothing. European Advances in Consumer Research (7), ed. Karin M. Ekstrom and Helene Brembeck, Goteborg, Sweden, Association for Consumer Research, 455-456.
- Belk, R. W., Wallendorf, M. ve. Sherry, J. F. (1989). The Sacred and Profane in Consumer Behavior: Theodicy on the Odyssey. Journal of Consumer Research, 16 (1), 1–18.
- Belk, R. W. (1988): Possessions and the Extended Self. Journal of Consumer Research, 15 (2). 139-168.
- Bray, J., Johns, N. ve Kilburn, D. (2011). An Exploratory Study into the Factors Impeding Ethical Consumption. Journal of Business Ethics, 98(4), 597-608.
- Cervellon, M., Carey, L. ve Harms, T. (2012). Something Old, Something Used: Determinants of Women's Purchase of Vintage Fashion vs Second‐Hand Fashion. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 40(12), 956–974.
- Chipambwa, W., Sithole, L. ve Chisosa, D. F. (2016). Consumer Perceptions Towards Second-hand Undergarments in Zimbabwe: A Case of Harare Urban Dwellers. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 9 (3): 176-182.
- Damme, V. I. ve Vermossen, R. (2009): “Second-hand Consumption as a Way of Life: Public Auctions in the Surroundings of Alost in the Late Eighteenth Century”. Continuity and Change, 24(2), 275-305.
- Derbaix, C. (1983). Perceived Risk and Risk Relievers: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Economic Psychology, 3 (1), 19-38.
- Fishbein, M. ve Icek Ajzen (2010). Predicting and Changing Behavior: The Reasoned Action Approach. New York: Psychology Press.
- Forsythe, S. M. ve Shi, B. (2003). Consumer Patronage and Risk Perceptions in Internet Shopping. Journal of Business Research 56 (11), 867–875.
- Frick, C. C. (2005). The Florentine ‘Rigattieri’: Second Hand Clothing Dealers and the Circulation of Goods in the Renaissance. Palmer, A. ve Clark, H. (Ed.). Old Clothes, New Looks: Second Hand Fashion. New York: Berg.
- Gabbot, M. (1991). The Role of Product Cues in Assessing Risk in Second‐hand Markets. European Journal of Marketing, 25(9), 38–50.
- Gefen, D. ve Straub, D. W. (2004). Consumer trust in B2C e-Commerce and the importance of social presence: experiments in e-Products and e-Services. The International Journal of Management Science, 32, 407-424.
- Guiot, D. ve Roux, D. (2010). A Second-hand Shoppers’ Motivation Scale: Antecedents, Consequences, and Implications for Retailers. Journal of Retailing, 86(4), 355-371.
- Holbrook, M.B. (1993). Nostalgia and Consumption Preferences: Some Emerging Patterns of Consumer Tastes. Journal of Consumer Research, (20), 245-56.
- Hong, Z. ve Yi, L. (2012). Research on the Influence of Perceived Risk in Consumer On-line Purchasing Decision, Physics Procedia. 24 (B), 1304-1310.
- Hwang, J., Yoon, Y. ve Park, N. (2011). Structural Effects of Cognitive and Affective Responses to Web Advertisements, Website and Brand Attitudes, and Purchase Intentions: The Case of Casual-Dining Restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(4), 897-907.
- İşçioğlu, T. E. ve Yurdakul, D. (2018). İkinci El Giyim Motivasyonları ve Sürdürülebilirlik Üzerine Keşifsel Bir Araştırma. Pazarlama Teorisi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 4(2), 253-280.
- Kim, L. H., Kim, D. J., Leong, J. K. (2005). The Effect of Perceived Risk on Purchase Intention in Purchasing Airline Tickets Online. Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing, 13(2), 33–53.
- Kozup, J. (2017). Risks of Consumer Products, Consumer Perception of Product Risks and Benefits. Emilien, G., Weitkunat, R. ve Lüdicke, F. (Ed.). Consumer Perception of Product Risks and Benefits. Switzerland: Springer.
- Lemire, B. (2005). Shifting Currency: The Culture and Economy of the Second Hand Trade in England c. 1600–1850. Palmer, A. ve Clark, H. (Ed.). Old Clothes, New Looks: Second Hand Fashion. New York: Berg.
- Liang, J. ve Xu, Y. (2017). Second-hand Clothing Consumption: A Generational Cohort Analysis of the Chinese Market. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 42, 120-130.
- Mansour, K. B., Kooli, K., ve Utama, R. (2014). Online Trust Antecedents and Their Consequences on Purchase Intention: An Integrative Approach. Journal of Customer Behaviour, 13(1), 25–42.
- Mitchell, V.-W. (1992). Understanding Consumers’ Behaviour: Can Perceived Risk Theory Help?. Management Decision, 30(3), 26-31.
- Mitchell, V.-W. (1999). Consumer Perceived Risk: Conceptualisations and Models. European Journal of Marketing, 33(1/2), 163-195.
- Mitchell, V.-W., Davies, F., Moutinho, L., & Vassos, V. (1999). Using Neural Networks to Understand Service Risk in the Holiday Product. Journal of Business Research, 46(2), 167–180.
- Na’amneh, M. M. ve Al Husban, A. K. (2012). Identity in Old Clothes: the Socio-cultural Dynamics of Second-hand Clothing in Irbid, Jordan. Social Identities, 18(5), 609–621.
- O’Cass, A. (2000). An Assessment of Consumers Product, Purchase Decision, Advertising and Consumption Involvement in Fashion Clothing. Journal of Economic Psychology, 21 (5), 545-576.
- O’Reilly, L., Rucker, M., Hughes, R., Gorang, M. ve Hand, S. (1984). The Relationship of Psychological and Situational Variables to Usage of a Second-order Marketing System. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 12(3), 53–76.
- Palmer, A. (2005). Vintage Whores and Vintage Virgins: Second Hand Fashion in the Twenty-first Century. Palmer,A., ve Clark, H. (Ed.). Old Clothes, New Looks: Second Hand Fashion . New York: Berg.
- Park, J., Lennon, S. J. Ve Stoel, L. (2005). On‐Line Product Presentation: Effects on Mood, Perceived Risk, and Purchase Intention. Psychology & Marketing, 22, 695-719.
- Parsons, E. (2005). Dealing in Secondhand Goods: Creating Meaning and Value. European Advances in Consumer Research (7) ed. Karin M. Ekstrom and Helene Brembeck, Goteborg, Sweden Association for Consumer Research, 189-194.
- Pektaş, H. ve Dengin, S. (2012). İkinci El Giysi Pazarları ve Türkiye’deki Durumu. 1. Uluslararası Moda ve Tekstil Tasarımı Sempozyumu, Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Antalya.
- Roux, D. (2010). Identity and Self-Territory in Second Hand Clothing Transfers. NA-Advances in Consumer Research, (37), ed. Margaret C. Campbell, Jeff Inman, and Rik Pieters, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 65-68.
- Roux D. ve Guiot, D. (2009). Why Do People Shop Second-Hand? a Second-Hand Shoppers’ Motivation Scale in a French Context. NA- Advances in Consumer Research (36): ed. Ann L. McGill and Sharon Shavitt, Duluth, MN :Association for Consumer Research, 582-583.
- Roux D. ve Korchia, M. (2006). "Am I What I Wear? An Exploratory Study of Symbolic Meanings Associated With Secondhand Clothing", NA-Advances in Consumer Research, (33), ed. Connie Pechmann and Linda Price, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, 29-35.
- Rozin P., Haidt, J. ve McCauley, C.R. (1993). Disgust,” Lewis,M., Haviland, J.M., Barrett, L. F. (Ed.). Handbook of Emotions. New York: The Guilford Press.
- Rozin, P. Ve Nemeroff, C.J. (1990). The Laws of Sympathetic Magic: a Psychological Analysis of Similarity and Contagion. Shweder S.R.A. ve Herdt, G. (Ed.). Cultural Psychology: Essays on Comparative Human Development. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Solomon, M. R. (2017). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being. 12. basım, Boston: Pearson.
- Solomon, M.R. ve Rabolt, N.J. (2004). Consumer Behavior in Fashion. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
- Tabachnick, B.G. ve Fidell, S. L. (2015). Çok Değişkenli İstatistiklerin Kullanımı. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
- Turunen, L.L.M. ve Halkoaho, J. (2016). As Good As New- Valuing Fashion Brands in the Online Second- hand Markets. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 25(3).
- Yan, R., Bae, S.Y. ve Xu, H. (2015). Second-hand Clothing Shopping Among College Students: the Role of Psychographic Characteristics. Young Consumers, 16 (1), 85-98.
- Yazıcıoğlu, Y. ve Erdoğan, S. (2004). Spss Uygulamalı Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
- Watson, M. (2008). A Review of Literature and Research on Public Attitudes, Perceptions and Behaviour Relating to Remanufactured, Repaired and Reused Products. Report for the Centre for Remanufacturing and Reuse. Erişim: 10 Ocak 2019, http://www.remanufacturing.org.uk/pdf/story/1p143.pdf
- Waight, E. (2013). Eco Babies: Reducing a Parent’s Ecological Footprint with Second-hand Consumer Goods. International Journal of Green Economics, 7(2), 197.
- Williams, C. (2003). Explaining Informal and Second‐hand Goods Acquisition, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 23 (12), 95-110.
- Williams, C.C. ve Paddock, C. (2003). The Meanings of Informal and Second-hand Retail Channels: Some Evidence from Leicester. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, (3), 317-336.
- Williams, C. C., ve Windebank, J. (2000). Modes of Goods Acquisition in Deprived Neighbourhoods. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research. 10(1), 73-94.
- Xu, Y., Chen, Y., Burman, R. ve Zhao, H. (2014). Second-hand Clothing Consumption: a Cross-cultural Comparison between American and Chinese Young Consumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 38(6), 670–677.