Conference Paper
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Year 2015, Issue: 14, 121 - 142, 01.01.2015


This article explores the concept of Europeanization as changes in European Union’s (EU) external boundaries within the context of enlargement, with a special focus on Turkey. Europeanization reoccurs as the EU expands its boundaries through accession of the member states. Expanding to culturally and geographically different area, its meaning may further be contested and redefined. This is based on the assumption that accession countries are likely to appeal to a shared collective identity, in order to evoke common standards. Concern here is with the definition is that the creation of new powers for the EU are largely different with conception of European integration. Drawing on various scholars, the concept relates specifically to the EU. The accession of Turkey into the EU offers significant theoretical and empirical insights into the way in which the concept of Europeanization is used to describe the changes in Union’s external borders. What may emerge from Turkey’s experience towards the EU membership is the evolutionary and contested nature of Union's conditionality. The study provides useful conceptual insights into the transformative power of the EU and highlights the important policy legacies affecting the current EU enlargement strategy


  • ARMSTRONG, J. (1995), “Cultural Difference –Russia and the EU”, Austria & World Affairs, Issue 26, Spring.
  • AÇIKMEŞE, Sinem A. (2010), “Cycles of Europeanization in Turkey: the Domestic Impact of EU Political Conditionality”, UNISCI Discussion Papers, Nº 23 (May / Mayo 2010), pp.129-147.
  • ANASTASAKIS, O. (2005), “The Europeanization of the Balkans”, Director of South East European Studies by the Brown Joumal of World Affairs.
  • BACHE, I and George, S. (2006), Politics in the European Union, Oxford University Press.
  • BACHE, I. (2005), “Europeanization:A Governance Approach”, http://aei.pitt.
  • edu/1722/1/Bache.pdf
  • BAC, Meltem M. (2005), “Turkey’s Political Reforms and the Impact of the European Union”, South European Society & Politics, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, Vol. 10, No. 1, March, pp.16–30.
  • BEST, E., CHRISTIANSEN, T and SETTEMBRI, P. (2009), “Effects of enlargement on the EU’s institutions & decisionmaking - The EU Institutions after En-largement: Not quite Business as Usual”, Trans European Policy Association Stud-ies,
  • BOZOVIC, D., VUJACIC, M., and ZIVKOVIÇ, NIKOLA M. (2010), The Future of the European Union Enlargement, the Case of Western Balkans, Union of European Federalist Serbia.
  • BÖRZEL, Tanja A. (2002), “Pace-Setting, Foot-Dragging and Fence-Sitting: Member States Responses to Europeanization”, JCMS 2002 Volume 40. Number 2. pp.193-214.
  • BREWIN, C. (2002), “Turkey and Europe after the Nice Summit”, Istanbul: TESEV Publications.
  • CAVANAUGH, C. (2011), Turkey’s Difficult Entry into the European Un-ion”, The Washington Review, February,
  • CINI, M. (2004), European Union Politics, Oxford University Press.
  • DAVUTOĞLU, A. (2010), Turkey’s Zero-Problems Foreign Policy, “Foreign Policy”, 20 May 2010.
  • DOMBEY, D. (2005), “EU Voters Uneasy over Turkey’s Membership Quest”, Financial Times, 27 September.
  • DYSON, K. and GOETZ, K. (2002), “Germany and Europe: Beyond Congruence”, Presented at ‘Germany and Europe: A Europeanised Germany?’ – Conference British Academy (Draft, 11 March 2002).
  • EMERSON, M., AYDIN, S., CLERCK-SACHSSE, Julia De and NOUTCHEVA, G. (2006), “Just What is This Absorption Capacity of the European Union?”, Centre For European Policy Studies, Policy Brief, No.113. September.
  • ERALP, A. (2009), “Temporality, Cyprus Problem and Turkey-EU Rela-tions”, Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies, Discussion Paper Series -2009/02.
  • European Commission (2011), “Enlargement, Accession Criteria”, October 27, 2011
  • European Commission (2011), “Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2011-2012”, Communication From the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council, Brussels (12.10.2011) COM(2011) 666 final.
  • European Commission (2011), “Turkey’s Progress Report”, SEC(2011) 1201 47. Commission Staff Working Paper Turkey 2011 Progress Report Accompanying the document Communication From The Commission to the European Parliament and the Council, Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2011-2012 {COM(2011) 666}
  • FABER, A. (2009), “The Effects of Enlargement on the European polity: State of the Art and Theoretical and Methodological Challenges, Trans European Policy Association Studies,
  • Union.pdf.
  • GLENN, John K. (2003), EU External Relations in European Union Politics, Oxford University Press.
  • GARNER, R., FERDINAND, P. and LAWSON, S. (2009), “Political Culture (Eds) in Introduction to Politics”, Oxford University Press, pp. 298-319.
  • GRABBE, H. (2002), “European Union Conditionality and the Acquis Communautaire”, International Political Science Review, July vol. 23, 3: pp. 249-268.
  • GRABBE, H. (2003), “Europeanization Goes East: Power and Uncertainty in the EU Accession Process”. In: Featherstone, K. and Radaelli, Claudio M. (eds). The Politics of Europeanization, Oxford University Press.
  • Howell, Kerry E. (2004), “Developing Conceptualisations of Europeanization: Synthesising Methodological Approaches”, Queen’s Papers on Europeanization, No 3/2004
  • JACHTENFUCHS, M. and KOHLER-KOCH, B. (2004), “Governance and Institutional Development”. In: Wiener, A. and Diez, T., (eds.) European Integration Theory, Oxford University Pres, pp. 97-115.
  • JÖNSSON, C., TÄGIL, S. and TÖRNQVIST, G. (2000), Organizing Euro-pean Space, London: Sage.
  • KERIDIS, D. and ARVANITOPOULOS, C. (2011), “Turkey and the Identity of Europe, The Debate: Turkey’s Questioned ‘European-ness’”, The Harvard Inter-national Review, January 6.
  • KOENIG, T., MİHELJ, S., DOWNEY, J and BEK, M. Gencel (2006), “Media Framings of the Issue of Turkish Accession to the A European or national process?” Innovation, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.149-169.
  • KOHLER-KOCH, B. and EISING, R. (1999), The Transformation of Governance in the European Union. London: Routledge.
  • LADRECH, R. (1994), “Europeanization of Domestic Politics and Institu-tions: The Case of France”, Journal of Common Market Studies, March Volume 32, Issue 1.
  • LITTOZ-MONNET, A and VILLANUEVA, P. B. (2004), Turkey and the European Union, the Implications of a Specific Enlargement, the Royal Institute of International Relations, Brussels.
  • MAYHEW, A. (1998), Recreating Europe: the European Union’s Policy To-wards Central and Eastern Europe, Cambridge University Press.
  • MORELLI, V. (2011), “European Union Enlargement: A Status Report on Turkey’s Accession Negotiations”, Section Research Manager, CRS Report for Congress, September 9.
  • MORELLI, V. AND MIGDALOVITZ, C. (2009), “European Union En-largement: A Status Report on Turkey’s Accession Negotiations October 8”, CRS Report for Congress Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress.
  • NAFZIGER, GEORGE F. and WALTON, MARK W. (2005), “Walton Islam At War A History”, Praeger, Westport Connecticut, London, http://www.thedivin
  • NELLO, SUSAN S. (2010), “EU Enlargement and Theories of Economic In-tegration”, DEPFID Working Papers - 9 / 2010.
  • OĞUZ, G. (2012a), EU Enlargement and Turkish Labour Migration, The United Nations University Press.
  • OĞUZ, G. (2012b), “The EU Constitution and Turkish Accession”, The International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 27, pp. 45-62.
  • OLSEN, JOHAN P. (2004), “Europeanization (eds) European Union Poli-tics”, Oxford University Press, pp.334-348.
  • OLSEN, JOHAN P. (2002), Many Faces of Europeanization, (Many Faces 121701), ARENA, University of Oslo.
  • ONEY, B. and HALILSOY, P. (2011), “Assessing the Europeanisation of Turkey DomesticPolitics: To What Extent has Candidate Status Transformed the Military Control Over Civilian Rule in Turkey?” African Journal of Business Man-agement Vol.5 (22), 30 September, pp. 8832-8842.
  • ORAN, B. (2003), Türk Dış Politikası; Kurtulus Savasından Bugüne Olgular, Belgeler, Yorumlar, 1980-2000, İletisim Publishing, 2003.
  • ÖNIŞ, Z. (2009), “Crises and Transformations in Turkish Political Econo-my”, Turkish Policy Quaterly, Vol.9, N.3, pp.45-61.
  • ÖZCAN, M. (2005), “Turkey’s Possible Influences on the Internal Security of the European Union: The Issue of Illegal Migration”, in S. Laçiner, M. Özcan and I. Bal (eds) European Union with Turkey, Ankara: ISRO, April.
  • PAK, SOON-YONG (2004), “Cultural Politics and Vocational Religious Ed-ucation: the Case of Turkey”, Comparative Education, Taylor and Francis Ltd, Vol.40, No. 3, August.
  • RADAELLi, C. M. (2000), “Whither Europeanization? Concept Stretching and Substantive Change”, European Integration online Papers 4.
  • SASSE, G. (2005), “EU Conditionality and Minority Rights: Translating the Copenhagen Criterion into Policy”, Paper provided by European University Institute (EUI), Robert Schuman Centre of Advanced Studies (RSCAS) in its series EUI-RSCAS Working Papers, RSCAS No.2005/16.
  • SCHIMMELFENNIG, F. (2007), “Europeanization Beyond Europe”, Living Rev. Euro. Gov., 2, (2007),
  • SCHIMMELFENNIG, F. and SEDELMEIER, U. (2005), Conceptualizing the Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe in: Frank Schimmelfennig and Ulrich Sedelmeier (eds.) The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
  • SEZER, Ö. (2010), “Historical Evolution of the Europeanization Process of Turkey”, Portuguese Journal of International Affairs, Spring Summer Spring/Summer.
  • SMITH, J. (2001), “Cultural Aspects of Europeanization: The Case of the Scottish Office”, Public Administration, Vol. 79, No. 1, pp. 147-165.
  • STRAUSS, D. (2004) ,“Turkey’s Otoman Mission”, Financial Times, 23 No-vember. TANRISEVER, O. (2010), “Turkey's process of Europeanization and the prospects for its full membership in the European Union”, 3 September.
  • TONRA, B. and CHRISTIANSEN, T. (2004), “Study of Foreign Policy between International Relations and European Studies”,
  • books?
  • TURAN, I. (2007), “Unstable Stability: Turkish Politics at the Crossroads?” International Aff airs, Blackwell Publishing Ltd 83: 2 (2007) 319–338. ULUSOY, K. (2009), “The Changing Challenge of Europeanization to Politics and Governance in Turkey”, International Political Science Review, September, Vol. 30, No. 4 pp.363-384.
  • WALLACE, H., WALLACE, W. and POLLACK, Mark A. (2005), Policy-Making in the European Union, Oxford University Press.
  • WALLACE, H. (2000), “Europeanisation and Globalisation: Complementary or Contradictory Trends?” New Political Economy 5 (3), pp.369-382.


Year 2015, Issue: 14, 121 - 142, 01.01.2015


Bu makalede, Türkiye üzerine özel bir odaklanma ile, genişleme bağlamında Avrupa Birliği'nin (AB) dış sınırları değişiklikleri olarak Avrupalılaşma kavramını incelemektedir. Üye ülkelerin katılım yoluyla AB kendi sınırlarını genişledikçe Avrupalılaşma tekrarlanır. Kültürel ve coğrafi olarak farklı bir alana genişlerken, onun anlamı için daha fazla itiraz edilebilir ve yeniden tanımlanabilir. Bu katılım ülkeleri ortak standartlar uyandırmak amacıyla, ortak bir kolektif kimlik hitap olasılığı olduğu varsayımına dayanmaktadır. Bu noktada kaygı, AB’nin içine yeni üye ülkeler dâhil edilmesinin Avrupa’nın bütünleşmesi kavramından büyük ölçüde farklı olması tanımıdır. Çeşitli bilim adamlarından yola çıkarak, kavram özellikle AB ile ilgilidir. Türkiye’nin AB katılımı, Avrupalılaşma kavramının Birliğin dış sınırlarının değişiklikleri tanımlanması kullanımında önemli kuramsal ve ampirik sonuçlar sunmaktadır. AB üyeliği yolunda, Türkiye'nin deneyimlerinden neyin ortaya çıkarılabildiği Birliğin koşulluluğunun evrimsel ve tartışmalı doğasıdır. Çalışma, AB’nin kendini yenileyen gücüne ilişkin yararlı kavramsal çözümlemeler sağlamakta ve mevcut AB genişleme stratejilerini etkileyen önemli politikaları ortaya koymaktadır. 


  • ARMSTRONG, J. (1995), “Cultural Difference –Russia and the EU”, Austria & World Affairs, Issue 26, Spring.
  • AÇIKMEŞE, Sinem A. (2010), “Cycles of Europeanization in Turkey: the Domestic Impact of EU Political Conditionality”, UNISCI Discussion Papers, Nº 23 (May / Mayo 2010), pp.129-147.
  • ANASTASAKIS, O. (2005), “The Europeanization of the Balkans”, Director of South East European Studies by the Brown Joumal of World Affairs.
  • BACHE, I and George, S. (2006), Politics in the European Union, Oxford University Press.
  • BACHE, I. (2005), “Europeanization:A Governance Approach”, http://aei.pitt.
  • edu/1722/1/Bache.pdf
  • BAC, Meltem M. (2005), “Turkey’s Political Reforms and the Impact of the European Union”, South European Society & Politics, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, Vol. 10, No. 1, March, pp.16–30.
  • BEST, E., CHRISTIANSEN, T and SETTEMBRI, P. (2009), “Effects of enlargement on the EU’s institutions & decisionmaking - The EU Institutions after En-largement: Not quite Business as Usual”, Trans European Policy Association Stud-ies,
  • BOZOVIC, D., VUJACIC, M., and ZIVKOVIÇ, NIKOLA M. (2010), The Future of the European Union Enlargement, the Case of Western Balkans, Union of European Federalist Serbia.
  • BÖRZEL, Tanja A. (2002), “Pace-Setting, Foot-Dragging and Fence-Sitting: Member States Responses to Europeanization”, JCMS 2002 Volume 40. Number 2. pp.193-214.
  • BREWIN, C. (2002), “Turkey and Europe after the Nice Summit”, Istanbul: TESEV Publications.
  • CAVANAUGH, C. (2011), Turkey’s Difficult Entry into the European Un-ion”, The Washington Review, February,
  • CINI, M. (2004), European Union Politics, Oxford University Press.
  • DAVUTOĞLU, A. (2010), Turkey’s Zero-Problems Foreign Policy, “Foreign Policy”, 20 May 2010.
  • DOMBEY, D. (2005), “EU Voters Uneasy over Turkey’s Membership Quest”, Financial Times, 27 September.
  • DYSON, K. and GOETZ, K. (2002), “Germany and Europe: Beyond Congruence”, Presented at ‘Germany and Europe: A Europeanised Germany?’ – Conference British Academy (Draft, 11 March 2002).
  • EMERSON, M., AYDIN, S., CLERCK-SACHSSE, Julia De and NOUTCHEVA, G. (2006), “Just What is This Absorption Capacity of the European Union?”, Centre For European Policy Studies, Policy Brief, No.113. September.
  • ERALP, A. (2009), “Temporality, Cyprus Problem and Turkey-EU Rela-tions”, Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies, Discussion Paper Series -2009/02.
  • European Commission (2011), “Enlargement, Accession Criteria”, October 27, 2011
  • European Commission (2011), “Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2011-2012”, Communication From the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council, Brussels (12.10.2011) COM(2011) 666 final.
  • European Commission (2011), “Turkey’s Progress Report”, SEC(2011) 1201 47. Commission Staff Working Paper Turkey 2011 Progress Report Accompanying the document Communication From The Commission to the European Parliament and the Council, Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2011-2012 {COM(2011) 666}
  • FABER, A. (2009), “The Effects of Enlargement on the European polity: State of the Art and Theoretical and Methodological Challenges, Trans European Policy Association Studies,
  • Union.pdf.
  • GLENN, John K. (2003), EU External Relations in European Union Politics, Oxford University Press.
  • GARNER, R., FERDINAND, P. and LAWSON, S. (2009), “Political Culture (Eds) in Introduction to Politics”, Oxford University Press, pp. 298-319.
  • GRABBE, H. (2002), “European Union Conditionality and the Acquis Communautaire”, International Political Science Review, July vol. 23, 3: pp. 249-268.
  • GRABBE, H. (2003), “Europeanization Goes East: Power and Uncertainty in the EU Accession Process”. In: Featherstone, K. and Radaelli, Claudio M. (eds). The Politics of Europeanization, Oxford University Press.
  • Howell, Kerry E. (2004), “Developing Conceptualisations of Europeanization: Synthesising Methodological Approaches”, Queen’s Papers on Europeanization, No 3/2004
  • JACHTENFUCHS, M. and KOHLER-KOCH, B. (2004), “Governance and Institutional Development”. In: Wiener, A. and Diez, T., (eds.) European Integration Theory, Oxford University Pres, pp. 97-115.
  • JÖNSSON, C., TÄGIL, S. and TÖRNQVIST, G. (2000), Organizing Euro-pean Space, London: Sage.
  • KERIDIS, D. and ARVANITOPOULOS, C. (2011), “Turkey and the Identity of Europe, The Debate: Turkey’s Questioned ‘European-ness’”, The Harvard Inter-national Review, January 6.
  • KOENIG, T., MİHELJ, S., DOWNEY, J and BEK, M. Gencel (2006), “Media Framings of the Issue of Turkish Accession to the A European or national process?” Innovation, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.149-169.
  • KOHLER-KOCH, B. and EISING, R. (1999), The Transformation of Governance in the European Union. London: Routledge.
  • LADRECH, R. (1994), “Europeanization of Domestic Politics and Institu-tions: The Case of France”, Journal of Common Market Studies, March Volume 32, Issue 1.
  • LITTOZ-MONNET, A and VILLANUEVA, P. B. (2004), Turkey and the European Union, the Implications of a Specific Enlargement, the Royal Institute of International Relations, Brussels.
  • MAYHEW, A. (1998), Recreating Europe: the European Union’s Policy To-wards Central and Eastern Europe, Cambridge University Press.
  • MORELLI, V. (2011), “European Union Enlargement: A Status Report on Turkey’s Accession Negotiations”, Section Research Manager, CRS Report for Congress, September 9.
  • MORELLI, V. AND MIGDALOVITZ, C. (2009), “European Union En-largement: A Status Report on Turkey’s Accession Negotiations October 8”, CRS Report for Congress Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress.
  • NAFZIGER, GEORGE F. and WALTON, MARK W. (2005), “Walton Islam At War A History”, Praeger, Westport Connecticut, London, http://www.thedivin
  • NELLO, SUSAN S. (2010), “EU Enlargement and Theories of Economic In-tegration”, DEPFID Working Papers - 9 / 2010.
  • OĞUZ, G. (2012a), EU Enlargement and Turkish Labour Migration, The United Nations University Press.
  • OĞUZ, G. (2012b), “The EU Constitution and Turkish Accession”, The International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 27, pp. 45-62.
  • OLSEN, JOHAN P. (2004), “Europeanization (eds) European Union Poli-tics”, Oxford University Press, pp.334-348.
  • OLSEN, JOHAN P. (2002), Many Faces of Europeanization, (Many Faces 121701), ARENA, University of Oslo.
  • ONEY, B. and HALILSOY, P. (2011), “Assessing the Europeanisation of Turkey DomesticPolitics: To What Extent has Candidate Status Transformed the Military Control Over Civilian Rule in Turkey?” African Journal of Business Man-agement Vol.5 (22), 30 September, pp. 8832-8842.
  • ORAN, B. (2003), Türk Dış Politikası; Kurtulus Savasından Bugüne Olgular, Belgeler, Yorumlar, 1980-2000, İletisim Publishing, 2003.
  • ÖNIŞ, Z. (2009), “Crises and Transformations in Turkish Political Econo-my”, Turkish Policy Quaterly, Vol.9, N.3, pp.45-61.
  • ÖZCAN, M. (2005), “Turkey’s Possible Influences on the Internal Security of the European Union: The Issue of Illegal Migration”, in S. Laçiner, M. Özcan and I. Bal (eds) European Union with Turkey, Ankara: ISRO, April.
  • PAK, SOON-YONG (2004), “Cultural Politics and Vocational Religious Ed-ucation: the Case of Turkey”, Comparative Education, Taylor and Francis Ltd, Vol.40, No. 3, August.
  • RADAELLi, C. M. (2000), “Whither Europeanization? Concept Stretching and Substantive Change”, European Integration online Papers 4.
  • SASSE, G. (2005), “EU Conditionality and Minority Rights: Translating the Copenhagen Criterion into Policy”, Paper provided by European University Institute (EUI), Robert Schuman Centre of Advanced Studies (RSCAS) in its series EUI-RSCAS Working Papers, RSCAS No.2005/16.
  • SCHIMMELFENNIG, F. (2007), “Europeanization Beyond Europe”, Living Rev. Euro. Gov., 2, (2007),
  • SCHIMMELFENNIG, F. and SEDELMEIER, U. (2005), Conceptualizing the Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe in: Frank Schimmelfennig and Ulrich Sedelmeier (eds.) The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
  • SEZER, Ö. (2010), “Historical Evolution of the Europeanization Process of Turkey”, Portuguese Journal of International Affairs, Spring Summer Spring/Summer.
  • SMITH, J. (2001), “Cultural Aspects of Europeanization: The Case of the Scottish Office”, Public Administration, Vol. 79, No. 1, pp. 147-165.
  • STRAUSS, D. (2004) ,“Turkey’s Otoman Mission”, Financial Times, 23 No-vember. TANRISEVER, O. (2010), “Turkey's process of Europeanization and the prospects for its full membership in the European Union”, 3 September.
  • TONRA, B. and CHRISTIANSEN, T. (2004), “Study of Foreign Policy between International Relations and European Studies”,
  • books?
  • TURAN, I. (2007), “Unstable Stability: Turkish Politics at the Crossroads?” International Aff airs, Blackwell Publishing Ltd 83: 2 (2007) 319–338. ULUSOY, K. (2009), “The Changing Challenge of Europeanization to Politics and Governance in Turkey”, International Political Science Review, September, Vol. 30, No. 4 pp.363-384.
  • WALLACE, H., WALLACE, W. and POLLACK, Mark A. (2005), Policy-Making in the European Union, Oxford University Press.
  • WALLACE, H. (2000), “Europeanisation and Globalisation: Complementary or Contradictory Trends?” New Political Economy 5 (3), pp.369-382.
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Gönül Oğuz This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Issue: 14


APA Oğuz, G. (2015). THE EFFECTS OF THE ACCESSION COUNTRIES ON EUROPEANIZATION: EVIDENCE FROM TURKEY. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi(14), 121-142.


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