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Year 2015, Issue: 14, 0 - , 20.04.2015


The aim of this study is to assess the impact of oil price changes on stock prices. We believe that the possible relationship between oil prices and capital markets might be used as a guide in terms of valuing capital market instruments. Hence, the study analyzes the impact of change in crude oil prices and stock market returns on petrochemical industry index returns using a two-factor model. Accordingly, industry (ISE Oil, Chemical and Plastic Index) risk premium, crude oil price changes and stock market index (ISE 100) data were used in the regression analysis for the years between 2003 and 2012. The study attempts to explain industry risk premium via aforementioned explanatory variables both in a six-month subperiod daily setting and in a consecutive monthly setting. The regression results yield significant results when monthly analysis performed while results yield significant results for three distinct sub-periods when six-months sub-periods analysis performed


  • AL-MUDAF, ANWAR, A, GOODWIN ve THOMAS H. (1993), “Oil Shocks and Oil Stocks: An Evidence from 1970s.”, Applied Economics, 25, 181-190.
  • AROUORI, M.H., LEHIANI, A. ve BELLALAH M. (2010), “Oil Price Shocks and Stock Market Returns in Oil-Exporting Countries: The Case of GCC Countries”, International Journal of Economics and Finance, V. 2, 132 - 139.
  • BURBIDGE, J. ve HARRISON, A. (1984), “Testing for the Effects of Oil-Price Rises Using Vector Autoregressions”, International Economic Review, 25(2), 459–484.
  • CHEN, S.S. (2009), “Do higher oil prices push the stock market into bear territory?” Energy Economics, 32, 490-495.
  • DICKEY, D. ve FULLER, W. (1979), “Distribution of the estimators for autoregressive time series with a unit root”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74, 427–431.
  • EL-SHARIF, I., BROWN, D., BURTON, B., NIXON, B. ve RUSSELL, A. (2005), “Evidence on the nature and extent of the relationship between oil prices and equity values in the UK”, Energy Economics, 27, 819–830.
  • FAFF, R.W. ve BRAILSFORD, T.J. (1999), “Oil price risk and the Australian stock market”, Journal of Energy Finance and Development, 4, 69−87.
  • FAMA, E. ve FRENCH, K. (1989), “Business conditions and expected returns on stocks and bonds”, Journal of Financial Economics, 25, 23–49.
  • GISSER, M. ve GOODWIN, T.H. (1986), “Crude oil and the macroeconomy: tests of some popular notions”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 18, 95–103.
  • GÜLER, S., TUNÇ, R. ve RÇUN, Ç. (2010), “Petrol Fiyat Riski ve Hisse Senedi Fiyatları Arasındaki İlişkinin Belirlenmesi: Türkiye'de Enerji Sektörü Üze-rinde Bir Uygulama”, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 24 (4), 297 - 315.
  • HAMILTON, J.D. (1983), “Oil and the Macroeconomy since World War II.”, Journal of Political Economy, 91, 228–248.
  • HENRIQUES I. ve P. SADORSKY, (2008), “Oil Prices and the Stock Prices of Alternative Energy Companies”, Energy Economics, 30, 998-1010.
  • HOOKER, M. (1996), “What Happened to the Oil Price-Macroeconomy Relationship”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 38(2), 195-213.
  • HUANG, R.D., MASULIS, R.W. ve STOLL, H.R. (1996), “Energy shocks and financial markets”, Journal of Futures Markets 16, 1–27.
  • JONES, C. ve KAUL, G. (1996), “Oil and the stock markets”, Journal of Finance 51, 463–491.
  • JORION, P. (1990), “The exchange-rate exposure of US multinationals”, Journal of Business, 63, 331–345.
  • KAPUSUZ ĞLU, A. (2011), “Relationships between Oil Price and Stock Market: An Empirical Analysis from Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE)”, International Journal of Economics and Finance 3(6), 99 - 107.
  • MILLER, J.I. ve RATTI, R.A. (2009), “Crude oil and stock markets: Stability, instability, and bubbles”, Energy Economics, 31, 559–568
  • MORK, K. A. (1989), “Oil and the Macroeconomy when Prices Go Up and Down: An Extension of Hamilton’s Results”, The Journal of Political Economy, 97(3), 740- 744.
  • NANDHA, M. ve FAFF R. (2008), “Does oil move equity prices? A global view”, Energy Economics, 30, 986–997.
  • PAPAPETROU, E. (2001), “Oil Price Shocks, Stock Market, Economic Activity and Employment in Greece”, Energy Economics 23(5), 511-532.
  • PARK, J. ve RATTI, R.A. (2008), “Oil Price Shocks and Stock Markets in the U.S. and 13 European Countries”, Energy Economics, 30, s.2587-2608.
  • SADORSKY, P. (1999), “Oil price shocks and stock market activity”, Energy Economics, 21, 449–469.
  • SADORSKY, P. (2001), “Risk factors in stock returns of Canadian oil and gas companies”, Energy Economics, 23, 17–28.
  • SADORSKY, P. ve HENRIQUES, I. (2001), “Multifactor risk and the stock returns of Canadian paper and forest products companies”, Forest Policy and Economics, 3, 199–208.
  • SADORSKY, P. (2003), “The macroeconomic determinants of technology stock price volatility”, Review of Financial Economics, 12, 191-205.
  • SARI, R ve S YTAŞ, U. (2006), “The Relationship between Stock Returns, Crude Oil Prices, Interest Rates, and Output: Evidence from a Developing Economy”, The Empirical Economics Letters ,5(4), 205 - 220.
  • S YTAŞ, U. ve ORAN, A. (2008), “Dünya Petrol Fiyatlarındaki Değişim İMKB Elektrik Endeksine Nasıl Yansıyor?”, 12. Ulusal Finans Sempozyumu, Enerji Yatırımlarının Finansmanı ve Enerji Verimliği, 216-222.


Year 2015, Issue: 14, 0 - , 20.04.2015


Bu çalışma, petrol fiyatı değişimlerinin hisse senedi değerlerine etkisini ölçmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Petrol fiyatları ve sermaye piyasası arasındaki muhtemel ilişkinin, doğru şekilde tespit edilmesinin yatırımcılara sermaye piyasası araçlarının fiyatlaması konusunda yol gösterici nitelikte olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Bunun için ham petrol fiyatlarındaki değişim ve hisse senetleri piyasası getirilerinin, petrokimya endüstri-si endeks getirileri üzerindeki muhtemel etkileri iki faktörlü model kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Buna göre, 2003-2012 yılları arası için yapılan regresyon analizinde sektör (İMKB Petrol, Kimya ve Plastik Endeksi) risk primi, ham petrol (Brent) fiyatı değişimi ve hisse senetleri piyasası (İMKB 100) risk primi değişkenleri kullanılmıştır. Hem altışar aylık alt dönemlerde günlük hem de ardışık aylık veriler kullanıla-rak, sektör risk priminin bahsedilen açıklayıcı değişkenler yardımıyla açıklanmasına çalışılmıştır. Regres-yon analizi aylık ardışık süreli verilerle uygulandığında, petrokimya endüstrisi endeks getirileri anlamlı şekilde açıklanırken, analiz altışar aylık alt dönemlere ayrı ayrı uygulandığında ise ham petrol fiyatı deği-şiminin hisse senetleri piyasası getirisi ile birlikte üç alt dönemde istatistiki olarak anlamlı sonuçlar verdi-ği gözlemlenmiştir.


  • AL-MUDAF, ANWAR, A, GOODWIN ve THOMAS H. (1993), “Oil Shocks and Oil Stocks: An Evidence from 1970s.”, Applied Economics, 25, 181-190.
  • AROUORI, M.H., LEHIANI, A. ve BELLALAH M. (2010), “Oil Price Shocks and Stock Market Returns in Oil-Exporting Countries: The Case of GCC Countries”, International Journal of Economics and Finance, V. 2, 132 - 139.
  • BURBIDGE, J. ve HARRISON, A. (1984), “Testing for the Effects of Oil-Price Rises Using Vector Autoregressions”, International Economic Review, 25(2), 459–484.
  • CHEN, S.S. (2009), “Do higher oil prices push the stock market into bear territory?” Energy Economics, 32, 490-495.
  • DICKEY, D. ve FULLER, W. (1979), “Distribution of the estimators for autoregressive time series with a unit root”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74, 427–431.
  • EL-SHARIF, I., BROWN, D., BURTON, B., NIXON, B. ve RUSSELL, A. (2005), “Evidence on the nature and extent of the relationship between oil prices and equity values in the UK”, Energy Economics, 27, 819–830.
  • FAFF, R.W. ve BRAILSFORD, T.J. (1999), “Oil price risk and the Australian stock market”, Journal of Energy Finance and Development, 4, 69−87.
  • FAMA, E. ve FRENCH, K. (1989), “Business conditions and expected returns on stocks and bonds”, Journal of Financial Economics, 25, 23–49.
  • GISSER, M. ve GOODWIN, T.H. (1986), “Crude oil and the macroeconomy: tests of some popular notions”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 18, 95–103.
  • GÜLER, S., TUNÇ, R. ve RÇUN, Ç. (2010), “Petrol Fiyat Riski ve Hisse Senedi Fiyatları Arasındaki İlişkinin Belirlenmesi: Türkiye'de Enerji Sektörü Üze-rinde Bir Uygulama”, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 24 (4), 297 - 315.
  • HAMILTON, J.D. (1983), “Oil and the Macroeconomy since World War II.”, Journal of Political Economy, 91, 228–248.
  • HENRIQUES I. ve P. SADORSKY, (2008), “Oil Prices and the Stock Prices of Alternative Energy Companies”, Energy Economics, 30, 998-1010.
  • HOOKER, M. (1996), “What Happened to the Oil Price-Macroeconomy Relationship”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 38(2), 195-213.
  • HUANG, R.D., MASULIS, R.W. ve STOLL, H.R. (1996), “Energy shocks and financial markets”, Journal of Futures Markets 16, 1–27.
  • JONES, C. ve KAUL, G. (1996), “Oil and the stock markets”, Journal of Finance 51, 463–491.
  • JORION, P. (1990), “The exchange-rate exposure of US multinationals”, Journal of Business, 63, 331–345.
  • KAPUSUZ ĞLU, A. (2011), “Relationships between Oil Price and Stock Market: An Empirical Analysis from Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE)”, International Journal of Economics and Finance 3(6), 99 - 107.
  • MILLER, J.I. ve RATTI, R.A. (2009), “Crude oil and stock markets: Stability, instability, and bubbles”, Energy Economics, 31, 559–568
  • MORK, K. A. (1989), “Oil and the Macroeconomy when Prices Go Up and Down: An Extension of Hamilton’s Results”, The Journal of Political Economy, 97(3), 740- 744.
  • NANDHA, M. ve FAFF R. (2008), “Does oil move equity prices? A global view”, Energy Economics, 30, 986–997.
  • PAPAPETROU, E. (2001), “Oil Price Shocks, Stock Market, Economic Activity and Employment in Greece”, Energy Economics 23(5), 511-532.
  • PARK, J. ve RATTI, R.A. (2008), “Oil Price Shocks and Stock Markets in the U.S. and 13 European Countries”, Energy Economics, 30, s.2587-2608.
  • SADORSKY, P. (1999), “Oil price shocks and stock market activity”, Energy Economics, 21, 449–469.
  • SADORSKY, P. (2001), “Risk factors in stock returns of Canadian oil and gas companies”, Energy Economics, 23, 17–28.
  • SADORSKY, P. ve HENRIQUES, I. (2001), “Multifactor risk and the stock returns of Canadian paper and forest products companies”, Forest Policy and Economics, 3, 199–208.
  • SADORSKY, P. (2003), “The macroeconomic determinants of technology stock price volatility”, Review of Financial Economics, 12, 191-205.
  • SARI, R ve S YTAŞ, U. (2006), “The Relationship between Stock Returns, Crude Oil Prices, Interest Rates, and Output: Evidence from a Developing Economy”, The Empirical Economics Letters ,5(4), 205 - 220.
  • S YTAŞ, U. ve ORAN, A. (2008), “Dünya Petrol Fiyatlarındaki Değişim İMKB Elektrik Endeksine Nasıl Yansıyor?”, 12. Ulusal Finans Sempozyumu, Enerji Yatırımlarının Finansmanı ve Enerji Verimliği, 216-222.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Çağlar Gönüllü This is me

Emir Otluoğlu This is me

Mehmet Şengöz This is me

Publication Date April 20, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Issue: 14


APA Gönüllü, Ç., Otluoğlu, E., & Şengöz, M. (2015). HAM PETROL FİYATI DEĞİŞİMLERİNİN PETROKİMYA SEKTÖRÜ GETİRİLERİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi(14).


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