This paper analyzes data drawn from the 2006 and 2010 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) surveys to compare how the attitudes of MEPs toward Turkey have changed. Through cross-tabulations, the paper presents some preliminary evidence that the Right in the current European Parliament (EP) is less friendly towards Turkey than was the Right in the previous EP, while the Left is friendlier towards Turkey than before. Although it needs further evidence to support this claim, one may suggest that the gap between the Right and the Left on the question of Turkish accession might be widening. Since no single group has the majority in the EP, the polarization on the question of Turkey may complicate con-sensus-building on Turkey, which is often necessary to vote down anti-Turkey proposals.
ARCHICK, Kristin and Derek E. MIX (2011), “The European Parliament”, Current Economics and Politics of Europe, 22, (2), 238-53.
BPJNAR, Irena (2005), “Slovenia”. Juliet Lodge (ed.), in The 2004 Elections to the European Parliament, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 223-9
CORBETT, Richard (2005), “European Parliament 1999-2004”. Juliet Lodge (ed.), in The 2004 Elections to the European Parliament, New York: Palgrave Mac-millan, 8-17.
DRAKE, Helen (2005), “France” Juliet Lodge (ed.), in The 2004 Elections to the European Parliament, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 109-121
FARRELL, David, HİX, Simon and Roger SCULLY (2011), “EPRG MEP Survey Dataset: 2011 Release”, available at; http://www2.lse.ac.uk/government/
HIX, Simon and Abdul NOURY (2009), “After Enlargement: Voting Pat-terns in the Sixth European Parliament”, Legislative Studies Quarterly, 34, (2), 159-174
MAYER, Terry (2005), “Lithuania”, Juliet Lodge (ed.), in The 2004 Elec-tions to the European Parliament, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 173-8
THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2011), “Croatia’s EU accession: green light from Parliament” 1 December, available at; http://www,europarl.europa.eu/ news/en/pressroom/content/20111201IPR32926/htm/Croatias-EU-accession-green-light-from-Parliament (accessed 11.04.2011).
YUVACI, Abdullah (2011), “The voting behaviour of the European Parlia-ment members on Turkish accession: an analysis of the impact of member-state, Eu-ropean party group and national party affiliations on a special status amendment vote on Turkey”, manuscript under review.
ARCHICK, Kristin and Derek E. MIX (2011), “The European Parliament”, Current Economics and Politics of Europe, 22, (2), 238-53.
BPJNAR, Irena (2005), “Slovenia”. Juliet Lodge (ed.), in The 2004 Elections to the European Parliament, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 223-9
CORBETT, Richard (2005), “European Parliament 1999-2004”. Juliet Lodge (ed.), in The 2004 Elections to the European Parliament, New York: Palgrave Mac-millan, 8-17.
DRAKE, Helen (2005), “France” Juliet Lodge (ed.), in The 2004 Elections to the European Parliament, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 109-121
FARRELL, David, HİX, Simon and Roger SCULLY (2011), “EPRG MEP Survey Dataset: 2011 Release”, available at; http://www2.lse.ac.uk/government/
HIX, Simon and Abdul NOURY (2009), “After Enlargement: Voting Pat-terns in the Sixth European Parliament”, Legislative Studies Quarterly, 34, (2), 159-174
MAYER, Terry (2005), “Lithuania”, Juliet Lodge (ed.), in The 2004 Elec-tions to the European Parliament, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 173-8
THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT (2011), “Croatia’s EU accession: green light from Parliament” 1 December, available at; http://www,europarl.europa.eu/ news/en/pressroom/content/20111201IPR32926/htm/Croatias-EU-accession-green-light-from-Parliament (accessed 11.04.2011).
YUVACI, Abdullah (2011), “The voting behaviour of the European Parlia-ment members on Turkish accession: an analysis of the impact of member-state, Eu-ropean party group and national party affiliations on a special status amendment vote on Turkey”, manuscript under review.
Yuvacı, A. (2015). A COMPARISON OF THE 2006 AND 2010 MEMBERS OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT SURVEY RESULTS: A FURTHER POLARIZATION ON THE QUESTION OF TURKEY IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT?. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi(9). https://doi.org/10.18092/ijeas.09114