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Year 2009, Issue: 3, 0 - , 14.05.2015


In this study, in which extent canonical correlation has been used in marketing area was investigated. For
this reason, papers using canonical correlation anaylsis and published on marketing journals indexed by
SSCI and between the period of 1997-2008 were searched. Results have shown that canonical correlation
is not a widely used technique in marketing literature. In order to understand the potential as well as
difficulties of canonical correlation analysis, a further discussion were also presented. Finally, as an
example of canonical correlation analysis in marketing area, methodology and findings of a study were


  • AAKER, D. A., KUMAR, V. and DAY, G. S. (2007), “Marketing Research,
  • th edition”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY.
  • AAKER, D.A. (1996) “Building Strong Brands”, The Free Press, New York
  • AAKER, J.L., (1997) “Dimensions of Brand Personality”, Journal of Marketing
  • Research, Vol. 34, August, 347–356.
  • AAKER J.L., BENET Martinez, V. and GAROLERA, J. (September 2001),
  • “Consumption Symbols As Carriers of Culture: A Study of Japanese and Spanish
  • Brand Personality Constructs”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
  • Vol.81, Issue:3, 492-508.
  • ALPERT, M. L. and PETERSON, R. A. (1972) “On the Interpretation of
  • Canonical Analysis”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 9, 187-192.
  • AVLONITIS, G. J. and GOUNARIS, S. P. (1999) “Marketing Orientation
  • and Its Determinants: An Empirical Analysis”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol.
  • No. 11/12, 1003-1037.
  • AZEVEDO, A and FARHANGMEHR, M. (March 2005), “Clothing
  • Branding Strategies: Influence of Brand Personality on Advertising Response”,
  • Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, Volume 4, Issue 3,
  • –13.
  • BAGOZZI, R.P., FORNELL, C. and LARCKER, D. F.(1981), “Canonical
  • Correlation Analysis as a Special Case of a Structural Relations Model”,
  • Multivariate Behavioral Research, Vol. 16, 437-454.
  • BELK, R.W. (1988) Possessions and the Extended Self, Journal of Consumer
  • Research, Vol.15, No.2, 139–167.
  • BIEL, A. L. (1993), “Converting Image into Equity”, in Brand Equity &
  • Advertising: Advertising's Role in Building Strong Brands, D. A. Aaker & A. L.
  • Biel (Eds.), NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, 1993, 67–82.
  • BLACKSTON, M. (1993), “Beyond Brand Personality: Building Brand
  • Relationships”, in D. A. Aaker & A. L. Biel (Eds.), Brand Equity & Advertising:
  • Advertising's Role in Building Strong Brands, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale,
  • , 113–124.
  • CAPRARA et al, (2001), “Brand Personality: How to Make the Metaphor
  • Fit?”, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 22, No. 3, 377–395.
  • CARUANA, A., EWING, M. T.,(2006), “The Psychometric Properties of
  • eTail Quality An International Investigation Across Product Categories”,
  • International Marketing Review, Vol. 23 No. 4, 353–370.
  • CLIFF, N. and KRUS, D. J.(1976), “Interpretation of Canonical Analysis:
  • Rotated vs. Unrotated Solutions”, Psychometrika, Vol. 41, No.1, 35-42.
  • DESARBO, W. S., HAUSMAN, S. L. and THOMPSON, W (December
  • “Constrained Canonical Correlation”, Psychometrika, Vol. 47, No.4, 489-516.
  • ELLINGERA,A. A., LYNCHB, D. F. and HANSEN, J. D. (2003), “Firm size,
  • Web Site Content, and Financial Performance in the Transportation Industry”,
  • Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 32, 177– 185.
  • FERRAND, A and PAGES M. (1999), “Image Management in Sport
  • Organisations: the Creation of Value”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 33 No.
  • /4, 387- 401.
  • FERRANDI et al (15 May 1999) “L’échelle de Personnalité des Marques de
  • Aaker Appliquée au Contexte Français : Un Premier Test” , Congrès de
  • l’Association Française de Marketing, Strasbourg, 1089-1112.
  • FORNELL, C. (1978), “Three Approaches to Canonical Analysis”, Journal
  • of the Market Reseacrh Society, Vol. 20, No. 3, 166-181.
  • FORNELL, C. (January 1985) “A Second Generation of Multivariate
  • Analysis: Classification of Methods and Implications For Marketing Research”,
  • Working Paper, No. 414, Division of Research, Graduate School of Business
  • Administration, The University of Michigan.
  • FOURNIER, S. (1998) “Consumers and Their Brands: Developing
  • Relationship Theory in Consumer Research”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.
  • , 343–373.
  • FRELING, T. H. and FORBES, L. P. (2005) “An Empirical Analysis of the
  • Brand Personality Effect”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 14, No. 7,
  • –413.
  • GULIZ, H. (2001) “An Ampirical Assessment of the Configural Invariance
  • of the Brand Personality Scale: A Comparison Involving Ethnic Groups and Brands
  • in Canada”, Concorida University, John Molson School of Business, December
  • , Unpublished Doctoral Thesis
  • GREEN, P. E., Halbert, M.H. and Robinson, P. J.(1966) “Canonical Analysis:
  • An Exposition and Illustrative Application”, Journal of Marketing Research,
  • Vol.3, No.1, 32-39.
  • HAIR et al. (1998), “Multivariate Data Analysis”, Fifth Edition, Prentice
  • Hall, New Jersey
  • HALLIDAY, J. (September1996) “Chrysler Brings Out Brand Personalities
  • with ’97 Ads”, Advertising Age, Vol. 30, 3.
  • International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies
  • Year:2 Volume:1 Number:3, Summer 2009 ISSN 1307-9832
  • HELGESON, J.G. and SUPHELLEN, M (2004), “A Conceptual and
  • Measurement Comparison of Self Congruity and Brand Personality”, International
  • Journal of Market Research, Vol. 46, No. 2, 205–223.
  • HOSIE P., PETER, S. and COOPER, C. L. (2006), “Happy Performing
  • Managers”, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • HORVATH, C., LEEFLANG, P. S. H. and OTTER, P. W. (2002) “Canonical
  • Correlation Analysis and Wiener-Granger Causality Tests: Useful Tools for the
  • Specification of VAR Models”, Marketing Letters,Vol.13, No.1, 53-66.
  • HULT, G. T. M., FERRELL, O.C. and SCHUL, P. L.(1998), “The Effect of
  • Global Leadership on Purchasing Process Outcomes”, European Journal of Marketing,
  • Vol. 32 No. 11/12, . 1029-1050.
  • HULTINK, E. J., GRIFFIN, A, ROBBEN, H.S.J. and HART, S. (1998), “In
  • Search of Generic Launch Strategies for New Products”, Intern. J. of Research in
  • Marketing, Vol. 15, 269–285.
  • HYMAN, M. R. and YANG, Z.(2001) “International Marketing Serials: A
  • Retrospective”, International Marketing Review, Vol. 18, No. 6, 667-716.
  • KELLER, K.L. (1993), “Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing
  • Customer-based Brand Equity”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 57, No.1, 1-22.
  • KELLER, K.L. (1998), “Strategic Brand Management: Building,
  • Measuring”, and Managing Brand Equity, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
  • KIM et al, (2001), “The Effect of Brand Personality and Brand Identification
  • on Brand Loyalty : Applying the Theory of Social Identification”, Japanese
  • Psyhological Research, Vol. 43, No. 4, 195-206.
  • KOEBEL and LADWEIN (Janvier-Avril 1999), L’Echelle De Personalite
  • De La Marque De Jennifer Aaker: Adaptation Au Contexte Français, Decisions
  • Marketing, No.6, 81–88.
  • LAMBERT, Z. V. and DURAND, R. M. (1975), “Some Precautions in Using
  • Canonical Analysis”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.12, No.4, 468–475.
  • LEVINE, M.S. (1977), “Canonical Analysis and Factor Comparison”, Sage
  • Publications, Beverly Hills and London, Sage University Paper on Quantitative
  • Applications in the Social Sciences
  • MAGIN, S. et al (2003), “The Impact of Brand Personality and Customer
  • Satisfaction on Customer’s Loyalty: Theoretical Approach and Findings of a Causal
  • Analytical Study in the Sector of Internet Service Providers”, Electronic Markets,
  • Vol. 13, No. 4, 294–308.
  • SUPHELLEN, M. and GRONHAUG, H. (2003), “Building Foreign Brand
  • Personalities in Russia: The Moderating Effect of Consumer Ethnocentrism”,
  • International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 22, 203–226.
  • MALHOTRA, N (1988), “Self Concept and Product Choice: An Integrated
  • Perspective”, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 9, 1-28.
  • MUNIZ Jr. A. M. and O’GUINN, T. C.( March 2001), “Brand Community”,
  • Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.27, No. 4, 412-413.
  • NAIK, P. A., HAGERTY, M.R. and TSAI, C-L, (Feb. 2000), “A New
  • Dimension Reduction Approach for Data-Rich Marketing Environments:Sliced
  • Inverse Regression”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 37, No. 1. 88-101.
  • PERREAULT, W. D. and SPIRO, R. L. (1978), “An Approach for Improved
  • Interpretation of Multivariate Analysis”, Decision Sciences, Vol. 9, 402-413.
  • PHAU, I & LAU, K. C. (July 2001), “Brand Personality and Consumer Self
  • Expression: Single or Dual Carriageway?”, Brand Management, Vol. 8, No. 6, 428–
  • -
  • PLUMMER, J. T., (Dec 1984/1985), “How Personality Makes A
  • Difference”, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 24, No. 6,27–31.
  • RATCHFORD, B. T. (August – September 1987), “New Insights About The
  • FCB Grid”, Journal of Advertising Research, 24- 38.
  • REID, D. A. and PLANK, R. E. (2000), “Business Marketing Comes of Age:
  • A Comprehensive Review of the Literature”, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing,
  • Vol. 7 , No: 2/3, 9-186.
  • SHETH, J. N., (January 1971), “The Multivariate Revolution in Marketing”
  • Research, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 35, 13-19.
  • SIRGY, J.M. (1980), “Self Concept in Relation to Product Preference and
  • Purchase Intention”, Developments in Marketing Science, Vol. 3, 350- 354.
  • STEWART, D., and LOVE, W. (1968), “A General Canonical Correlation
  • Index”, Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 70, No.3, 160-163.
  • SUPHELLEN, M, and GRONHAUG, K. (2003), “Building Foreign Brand
  • Personalities in Russia: The Moderating Effect of Consumer Ethnocentrism”,
  • International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 22, 203–226.
  • TABACHNICK, B.G. and FIDEL, L.S. (1996), “Using Multivariate
  • Statistics”, Third Edition, Harper Collins College Publishers, New York.
  • YONGJUN, S. and TINKHAM, S.(2005), “Brand Personality Structures in
  • the United States and Korea: Common and Culture-Specific Factors”, Journal of
  • Consumer Psychology, Vol. 15, Issue 4, 334–350.
  • WILDT, A. R., LAMBERT, Z. V. and DURAND, R. M. (February 1982),
  • “Applying the Jacknife Statistic in Testing and Interpreting Canonical Weights,
  • Loadings and Cross Loadings”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 19, 99-107.
  • WOLFINBARGER, M. and GILLY, M.C. (2003), “eTailQ:
  • Dimensionalizing, Measuring and Predicting Etail Quality”, Journal of Retailing,
  • Vol. 79,183-198


Year 2009, Issue: 3, 0 - , 14.05.2015




  • AAKER, D. A., KUMAR, V. and DAY, G. S. (2007), “Marketing Research,
  • th edition”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY.
  • AAKER, D.A. (1996) “Building Strong Brands”, The Free Press, New York
  • AAKER, J.L., (1997) “Dimensions of Brand Personality”, Journal of Marketing
  • Research, Vol. 34, August, 347–356.
  • AAKER J.L., BENET Martinez, V. and GAROLERA, J. (September 2001),
  • “Consumption Symbols As Carriers of Culture: A Study of Japanese and Spanish
  • Brand Personality Constructs”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
  • Vol.81, Issue:3, 492-508.
  • ALPERT, M. L. and PETERSON, R. A. (1972) “On the Interpretation of
  • Canonical Analysis”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 9, 187-192.
  • AVLONITIS, G. J. and GOUNARIS, S. P. (1999) “Marketing Orientation
  • and Its Determinants: An Empirical Analysis”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol.
  • No. 11/12, 1003-1037.
  • AZEVEDO, A and FARHANGMEHR, M. (March 2005), “Clothing
  • Branding Strategies: Influence of Brand Personality on Advertising Response”,
  • Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, Volume 4, Issue 3,
  • –13.
  • BAGOZZI, R.P., FORNELL, C. and LARCKER, D. F.(1981), “Canonical
  • Correlation Analysis as a Special Case of a Structural Relations Model”,
  • Multivariate Behavioral Research, Vol. 16, 437-454.
  • BELK, R.W. (1988) Possessions and the Extended Self, Journal of Consumer
  • Research, Vol.15, No.2, 139–167.
  • BIEL, A. L. (1993), “Converting Image into Equity”, in Brand Equity &
  • Advertising: Advertising's Role in Building Strong Brands, D. A. Aaker & A. L.
  • Biel (Eds.), NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, 1993, 67–82.
  • BLACKSTON, M. (1993), “Beyond Brand Personality: Building Brand
  • Relationships”, in D. A. Aaker & A. L. Biel (Eds.), Brand Equity & Advertising:
  • Advertising's Role in Building Strong Brands, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale,
  • , 113–124.
  • CAPRARA et al, (2001), “Brand Personality: How to Make the Metaphor
  • Fit?”, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 22, No. 3, 377–395.
  • CARUANA, A., EWING, M. T.,(2006), “The Psychometric Properties of
  • eTail Quality An International Investigation Across Product Categories”,
  • International Marketing Review, Vol. 23 No. 4, 353–370.
  • CLIFF, N. and KRUS, D. J.(1976), “Interpretation of Canonical Analysis:
  • Rotated vs. Unrotated Solutions”, Psychometrika, Vol. 41, No.1, 35-42.
  • DESARBO, W. S., HAUSMAN, S. L. and THOMPSON, W (December
  • “Constrained Canonical Correlation”, Psychometrika, Vol. 47, No.4, 489-516.
  • ELLINGERA,A. A., LYNCHB, D. F. and HANSEN, J. D. (2003), “Firm size,
  • Web Site Content, and Financial Performance in the Transportation Industry”,
  • Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 32, 177– 185.
  • FERRAND, A and PAGES M. (1999), “Image Management in Sport
  • Organisations: the Creation of Value”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 33 No.
  • /4, 387- 401.
  • FERRANDI et al (15 May 1999) “L’échelle de Personnalité des Marques de
  • Aaker Appliquée au Contexte Français : Un Premier Test” , Congrès de
  • l’Association Française de Marketing, Strasbourg, 1089-1112.
  • FORNELL, C. (1978), “Three Approaches to Canonical Analysis”, Journal
  • of the Market Reseacrh Society, Vol. 20, No. 3, 166-181.
  • FORNELL, C. (January 1985) “A Second Generation of Multivariate
  • Analysis: Classification of Methods and Implications For Marketing Research”,
  • Working Paper, No. 414, Division of Research, Graduate School of Business
  • Administration, The University of Michigan.
  • FOURNIER, S. (1998) “Consumers and Their Brands: Developing
  • Relationship Theory in Consumer Research”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.
  • , 343–373.
  • FRELING, T. H. and FORBES, L. P. (2005) “An Empirical Analysis of the
  • Brand Personality Effect”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 14, No. 7,
  • –413.
  • GULIZ, H. (2001) “An Ampirical Assessment of the Configural Invariance
  • of the Brand Personality Scale: A Comparison Involving Ethnic Groups and Brands
  • in Canada”, Concorida University, John Molson School of Business, December
  • , Unpublished Doctoral Thesis
  • GREEN, P. E., Halbert, M.H. and Robinson, P. J.(1966) “Canonical Analysis:
  • An Exposition and Illustrative Application”, Journal of Marketing Research,
  • Vol.3, No.1, 32-39.
  • HAIR et al. (1998), “Multivariate Data Analysis”, Fifth Edition, Prentice
  • Hall, New Jersey
  • HALLIDAY, J. (September1996) “Chrysler Brings Out Brand Personalities
  • with ’97 Ads”, Advertising Age, Vol. 30, 3.
  • International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies
  • Year:2 Volume:1 Number:3, Summer 2009 ISSN 1307-9832
  • HELGESON, J.G. and SUPHELLEN, M (2004), “A Conceptual and
  • Measurement Comparison of Self Congruity and Brand Personality”, International
  • Journal of Market Research, Vol. 46, No. 2, 205–223.
  • HOSIE P., PETER, S. and COOPER, C. L. (2006), “Happy Performing
  • Managers”, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • HORVATH, C., LEEFLANG, P. S. H. and OTTER, P. W. (2002) “Canonical
  • Correlation Analysis and Wiener-Granger Causality Tests: Useful Tools for the
  • Specification of VAR Models”, Marketing Letters,Vol.13, No.1, 53-66.
  • HULT, G. T. M., FERRELL, O.C. and SCHUL, P. L.(1998), “The Effect of
  • Global Leadership on Purchasing Process Outcomes”, European Journal of Marketing,
  • Vol. 32 No. 11/12, . 1029-1050.
  • HULTINK, E. J., GRIFFIN, A, ROBBEN, H.S.J. and HART, S. (1998), “In
  • Search of Generic Launch Strategies for New Products”, Intern. J. of Research in
  • Marketing, Vol. 15, 269–285.
  • HYMAN, M. R. and YANG, Z.(2001) “International Marketing Serials: A
  • Retrospective”, International Marketing Review, Vol. 18, No. 6, 667-716.
  • KELLER, K.L. (1993), “Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing
  • Customer-based Brand Equity”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 57, No.1, 1-22.
  • KELLER, K.L. (1998), “Strategic Brand Management: Building,
  • Measuring”, and Managing Brand Equity, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
  • KIM et al, (2001), “The Effect of Brand Personality and Brand Identification
  • on Brand Loyalty : Applying the Theory of Social Identification”, Japanese
  • Psyhological Research, Vol. 43, No. 4, 195-206.
  • KOEBEL and LADWEIN (Janvier-Avril 1999), L’Echelle De Personalite
  • De La Marque De Jennifer Aaker: Adaptation Au Contexte Français, Decisions
  • Marketing, No.6, 81–88.
  • LAMBERT, Z. V. and DURAND, R. M. (1975), “Some Precautions in Using
  • Canonical Analysis”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.12, No.4, 468–475.
  • LEVINE, M.S. (1977), “Canonical Analysis and Factor Comparison”, Sage
  • Publications, Beverly Hills and London, Sage University Paper on Quantitative
  • Applications in the Social Sciences
  • MAGIN, S. et al (2003), “The Impact of Brand Personality and Customer
  • Satisfaction on Customer’s Loyalty: Theoretical Approach and Findings of a Causal
  • Analytical Study in the Sector of Internet Service Providers”, Electronic Markets,
  • Vol. 13, No. 4, 294–308.
  • SUPHELLEN, M. and GRONHAUG, H. (2003), “Building Foreign Brand
  • Personalities in Russia: The Moderating Effect of Consumer Ethnocentrism”,
  • International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 22, 203–226.
  • MALHOTRA, N (1988), “Self Concept and Product Choice: An Integrated
  • Perspective”, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 9, 1-28.
  • MUNIZ Jr. A. M. and O’GUINN, T. C.( March 2001), “Brand Community”,
  • Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.27, No. 4, 412-413.
  • NAIK, P. A., HAGERTY, M.R. and TSAI, C-L, (Feb. 2000), “A New
  • Dimension Reduction Approach for Data-Rich Marketing Environments:Sliced
  • Inverse Regression”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 37, No. 1. 88-101.
  • PERREAULT, W. D. and SPIRO, R. L. (1978), “An Approach for Improved
  • Interpretation of Multivariate Analysis”, Decision Sciences, Vol. 9, 402-413.
  • PHAU, I & LAU, K. C. (July 2001), “Brand Personality and Consumer Self
  • Expression: Single or Dual Carriageway?”, Brand Management, Vol. 8, No. 6, 428–
  • -
  • PLUMMER, J. T., (Dec 1984/1985), “How Personality Makes A
  • Difference”, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 24, No. 6,27–31.
  • RATCHFORD, B. T. (August – September 1987), “New Insights About The
  • FCB Grid”, Journal of Advertising Research, 24- 38.
  • REID, D. A. and PLANK, R. E. (2000), “Business Marketing Comes of Age:
  • A Comprehensive Review of the Literature”, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing,
  • Vol. 7 , No: 2/3, 9-186.
  • SHETH, J. N., (January 1971), “The Multivariate Revolution in Marketing”
  • Research, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 35, 13-19.
  • SIRGY, J.M. (1980), “Self Concept in Relation to Product Preference and
  • Purchase Intention”, Developments in Marketing Science, Vol. 3, 350- 354.
  • STEWART, D., and LOVE, W. (1968), “A General Canonical Correlation
  • Index”, Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 70, No.3, 160-163.
  • SUPHELLEN, M, and GRONHAUG, K. (2003), “Building Foreign Brand
  • Personalities in Russia: The Moderating Effect of Consumer Ethnocentrism”,
  • International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 22, 203–226.
  • TABACHNICK, B.G. and FIDEL, L.S. (1996), “Using Multivariate
  • Statistics”, Third Edition, Harper Collins College Publishers, New York.
  • YONGJUN, S. and TINKHAM, S.(2005), “Brand Personality Structures in
  • the United States and Korea: Common and Culture-Specific Factors”, Journal of
  • Consumer Psychology, Vol. 15, Issue 4, 334–350.
  • WILDT, A. R., LAMBERT, Z. V. and DURAND, R. M. (February 1982),
  • “Applying the Jacknife Statistic in Testing and Interpreting Canonical Weights,
  • Loadings and Cross Loadings”, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol 19, 99-107.
  • WOLFINBARGER, M. and GILLY, M.C. (2003), “eTailQ:
  • Dimensionalizing, Measuring and Predicting Etail Quality”, Journal of Retailing,
  • Vol. 79,183-198
There are 150 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Çiğdem Şahin Başfırıncı This is me

Publication Date May 14, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 3




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