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Year 2009, Issue: 2, 0 - , 14.05.2015


Developing new products and innovation causes substantial differentiations in the lifecycle of companies.
Production of new products, processes and information are extremely important for a firm to keep up and
compete with others in the market. In this study the process of innovation produce in the sector of forest
product industry was investigated. This study, conducted in 102 small and middle size firms, showed that
the export companies are more successful in innovation, information production is tremendously effective
in innovation, and new products and processes are indispensable for competition. It was further determined
that if research activities in forest product industry were supported with sufficient financial resource,
the production of new products, process and information could be achieved satisfactorily, and
market and competition domination could be gained in national and international market.


  • ANDRES R., MATTI F., ARMAS J., GORAN L. and MATS W., (2001),
  • Production Strategies in the Swedish Softwood Sawmilling Industry, Forest Policy
  • and Economics 3, 189-197.
  • BALACHANDRA, R. and FRIAR, J., (1997), Factors for success in R&D
  • projects and new product innovation: a contextual framework, IEEE Transactions on
  • Engineering Management 44 (3), 276–287.
  • CAVUSGIL, S., CALANTONE R. and ZHAO, Y., (2003), Tacit knowledge
  • transfer and firm innovation capability, J. Bus. Ind. Marketing 18 (1), 6–21.
  • COOPER, R., (1990), Stage-gate systems: a new tool for managing new
  • products, Business Horizons, 44–54 (May/June).
  • COOPER, R., (1999), The invisible success factors in product innovation,
  • Journal of Product Innovation Management 16, 115–133.
  • COOPER, R., EDGETT S. and KLEINSCHMIDT, E., (2002), Optimising
  • the stage-gate process: what best practice companies are doing, Research Technology
  • Management 45 (5), 21–27.
  • COOPER, R.G., (2000), Doing it right: winning with new products, Ivey
  • Business Journal, 54–60 (July/August).
  • DAHLMAN, C.J., LARSON, B.R. and WESTPHAL, L.E., (1987), Managing
  • technological development: lessons from the newly industrializing countries.
  • World Development 15 (6), 759–775.
  • DAVIS, T., (1993), Effective supply chain management, Sloan Manage. Rev.
  • (4), 35–46.
  • DE LA ROCHE, I.A. and DANGERFIELD, J.A., (2002), The power of partnerships
  • in research and development, The Forestry Chronicle 78 (1), 120–123.
  • DI GREGORIO, D. and SHANE, S., (2003), Why do some universities generate
  • more start-ups than others? Res. Policy 32: 209, 227 pp.
  • DURRANI and H.K., (2004), CHANG, Editors, Proceedings of the IEEE International
  • Engineering Management Conference, 18–21 October, Singapore vol. 3,
  • –967.
  • Eurosat, (2001), Statistic on Innovation in Europe. Data 1996-1997. Office
  • for official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
  • GLOBERMAN, S., Nakamura, M., Ruckman K. and Vertinsky, I., (1998),
  • Innovation, strategy and Canada's forest products industry, Canadian Public Policy
  • (supplement).
  • HAN, J.K., KIM N. and SRIVASTAVA, R.K., (1998), Market orientation
  • and organizational performance: is innovation a missing link?, Journal of Marketing
  • (4), 30–45.
  • HANSEN, E., (2006), Structural panel industry evolution: Implications for
  • innovation and new product development. Forest Policy and Economics, 8 (7), 774–
  • -
  • HIGGINS, J.M., (1996), Innovate or Evaporate: Creative Techniques for
  • Strategists, Loung Range Planning, (29)
  • HIRSCH, S. and Bijaoui, I., (1985), R&D intensity and export performance:
  • a micro view. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 121, 238–251.
  • INNES, T., (2002), Sustainability, Forestry and Knowledge Management:
  • Examining the International, Canadian and British Columbian Context, Master's thesis,
  • Athabasca, Canada.
  • JAKOBSEN, E. W., Vikesland, M. and Holst, L. K., (2001), Enverdiskapende
  • skog- og trenæring. Forskningsrapport 6/2001. Handelshøyskolen BI, Oslo. (In
  • Norwegian)
  • KISACIK, S., (2005), The Competition strategies of small and medium size
  • businesses follow: A study about SME’ s in Adana, Master Thesis, Department of
  • Business Administration, Çukurova University, Adana.
  • KREMIC, T., (2003), Technology transfer: a contextual approach, Journal of
  • Technology Transfer 28, 149–158.
  • KRISHNAN V. and ULRICH, K., (2001), Product development decisions: a
  • review of the literature, Management Science 47 (1), 1–21.
  • LALL, S. and KUMAR, R., (1981), Firm-level export performance in an inward-
  • looking economy: the Indian engineering industry. World Development 9,
  • –463.
  • LALL, S., (1992), Technological capabilities and industrialization. World
  • Development 20 (2), 165–186.
  • LEE C. and YANG, J., (2000), Knowledge value chain, J. Manage. Dev. 19
  • (9), 783–793.
  • LEIFER, R. COLARELLI O'Connor, G. and RICE, M., (2001), Implementing
  • innovation in mature firms: the role of hubs, Academy of Management Executive
  • (3), 102–113.
  • LUNNAN, A., NYBAKK, E. and Vennesland, B., (2004), Entrepreneurial attitudes
  • and probability for star-ups – an investigation of Norwegian non-industrial
  • private forest owners. Working paper. Norwegian Forest Research Institute, Ås.
  • (2004), End-to-end innovation: extending the stage-gate model into a sustainable
  • collaboration framework. In: M. Xie, T.S.
  • ÖZÇELIK, E. and TAYMAZ E., (2004), Does innovativeness matter for international
  • competitiveness in developing countries?: The case of Turkish manufacturing
  • industries Research Policy, 33 (3), 409–424.
  • ÖZÇER, N., (2005), Yönetimde Yaratıcılık ve Yenilikçilik, Rota Publishing,
  • İstanbul.
  • PORTER, M., (2000), Competitive Strategy, Translator; Güven Ulubilgen,
  • Sistem Publishing, İstanbul.
  • RAMETSTEINER, E. and KUBECZKO, K., (2003), Innovation und Unternehmertum
  • in der österreichischen Forstwirtschaft. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für
  • Sozioökomonik der Forstund Holzwirtschaft, Univ. für Bodenkultur, Vienna. Band
  • -
  • REID S. and de BRENTANIS, U., (2004), The fuzzy front end of new product
  • development for discontinuous innovations: a theoretical model, The Journal of
  • Product Innovation Management 21, 170–184.
  • ROGERS, E., (1983, 2003), Diffusion of Innovations (3rd, 5th ed.), The Free
  • Press, New York.
  • ROPER, S. and LOVE, J.H., (2002), Innovation and export performance:
  • evidence from the UK and German manufacturing plants. Research Policy 31,
  • –1102.
  • SCHUMPETER, A., (1912/1934), Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung.
  • Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. English translation published in 1934 as The Theory
  • of Economic Development, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. 267 pp.
  • SIMARD, A., (2000), Managing Knowledge at the Canadian Forest Service,
  • Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
  • VAN Horne, C., FRAYRET J.-M. and POULIN, D., (2005), Knowledge
  • management in the forest products industry: the role of centres of expertise, Computers
  • and Electronics in Agriculture 47 (3), 167–185.
  • VERYZER, R., (1998), Discontinuous innovation and the new product development
  • process, The Journal of Product Innovation Management 15, 304–321.
  • WAKELIN, K., (1998), Innovation and export behaviour at the firm level.
  • Research Policy 26, 829–841.
  • YALDIZ, A., (2007), Competition Power in Small and Medium Sized Establishment,
  • Master Thesis, Department of Business Administration, Anadolu Universtiy,
  • Eskişehir.


Year 2009, Issue: 2, 0 - , 14.05.2015


Developing new products and innovation causes substantial differentiations in the lifecycle of companies.
Production of new products, processes and information are extremely important for a firm to keep up and
compete with others in the market. In this study the process of innovation produce in the sector of forest
product industry was investigated. This study, conducted in 102 small and middle size firms, showed that
the export companies are more successful in innovation, information production is tremendously effective
in innovation, and new products and processes are indispensable for competition. It was further determined
that if research activities in forest product industry were supported with sufficient financial resource,
the production of new products, process and information could be achieved satisfactorily, and
market and competition domination could be gained in national and international market.


  • ANDRES R., MATTI F., ARMAS J., GORAN L. and MATS W., (2001),
  • Production Strategies in the Swedish Softwood Sawmilling Industry, Forest Policy
  • and Economics 3, 189-197.
  • BALACHANDRA, R. and FRIAR, J., (1997), Factors for success in R&D
  • projects and new product innovation: a contextual framework, IEEE Transactions on
  • Engineering Management 44 (3), 276–287.
  • CAVUSGIL, S., CALANTONE R. and ZHAO, Y., (2003), Tacit knowledge
  • transfer and firm innovation capability, J. Bus. Ind. Marketing 18 (1), 6–21.
  • COOPER, R., (1990), Stage-gate systems: a new tool for managing new
  • products, Business Horizons, 44–54 (May/June).
  • COOPER, R., (1999), The invisible success factors in product innovation,
  • Journal of Product Innovation Management 16, 115–133.
  • COOPER, R., EDGETT S. and KLEINSCHMIDT, E., (2002), Optimising
  • the stage-gate process: what best practice companies are doing, Research Technology
  • Management 45 (5), 21–27.
  • COOPER, R.G., (2000), Doing it right: winning with new products, Ivey
  • Business Journal, 54–60 (July/August).
  • DAHLMAN, C.J., LARSON, B.R. and WESTPHAL, L.E., (1987), Managing
  • technological development: lessons from the newly industrializing countries.
  • World Development 15 (6), 759–775.
  • DAVIS, T., (1993), Effective supply chain management, Sloan Manage. Rev.
  • (4), 35–46.
  • DE LA ROCHE, I.A. and DANGERFIELD, J.A., (2002), The power of partnerships
  • in research and development, The Forestry Chronicle 78 (1), 120–123.
  • DI GREGORIO, D. and SHANE, S., (2003), Why do some universities generate
  • more start-ups than others? Res. Policy 32: 209, 227 pp.
  • DURRANI and H.K., (2004), CHANG, Editors, Proceedings of the IEEE International
  • Engineering Management Conference, 18–21 October, Singapore vol. 3,
  • –967.
  • Eurosat, (2001), Statistic on Innovation in Europe. Data 1996-1997. Office
  • for official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
  • GLOBERMAN, S., Nakamura, M., Ruckman K. and Vertinsky, I., (1998),
  • Innovation, strategy and Canada's forest products industry, Canadian Public Policy
  • (supplement).
  • HAN, J.K., KIM N. and SRIVASTAVA, R.K., (1998), Market orientation
  • and organizational performance: is innovation a missing link?, Journal of Marketing
  • (4), 30–45.
  • HANSEN, E., (2006), Structural panel industry evolution: Implications for
  • innovation and new product development. Forest Policy and Economics, 8 (7), 774–
  • -
  • HIGGINS, J.M., (1996), Innovate or Evaporate: Creative Techniques for
  • Strategists, Loung Range Planning, (29)
  • HIRSCH, S. and Bijaoui, I., (1985), R&D intensity and export performance:
  • a micro view. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 121, 238–251.
  • INNES, T., (2002), Sustainability, Forestry and Knowledge Management:
  • Examining the International, Canadian and British Columbian Context, Master's thesis,
  • Athabasca, Canada.
  • JAKOBSEN, E. W., Vikesland, M. and Holst, L. K., (2001), Enverdiskapende
  • skog- og trenæring. Forskningsrapport 6/2001. Handelshøyskolen BI, Oslo. (In
  • Norwegian)
  • KISACIK, S., (2005), The Competition strategies of small and medium size
  • businesses follow: A study about SME’ s in Adana, Master Thesis, Department of
  • Business Administration, Çukurova University, Adana.
  • KREMIC, T., (2003), Technology transfer: a contextual approach, Journal of
  • Technology Transfer 28, 149–158.
  • KRISHNAN V. and ULRICH, K., (2001), Product development decisions: a
  • review of the literature, Management Science 47 (1), 1–21.
  • LALL, S. and KUMAR, R., (1981), Firm-level export performance in an inward-
  • looking economy: the Indian engineering industry. World Development 9,
  • –463.
  • LALL, S., (1992), Technological capabilities and industrialization. World
  • Development 20 (2), 165–186.
  • LEE C. and YANG, J., (2000), Knowledge value chain, J. Manage. Dev. 19
  • (9), 783–793.
  • LEIFER, R. COLARELLI O'Connor, G. and RICE, M., (2001), Implementing
  • innovation in mature firms: the role of hubs, Academy of Management Executive
  • (3), 102–113.
  • LUNNAN, A., NYBAKK, E. and Vennesland, B., (2004), Entrepreneurial attitudes
  • and probability for star-ups – an investigation of Norwegian non-industrial
  • private forest owners. Working paper. Norwegian Forest Research Institute, Ås.
  • (2004), End-to-end innovation: extending the stage-gate model into a sustainable
  • collaboration framework. In: M. Xie, T.S.
  • ÖZÇELIK, E. and TAYMAZ E., (2004), Does innovativeness matter for international
  • competitiveness in developing countries?: The case of Turkish manufacturing
  • industries Research Policy, 33 (3), 409–424.
  • ÖZÇER, N., (2005), Yönetimde Yaratıcılık ve Yenilikçilik, Rota Publishing,
  • İstanbul.
  • PORTER, M., (2000), Competitive Strategy, Translator; Güven Ulubilgen,
  • Sistem Publishing, İstanbul.
  • RAMETSTEINER, E. and KUBECZKO, K., (2003), Innovation und Unternehmertum
  • in der österreichischen Forstwirtschaft. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für
  • Sozioökomonik der Forstund Holzwirtschaft, Univ. für Bodenkultur, Vienna. Band
  • -
  • REID S. and de BRENTANIS, U., (2004), The fuzzy front end of new product
  • development for discontinuous innovations: a theoretical model, The Journal of
  • Product Innovation Management 21, 170–184.
  • ROGERS, E., (1983, 2003), Diffusion of Innovations (3rd, 5th ed.), The Free
  • Press, New York.
  • ROPER, S. and LOVE, J.H., (2002), Innovation and export performance:
  • evidence from the UK and German manufacturing plants. Research Policy 31,
  • –1102.
  • SCHUMPETER, A., (1912/1934), Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung.
  • Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. English translation published in 1934 as The Theory
  • of Economic Development, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. 267 pp.
  • SIMARD, A., (2000), Managing Knowledge at the Canadian Forest Service,
  • Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
  • VAN Horne, C., FRAYRET J.-M. and POULIN, D., (2005), Knowledge
  • management in the forest products industry: the role of centres of expertise, Computers
  • and Electronics in Agriculture 47 (3), 167–185.
  • VERYZER, R., (1998), Discontinuous innovation and the new product development
  • process, The Journal of Product Innovation Management 15, 304–321.
  • WAKELIN, K., (1998), Innovation and export behaviour at the firm level.
  • Research Policy 26, 829–841.
  • YALDIZ, A., (2007), Competition Power in Small and Medium Sized Establishment,
  • Master Thesis, Department of Business Administration, Anadolu Universtiy,
  • Eskişehir.
There are 107 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Kadri Akyüz This is me

Tarık Gedik This is me

Canberk Batu This is me

Publication Date May 14, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 2


APA Akyüz, K., Gedik, T., & Batu, C. (2015). COMPETITION POWER AND INNOVATION IN FOREST PRODUCT INDUSTRY. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi(2).


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