Research Article
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Year 2018, Issue: 21, 237 - 254, 22.05.2018


Since the leisure time increases, the
means of transport and communication improve and the economic opportunities
become more efficient, more people travel with each passing year. This
indicates that tourism revenue of national economies continues to rise.
Therefore, countries compete with each other to attract more visitors. Since
the contribution of tourism to economy is highly important, especially for
developing countries such as Turkey, each province has to know its own tourism
potential and has to plan its marketing activities according to this. In this
study, the destination competitiveness index (DCI) has been created by taking
into consideration the common features of the models, commonly used in the
literature and explaining the factors affecting the competitive capacity of the
destinations. Multi-criteria decision-making methods (AHP, TOPSIS, PROMETHEE,
MOORA) have been used in the evaluation of the destination competitiveness
which is a subject affected by many criteria. The DCI developed for Turkey is
tested with the data obtained from 81 provinces and a high correlation is
acquired between the obtained rankings and the actual tourism performance
rankings. This situation indicates that the explanatoriness of the developed
DCI is high. 


  • Abreu-Novais, Margarida ve diğerleri (2016), "Destination Competitiveness: What We Know, What We Know But Shouldn't And What We Don't Know But Should", Current Issues in Tourism, 19(6), 492-512.
  • Andrades-Caldito, L. ve diğerleri (2013), "Differentiating Competitiveness through Tourism Image Assessment: An Application to Andalusia (Spain)", Journal of Travel Research, 52(1), 68-81.
  • Armenski, Tanja ve diğerleri (2012), "Tourism Destination Competitiveness-Between Two Flags", Economic Research, 25(2), 485-502.
  • Assaf, A George ve Josiassen, Alexander (2011), "Identifying and Ranking The Determinants of Tourism Performance: A Global Investigation", Journal of Travel Research, XX(X), 1-12.
  • Assaf, A George ve Tsionas, Efthymios G (2015), "Incorporating Destination Quality Into The Measurement Of Tourism Performance: A Bayesian Approach", Tourism management, 49, 58-71.
  • Ayyıldız, Hasan ve Turna, Gulçin Bilgin (2013), "Perceived Image of Spain and Germany as a Tourist Destination for Dutch Travelers", Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 1(1), 85-89.
  • Azzoni, Carlos R ve de Menezes, Tatiane A (2009), "Cost competitiveness of international destinations", Annals of Tourism Research, 36(4), 719-722.
  • Bahar, Ozan (2004), Türkiye'de Turizm Sektörünün Rekabet Gücü Analizi Üzerine Bir Alan Araştırması: Muğla Örneği, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Muğla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Baker, Michael J ve Cameron, Emma (2008), "Critical success factors in destination marketing", Tourism and hospitality research, 8(2), 79-97.
  • Baloglu, Seyhmus ve McCleary, Ken W (1999), "A Model Of Destination Image Formation", Annals of Tourism Research, 26(4), 868-897.
  • Botti, Laurent ve Peypoch, Nicolas (2013), "Multi-criteria ELECTRE Method And Destination Competitiveness", Tourism Management Perspectives, 6, 108-113.
  • Buhalis, Dimitrios (2000), "Marketing The Competitive Destination Of The Future", Tourism management, 21, 97-116.
  • Carrillo, Pavel A. Alvarez ve diğerleri (2013), "An Empirical Analysis of Competitiveness on Cities of Sinaloa, Mexico with an Outranking Method", Eureka-2013. Fourth International Workshop Proceedings, 156-163.
  • Ceylan, Hasan Hüseyin (2010), Yerel Kalkınma ve Rekabet Aracı Olarak Şehir Pazarlamasında Yatırımcıların Yatırım Destinasyon Tercih Yapılarının Belirlenmesi ve Uşak Tekstil Sektöründe Bir Uygulama, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Chens, Ching-Yaw ve diğerleri (2008), "Evaluating The Competitiveness Of The Tourism Industry In Cambodia: Self-Assessment From Professionals", Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 13(1), 41-66.
  • Croes, Robertico (2010), "Measuring And Explaining Competitiveness In The Context Of Small Island Destinations", Journal Of Travel Research, XX(X), 1-12.
  • Croes, Robertico ve Rivera, Manuel Antonio (2010), "Testing The Empirical Link Between Tourism And Competitiveness: Evidence From Puerto Rico", Tourism Economics, 16(1), 217-234.
  • Crouch, Geoffrey I. (2011), "Destination Competitiveness: An Analysis of Determinant Attributes", Journal of Travel Research, 50(1), 27-45.
  • Crouch, Geoffrey I. ve Ritchie, J. R. Brent (1999), "Tourism, Competitiveness, and Societal Prosperity", Journal of Business Research, 44, 137-152.
  • Deffner, Alex ve Metaxas, Theodore (2010), "The City Marketing Pilot Plan of Nea Ionia, Magnesia, Greece: An Exercise in Branding", Journal of Town & City Management, 1(1), 58-68.
  • Dwyer, Larry ve diğerleri (2000), "The Price Competitiveness Of Travel And Tourism: A Comparison Of 19 Destinations", Tourism Management, 21(1), 9-22.
  • Dwyer, Larry ve diğerleri (2003), "Competitiveness Of Australia As A Tourist Destination", Journal Of Hospitality And Tourism Management, 10(1), 60-79.
  • Dwyer, Larry ve diğerleri (2012), "Fashioning A Destination Tourism Future: The Case Of Slovenia", Tourism Management, 33(2), 305-316.
  • Dwyer, Larry ve Kim, Chulwon (2003), "Destination Competitivenes: Determinants and Indicators", Current Issues in Tourism, 6(5), 369-414.
  • Echtner, Charlotte M ve Ritchie, JR Brent (1993), "The Measurement Of Destination Image: An Empirical Assessment", Journal Of Travel Research, 31(4), 3-13.
  • Enright, Michael J. ve Newton, James (2004), "Tourism Destination Competitiveness: A Quantitative Approach", Tourism Management, 25(6), 777-788.
  • Font, Xavier ve Ahjem, Tor E. (1999), "Searching For A Balance In Tourism Development Strategies", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 11(2/3), 73-77.
  • Goffi, Gianluca (2013), Determinants of Tourism Destination Competitiveness: A Theoretical Model And Empirical Evidence, Doktoral Dissertation, Università Politecnica Delle Marche.
  • Göksu, Ali ve Kaya, Seniye Erdinç (2014), "Ranking Of Tourist Destinations With Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods In Bosnia And Herzegovina", Economic Review, 12(2), 91-103.
  • Gomezelj, Doris Omerzel ve Mihalič, Tanja (2008), "Destination Competitiveness—Applying Different Models, The Case Of Slovenia", Tourism Management, 29(2), 294-307.
  • Gooroochurn, Nishaal ve Sugiyarto, Guntur (2005), "Competitiveness Indicators In The Travel And Tourism Industry", Tourism Economics, 11(1), 25-43.
  • Hall, C Michael (1997), "Geography, Marketing And The Selling Of Places", Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 6(3-4), 61-84.
  • Hanna, Sonya ve Rowley, Jennifer (2008), "An Analysis Of Terminology Use In Place Branding", Place Branding And Public Diplomacy, 4(1), 61-75.
  • Hassan, Salah S. (2000), "Determinants of Market Competitiveness in an Environmentally Sustainable Tourism Industry", Journal of Travel Research, 38(February), 239-245.
  • Heath, Ernie (2002), "Towards A Model To Enhance Africa’s Sustainable Tourism Competitiveness", Journal of Public Administration, 37(3.1), 327-353.
  • Hospers, Gert-Jan (2011), "Place Marketing In Shrinking Europe: Some Geographical Notes", Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie, 102(3), 369-375.
  • Huang, Jen-Hung ve Peng, Kua-Hsin (2012), "Fuzzy Rasch Model In Topsis: A New Approach For Generating Fuzzy Numbers To Assess The Competitiveness Of The Tourism Industries In Asian Countries", Tourism Management, 33(2), 456-465.
  • Hudson, Simon ve diğerleri (2004), "Measuring Destination Competitiveness: An Empirical Study Of Canadian Ski Resorts", Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development, 1(1), 79-94.
  • Karmowska, Joanna (2002), "Cultural Heritage as an Element of Marketing Strategy in European Historic Cities’", Cultural Heritage Research: a Pan‐European Challenge, Luxembourg, January, 139-141.
  • Kavaratzis, Mihalis (2005), "Place Branding: A Review Of Trends And Conceptual Models", The Marketing Review, 5(4), 329-342.
  • Kozak, Metin ve Rimmington, Mike (1999), "Measuring Tourist Destination Competitiveness: Conceptual Considerations And Empirical Findings", International Journal of Hospitality Management, 18(3), 273-283.
  • Kwon, Jeamok ve Vogt, Christine A (2010), "Identifying The Role Of Cognitive, Affective, And Behavioral Components In Understanding Residents’ Attitudes Toward Place Marketing", Journal of Travel Research, 49(4), 423-435.
  • Levary, Reuven R. (2011), "Multiple-Criteria Approach To Ranking Medical Tourism Destinations", Thunderbird International Business Review, 53(4), 529-537.
  • Martinez, Norberto Muñiz (2012), "City Marketing and Place Branding: A Critical Review of Practice and Academic Research", Journal of Town & City Management, 2(4), 369-394.
  • Metaxas, Theodore (2005), "Market Research And Target Market Segmentation In Place Marketing Procedure: A Structural Analysis", Discussion Paper Series, 11(3), 47-60.
  • Michailidis, Anastasios ve Chatzitheodoridis, Fotis (2006), "Scenarios Analysis of Tourism Destinations", Journal of Social Sciences, 2(2), 41-47.
  • Mondéjar-Jiménez, Juan-Antonio ve diğerleri (2010), "Cultural Tourism, Using A Multicriteria Analysis: Spanish World Heritage Cities", International Journal of Management & Information Systems, 14(4), 35-44.
  • Önder, Emrah ve diğerleri (2013), "Multi Criteria Decision Making Approach for Evaluating Tourism Destinations in Turkey", Akademik Turizm Ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 1-15.
  • Pike, Steven ve Page, Stephen J (2014), "Destination Marketing Organizations And Destination Marketing: A Narrative Analysis Of The Literature", Tourism Management, 41, 202-227.
  • Ritchie, J. R. Brent ve Crouch, Geoffrey I. (2003), The Competitive Destination: A Sustainable Tourism Perspective. USA: CABI Publishing.
  • Stalidis, George ve Karapistolis, Dimitrios (2014), "Tourist Destination Marketing Supported By Electronic Capitalization Of Knowledge", Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 148, 110-118.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu (2018), "Destinasyonun Tanımı",, (10.02.2018).
  • TURSAB (2016), "Turist Sayısı ve Turizm Geliri", (01.05.2016).
  • UNWTO (2015), Tourism Highlights.
  • Walker, Marian (2000) "Place Marketing And Local Proactivity In The Economic Development Of Benoni", Urban forum, 11(1), 73-99.
  • Wu, Wei-Wen (2011), "Beyond Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Ranking Using DEA, GST, ANN and Borda Count", Expert Systems with Applications, 38(10), 12974-12982.


Year 2018, Issue: 21, 237 - 254, 22.05.2018


zamanların artması, iletişim ve ulaşım imkânlarının gelişmesi ve ekonomik
imkânların elverişli hale gelmesi sonucunda her geçen yıl daha fazla insan
seyahat edebilir hale gelmiştir. Bu durum ülke ekonomilerinin elde ettiği
turizm gelirinin de artmaya devam ettiğini göstermektedir. Ülkeler, daha fazla
ziyaretçi çekebilmek için birbirleriyle rekabet etmektedirler. Özellikle
Türkiye gibi gelişmekte olan ülkelerde turizmin ekonomiye katkısı oldukça
önemli olduğundan illerin kendi turizm potansiyellerini bilmeleri ve buna göre pazarlama
faaliyetlerini planlamaları zorunludur. Bu çalışmada destinasyonların rekabet
güçlerini etkileyen faktörlerin açıklandığı, literatürde yaygın olarak
kullanılan modeller, ortak özellikleri dikkate alınmak suretiyle
birleştirilerek destinasyon
rekabetçiliği endeksi (DRE)
oluşturulmuştur. Çok sayıda kriterin etkilemiş olduğu bir konu olan destinasyon
rekabetçiliğinin ölçümünde çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden (AHP,
TOPSIS, PROMETHEE, MOORA) yararlanılmıştır. Türkiye için geliştirilen destinasyon
rekabetçiliği endeksi 81 ilden elde edilen verilerle test edilmiş, elde edilen
sıralamalar ile gerçekleşen turizm performansı (GTP) sıralamaları arasında
yüksek bir korelasyon elde edilmiştir. Bu durum geliştirilen DRE’nin
açıklayıcılığının yüksek olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Abreu-Novais, Margarida ve diğerleri (2016), "Destination Competitiveness: What We Know, What We Know But Shouldn't And What We Don't Know But Should", Current Issues in Tourism, 19(6), 492-512.
  • Andrades-Caldito, L. ve diğerleri (2013), "Differentiating Competitiveness through Tourism Image Assessment: An Application to Andalusia (Spain)", Journal of Travel Research, 52(1), 68-81.
  • Armenski, Tanja ve diğerleri (2012), "Tourism Destination Competitiveness-Between Two Flags", Economic Research, 25(2), 485-502.
  • Assaf, A George ve Josiassen, Alexander (2011), "Identifying and Ranking The Determinants of Tourism Performance: A Global Investigation", Journal of Travel Research, XX(X), 1-12.
  • Assaf, A George ve Tsionas, Efthymios G (2015), "Incorporating Destination Quality Into The Measurement Of Tourism Performance: A Bayesian Approach", Tourism management, 49, 58-71.
  • Ayyıldız, Hasan ve Turna, Gulçin Bilgin (2013), "Perceived Image of Spain and Germany as a Tourist Destination for Dutch Travelers", Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 1(1), 85-89.
  • Azzoni, Carlos R ve de Menezes, Tatiane A (2009), "Cost competitiveness of international destinations", Annals of Tourism Research, 36(4), 719-722.
  • Bahar, Ozan (2004), Türkiye'de Turizm Sektörünün Rekabet Gücü Analizi Üzerine Bir Alan Araştırması: Muğla Örneği, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Muğla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Baker, Michael J ve Cameron, Emma (2008), "Critical success factors in destination marketing", Tourism and hospitality research, 8(2), 79-97.
  • Baloglu, Seyhmus ve McCleary, Ken W (1999), "A Model Of Destination Image Formation", Annals of Tourism Research, 26(4), 868-897.
  • Botti, Laurent ve Peypoch, Nicolas (2013), "Multi-criteria ELECTRE Method And Destination Competitiveness", Tourism Management Perspectives, 6, 108-113.
  • Buhalis, Dimitrios (2000), "Marketing The Competitive Destination Of The Future", Tourism management, 21, 97-116.
  • Carrillo, Pavel A. Alvarez ve diğerleri (2013), "An Empirical Analysis of Competitiveness on Cities of Sinaloa, Mexico with an Outranking Method", Eureka-2013. Fourth International Workshop Proceedings, 156-163.
  • Ceylan, Hasan Hüseyin (2010), Yerel Kalkınma ve Rekabet Aracı Olarak Şehir Pazarlamasında Yatırımcıların Yatırım Destinasyon Tercih Yapılarının Belirlenmesi ve Uşak Tekstil Sektöründe Bir Uygulama, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Chens, Ching-Yaw ve diğerleri (2008), "Evaluating The Competitiveness Of The Tourism Industry In Cambodia: Self-Assessment From Professionals", Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 13(1), 41-66.
  • Croes, Robertico (2010), "Measuring And Explaining Competitiveness In The Context Of Small Island Destinations", Journal Of Travel Research, XX(X), 1-12.
  • Croes, Robertico ve Rivera, Manuel Antonio (2010), "Testing The Empirical Link Between Tourism And Competitiveness: Evidence From Puerto Rico", Tourism Economics, 16(1), 217-234.
  • Crouch, Geoffrey I. (2011), "Destination Competitiveness: An Analysis of Determinant Attributes", Journal of Travel Research, 50(1), 27-45.
  • Crouch, Geoffrey I. ve Ritchie, J. R. Brent (1999), "Tourism, Competitiveness, and Societal Prosperity", Journal of Business Research, 44, 137-152.
  • Deffner, Alex ve Metaxas, Theodore (2010), "The City Marketing Pilot Plan of Nea Ionia, Magnesia, Greece: An Exercise in Branding", Journal of Town & City Management, 1(1), 58-68.
  • Dwyer, Larry ve diğerleri (2000), "The Price Competitiveness Of Travel And Tourism: A Comparison Of 19 Destinations", Tourism Management, 21(1), 9-22.
  • Dwyer, Larry ve diğerleri (2003), "Competitiveness Of Australia As A Tourist Destination", Journal Of Hospitality And Tourism Management, 10(1), 60-79.
  • Dwyer, Larry ve diğerleri (2012), "Fashioning A Destination Tourism Future: The Case Of Slovenia", Tourism Management, 33(2), 305-316.
  • Dwyer, Larry ve Kim, Chulwon (2003), "Destination Competitivenes: Determinants and Indicators", Current Issues in Tourism, 6(5), 369-414.
  • Echtner, Charlotte M ve Ritchie, JR Brent (1993), "The Measurement Of Destination Image: An Empirical Assessment", Journal Of Travel Research, 31(4), 3-13.
  • Enright, Michael J. ve Newton, James (2004), "Tourism Destination Competitiveness: A Quantitative Approach", Tourism Management, 25(6), 777-788.
  • Font, Xavier ve Ahjem, Tor E. (1999), "Searching For A Balance In Tourism Development Strategies", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 11(2/3), 73-77.
  • Goffi, Gianluca (2013), Determinants of Tourism Destination Competitiveness: A Theoretical Model And Empirical Evidence, Doktoral Dissertation, Università Politecnica Delle Marche.
  • Göksu, Ali ve Kaya, Seniye Erdinç (2014), "Ranking Of Tourist Destinations With Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods In Bosnia And Herzegovina", Economic Review, 12(2), 91-103.
  • Gomezelj, Doris Omerzel ve Mihalič, Tanja (2008), "Destination Competitiveness—Applying Different Models, The Case Of Slovenia", Tourism Management, 29(2), 294-307.
  • Gooroochurn, Nishaal ve Sugiyarto, Guntur (2005), "Competitiveness Indicators In The Travel And Tourism Industry", Tourism Economics, 11(1), 25-43.
  • Hall, C Michael (1997), "Geography, Marketing And The Selling Of Places", Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 6(3-4), 61-84.
  • Hanna, Sonya ve Rowley, Jennifer (2008), "An Analysis Of Terminology Use In Place Branding", Place Branding And Public Diplomacy, 4(1), 61-75.
  • Hassan, Salah S. (2000), "Determinants of Market Competitiveness in an Environmentally Sustainable Tourism Industry", Journal of Travel Research, 38(February), 239-245.
  • Heath, Ernie (2002), "Towards A Model To Enhance Africa’s Sustainable Tourism Competitiveness", Journal of Public Administration, 37(3.1), 327-353.
  • Hospers, Gert-Jan (2011), "Place Marketing In Shrinking Europe: Some Geographical Notes", Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie, 102(3), 369-375.
  • Huang, Jen-Hung ve Peng, Kua-Hsin (2012), "Fuzzy Rasch Model In Topsis: A New Approach For Generating Fuzzy Numbers To Assess The Competitiveness Of The Tourism Industries In Asian Countries", Tourism Management, 33(2), 456-465.
  • Hudson, Simon ve diğerleri (2004), "Measuring Destination Competitiveness: An Empirical Study Of Canadian Ski Resorts", Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development, 1(1), 79-94.
  • Karmowska, Joanna (2002), "Cultural Heritage as an Element of Marketing Strategy in European Historic Cities’", Cultural Heritage Research: a Pan‐European Challenge, Luxembourg, January, 139-141.
  • Kavaratzis, Mihalis (2005), "Place Branding: A Review Of Trends And Conceptual Models", The Marketing Review, 5(4), 329-342.
  • Kozak, Metin ve Rimmington, Mike (1999), "Measuring Tourist Destination Competitiveness: Conceptual Considerations And Empirical Findings", International Journal of Hospitality Management, 18(3), 273-283.
  • Kwon, Jeamok ve Vogt, Christine A (2010), "Identifying The Role Of Cognitive, Affective, And Behavioral Components In Understanding Residents’ Attitudes Toward Place Marketing", Journal of Travel Research, 49(4), 423-435.
  • Levary, Reuven R. (2011), "Multiple-Criteria Approach To Ranking Medical Tourism Destinations", Thunderbird International Business Review, 53(4), 529-537.
  • Martinez, Norberto Muñiz (2012), "City Marketing and Place Branding: A Critical Review of Practice and Academic Research", Journal of Town & City Management, 2(4), 369-394.
  • Metaxas, Theodore (2005), "Market Research And Target Market Segmentation In Place Marketing Procedure: A Structural Analysis", Discussion Paper Series, 11(3), 47-60.
  • Michailidis, Anastasios ve Chatzitheodoridis, Fotis (2006), "Scenarios Analysis of Tourism Destinations", Journal of Social Sciences, 2(2), 41-47.
  • Mondéjar-Jiménez, Juan-Antonio ve diğerleri (2010), "Cultural Tourism, Using A Multicriteria Analysis: Spanish World Heritage Cities", International Journal of Management & Information Systems, 14(4), 35-44.
  • Önder, Emrah ve diğerleri (2013), "Multi Criteria Decision Making Approach for Evaluating Tourism Destinations in Turkey", Akademik Turizm Ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 1-15.
  • Pike, Steven ve Page, Stephen J (2014), "Destination Marketing Organizations And Destination Marketing: A Narrative Analysis Of The Literature", Tourism Management, 41, 202-227.
  • Ritchie, J. R. Brent ve Crouch, Geoffrey I. (2003), The Competitive Destination: A Sustainable Tourism Perspective. USA: CABI Publishing.
  • Stalidis, George ve Karapistolis, Dimitrios (2014), "Tourist Destination Marketing Supported By Electronic Capitalization Of Knowledge", Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 148, 110-118.
  • Türk Dil Kurumu (2018), "Destinasyonun Tanımı",, (10.02.2018).
  • TURSAB (2016), "Turist Sayısı ve Turizm Geliri", (01.05.2016).
  • UNWTO (2015), Tourism Highlights.
  • Walker, Marian (2000) "Place Marketing And Local Proactivity In The Economic Development Of Benoni", Urban forum, 11(1), 73-99.
  • Wu, Wei-Wen (2011), "Beyond Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Ranking Using DEA, GST, ANN and Borda Count", Expert Systems with Applications, 38(10), 12974-12982.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ersin Burnaz 0000-0002-2827-4236

Hasan Ayyıldız 0000-0003-1954-6719

Publication Date May 22, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 21


APA Burnaz, E., & Ayyıldız, H. (2018). DESTİNASYON REKABETÇİLİĞİ ENDEKSİ ÖNERİSİ. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi(21), 237-254.


Address: Karadeniz Technical University Department of Economics Room Number 213  

61080 Trabzon / Turkey

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