yatırımlar ve büyümenin önemli bir finansman kaynağı olup bu yönüyle
sürdürülebilir bir ekonomik yapı için de bir önkoşuldur. Özellikle az gelişmiş
ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde kalkınmanın önündeki temel engellerden biri
yetersiz tasarruf seviyesi olarak görülmektedir. Tasarrufların ekonomi
açısından önemi araştırmacıları tasarrufların belirleyicilerini araştırmaya
yöneltmiş ve bu konuda oldukça geniş bir literatür oluşmuştur. Bununla birlikte
tasarrufun belirleyicilerine ilişkin ampirik literatürden farklı olarak bu çalışmada
temel makroekonomik değişkenler yanında kurumsal yapının tasarruf oranları
üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda çalışmada kurumsal yapı ve
tasarruf ilişkisi analiz edilmiştir. Panel veri analizi yönteminin kullanıldığı
çalışmada 12 geçiş ekonomisinin 1996-2006 dönemi verileri kullanılmıştır.
Kurumsal yapının göstergesi olarak demokrasi, sivil özgürlükler ve düzenleyici
kalite endekslerin kullanıldığı çalışmada elde edilen bulgular makroekonomik
faktörlerin yanı sıra kurumsal yapının da tasarruf oranlarını etkileyen önemli
bir unsur olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.
Abdioğlu, Z. ve Berber, M. (2007). Türkiye’de Yurtiçi Tasarruf ve Belirleyicileri. II. Uluslararası İş-letme ve Ekonomi Çalıştayı, 229-242.
Acemoğlu, D., Johnson, S., Robinson, J. ve Thaicharoen, Y. (2003). Institutional Causes, Macroe-conomic Symptoms Volatility, Crises and Growth. Journal of Monetary Economics, 50, 49-123.
Agrawal, P., Sahoo, P. ve Dash R. K. (2009). Savings Behaviour in South Asia, Journal of Policy Mo-deling. 31, 208-224.
Aksoy, F. (2016). Tasarrufun Belirleyicileri: Tüketici ve Ticari Kredilere İlişkin Bulgular. (Yayımlan-mamış Uzmanlık Tezi). TCMB İletişim ve Dış İlişkiler Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
Baltagi, B. H. ve Wu P. X. (1999). Unequally Spaced Panel Data Regressions with AR(1) Disturban-ces. Econometric Theory, 15, 814-823.
Barro, R. J. (1991). Economic Growth in a Cross Section of Countries. Quarterly Journal of Econo-mics, 106(2), 407-444.
Bhargava, A., Franzini, L., ve Narendranathan, W. (1982). Serial Correlation and the Fixed Effects Model. The Review of Economic Studies, 49(4), 533-549.
Boulila, G., Bousrih, L. ve Trabelsi, M. (2008). Social Capital and Economic Growth: Empirical In-vestigations on the Transmission Channels. International Economic Journal, 22(3), 399-417.
Brown, M. B.,ve Forsythe, A. B. (1974). Robust tests for equality of variances. Journal of the Ame-rican Statistical Association, 69, 364-367.
Budha, B. (2012). A Multivariate Analysis of Savings, Investment and Growth in Nepal. MPRA Paper No. 43346. Erişim Adresi http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/43346/
Campos, R. O. (1967). Reflections on Latin American Development. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Chaudhry, I. S., Faridi, M. Z., Abbas, M. ve Bashir, F. (2010). Short Run and Long Run Saving Beha-vior in Pakistan: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Money. Investment and Banking, 16, 57-66.
Dawson, J. W. (2003). Causality in the Freedom–Growth Relationship. European Journal of Political Economy, 19, 479–495.
Doker, C. A., Türkmen, A. ve Emsen, S. (2016). What Are the Demographic Determinants of Sa-vings? An Analysis on Transition Economies (1993-2013). Procedia Economics and Finan-ce, 39, 275-283.
Düzgün, R. (2009). Türkiye’de Özel Tasarrufun Belirleyicileri. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 32, 173-189.
Ebben, W. ve De Vaal, A. (2009). Institutions and the Relation between Corruption and Economic Growth. NiCE Working Paper 09-104. Erişim Adresi https://www.ru.nl/ publish /pages/516298 /nice_09104.pdfFreedom House. (2018). Erişim Adresi https://freedomhouse.org/
Freytag, A. ve Voll, S. (2013). Institutions and Savings in Developing and Emerging Economies. Public Choice, 157, 475-509.
Friedman, M. (1937). The Use of Ranks to Avoid The Assumption of Normality Implicit in The Analysis of Variance. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 32, 675-701.
Genç, M. C., Telatar, O. M. Ve Başoğlu, A. (2014). Türkiye’de Tasarruf Ve Büyüme İlişkisi: Sınır Testi Yaklaşımı. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Elektronik Dergisi, 10, 77-91.
Greene, W. (2000). Econometric Analysis. New Jersey, Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.Hall, R. E. ve Jones, C. I. (1999). Why Do Some Countries Produce So Much More Output per Wor-ker than Others?. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(1), 83-116.
Hondroyiannis, G. (2006). Private Saving Determinants in European Countries: A Panel Cointegra-tion Approach. The Social Science Journal, 43, 553-569.
Horioka, C. Y. (1991). The Determinants of Japan’s Saving Rate: The Impact of the Age Structure of the Population and Other Factors. The Economics Studies Quarterly, 42(3), 237-253.
Horioka, C. Y. ve Wan, J. (2007). The Determinants of Household Saving in China: A Dynamic Panel Analysis of Provincial Data. ISER Discussion Paper No.676. Erişim Adresi http://hdl.handle.net/10419/92601 International Monetary Fund Data. (2018). Erişim Adresi https://www.imf.org/en/Data
Karaçor, Z. Ö. ve Kartal M. (2016). Gelir Gruplarına Göre Yurtiçi Tasarruflar ile Dış Borçlar Arasın-daki İlişki: Panel Veri Yöntemi ile Bir Analiz. Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 19(1), 139-165.
Kwack, S. Y. Ve Lee, Y. S. (2005). What Determines Saving Rates in Korea? The Role of Demog-raphy. Journal of Asian Economics, 16, 861-873.
Levene, H. (1960). Robust tests for equality of variances. Olkin vd. (Ed.), Contributions to probabi-lity and statistics: Essays in honor of Harold Hotelling içinde (pp. 278-292). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Loazya, N., Schmidt-Hebbel, K. ve Serven, L. (2000). What Drives Private Saving around the World. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(2), 165-181.
Masson, P. R., Bayoumi, T. ve Samiei, H. (1998). International Evidence on the Determinants of Private Saving. The World Bank Economic Review, 12(3), 483-501.4Mauro, P. (1995). Corruption and Growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110, 681-713.
Özcan, K. M., Günay, A. ve Ertaç, A. (2003). Determinants of Private Savings Behaviour in Turkey. Applied Economics, 35, 1405-1416.
Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels. Camb-ridge Working Papers in Economics No. 1229. Erişim Adresi https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/446
Rodrik, D. (2000). Institutions for High Quality Growth: What they are and How to Acquire Them. NBER Working Paper No. 7540. Erişim Adresi http://www.nber.org/papers/w7540
Schmidt-Hebbel, K., Webb, S. B. ve Corsetti, G. (1992). Household Saving in Developing Countries: First Cross-Country Evidence. The World Bank Economic Review, 6(3), 529-547.
Siddiqui, D. A. ve Ahmed, Q. M. (2010). Institutions and Economic Growth: A Cross Country Evi-dence MPRA Paper No. 19747. Erişim Adresi https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen. de/19747/1/MPRA_paper_19747.pdf
Swaleheen, M. (2008). Corruption and Saving in Panel of Countries. Journal of Macroeconomics, 30, 1285-1301.
Tang, F. T. Ve Ch’ng K. S. (2012). A Multivariate Analysis of the Nexus between Savings and Eco-nomic Growth in the ASEAN-5 Economies. The Journal of Applied Economic Research, 6(3), 385-406.
The World Bank World Development Indicators. (2018). Erişim Adresi https://data.wo rldbank.org/products/wdi
The World Bank World Governance Indicators. (2018). Erişim Adresi http://info.worldbank.org/governance/wgi/#reports
Walther, H. ve Stiassny A. (2013). International Comparisons of Household Saving Rates and Hid-den Income. Department of Economics Working Paper No. 148. Erişim Adresi http://epub.wu.ac.at/3737/1/wp148.pdf
Yaraşır, S. ve Yılmaz, B. E. (2011). OECD Ülkelerinde Özel Tasarruflar: Bir Bakış (1999-2007). Maliye Dergisi, 16, 139-153.
Zainir, F. (2012). Private Savings, Financial Developments and Institutions in Emerging Economies. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Coventry University, Coventry.
Year 2018,
Prof. Dr. Harun TERZI Special Issue, 153 - 166, 19.09.2018
which is a precondition for a sustainable economic structure, are an important
source of funding for investments and growth. One of the main obstacles to
development is seen as an insufficient level of savings especially in
underdeveloped and developing countries. The importance of savings in terms of
economy has led researchers to investigate the determinants of savings and a
wide range of literature has been developed in this regard. However, unlike the
empirical literature on the determinants of savings, besides the basic
macroeconomic variables, the effect of the institutional structure on saving
rates was investigated in this study. In this direction the relationships
between institutional structure and savings were investigated. Panel data
analysis method is used for the study of 12 transition economies in 1996-2006
period. Findings obtained in the study; democracy, civil liberties and
regulatory quality indices as indicators of institutional structure are
important factors as well as macroeconomic factors affecting savings rates.
Abdioğlu, Z. ve Berber, M. (2007). Türkiye’de Yurtiçi Tasarruf ve Belirleyicileri. II. Uluslararası İş-letme ve Ekonomi Çalıştayı, 229-242.
Acemoğlu, D., Johnson, S., Robinson, J. ve Thaicharoen, Y. (2003). Institutional Causes, Macroe-conomic Symptoms Volatility, Crises and Growth. Journal of Monetary Economics, 50, 49-123.
Agrawal, P., Sahoo, P. ve Dash R. K. (2009). Savings Behaviour in South Asia, Journal of Policy Mo-deling. 31, 208-224.
Aksoy, F. (2016). Tasarrufun Belirleyicileri: Tüketici ve Ticari Kredilere İlişkin Bulgular. (Yayımlan-mamış Uzmanlık Tezi). TCMB İletişim ve Dış İlişkiler Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
Baltagi, B. H. ve Wu P. X. (1999). Unequally Spaced Panel Data Regressions with AR(1) Disturban-ces. Econometric Theory, 15, 814-823.
Barro, R. J. (1991). Economic Growth in a Cross Section of Countries. Quarterly Journal of Econo-mics, 106(2), 407-444.
Bhargava, A., Franzini, L., ve Narendranathan, W. (1982). Serial Correlation and the Fixed Effects Model. The Review of Economic Studies, 49(4), 533-549.
Boulila, G., Bousrih, L. ve Trabelsi, M. (2008). Social Capital and Economic Growth: Empirical In-vestigations on the Transmission Channels. International Economic Journal, 22(3), 399-417.
Brown, M. B.,ve Forsythe, A. B. (1974). Robust tests for equality of variances. Journal of the Ame-rican Statistical Association, 69, 364-367.
Budha, B. (2012). A Multivariate Analysis of Savings, Investment and Growth in Nepal. MPRA Paper No. 43346. Erişim Adresi http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/43346/
Campos, R. O. (1967). Reflections on Latin American Development. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Chaudhry, I. S., Faridi, M. Z., Abbas, M. ve Bashir, F. (2010). Short Run and Long Run Saving Beha-vior in Pakistan: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Money. Investment and Banking, 16, 57-66.
Dawson, J. W. (2003). Causality in the Freedom–Growth Relationship. European Journal of Political Economy, 19, 479–495.
Doker, C. A., Türkmen, A. ve Emsen, S. (2016). What Are the Demographic Determinants of Sa-vings? An Analysis on Transition Economies (1993-2013). Procedia Economics and Finan-ce, 39, 275-283.
Düzgün, R. (2009). Türkiye’de Özel Tasarrufun Belirleyicileri. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 32, 173-189.
Ebben, W. ve De Vaal, A. (2009). Institutions and the Relation between Corruption and Economic Growth. NiCE Working Paper 09-104. Erişim Adresi https://www.ru.nl/ publish /pages/516298 /nice_09104.pdfFreedom House. (2018). Erişim Adresi https://freedomhouse.org/
Freytag, A. ve Voll, S. (2013). Institutions and Savings in Developing and Emerging Economies. Public Choice, 157, 475-509.
Friedman, M. (1937). The Use of Ranks to Avoid The Assumption of Normality Implicit in The Analysis of Variance. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 32, 675-701.
Genç, M. C., Telatar, O. M. Ve Başoğlu, A. (2014). Türkiye’de Tasarruf Ve Büyüme İlişkisi: Sınır Testi Yaklaşımı. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Elektronik Dergisi, 10, 77-91.
Greene, W. (2000). Econometric Analysis. New Jersey, Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.Hall, R. E. ve Jones, C. I. (1999). Why Do Some Countries Produce So Much More Output per Wor-ker than Others?. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(1), 83-116.
Hondroyiannis, G. (2006). Private Saving Determinants in European Countries: A Panel Cointegra-tion Approach. The Social Science Journal, 43, 553-569.
Horioka, C. Y. (1991). The Determinants of Japan’s Saving Rate: The Impact of the Age Structure of the Population and Other Factors. The Economics Studies Quarterly, 42(3), 237-253.
Horioka, C. Y. ve Wan, J. (2007). The Determinants of Household Saving in China: A Dynamic Panel Analysis of Provincial Data. ISER Discussion Paper No.676. Erişim Adresi http://hdl.handle.net/10419/92601 International Monetary Fund Data. (2018). Erişim Adresi https://www.imf.org/en/Data
Karaçor, Z. Ö. ve Kartal M. (2016). Gelir Gruplarına Göre Yurtiçi Tasarruflar ile Dış Borçlar Arasın-daki İlişki: Panel Veri Yöntemi ile Bir Analiz. Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 19(1), 139-165.
Kwack, S. Y. Ve Lee, Y. S. (2005). What Determines Saving Rates in Korea? The Role of Demog-raphy. Journal of Asian Economics, 16, 861-873.
Levene, H. (1960). Robust tests for equality of variances. Olkin vd. (Ed.), Contributions to probabi-lity and statistics: Essays in honor of Harold Hotelling içinde (pp. 278-292). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Loazya, N., Schmidt-Hebbel, K. ve Serven, L. (2000). What Drives Private Saving around the World. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(2), 165-181.
Masson, P. R., Bayoumi, T. ve Samiei, H. (1998). International Evidence on the Determinants of Private Saving. The World Bank Economic Review, 12(3), 483-501.4Mauro, P. (1995). Corruption and Growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110, 681-713.
Özcan, K. M., Günay, A. ve Ertaç, A. (2003). Determinants of Private Savings Behaviour in Turkey. Applied Economics, 35, 1405-1416.
Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels. Camb-ridge Working Papers in Economics No. 1229. Erişim Adresi https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/446
Rodrik, D. (2000). Institutions for High Quality Growth: What they are and How to Acquire Them. NBER Working Paper No. 7540. Erişim Adresi http://www.nber.org/papers/w7540
Schmidt-Hebbel, K., Webb, S. B. ve Corsetti, G. (1992). Household Saving in Developing Countries: First Cross-Country Evidence. The World Bank Economic Review, 6(3), 529-547.
Siddiqui, D. A. ve Ahmed, Q. M. (2010). Institutions and Economic Growth: A Cross Country Evi-dence MPRA Paper No. 19747. Erişim Adresi https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen. de/19747/1/MPRA_paper_19747.pdf
Swaleheen, M. (2008). Corruption and Saving in Panel of Countries. Journal of Macroeconomics, 30, 1285-1301.
Tang, F. T. Ve Ch’ng K. S. (2012). A Multivariate Analysis of the Nexus between Savings and Eco-nomic Growth in the ASEAN-5 Economies. The Journal of Applied Economic Research, 6(3), 385-406.
The World Bank World Development Indicators. (2018). Erişim Adresi https://data.wo rldbank.org/products/wdi
The World Bank World Governance Indicators. (2018). Erişim Adresi http://info.worldbank.org/governance/wgi/#reports
Walther, H. ve Stiassny A. (2013). International Comparisons of Household Saving Rates and Hid-den Income. Department of Economics Working Paper No. 148. Erişim Adresi http://epub.wu.ac.at/3737/1/wp148.pdf
Yaraşır, S. ve Yılmaz, B. E. (2011). OECD Ülkelerinde Özel Tasarruflar: Bir Bakış (1999-2007). Maliye Dergisi, 16, 139-153.
Zainir, F. (2012). Private Savings, Financial Developments and Institutions in Emerging Economies. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Coventry University, Coventry.
Hayaloğlu, P., Demirel, S. K., & Artan, S. (2018). GEÇİŞ EKONOMİLERİNDE KURUMSAL YAPI VE TASARRUF İLİŞKİSİNİN ANALİZİ. Uluslararası İktisadi Ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi153-166. https://doi.org/10.18092/ulikidince.444255