Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 54 - 65, 12.05.2021


Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin Zonguldak ilinin farklı lokasyonlarından toplanan bal örneklerinin (n=9) botanik orijinlerinin palinolojik analizle tespit edilmesi ve toplam polen sayılarının saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Ek olarak toplanan bal örneklerinin Türk Gıda Kodeksi Bal Tebliği (No:2020/7)’nde kestane balı numuneleri için verilen polen içeriği kriteri ile uyumluluğu tartışılmıştır. Melissopalinolojik analizler neticesinde bal örnekleri kestane balı (n=7), karışık çiçek balı (n=2) ve geven balı (n=1) olarak etiketlenmiştir. Kestane balı olarak tespit edilen örneklerin 10 gr baldaki toplam polen sayısı (TPS-10) 41722-647312 arasında saptanmış olup bu bal örneklerinin çok iyi, iyi ve normal kalitede bal örnekleri olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca elde edilen sonuçlar kestane balı olarak toplanan bal örneklerinin %33’ünün ulusal gıda kodeksinde kestane botanik orijinine sahip unifloral bal tipleri için rapor edilen minimum polen içeriğine sahip olmadığını göstermiştir. Bu sonuçlar özellikle ülkemizde diğer polifloral çiçek ballarına kıyasla daha yüksek fiyata satılan kestane gibi unifloral bal tipleri için botanik orijin tespit analizinin zorunlu hale getirilmesinin haksız rekabetin önlenmesi açısından ne denli önemli olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu nedenle, ülkemizde üretilen fakat minimum polen içeriği Türk Gıda Kodeksi Bal Tebliği (No:2020/7)’nde belirtilmeyen lavanta ve çörekotu gibi farklı tipte unifloral çiçek balları için de melissopalinolojik çalışmaların yürütülerek polen içeriği değerlerinin belirlenmesi önemli görülmektedir.


  • Bayram, NE., Canlı, D., Gercek, YC., Bayram, S., Çelık, S., Güzel, F., Morgili H., Oz, GC. 2020. Macronutrient and micronutrient levels and phenolic compound characteristics of unifloral honey samples. Journal of Food & Nutrition Research, 59(4): 311-322.
  • Biluca, FC., Braghini, F., Gonzaga, LV., Costa, ACO., Fett, R. 2016. Physicochemical profiles, minerals and bioactive compounds of stingless bee honey (Meliponinae). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 50: 61-69,
  • Cagli, KE., Tufekcioglu, O., Sen, N., Aras, D., Topaloglu, S., Basar, N., Pehlivan, S. 2009. Atrioventricular block induced by mad-honey intoxication: confirmation of diagnosis by pollen analysis. Texas Heart Institute Journal, 36(4): 342.
  • Corvucci, F., Nobili, L., Melucci, D., Grillenzoni, FV. 2015. The discrimination of honey origin using melissopalynology and Raman spectroscopy techniques coupled with multivariate analysis. Food Chemistry, 169: 297-304,
  • De Leonardis, W., De Santis, C., Fichera, G., Fiumara, PMR., Longhitano, N., Zizza, A. 2000. Importance of Castanea sativa Mill, in honeys of central and north-eastern Sicily on the basis of the pollen grain analysis. Ecologia mediterranea, 26(1): 169-179,
  • Devillers, J., Morlot, M., Pham-Delegue, MH., Dore, JC. 2004. Classification of unifloral honeys based on their quality control data. Food Chemistry, 86(2): 305-312,
  • Erdoğan, N., Pehlivan, S., Doğan, C. 2006. Pollen analysıs of honeys from hendek-akyazı and kocaali dıstrıcts of adapazarı provınce (Turkey). Mellifera, 6 (10-12): 20-27.
  • Erkan Alkan, PE. 2020. Pollen analysis of chestnut honey in some provinces of the black sea region, Turkey. Mellifera, 20(2): 18-31.
  • Escuredo, O., Dobre, I., Fernández-González, M., Seijo, MC. 2014. Contribution of botanical origin and sugar composition of honeys on the crystallization phenomenon. Food chemistry, 149: 84-90,
  • Güler, A., Demir, M. 2005. Beekeeping potential in Turkey. Bee world, 86(4): 114-119.
  • Güneş, ME., Şahin, S., Demir, C., Borum, E., Tosunoğlu, A. 2017. Determination of phenolic compounds profile in chestnut and floral honeys and their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 41(3): e12345,
  • Hailu, D., Belay, A. 2020. Melissopalynology and antioxidant properties used to differentiate Schefflera abyssinica and polyfloral honey. Plos one, 15(10): e0240868,
  • Hermanns, R., Mateescu, C., Thrasyvoulou, A., Tananaki, C., Wagener, FA., Cremers, NA. 2020. Defining the standards for medical grade honey. Journal of Apicultural Research, 59(2): 125-135,
  •, Erişim tarihi: 20.12.2020.
  • Jose, MFD., Parent, J., Strachan, AA. 1989. Microscopic analysis of honeys from Manitoba, Canada,
  • Louveaux, J., Maurizio, A., Vorwohl, G. 1978. International commission for bee botany of IUBS. Methods of melissopalynology. Bee Word, 59: 139-157,
  • Machado, AM., Miguel, MG., Vilas-Boas, M., Figueiredo, AC. 2020. Honey volatiles as a fingerprint for botanical origin—a review on their occurrence on unifloral honeys. Molecules, 25(2), 374,
  • Moar, N. 1985. Pollen analysis of New Zealand honey. New Zealand journal of agricultural research 28(1): 39-70,
  • Nicolson, SW., Nepi, M., Pacini, E. (Eds.). 2007. Nectaries and nectar (Vol. 4). Dordrecht: Springer,
  • Özkırım, A. 2018. Beekeeping in Turkey: Bridging Asia and Europe. In Asian Beekeeping in the 21st Century (pp. 41-69). Springer, Singapore,
  • Özkök, A., Özenirler, Ç., Canli, D., Mayda, N., Sorkun, K. 2018. Unifloral Features of Turkish Honeys According to Mellissopalynologic, Total Phenolic Acid and Total Flavonoid Content. Gazi University Journal of Science, 31(3): 713-723.
  • Özler, H. 2015. Melissopalynological analysis of honey samples belonging to different districts of Sinop, Turkey. Mellifera, 15(1): 1-11.
  • Paredes, R., Bryant, VM. 2020. Pollen analysis of honey samples from the Peruvian Amazon. Palynology, 44(2): 344-354,
  • Pita-Calvo, C., Vázquez, M. 2017. Differences between honeydew and blossom honeys: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 59: 79-87,
  • Rodríguez-Flores, S., Escuredo, O., Seijo, MC. 2016. Characterization and antioxidant capacity of sweet chestnut honey produced in North-West Spain. Journal of Apicultural Science, 60(1): 19-30,
  • Sabo, M., Potocnjak, M., Banjari, I., Petrovic, D. 2011. Pollen analysis of honeys from Varaždin County, Croatia. Turkish Journal of Botany, 35(5): 581-587, doi:10.3906/bot-1009-86.
  • Sarıbaş, M., Kaplan, A. 2008. Contribution on the flora of Zonguldak/Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 1(1): 40-65.
  • Silici, S. 2004. Physıcochemıcal and palynologıcal analysıs of honey samples belongıng to dıfferent regıons of Turkey. Mellifera, 4(7):44-50.
  • Silici, S., Ülgen, N. 2019. Bioactive Properties of Blossom and Honeydew Honeys. Mellifera, 19(2): 43-54.
  • Sorkun, K. 2008. Türkiye’nin Nektarlı bitkileri, polenleri ve balları. Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Temizer, İK., Güder, A., Temel, F. A., Cüce, H. 2018. Antioxidant activities and heavy metal contents of Castanea sativa honey. Global NEST Journal, 20(3), 541-550,
  • TÜBİVES, 2021,, Erişim tarihi: 08.04.2021.
  • Türk Gıda Kodeksi Bal Tebliği (No: 2020/07).

Confirmation of Botanical Origin and Total Pollen Numbers of Chestnut (Castanea sativa) Honey Samples

Year 2021, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 54 - 65, 12.05.2021


In this study, it was aimed to detect the botanical origins by palynological analysis and to determine the total pollen numbers of honey samples collected from different locations of Zonguldak, Turkey. In addition, the compatibility of the collected honey samples with the pollen content criterion given for the chestnut honey samples by the Turkish Food Codex Communiqué on Honey (No: 2020/7) has been discussed. As a result of melissopalynological analyzes, honey samples were labeled as chestnut honey (n = 7), mixed flower honey (n = 2) and astragalus honey (n = 1). Total pollen number in 10 g of honey the samples (TPS-10) identified as chestnut honey was detected to be between 41722 - 647312, and it was determined that these honey samples were very good, good, and normal quality honey samples. In addition, the results obtained showed that 33% of honey samples collected as chestnut honey did not provide the minimum pollen content reported for unifloral honey types with chestnut floral origin in the national food codex. These results showed how important it is to make floral origin determination mandatory for unifloral honey types such as chestnut, which is sold at a higher price compared to other polyfloral flower honeys in our country, in terms of preventing unfair competition. For this reason, it is important to determine the pollen content values by conducting melissopalynological studies for different types of unifloral flower honey such as lavender and black seed, which are produced in our country but whose minimum pollen content is not specified in the Turkish Food Codex Communiqué on Honey (No: 2020/7).


  • Bayram, NE., Canlı, D., Gercek, YC., Bayram, S., Çelık, S., Güzel, F., Morgili H., Oz, GC. 2020. Macronutrient and micronutrient levels and phenolic compound characteristics of unifloral honey samples. Journal of Food & Nutrition Research, 59(4): 311-322.
  • Biluca, FC., Braghini, F., Gonzaga, LV., Costa, ACO., Fett, R. 2016. Physicochemical profiles, minerals and bioactive compounds of stingless bee honey (Meliponinae). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 50: 61-69,
  • Cagli, KE., Tufekcioglu, O., Sen, N., Aras, D., Topaloglu, S., Basar, N., Pehlivan, S. 2009. Atrioventricular block induced by mad-honey intoxication: confirmation of diagnosis by pollen analysis. Texas Heart Institute Journal, 36(4): 342.
  • Corvucci, F., Nobili, L., Melucci, D., Grillenzoni, FV. 2015. The discrimination of honey origin using melissopalynology and Raman spectroscopy techniques coupled with multivariate analysis. Food Chemistry, 169: 297-304,
  • De Leonardis, W., De Santis, C., Fichera, G., Fiumara, PMR., Longhitano, N., Zizza, A. 2000. Importance of Castanea sativa Mill, in honeys of central and north-eastern Sicily on the basis of the pollen grain analysis. Ecologia mediterranea, 26(1): 169-179,
  • Devillers, J., Morlot, M., Pham-Delegue, MH., Dore, JC. 2004. Classification of unifloral honeys based on their quality control data. Food Chemistry, 86(2): 305-312,
  • Erdoğan, N., Pehlivan, S., Doğan, C. 2006. Pollen analysıs of honeys from hendek-akyazı and kocaali dıstrıcts of adapazarı provınce (Turkey). Mellifera, 6 (10-12): 20-27.
  • Erkan Alkan, PE. 2020. Pollen analysis of chestnut honey in some provinces of the black sea region, Turkey. Mellifera, 20(2): 18-31.
  • Escuredo, O., Dobre, I., Fernández-González, M., Seijo, MC. 2014. Contribution of botanical origin and sugar composition of honeys on the crystallization phenomenon. Food chemistry, 149: 84-90,
  • Güler, A., Demir, M. 2005. Beekeeping potential in Turkey. Bee world, 86(4): 114-119.
  • Güneş, ME., Şahin, S., Demir, C., Borum, E., Tosunoğlu, A. 2017. Determination of phenolic compounds profile in chestnut and floral honeys and their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 41(3): e12345,
  • Hailu, D., Belay, A. 2020. Melissopalynology and antioxidant properties used to differentiate Schefflera abyssinica and polyfloral honey. Plos one, 15(10): e0240868,
  • Hermanns, R., Mateescu, C., Thrasyvoulou, A., Tananaki, C., Wagener, FA., Cremers, NA. 2020. Defining the standards for medical grade honey. Journal of Apicultural Research, 59(2): 125-135,
  •, Erişim tarihi: 20.12.2020.
  • Jose, MFD., Parent, J., Strachan, AA. 1989. Microscopic analysis of honeys from Manitoba, Canada,
  • Louveaux, J., Maurizio, A., Vorwohl, G. 1978. International commission for bee botany of IUBS. Methods of melissopalynology. Bee Word, 59: 139-157,
  • Machado, AM., Miguel, MG., Vilas-Boas, M., Figueiredo, AC. 2020. Honey volatiles as a fingerprint for botanical origin—a review on their occurrence on unifloral honeys. Molecules, 25(2), 374,
  • Moar, N. 1985. Pollen analysis of New Zealand honey. New Zealand journal of agricultural research 28(1): 39-70,
  • Nicolson, SW., Nepi, M., Pacini, E. (Eds.). 2007. Nectaries and nectar (Vol. 4). Dordrecht: Springer,
  • Özkırım, A. 2018. Beekeeping in Turkey: Bridging Asia and Europe. In Asian Beekeeping in the 21st Century (pp. 41-69). Springer, Singapore,
  • Özkök, A., Özenirler, Ç., Canli, D., Mayda, N., Sorkun, K. 2018. Unifloral Features of Turkish Honeys According to Mellissopalynologic, Total Phenolic Acid and Total Flavonoid Content. Gazi University Journal of Science, 31(3): 713-723.
  • Özler, H. 2015. Melissopalynological analysis of honey samples belonging to different districts of Sinop, Turkey. Mellifera, 15(1): 1-11.
  • Paredes, R., Bryant, VM. 2020. Pollen analysis of honey samples from the Peruvian Amazon. Palynology, 44(2): 344-354,
  • Pita-Calvo, C., Vázquez, M. 2017. Differences between honeydew and blossom honeys: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 59: 79-87,
  • Rodríguez-Flores, S., Escuredo, O., Seijo, MC. 2016. Characterization and antioxidant capacity of sweet chestnut honey produced in North-West Spain. Journal of Apicultural Science, 60(1): 19-30,
  • Sabo, M., Potocnjak, M., Banjari, I., Petrovic, D. 2011. Pollen analysis of honeys from Varaždin County, Croatia. Turkish Journal of Botany, 35(5): 581-587, doi:10.3906/bot-1009-86.
  • Sarıbaş, M., Kaplan, A. 2008. Contribution on the flora of Zonguldak/Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 1(1): 40-65.
  • Silici, S. 2004. Physıcochemıcal and palynologıcal analysıs of honey samples belongıng to dıfferent regıons of Turkey. Mellifera, 4(7):44-50.
  • Silici, S., Ülgen, N. 2019. Bioactive Properties of Blossom and Honeydew Honeys. Mellifera, 19(2): 43-54.
  • Sorkun, K. 2008. Türkiye’nin Nektarlı bitkileri, polenleri ve balları. Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Temizer, İK., Güder, A., Temel, F. A., Cüce, H. 2018. Antioxidant activities and heavy metal contents of Castanea sativa honey. Global NEST Journal, 20(3), 541-550,
  • TÜBİVES, 2021,, Erişim tarihi: 08.04.2021.
  • Türk Gıda Kodeksi Bal Tebliği (No: 2020/07).
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Aslı Özkök 0000-0002-7336-2892

Nesrin Ecem Bayram 0000-0002-5496-8194

Publication Date May 12, 2021
Acceptance Date April 9, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 21 Issue: 1



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