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Changes in Serum Protein and Lipoprotein Fractions During Various Lactation Stages and Dry Period in Dairy Cows

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 2, 29 - 32, 01.06.2011


The aim of this study was to determine the changes in the serum albumin, alpha 1 (α1)-globulin, alpha 2 (α2)-globulin, beta (β)-globulin, gamma (γ)-globulin, and alpha-lipoprotein (high density lipoprotein-HDL), pre-beta-lipoprotein (very low density lipoprotein-VLDL) and beta-lipoprotein (low density lipoprotein-LDL) and total lipid fractions of the cows in dry period and various stages of lactation period. Fourty healthy, four years old, Holstein dairy cows were used as material. Ten of them were in dry period and the rest were in lactation period. Between the days 48-51, 147-161. and 180. and over of lactation period were accepted as first, second and third stage, respectively. There were 10 cows in each lactation stages. Serum protein and lipoprotein fractions were compared between the dry period, first, second and third stages of lactation period. While significant differences were determined for α1-globulin, β-globulin, γ globulin, HDL, VLDL, LDL and total lipid levels, no significant differences were observed in albumin and α2-globulin between dry period, first, second, third stages of lactation period.


  • Alberghina, D., Casella, S., Vazzana, I., Fer- rantelli, V., Giannetto, C., Piccione, G., 2010. Analysis of serum proteins in clinically healthy goats (Capra hircus) using agarose gel electro- phoresis. Vet Clin Pathol., 39, 317–321.
  • Alberghina, D., Giannetto, C., Vazzana, I., Fer- rantelli, V., Piccione, G., 2011. Reference Inter- vals for Total Protein Concentration, Serum Pro- tein Fractions, and Albumin/Globulin Ratios in Clinically Healthy Dairy Cow. J Vet Diagn In- vest., 23,111–114.
  • Andrews, A.H., Laven, R. and Maisey, I., 1991. Treatment and control of an outbreak of fat cow syndrome in a large dairy herd. Vet Rec., 7, 216- 219.
  • Basoglu A., Sevinç M., Ok M., 1998. Peri and Postparturient Concentrations of Lipid Lipopro- tein Insulin and Glucose in Normal Dairy Cows. Tr J of Vet Anim Sci., 22, 141-144.
  • 5.Gime´nez, M., Saco, Y., Pato, R., 2010. Plasma protein electrophoresis of Trachemys scripta and Iguana iguana. Vet Clin Pathol., 39, 227–235.
  • Gröhn, Y., Lindberg, L.A., Bruss, M.L. and Farver, T.B., 1983. Fatty infiltration of liver in spontaneously ketotic dairy cows. J Dairy Sci., 66, 2320-2328.
  • Gröhn, Y. and Lindberg, L.A., 1985. Ultrastruc- tural changes of the liver in spontaneously ketotic cows. J Comp Path., 95, 443-452.
  • Higgins, R.D. and Anderson, W.S., 1983. Fat cow syndrome in a British dairy herd. Vet Rec., 12, 461-463.
  • Holtenius, P., 1993. Hormonal regulation related to the development of fatty liver and ketosis. Ac- ta Vet. Scand., 89, 55-60.
  • Kaneko, J.J., 1997. Serum proteins and the dys- proteinemias. In. Kaneko, J.J., Harvey, J.W., Bruss, M.L. (eds.), Clinical biochemistry of do- mestic animals, 5th ed., Academic Press, San Di- ego, CA, pp. 117–137.
  • Kauppinen K., 1984. ALAT, AP, ASAT, GGT, OCT activities and urea and total bilirubin con- centrations in plasma of normal and ketotic dairy cows. Zbl Vet Med A., 31, 567-576.
  • Keay, G., Doxey, D.L., 1982. Species character- istics of serum proteins demonstrated after aga- rose gel electrophoresis. Vet Res Commun., 5, 263–270.
  • Korhonen, H., Marnila, P., Gill, H.S., 2000. Milk immunoglobulins and complement factors. Brit J Nutr 84, 75–80.
  • Mitruka, B.M., Rawnsley, H.M., 1977. Clinical chemistry. In, Clinical biochemical and hemato- logical reference values in normal experimental animals, pp. 117–245. Masson, New York, NY.
  • Quincey, D., Le Goff, D., Fresnel, J., Nouvelot, A., 1987. Qualitative and quantitative alterations of bovine serum lipoproteins with ageing. Comp Biochem Physiol B., 88, 929-937.
  • Rayssiguier, Y., Mazus, A., Gueuxs, E., Reid, I.M. and Roberts, C.J., 1988. Plasma lipoproteins and fatty liver in dairy cows. Res Vet Sci., 45, 389-393.
  • Reid, I.M., Roberts, C.J., Teacher, R.J. and Wil- liams, L.A., 1986. Effect of body condition at calving on tissue mobilisation, development of fatty liver and blood chemistry of dairy cows. Anim Prod., 43, 7-15.
  • Rings, D.M., 1990. Hepatic lipidosis; mecha- nisms, diagnostics, and treatments. The Bovine Proc., 22, 19-23.
  • Riond B., Wenger-Riggenbach B., Hofmann- Lehmann R., Lutz H., 2009. Serum protein con- centrations from clinically healthy horses deter- mined by agarose gel electrophoresis. Vet Clin Pathol., 38,73-77.
  • Sevinç, M., Başoğlu, A, Guzelbektas, H.,
  • Boydak, M., 2003. The Clinical-Chemical Pa- rameters, Serum Lipoproteins and Fatty Infiltra- tion of the Liver in Ketotic Cow. Turk J Vet Anim Sci., 27, 295-299.
  • Smart, M.E. and Northcote, M.J. Liver biopsies in cattle. The Compendium, 1985; 7, 5, 27-32.

Kuru Dönem ve Laktasyonun Çeşitli Evrelerindeki süt İneklerinde Serum Protein ve Lipoprotein Fraksiyonlarındaki Değişiklikler

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 2, 29 - 32, 01.06.2011


Bu çalışmanın konusu kuru dönem ve laktasyonun çeşitli evrelerindeki ineklerin serum albumin, α1- globulin, α2-globulin, β-globulin, γ-globulin, and α -lipoprotein (HDL), pre- β -lipoprotein (VLDL) and β- lipoprotein (LDL) fraksiyonlarındaki ve total lipid değerlerindeki farklılıkları değerlendirmekti. Materyal olarak Karacabey Doğancı Çiftliğinde bulunan 40 adet sağlıklı 4 yaşlı holstein ırkı süt ineği kullanıldı. İneklerin 10 tanesi kuru dönemde, geri kalanlar ise laktasyon dönemindeydi. Laktasyon döneminin 48-51., 147-161. ve 180. ve sonraki günleri sırasıyla I., II., ve III. evre olarak değerlendirildi. Her laktasyon evresinde 10 inek bulunmaktaydı. Alınan kan örneklerinde kuru dönem ve laktasyonunun çeşitli evrelerindeki protein ve lipoprotein değerleri karşılaştırıldı. Kuru dönem, laktasyonun I., II., ve III. evreleri arasında α1-globulin, β-globulin, γ-globulin, HDL, VLDL, LDL and total lipid düzeylerinde farklılıklar gözlenirken, albumin ve α2-globulin değerlerinde ise herhangi bir farklılık ortaya koyulmadı


  • Alberghina, D., Casella, S., Vazzana, I., Fer- rantelli, V., Giannetto, C., Piccione, G., 2010. Analysis of serum proteins in clinically healthy goats (Capra hircus) using agarose gel electro- phoresis. Vet Clin Pathol., 39, 317–321.
  • Alberghina, D., Giannetto, C., Vazzana, I., Fer- rantelli, V., Piccione, G., 2011. Reference Inter- vals for Total Protein Concentration, Serum Pro- tein Fractions, and Albumin/Globulin Ratios in Clinically Healthy Dairy Cow. J Vet Diagn In- vest., 23,111–114.
  • Andrews, A.H., Laven, R. and Maisey, I., 1991. Treatment and control of an outbreak of fat cow syndrome in a large dairy herd. Vet Rec., 7, 216- 219.
  • Basoglu A., Sevinç M., Ok M., 1998. Peri and Postparturient Concentrations of Lipid Lipopro- tein Insulin and Glucose in Normal Dairy Cows. Tr J of Vet Anim Sci., 22, 141-144.
  • 5.Gime´nez, M., Saco, Y., Pato, R., 2010. Plasma protein electrophoresis of Trachemys scripta and Iguana iguana. Vet Clin Pathol., 39, 227–235.
  • Gröhn, Y., Lindberg, L.A., Bruss, M.L. and Farver, T.B., 1983. Fatty infiltration of liver in spontaneously ketotic dairy cows. J Dairy Sci., 66, 2320-2328.
  • Gröhn, Y. and Lindberg, L.A., 1985. Ultrastruc- tural changes of the liver in spontaneously ketotic cows. J Comp Path., 95, 443-452.
  • Higgins, R.D. and Anderson, W.S., 1983. Fat cow syndrome in a British dairy herd. Vet Rec., 12, 461-463.
  • Holtenius, P., 1993. Hormonal regulation related to the development of fatty liver and ketosis. Ac- ta Vet. Scand., 89, 55-60.
  • Kaneko, J.J., 1997. Serum proteins and the dys- proteinemias. In. Kaneko, J.J., Harvey, J.W., Bruss, M.L. (eds.), Clinical biochemistry of do- mestic animals, 5th ed., Academic Press, San Di- ego, CA, pp. 117–137.
  • Kauppinen K., 1984. ALAT, AP, ASAT, GGT, OCT activities and urea and total bilirubin con- centrations in plasma of normal and ketotic dairy cows. Zbl Vet Med A., 31, 567-576.
  • Keay, G., Doxey, D.L., 1982. Species character- istics of serum proteins demonstrated after aga- rose gel electrophoresis. Vet Res Commun., 5, 263–270.
  • Korhonen, H., Marnila, P., Gill, H.S., 2000. Milk immunoglobulins and complement factors. Brit J Nutr 84, 75–80.
  • Mitruka, B.M., Rawnsley, H.M., 1977. Clinical chemistry. In, Clinical biochemical and hemato- logical reference values in normal experimental animals, pp. 117–245. Masson, New York, NY.
  • Quincey, D., Le Goff, D., Fresnel, J., Nouvelot, A., 1987. Qualitative and quantitative alterations of bovine serum lipoproteins with ageing. Comp Biochem Physiol B., 88, 929-937.
  • Rayssiguier, Y., Mazus, A., Gueuxs, E., Reid, I.M. and Roberts, C.J., 1988. Plasma lipoproteins and fatty liver in dairy cows. Res Vet Sci., 45, 389-393.
  • Reid, I.M., Roberts, C.J., Teacher, R.J. and Wil- liams, L.A., 1986. Effect of body condition at calving on tissue mobilisation, development of fatty liver and blood chemistry of dairy cows. Anim Prod., 43, 7-15.
  • Rings, D.M., 1990. Hepatic lipidosis; mecha- nisms, diagnostics, and treatments. The Bovine Proc., 22, 19-23.
  • Riond B., Wenger-Riggenbach B., Hofmann- Lehmann R., Lutz H., 2009. Serum protein con- centrations from clinically healthy horses deter- mined by agarose gel electrophoresis. Vet Clin Pathol., 38,73-77.
  • Sevinç, M., Başoğlu, A, Guzelbektas, H.,
  • Boydak, M., 2003. The Clinical-Chemical Pa- rameters, Serum Lipoproteins and Fatty Infiltra- tion of the Liver in Ketotic Cow. Turk J Vet Anim Sci., 27, 295-299.
  • Smart, M.E. and Northcote, M.J. Liver biopsies in cattle. The Compendium, 1985; 7, 5, 27-32.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Saime Güzel Bu kişi benim

Meltem Tanrıverdi Bu kişi benim

Ümit Polat Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 30 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Güzel, S., Tanrıverdi, M., & Polat, Ü. (2011). Changes in Serum Protein and Lipoprotein Fractions During Various Lactation Stages and Dry Period in Dairy Cows. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(2), 29-32.
AMA Güzel S, Tanrıverdi M, Polat Ü. Changes in Serum Protein and Lipoprotein Fractions During Various Lactation Stages and Dry Period in Dairy Cows. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. Haziran 2011;30(2):29-32.
Chicago Güzel, Saime, Meltem Tanrıverdi, ve Ümit Polat. “Changes in Serum Protein and Lipoprotein Fractions During Various Lactation Stages and Dry Period in Dairy Cows”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 30, sy. 2 (Haziran 2011): 29-32.
EndNote Güzel S, Tanrıverdi M, Polat Ü (01 Haziran 2011) Changes in Serum Protein and Lipoprotein Fractions During Various Lactation Stages and Dry Period in Dairy Cows. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 30 2 29–32.
IEEE S. Güzel, M. Tanrıverdi, ve Ü. Polat, “Changes in Serum Protein and Lipoprotein Fractions During Various Lactation Stages and Dry Period in Dairy Cows”, Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 30, sy. 2, ss. 29–32, 2011.
ISNAD Güzel, Saime vd. “Changes in Serum Protein and Lipoprotein Fractions During Various Lactation Stages and Dry Period in Dairy Cows”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 30/2 (Haziran 2011), 29-32.
JAMA Güzel S, Tanrıverdi M, Polat Ü. Changes in Serum Protein and Lipoprotein Fractions During Various Lactation Stages and Dry Period in Dairy Cows. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. 2011;30:29–32.
MLA Güzel, Saime vd. “Changes in Serum Protein and Lipoprotein Fractions During Various Lactation Stages and Dry Period in Dairy Cows”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 30, sy. 2, 2011, ss. 29-32.
Vancouver Güzel S, Tanrıverdi M, Polat Ü. Changes in Serum Protein and Lipoprotein Fractions During Various Lactation Stages and Dry Period in Dairy Cows. Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. 2011;30(2):29-32.