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MC-CDMA Sistemlerinde Alt Taşıyıcı Tahsis Algoritmalarının Performanslarının İncelenmesi

Year 2016, , 1 - 8, 15.01.2016


Çok Taşıyıcılı Kod Bölmeli
Çoklu Erişim (MC-CDMA), kablolu ve kablosuz haberleşme uygulamalarında
kullanılan, yüksek hızlarda ve servis kaliteli veri iletişimi sağlayan bir
çoklu erişim tekniğidir. MC-CDMA çok kullanıcılı bir
teknoloji olduğu için sistemdeki kullanıcı sayısının artması; kullanıcı başına
düşen taşıyıcı sayısını azaltmakta, bunun sonucunda alıcı taraftan alınan
verinin bit hata oranının (BHO) artmasına ve kullanıcı başına düşen veri
hızlarının azalmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu sorunu engellemek için alt taşıyıcı
tahsis algoritmaları kullanılmaktadır.
Bu çalışmada, MC-CDMA sisteminde
toplam hızı artırmak ve verimliliği sağlamak için alt taşıyıcı tahsis
algoritmalarının performansı farklı kullanıcı sayıları için incelenmiştir.


  • Yee N., Linnartz J. P, Fettweis G., “Multi-carrier CDMA in indoor Wireless Radio Networks”, in Proc. IEEE PIMRC‟93, pp.468–472, 1993.
  • Kondo S., Milstein L. B., , “Performance of Multicarrier DS-CDMA Systems”, IEEE Transac. on Commun., vol.44, no.2, pp.238–246, February, 1996.
  • Prasad R., Hara S., “Overview of Multi-carrier CDMA”, IEEE Commun. Mag., pp.126–133, December, 1997.
  • Yang L. L., Hanzo L., “Multicarrier DS – CDMA: A Multiple Access Scheme for Ubiquitous Broadband Wireless Communications”, IEEE Commun. Mag., pp.116-124 , 2003.
  • Fazel K., Kaiser S., Multi-Carrier and Spread Spectrum Systems, John Wiley&Sons Ltd, England, 2003.
  • Xu, J., Kim, J., Paik, W., Seo, J.S. ” Adaptive Resource Allocation Algorithm With Fairness For MIMO-OFDMA System”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, vol.4, 1585-1589, 2006.
  • Rasouli, H., Anpalagan, A., “An Asymptotically Fair Subcarrier Allocation Algorithm in OFDM Systems”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2009.
  • Otani, Y., Ohno, S., Teo, K.A.D., Hinamoto, T., “Subcarrier Allocation For Multi-user OFDM System”, Asia-Pasific Conference on Commun., 1073-1077, 2005.
  • Bin Da , C.C., Ko, Yanfen, Liang, “An Enhanced Capacity and Fairness Scheme for MIMO-OFDMA Downlink Resource Allocation”, International Symposium on Commun. and Information Technologies, 495-499, 2007.
  • Rasouli, H., Sadr, S., Anpalagan, A., “A Fair Subcarrier Allocation Algorithm for Cooperative Multiuser OFDM Systems with Grouped Users”, IEEE Global Telecommun. Conference, 1-6, 2008.
  • Yang, J.S., Park, S.K., Kwon, J.W. , ”Performance Analysis of Adaptive Subcarrier Allocation Scheme To Support Qos In Multiuser OFDM System”,Wireless and Optical Commun. Conference, 1-4, 2009.
  • Lee, J., Yoon, D., Jeong, W.K., Cha, K., et al., “Efficient Subcarrier Allocation for Stable Services In Multi-user OFDM Systems”, Mobile and Wireless Commun. Summit, 1-4, 2007.
  • Zhou, X-J, Zhang, J-S, “An Improved Fair Subcarrier Allocation Algorıthm for Multiuser OFDM System”, International Conference On Electronic and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology , vol.5, 2548-2552, 2011.
  • Zhang, T., Zeng, Z., Qiu, Y., “A Subcarrier Allocation Algorithm for Utiliy Proportional Fairness in OFDM Systems”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 1901-1905, 2008.
  • Zhang, G., Feng, S., “Subcarrier Allocation Algorithms Based On Graph-Coloring In Cognitive Radio NC-OFDM System”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, vol.2, 535-540, 2010.
  • Zhang, L., Zhang, S., Zhou, W., “A New Ratio-based Selection Adaptive Subcarrier Allocation Algorithm”, International Conference on Commun., Circuits and Systems Proceedings, vol.2, 1189-1192, 2006.
  • Pandharipande, A., Kountouris, M., Ho Yang, Park, H., “Subcarrier Allocation Schemes For Multiuser OFDM Systems”, International Conference on Signal Processing and Commun., 540-544, 2004.

Investigation of the Subcarrier Allocation Algorithms Performance in MC-CDMA Systems

Year 2016, , 1 - 8, 15.01.2016


Multi Carrier Code Division Multiple Access is a multiple access technique
that is used wireless and wireline applications and provides high rate and  quality of service (Qos) data transmission.
Increasing the number of users decreases the number of subcarrier per
user as result of this, increased bit error rate (BER) of received data and
decrease data rate per users in the system because MC-CDMA is a multiuser
technology. To overcome this problem, subcarrier allocation algorithms are
used. In this work, performances of the subcarrier allocation algorithms are
investigated to increase the total rate and fertilisation of the system  for 
different numbers of user.


  • Yee N., Linnartz J. P, Fettweis G., “Multi-carrier CDMA in indoor Wireless Radio Networks”, in Proc. IEEE PIMRC‟93, pp.468–472, 1993.
  • Kondo S., Milstein L. B., , “Performance of Multicarrier DS-CDMA Systems”, IEEE Transac. on Commun., vol.44, no.2, pp.238–246, February, 1996.
  • Prasad R., Hara S., “Overview of Multi-carrier CDMA”, IEEE Commun. Mag., pp.126–133, December, 1997.
  • Yang L. L., Hanzo L., “Multicarrier DS – CDMA: A Multiple Access Scheme for Ubiquitous Broadband Wireless Communications”, IEEE Commun. Mag., pp.116-124 , 2003.
  • Fazel K., Kaiser S., Multi-Carrier and Spread Spectrum Systems, John Wiley&Sons Ltd, England, 2003.
  • Xu, J., Kim, J., Paik, W., Seo, J.S. ” Adaptive Resource Allocation Algorithm With Fairness For MIMO-OFDMA System”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, vol.4, 1585-1589, 2006.
  • Rasouli, H., Anpalagan, A., “An Asymptotically Fair Subcarrier Allocation Algorithm in OFDM Systems”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2009.
  • Otani, Y., Ohno, S., Teo, K.A.D., Hinamoto, T., “Subcarrier Allocation For Multi-user OFDM System”, Asia-Pasific Conference on Commun., 1073-1077, 2005.
  • Bin Da , C.C., Ko, Yanfen, Liang, “An Enhanced Capacity and Fairness Scheme for MIMO-OFDMA Downlink Resource Allocation”, International Symposium on Commun. and Information Technologies, 495-499, 2007.
  • Rasouli, H., Sadr, S., Anpalagan, A., “A Fair Subcarrier Allocation Algorithm for Cooperative Multiuser OFDM Systems with Grouped Users”, IEEE Global Telecommun. Conference, 1-6, 2008.
  • Yang, J.S., Park, S.K., Kwon, J.W. , ”Performance Analysis of Adaptive Subcarrier Allocation Scheme To Support Qos In Multiuser OFDM System”,Wireless and Optical Commun. Conference, 1-4, 2009.
  • Lee, J., Yoon, D., Jeong, W.K., Cha, K., et al., “Efficient Subcarrier Allocation for Stable Services In Multi-user OFDM Systems”, Mobile and Wireless Commun. Summit, 1-4, 2007.
  • Zhou, X-J, Zhang, J-S, “An Improved Fair Subcarrier Allocation Algorıthm for Multiuser OFDM System”, International Conference On Electronic and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology , vol.5, 2548-2552, 2011.
  • Zhang, T., Zeng, Z., Qiu, Y., “A Subcarrier Allocation Algorithm for Utiliy Proportional Fairness in OFDM Systems”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 1901-1905, 2008.
  • Zhang, G., Feng, S., “Subcarrier Allocation Algorithms Based On Graph-Coloring In Cognitive Radio NC-OFDM System”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, vol.2, 535-540, 2010.
  • Zhang, L., Zhang, S., Zhou, W., “A New Ratio-based Selection Adaptive Subcarrier Allocation Algorithm”, International Conference on Commun., Circuits and Systems Proceedings, vol.2, 1189-1192, 2006.
  • Pandharipande, A., Kountouris, M., Ho Yang, Park, H., “Subcarrier Allocation Schemes For Multiuser OFDM Systems”, International Conference on Signal Processing and Commun., 540-544, 2004.
There are 17 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

M.nuri Seyman This is me

Bircan Saçaklı This is me

Publication Date January 15, 2016
Submission Date October 24, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Seyman, M., & Saçaklı, B. (2016). Investigation of the Subcarrier Allocation Algorithms Performance in MC-CDMA Systems. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 8(1), 1-8.

All Rights Reserved. Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Science.