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Akaryakıt Sektörü için Metamalzeme Tabanlı Sensör Tasarımı ve Uygulaması

Year 2017, , 86 - 91, 15.06.2017


Metamalzemelerin sinyal emilimi, anten, sensör,
süper lens vb. birçok uygulama alanı bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ise
metamalzemelerin sensör alanındaki önemli uygulamalarından birine
değinilmiştir. Bu uygulama, akaryakıt sektörüne yönelik olup markası belirli ve
markası belirli olmayan benzin ve mazot numunelerinin tespiti için metamalzeme
tabanlı sensör tasarımıdır. Akaryakıt numuneleri için deneysel çalışma
gerçekleştirilmiş olup bu veriler simülasyona girilerek buna uygun sensör
tasarımı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Böyle bir çalışma diğer sektörler için de örnek
teşkil ederek daha farklı sensör tasarımlarının yapılmasına da imkân


  • Dincer, F., Akgol, O., Karaaslan, M., Unal, E., & Sabah, C. (2014a). Polarization angle independent perfect metamaterial absorbers for solar cell applications in the microwave, infrared, and visible regime. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 144, 93–101.
  • Dincer, F., Karaaslan, M., Unal, E., Delihacioglu, K., &. Sabah, C., (2014b). Design of polarization and incident angle insensitive dual-band metamaterial absorber based on isotropic resonators, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 144, 123–132.
  • Gunduz, O. T., & Sabah, C., (2015). Polarization angle independent perfect multiband metamaterial absorber and energy harvesting application. J. Comp. Electronics, doi:10.1007/s10825-015-0735-8.
  • Hwang, R. B., Liu, H. W., & Chin, C. Y., (2009). A metamaterial-based e-plane horn antenna, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 93, 275-289.
  • Karaaslan, M., & Bakir, M., (2014). Chiral metamaterial based multifunctional sensor applications. Prog Electromagn Res., 149, 55–67.
  • Mullaa, B., & Sabah, C., (2017). Multi-band metamaterial absorber topology for infrared frequency regime, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 86, 44–51.
  • Pendry, J. B., Holden, A. J., Stewart, W. J., & Youngs, I. (1996). Extremely low frequency plasmons in metallic mesostructures. Phys Rev Lett., 76, 4773–4776.
  • Sabah C., Dincer F., Karaaslan M., Unal E., Akgol O., & Demirel E., (2014). Perfect metamaterial absorber with polarization and incident angle independencies based on ring and cross‐wire resonators for shielding and a sensor application. Opt Comm., 322, 137–142.
  • Shelby, R. A., Smith, D. R., & Schultz S. (2001). Experimental verification of a negative index of refraction. Science., 292, 77–79.
  • Smith, D. R., Padilla, W. J., Vier, D. C., Nemat‐Nasser, S. C., & Schultz, S. (2000). Composite medium with simultaneously negative permeability and permittivity. Phys Rev Lett., 84, 4184–4187.
  • Sun, J., Liu, L., Dong, G., & Zhou, J., (2011). An extremely broad band metamaterial absorber based on destructive interference. Opt. Express 19, 21155–21162.
  • Turkmen, O., Ekmekci, E., & Sayan, G. T., (2013). Effects of using different boundary conditions and computational domain dimensions on modeling and simulations of periodic metamaterial arrays in microwave frequencies, Intern. Jour of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering, 23, 459–465.
  • Ustunsoya, M. P., & Sabah, C., (2016). Dual-band high-frequency metamaterial absorber based on patch resonator for solar cell applications and its enhancement with graphene layers, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 687, 514–520. Veselago, V. G. (1968). The electrodynamics of substances with simultaneously negative values of ε and μ. Soviet Phys Uspekhi. 47, 509–514.
  • Vrba, D., Rodrigues, D. B., Vrba Jr. J., & Stauffer, P. R., (2016). Metamaterial antenna arrays for improved uniformity of microwave hyperthermia treatments," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 156, 1-12.
  • Zhou, B., Li, H., Zou, X., & Cui, T. J., (2011). Broadband and high-gain planar vivaldi antennas based on inhomogeneous anisotropic zero-index metamaterials, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 120, 235-247.

Metamelike Based Sensor Design and Application for Fuel Sector

Year 2017, , 86 - 91, 15.06.2017


Metamaterials have many application areas such
as absorber, antenna, sensor, super lens and etc. In this study, we focused on
sensor application of metamaterials. This application is metamaterial based
sensor design in order to find branded and unbranded gasoline -diesel samples
for liquid fuel sector. So, experimental setup is realized for branded and
unbranded gasoline-diesel samples. Obtained measurement values entered to
simulation programme to get optimal design. Such a study would be an example
for other sectors to realize different sensor designs


  • Dincer, F., Akgol, O., Karaaslan, M., Unal, E., & Sabah, C. (2014a). Polarization angle independent perfect metamaterial absorbers for solar cell applications in the microwave, infrared, and visible regime. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 144, 93–101.
  • Dincer, F., Karaaslan, M., Unal, E., Delihacioglu, K., &. Sabah, C., (2014b). Design of polarization and incident angle insensitive dual-band metamaterial absorber based on isotropic resonators, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 144, 123–132.
  • Gunduz, O. T., & Sabah, C., (2015). Polarization angle independent perfect multiband metamaterial absorber and energy harvesting application. J. Comp. Electronics, doi:10.1007/s10825-015-0735-8.
  • Hwang, R. B., Liu, H. W., & Chin, C. Y., (2009). A metamaterial-based e-plane horn antenna, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 93, 275-289.
  • Karaaslan, M., & Bakir, M., (2014). Chiral metamaterial based multifunctional sensor applications. Prog Electromagn Res., 149, 55–67.
  • Mullaa, B., & Sabah, C., (2017). Multi-band metamaterial absorber topology for infrared frequency regime, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 86, 44–51.
  • Pendry, J. B., Holden, A. J., Stewart, W. J., & Youngs, I. (1996). Extremely low frequency plasmons in metallic mesostructures. Phys Rev Lett., 76, 4773–4776.
  • Sabah C., Dincer F., Karaaslan M., Unal E., Akgol O., & Demirel E., (2014). Perfect metamaterial absorber with polarization and incident angle independencies based on ring and cross‐wire resonators for shielding and a sensor application. Opt Comm., 322, 137–142.
  • Shelby, R. A., Smith, D. R., & Schultz S. (2001). Experimental verification of a negative index of refraction. Science., 292, 77–79.
  • Smith, D. R., Padilla, W. J., Vier, D. C., Nemat‐Nasser, S. C., & Schultz, S. (2000). Composite medium with simultaneously negative permeability and permittivity. Phys Rev Lett., 84, 4184–4187.
  • Sun, J., Liu, L., Dong, G., & Zhou, J., (2011). An extremely broad band metamaterial absorber based on destructive interference. Opt. Express 19, 21155–21162.
  • Turkmen, O., Ekmekci, E., & Sayan, G. T., (2013). Effects of using different boundary conditions and computational domain dimensions on modeling and simulations of periodic metamaterial arrays in microwave frequencies, Intern. Jour of RF and Microwave Computer‐Aided Engineering, 23, 459–465.
  • Ustunsoya, M. P., & Sabah, C., (2016). Dual-band high-frequency metamaterial absorber based on patch resonator for solar cell applications and its enhancement with graphene layers, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 687, 514–520. Veselago, V. G. (1968). The electrodynamics of substances with simultaneously negative values of ε and μ. Soviet Phys Uspekhi. 47, 509–514.
  • Vrba, D., Rodrigues, D. B., Vrba Jr. J., & Stauffer, P. R., (2016). Metamaterial antenna arrays for improved uniformity of microwave hyperthermia treatments," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 156, 1-12.
  • Zhou, B., Li, H., Zou, X., & Cui, T. J., (2011). Broadband and high-gain planar vivaldi antennas based on inhomogeneous anisotropic zero-index metamaterials, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 120, 235-247.
There are 15 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Furkan Dinçer

Kemal Delihacıoğlu This is me

Mehmet Ali Tümkaya This is me

Muharrem Karaaslan This is me

Cumali Sabah This is me

Publication Date June 15, 2017
Submission Date November 13, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Dinçer, F., Delihacıoğlu, K., Tümkaya, M. A., Karaaslan, M., et al. (2017). Metamelike Based Sensor Design and Application for Fuel Sector. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 9(2), 86-91.

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