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Farklı Mesafe ve Açılarda RF Yayılımına Maruz Kalan İnsan Kafasındaki Sıcaklık ve Özgül Soğurma Oranı Dağılımı

Year 2017, , 92 - 102, 15.06.2017


Bu makale, insan kafası içerisinden elde edilen
özgül soğurma oranı (ÖSO) ve cep telefonlarındaki elektrik alan maruziyetinin
sebep olduğu ısıl etkileri sunmaktadır. 900 MHz ve 1800 MHz frekanslarında
yayınım yapan cep telefonları mikrostrip patch anten ile modellenmiş ve çıkış
güçleri olabilecek en kötü durum senaryosuna göre seçilmiştir. Sonlu elemanlar
yöntem (SEY) tabanlı COMSOL Multiphysics yazılım programı yardımıyla, kafa
modelindeki ÖSO ve sıcaklık dağılımları üzerinde, sadece anten ile kafa modeli
arasındaki mesafenin etkisi değil, aynı zamanda kafaya göre antenin açısının
etkisi de incelenmiştir. Çalışmada gösterilmiştir ki, antenin kafaya göre
mesafe ve açısının, kafadaki ÖSO değerleri ve sıcaklık artışında önemli bir
etkisi vardır. Benzetim sonucunda, ÖSO değerlerinin 900 MHz’de güvenlik sınır
değerlerinin altında iken 1800 MHz’de antenin kafadan olan uzaklığı 0,2 cm
olduğunda sınır değerlerinin altında olduğu bulunmuştur. Buna ek olarak,  kafadaki sıcaklık artışının diğer yapılan
çalışmalarla oldukça uyumlu olduğu not edilmiştir.


  • Abdulrazzaq, S.A., Aziz, J.S., “SAR Simulation in Human Head Exposed to RF Signals and Safety Precautions”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 3 (9), 334-340, 2013.
  • Adel, Z. El Dein, Amr, A., Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Induced in Human Heads of Various Sizes When Using a Mobile Phone, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2010, Londra- İngiltere, 30 Haziran – 2 Temmuz, 2010.
  • Ae-kyoung, L., Hyung-do, C., Hyung-soo L., Jeong-ki, P., “Human Head Size and SAR Characteristics for Handset Exposure”, ETRI Journal, 24 (2), 2002.
  • Ahma, L., Ibrani, M., Hamiti, E., Computation of SAR Distribution in a Human Exposed to Mobile Phone Electromagnetic Fields, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS Proceedings, Xi’an-Çin, 1580–1582, 22-26 Mart 2010.
  • Anderson, V., Joyner, K.H., “Specific Absorption Rate Levels Measured in a Phantom Head Exposed to Radio Frequency Transmissions from Analog Hand-held Mobile Phones”, Bioelectromagnetics, 16, 60-69, 1995.
  • Atılgan, E., Karadana, Y., Çömlekçi, S., “Wi- Fi Haberleşmede İnsan Kafası Modelinde SAR Değerinin Hesaplanması ve Ölçüm Çalışması”, Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Technical Sciences, 4 (1), 13-18, 2014.
  • Balzano, Q., Garay, O., Steel, F.R., “Heating of Biological Tissue in the Induction Field of VHF Portable Radio Transmitters”, IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, VT-27, 51-56, 1978.
  • Buckus, R., Strukcinskiene, B., Raistenskis, J., Stukas, R., “Modelling and Assessment of the Electric Field Strength Caused by Mobile Phone to the Human Head”, Vojnosanit Pregled Journal, 73 (6), 538-543, 2016.
  • Chen, H., Wang, H., “Current and SAR Induced in a Human Head Model by the Electromagnetic Fields ICradiated from a cellular Phone”, IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory Technology, 42 (12), 2249 – 2254, 1994.
  • Citkaya, A.Y., Seker, S.S., FEM modeling of SAR distribution and temperature increase in human brain from RF exposure, International Journal of Communication System 2012, 25, 1450–1464, 2012.
  • Cleveland, R.F., Athey, T.W., “Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in Models of the Human Head Exposed to Hand-held UHF Portable Radios”, Bioelectromagnetics, IO, 173-186, 1989.
  • Dimbylow, P.J., Gandhi, O.P., “Finite Difference Time Domain Calculations of SAR in a Realistic Heterogeneous Model of the Head for Plane- wave Exposure from 600 MHz to 3GHz”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 36 (8), 1075-1089, 1991.
  • Dimbylow P.J, “FDTD Calculations of the SAR for a Dipole Closely Coupled to the Head at 900 MHz and 1.9 GHz”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 38, 361-368, 1993.
  • Dimbylow P.J., “SAR Calculations in an Anatomically Realistic Model of the Head for Mobile Communication Transceivers at 900 MHz and 1.8 GHz”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 39, 1537- 1553, 1994.
  • Goel, A., Richa A., “Evaluating the Effect of Distance on Specific Absorption Rate VIlues inside a Human Head Model”, International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, 12 (1), 186-189, 2014.
  • Hirata, A., Fujiwara, O., “The Correlation Between Mass-Averaged SAR and Temperature Elevation in the Human Head Model Exposed to RF Near-Fields from 1 to 6 GHz”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54, 7227-7238, 2009.
  • Hui, H., Shu, L., Fanqing, Z., “Characteristic of the SAR Distribution in Homogeneous Phantom Exposed to Electromagnetic Field Radiated Hand- Held Portable Telephones”, IEEE 5th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2000, Beijing – Çin, 664 – 667, 15-18 Ağustos 2000.
  • ICNIRP Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz), Health Physics, 74, 494-522, 1998.
  • IEEE, IEEE standard for safety levels with respect to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, 3 khz to 300 GHz, IEEE Standard C95.1, 2005.
  • Kunter, F.Ç., Şeker, S.S., “3D Web-Splines Solution to Human Eye Heat Distribution Using Bioheat Equation”, Engineering Analysis in Boundary Elements, 35, 639-646, 2011.
  • Kunter, F.Ç., Şeker, S.S., “Radially Symmetric Weighted Extended B-spline Model”, Applied Mathematics in Computation, 217, 10305-10316, 2011.
  • Morega, M., Marinescu, A., Mobile phone SAR analysis through experimental and numerical simulation, 12th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, OPTIM 2010.
  • Nagarjuna, M.C., Shailaja, K., “Three- Dimensional Modeling for Heat Transfer in the Human Brain, While Subjected to Mobile Phone Radiation, IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, 2 (3), 2320 – 8791, 2014.
  • Nikita, K.S., Stamatakos, G.S., Uzunoglu, N.K., Karafotias, A., “Analysis of the Interaction Between a Layered Spherical Human Head Model and a Finite Length Dipole, IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory Technology, 48 (11), 2003-2012, 2000.
  • Psenakova, Z., Smondrk, M., Benova, M., Modelling and Simulation of the Electric Field SDrength Distribution in a Human Head Model by 2,4 GHz Radio Frequency Radiation, 23rd Annual Conference Proceedings, Prag-Çek Cumhuriyeti, 50- 60, 2015.
  • Rashed, M., Faruque, I., Islam, M.T., Misran, N., “SAR Analysis in Human Head Tissues for Different T”apes of Antennas, World Applied Sciences Journal 11, 1089-1096, 2010.
  • Stankovi,c V., Jovanovic, D., Krstic, D., Cvetkovic, N., Electric Field Distribution and SAR in Human Head From Mobile Phones, The 9th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, May 7-9, Bucharest, Romania, 2015.
  • Şeker, S.S., Demirbilek, B.O., Morgül, A., SAR Assessment in a Human Head Model Exposed to Radiation from Mobile Phone Using FEM, IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC 2002, Mineapolis-Amerika, 851- 855, 19-23 Ağustos, 2002.
  • Wang, J, Fujiwara, O., “FDTD Computation of Temperature Rise in the Human Head for Portable Telephones”, IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory Technology, 47 (8), 1528–1534, 1999.
  • Watanabe, S., Taki, M., Nojima, T., Fujiwara, O., “Characteristics of the SAR Distributions in a Head Exposed to Electromagnetics Fields Radiated by a Hand-held Portable Radio”, IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory Technology, 44 (10), 1874 – 1883, 1996.
  • WHO, World Health Organizations Fact Sheet No.193, “Electromagnetic Fields and Public Health, Mobile Telephones and Their Base Stations”, 2000.

Temperature and Specific Absorption Rate Distribution in the Human Head Exposed to RF Propagation at Different Distances and Angles

Year 2017, , 92 - 102, 15.06.2017


This paper presents specific absorption rate
(SAR) obtained inside a human head and the thermal effects due to exposure to a
cellular phone. The cellular phone radiating at 900 MHz and 1800 MHz
frequencies was modeled by microstrip patch antenna and its output power was
chosen according to the worst-case scenario. By the aid of finite element
method (FEM) based COMSOL Multiphysics software program, not only the effect of
distance between the antenna and the head model but also the effect of
antenna’s angle relative to the head on SAR and the temperature distribution in
the head model were investigated. It was shown in the study that the distance
and the angle of the antenna to the head had significant importance on the SAR
values and the temperature increase in the head. As a result of the simulation,
it was found that SAR values at 900 MHz were under the safety limit values
whereas at 1800 MHz were under the limits when the distance between the antenna
and the head was 0.2 cm. Furthermore, it was noted that the temperature
increase on the head was in good agreement with the other studies.


  • Abdulrazzaq, S.A., Aziz, J.S., “SAR Simulation in Human Head Exposed to RF Signals and Safety Precautions”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 3 (9), 334-340, 2013.
  • Adel, Z. El Dein, Amr, A., Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Induced in Human Heads of Various Sizes When Using a Mobile Phone, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2010, Londra- İngiltere, 30 Haziran – 2 Temmuz, 2010.
  • Ae-kyoung, L., Hyung-do, C., Hyung-soo L., Jeong-ki, P., “Human Head Size and SAR Characteristics for Handset Exposure”, ETRI Journal, 24 (2), 2002.
  • Ahma, L., Ibrani, M., Hamiti, E., Computation of SAR Distribution in a Human Exposed to Mobile Phone Electromagnetic Fields, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS Proceedings, Xi’an-Çin, 1580–1582, 22-26 Mart 2010.
  • Anderson, V., Joyner, K.H., “Specific Absorption Rate Levels Measured in a Phantom Head Exposed to Radio Frequency Transmissions from Analog Hand-held Mobile Phones”, Bioelectromagnetics, 16, 60-69, 1995.
  • Atılgan, E., Karadana, Y., Çömlekçi, S., “Wi- Fi Haberleşmede İnsan Kafası Modelinde SAR Değerinin Hesaplanması ve Ölçüm Çalışması”, Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Technical Sciences, 4 (1), 13-18, 2014.
  • Balzano, Q., Garay, O., Steel, F.R., “Heating of Biological Tissue in the Induction Field of VHF Portable Radio Transmitters”, IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, VT-27, 51-56, 1978.
  • Buckus, R., Strukcinskiene, B., Raistenskis, J., Stukas, R., “Modelling and Assessment of the Electric Field Strength Caused by Mobile Phone to the Human Head”, Vojnosanit Pregled Journal, 73 (6), 538-543, 2016.
  • Chen, H., Wang, H., “Current and SAR Induced in a Human Head Model by the Electromagnetic Fields ICradiated from a cellular Phone”, IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory Technology, 42 (12), 2249 – 2254, 1994.
  • Citkaya, A.Y., Seker, S.S., FEM modeling of SAR distribution and temperature increase in human brain from RF exposure, International Journal of Communication System 2012, 25, 1450–1464, 2012.
  • Cleveland, R.F., Athey, T.W., “Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in Models of the Human Head Exposed to Hand-held UHF Portable Radios”, Bioelectromagnetics, IO, 173-186, 1989.
  • Dimbylow, P.J., Gandhi, O.P., “Finite Difference Time Domain Calculations of SAR in a Realistic Heterogeneous Model of the Head for Plane- wave Exposure from 600 MHz to 3GHz”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 36 (8), 1075-1089, 1991.
  • Dimbylow P.J, “FDTD Calculations of the SAR for a Dipole Closely Coupled to the Head at 900 MHz and 1.9 GHz”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 38, 361-368, 1993.
  • Dimbylow P.J., “SAR Calculations in an Anatomically Realistic Model of the Head for Mobile Communication Transceivers at 900 MHz and 1.8 GHz”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 39, 1537- 1553, 1994.
  • Goel, A., Richa A., “Evaluating the Effect of Distance on Specific Absorption Rate VIlues inside a Human Head Model”, International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, 12 (1), 186-189, 2014.
  • Hirata, A., Fujiwara, O., “The Correlation Between Mass-Averaged SAR and Temperature Elevation in the Human Head Model Exposed to RF Near-Fields from 1 to 6 GHz”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54, 7227-7238, 2009.
  • Hui, H., Shu, L., Fanqing, Z., “Characteristic of the SAR Distribution in Homogeneous Phantom Exposed to Electromagnetic Field Radiated Hand- Held Portable Telephones”, IEEE 5th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, ISAPE 2000, Beijing – Çin, 664 – 667, 15-18 Ağustos 2000.
  • ICNIRP Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz), Health Physics, 74, 494-522, 1998.
  • IEEE, IEEE standard for safety levels with respect to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, 3 khz to 300 GHz, IEEE Standard C95.1, 2005.
  • Kunter, F.Ç., Şeker, S.S., “3D Web-Splines Solution to Human Eye Heat Distribution Using Bioheat Equation”, Engineering Analysis in Boundary Elements, 35, 639-646, 2011.
  • Kunter, F.Ç., Şeker, S.S., “Radially Symmetric Weighted Extended B-spline Model”, Applied Mathematics in Computation, 217, 10305-10316, 2011.
  • Morega, M., Marinescu, A., Mobile phone SAR analysis through experimental and numerical simulation, 12th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, OPTIM 2010.
  • Nagarjuna, M.C., Shailaja, K., “Three- Dimensional Modeling for Heat Transfer in the Human Brain, While Subjected to Mobile Phone Radiation, IJREAT International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, 2 (3), 2320 – 8791, 2014.
  • Nikita, K.S., Stamatakos, G.S., Uzunoglu, N.K., Karafotias, A., “Analysis of the Interaction Between a Layered Spherical Human Head Model and a Finite Length Dipole, IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory Technology, 48 (11), 2003-2012, 2000.
  • Psenakova, Z., Smondrk, M., Benova, M., Modelling and Simulation of the Electric Field SDrength Distribution in a Human Head Model by 2,4 GHz Radio Frequency Radiation, 23rd Annual Conference Proceedings, Prag-Çek Cumhuriyeti, 50- 60, 2015.
  • Rashed, M., Faruque, I., Islam, M.T., Misran, N., “SAR Analysis in Human Head Tissues for Different T”apes of Antennas, World Applied Sciences Journal 11, 1089-1096, 2010.
  • Stankovi,c V., Jovanovic, D., Krstic, D., Cvetkovic, N., Electric Field Distribution and SAR in Human Head From Mobile Phones, The 9th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, May 7-9, Bucharest, Romania, 2015.
  • Şeker, S.S., Demirbilek, B.O., Morgül, A., SAR Assessment in a Human Head Model Exposed to Radiation from Mobile Phone Using FEM, IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC 2002, Mineapolis-Amerika, 851- 855, 19-23 Ağustos, 2002.
  • Wang, J, Fujiwara, O., “FDTD Computation of Temperature Rise in the Human Head for Portable Telephones”, IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory Technology, 47 (8), 1528–1534, 1999.
  • Watanabe, S., Taki, M., Nojima, T., Fujiwara, O., “Characteristics of the SAR Distributions in a Head Exposed to Electromagnetics Fields Radiated by a Hand-held Portable Radio”, IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory Technology, 44 (10), 1874 – 1883, 1996.
  • WHO, World Health Organizations Fact Sheet No.193, “Electromagnetic Fields and Public Health, Mobile Telephones and Their Base Stations”, 2000.
There are 31 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Fulya Çallıalp Kunter This is me

Funda Cırık Acıkaya This is me

Publication Date June 15, 2017
Submission Date November 14, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Çallıalp Kunter, F., & Cırık Acıkaya, F. (2017). Temperature and Specific Absorption Rate Distribution in the Human Head Exposed to RF Propagation at Different Distances and Angles. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 9(2), 92-102.

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